Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 22 Nov 1912, 1, p. 4

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Decision of the Supreme Court of the United States sustaining the paâ€" tents of the Moore. Filter Company. granting a judgment for inlrig'ement :against th? Butters Patent Vacuum gFilher Company, and enjoining all finiringers of the Moore patents fin- ally ends a protracted legal con- troversy. It is truly unfortunate that the efiorts 0i txm men who have done so much for the de- dustry have been hampered by pro- tracted disputes as to the validity of patents. It is certainly anoma- lous that a non-technical court is required to decide whether the rul- ings of the source of technical au- thority. the Patent Office. are right or wrong. Why not determine the Q Validity oi patentra before issuance? The camp of National Nevada is putting up a tremendous shout be- cause th'cy have produced $5,000,000 in- gold and silver In the first four years of its existence. Porcupine is three years old. was wiped out by the big tire of a little over ayear The Porcupine Advance Who of those who trawllml the trails of Porcupino two years gum, would believe that hula)“ the mines of the camp wmnld tu- sum-ring from scarcity of water? “The ”Blind Bank»:- of Paris,’ has confessed to tlw theft of $2,000.- 000 of lls clients' munoy, which he claims he has invostod in copper and nickel mines. What a pity Max and his clients were nut traders of Sub urday Night. who's financial Editor could surely have told them that thnsc mines were unly “wild vats." But who knows .’ Even then it might. have been a case of the blind leading the blind. Sq load is the from politics that tempted to. look ignant disease. President Mnderu ha abmn 370 days. But comm like 370 yc-m‘s The sheik has called a holy war, which looks like a toad chance for the Knights of ('nlumbus to get busy. ago when practically every miilng plant in the camp was totally des- troyed. We have rebuilt the mills and mining plants and will show a production this year of over ...,- 000.000. Our returns for 1913 will easily put us over the $6,000,000 marl-z yet the most Optimistic be- liever in the camp is afraid to make a noise. ing more may mn- the companion fact va‘lety carried in soaring in price much more comm-m A down East cuntmnpurzugx' says that Porcupine notations are princi- pally water. but that they were sold to the public at ('hmnpag'ne prices. Be this as it may A compagixon of the stock quota- tion sheet with the results being obtained by the Working mines is enough to convince even a Novice that the water has thoroughly eva- porated and that the wine is strong and well ripened, makim: it a valuable comn'mlity. a mightygood buy at present prices. The fact that dianmnds arovos Con-do. Unwed stabs Advertising Btu. Furnilhot Published envy Fridny by SUdSCflIPHON RATES: FRIDAY, NOV. 22. Gill-[AXE PROP. imon-st some; but [act that the black in sacks are also cc is a matter of upon lamor for )n‘ to him it many bum in 32.00. you. 3.00 a year. might no doubt thinks 0\'( wit h relief wk :1 t flier hut be EH ; Th.- t'lm'tion ”1‘ Mr. 1.). u. Wilkie, ithc president and general manager ’of the Imperial Bank of Canada, :to the presidency of the Canadian iBankers' Association. will be ac- lccptvd with appmval by all who :have to do with the commercial 'and financial alTairs of the Domin- ”If the high cost af lixing keeps ion the rich themselxes will feel the pinch of it." ‘ 'l‘lien- wan an organization meet- llm.’ in th.’ 'l‘uwnsite oliice Wednes- klny night to form at town lmnd. At present there are about 10 players iwholiave signified a willingness to 'join. There will be another meeting All Indian legends. or whatever tribe. are woven through the spir~ itnnl gnbric of their religion. They are not all concerned with wnr and death, many are full of amt. ness and poetry born of high nut. in imqination. Such is the by end of the butterfly. whiCh F1]. Borein, row puncher and painter, learned When he lived among the Snvajos, and which he. has em- bodied in one of the mmt charac- heard by the Great Spirit. “They must catch another. 1'th the band woes forth carrying the caged butter‘ fly as its hvad until they find signs of a storm in the distance, for in that mnntrv min may he seen mil. Like his immediate predecessor, Sir Edward Cluuston, the present in- cumbent has spout his whole life in the banking business. In many mspects the careers, uf these two are strikingly similar. Mr. Will-lie entered the Quebec Bank in 1W3 asj unior clerk, and Sir ltklward assumed a similar po- sition in the Bank of Montreal back in 1865. Since then they have alike gradually forged their ways ahead until each reached the high- est point in the gift of their re- spective institutions. a that muntrv min mm be seen mil‘ an away. fallimr like a hlm-k shadow teristic of his pictures! U" for (h? 'ainlmw in ion. plain The Navajos think that the butt- terflies are children of the rain- bow. When trouble overtakes them, they go into the sunshine and catch a butterfly. This they put into a little brass or wicker cage and to it, holes fly the min afm til) I that. the vluud they com: tunes. drought away in When the Canadian Bankers' As- sociation was formed in 1893, the late George Hague. of the Mer- chants Bank, was elected the first president, who was followed by Sir Edmund Walker, who is now one of the honorary presidents. Sir Edward Clouston filled the one oi the Sir Edward position for prior to his tive banking. for their horses “my Mr, John Knight will still con- tinue to act, etficiently as in the past, as secretary-trvasurer. The speaker was Branh \Vhitlock, mayor of TOledo. He continued 2. "i know 11 Toledo banker who has already begun to retrench. His dau- ghter said to him the other day : u ‘Fa'ther, dear, I need a new fall riding habit.’ growleh nvxt \lenesdu)‘. Non-lube: 27th. at the same plau'v and :1 full attendance is desired. Any one dcsirious or willing to 30711 the organization can comnmnicatc with J. M. McGill. Bankers Elect New President “‘But father. what an without a riding habit ?' “ “Get the walking habit 1 b0 u: WE'LL ALL WALK SOON [N In! Band Meeting tiny {HT They new! rain it man' dried up «ml! afford it,’ the banker IVEUU and tell their mu Cloustcm filled the a number of years retirement from acâ€" them and pmyc m the troubles t! the plain RUIN 11- Nuvajns look UH HI wad 3|! U the ghee fut urc h a w Hu‘ if th am I to do wuk thr sunny have fly to 50m um th rain} the min mlfllor b all n H 3' \\' Jttcr l‘hcn D00“ 3"." n MN N) W the Bl‘t in-commendations and fc-stod that he was traordinary afllity. 'fl'vw Beach .‘ [Balmx Beach i "I vam't imzuz'inc what got. itttn Ethc stewards at that l-Iallowvon bun~ ‘quet of ours that we'd bcent-ount- lug- so much on. Blost if thoy gave us anythinz m drink but mineral ‘wuteta" Rev. George K. Damion! the local Presbyterian Minister has taken as the “hint for his sermon next Sun- (by evening. "The New Birth." A subject at Vitnl importance to be- lievers in the teaching of the Gos- pel. Mr. Bemford believes that. the Doctrine oi regeneration is one which lies at the Very centre of our theological system. ins'olving the ex- istence of God. the presem‘e of re lim'on. the prevalence of sin. the pas- sion of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit. and the possibili- ties of endless life. Mr. Haniionl has been giving universal satisfaction Special Sermon =|Will Be Given Aunt Mary (horrified) â€"-“G00d gracious, Harold what Would your mother say is she saw you smoking cigarettes 'i’” Harold (calmmlyâ€"â€"~“Shc'd have :1 fit. They're her cigax‘ettes."â€"â€" Tit- Bits. dot-post text in 01'. he inst rum iv who has already proved himxclf a deep thinker shnuld In! prvsont at the Presbyterian ('hurvh nvxt Sun- day owning at 7 [1.111. “l dun't knmr what's the mat: ter with mother. I non-r snwhor in such a good humor. She's sing- ing and mnilim,r around the house like a bird." “The old man nodded absently ov- er his newspaper. Some minutes lat- that U Capitals .\|vl'l.~‘ .. filnl‘f Mvfiill Royal Approval of Memorial Fund King George and Queen Mother Alexandra have been graciously pleased to approve of the project to raise a fund of one million dollars, to be known as the King Edward Memorial Fund for Consumptivcs. The late king was deeply interested in the fight against tuberculosis. and the trustees of the National Sanitarium .Xssoeiatiun decided that it would he a fitting tribute to his men‘ury to seoure a sum of money which would ensure the work in Onta to being carried on more ener- getically and effectively. The first shots are now being fired in the campaign which is confidently ex- pected to result in the whole fund being raised by the end of the present year, and strong committees have been formed to direCt the movement. The lands, buildings, and equipment already acquired by the Sanitarium Association are included in the fund at :1 Valuation of $400,000. andas the city of To ximns t Frank (inuld. at a 1 dinner. told a timely story “The mumimz after Ha he saith a youth rcmzn'kml father. . suits ronto is expected to give $200.00“ this leaves $100,000 to he raised by public subscription. The purposes to which the fund will be devoted include the payment of, an accumu- lated debt, additional fire-proof building‘s, Nurses’ Home. improved water and sewerage system. etc. The balance will be invested as an enr‘nwment fund for miantenance. HUME STRAIGHT 1°‘1)l{(').\'('l€. I’nrkdallv ('ull :‘k‘l‘t Tl him: will In 35 he arose tn 1:0 to the oflice, m'owlc-d :â€" Rugby Results ho mm Hr )lluwmu wore thv aturday 2-â€" lmvr-vullvd an ('.\l..\ll,\'(; .\l'.\"l'lE ('IIIUI' (‘3 fl luniur H. R fll‘ .490“ I’ if t Inter-city ...... ll Ri‘ Exhibition flu- lllt H THE PURCUPINE ADVANCE H R (mural \. .\l C. A. 3 ”h ('Jlt ............. g after Halluwoclh' rmnal'kml to his ht tn-at mvnt .tll High Park Rivm‘dales llamiltnn Cull )rrupino ul‘lfllhw We fc'cl sure next Sabbath Hiblt‘ Itm‘vstimr and 'u'siu' man \th :1 Halloween th My man by xwllvnt a re of (I! s 0"? t he l't The celebrated Avernathy, who was I noted for his hluntness, on one occa-‘ sion. while he was performing the duties of examiner at the College oi Surgeons. thus questioned a youthful hut exceptionally muscular aspirant g for the diploma : “Mr. . if you l were present when a man was blown ,5 up by an explosion what would he the first thing you would do?" , “I should wait until he came down again. sir." replied the student. “Just so.’ said Abernathy entering into the spirit of the joke. ”And suppose. sir. I were to kick you for the impudence of your answer, what muscles should I put in mo- tion?” NHTH‘I‘: l~ hmv'm L'ih'n that a {$24 «lividvml u!" 1’- pvr w-m.. cm thv' '( «'al'itul ~lm'k ”1' (hr "unlpaln'. lm- i® ins: tlu- wmml rvculul' fum't- -\\(‘1‘kl\"3 iifi dividvml. has lwvn (hwhirml. [nu-i .nhlv 331M! \HH‘IIHIN‘. I‘H'J. on “hivh ”I j clutt- Pin-mum will In- mailed toHN shun-holders of n-mul at tho tluaw iC® uf husim-ss un 21“ .\'u\°vmlwr. l‘H" l’ntvd 123th \uvomhur. 1912. 11 Co., a Porcupine cnterprizc owing several promising rlnims. Price $100 for the lot. “The. flcxnrs and extonsora nimy right arm, sir. (or! would floor you instantly." was the reply. i‘ddeS curacy, 34 l’lTRSUAN'l‘ to the judgment and final. order for sale made in this cause and bearing date respectively the 27th day of May, 1912 and the 2lst , day of October, 1912, there will be sold with the appro- bation of J. J. Kehoe, Esq., Master of this Court at Sudbury, by Alex- ander Irving, Esq. as auctioneer at the Sheriff's ofiice in the Court House in the toxm of Sudbury at the hour of Two o’clock in the afternoon on the 330th day of NOV- ember, 1912, the following lands and premises namely : Two mining claims situate in the Porcupine Mining,r Division in the Township of Ogden South of the Township of Tisdale, the said Min- ing claims being recorded in the books of the Mining recorders office for the Porcupine Mining Division as Numâ€" bers T. R. S. 1155 and 1156 and surveyed as Numbers T. C. 604 and 603 respectively. In the High Court of Justice THE MINING ACT OF ONTARIO Hollinger Gold Mine Limited, (No Personal Liability) MARGARET A. BARTON and J. .03....303030303? .03....3....:..o.o y.‘ .0. “.‘oo.:.oo.x.oo.oo.oo.oo.oo.-o.o o.‘.z.ou.oo.oo.oo.oo.o o.o Under llu- .‘Ioclmuicu mul “'ufio- earners Lion AN Between WM. H. PRITCHARD, Plaintiff and Dated October The properties will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid, which has been fixed by the said Master. Ten per cent. of the purchase price shall be paid in cash at the time of sale. and the balance with- in thirty days from the date of sale. In all other respects the terms and conditions of this sale will be the standing conditions of the High Court of Justice for Ontario. Further particulars can be had from George Mitchell, Cobalt, Ont. Solicitor for the Plaintiffs. Dated .151}: November. 1912. I). A. DITNLAI’. Secret :1 ry-T reusu rer 40 slum UNBXPECTED REPORT “105. W. Bowman Son (20., ltd. RIDGEVILLE. ONT. Wv want mun- agents in thiscmmtx' PLANT BOWMAN’S Guaranteed NURSERY STOCK A. MENGE, Defendants at Sudbury this ‘3 1912. DIVIDEND NUTIBE H ill ()rovs S. W. IIATIIEWAY. At School Street. Boston. FUR SAL!“ of Host on lk‘vnhmmenl J. J. KEHOE )st day of Notice is hereby given, that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Section 9 of the Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by said sec- tion to be so transmitted or de- livered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appear- ing by the last revised Assessment Roll, of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Muni- cipality at Elections for Members of thelxgislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that the amaaaaamaaaflggm Voters’ List of 1912; Mun- icipality of the Township of Tisdale Clerk’s Notice of first Posting of Voters’ list gThe Milton Carr fl 5% Hardware Co. w . .fi South Porcupme g Box 522 â€" ’Phone 16 AssessmentWork In Any Part of Northern Ontario’s Mineral Districts, is Our Specialty Company Mining Contractors South Porcupine, Homer L Gibson Full line of Gun Grease. Gun Oil, Clean ing outfits. Decoy Ducks, etc. All our work is under control of thoroughly capable mining men and we guarantee good work in every contract undertaken Reports and Maps on completion of every Contract. High-class References And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law. said list was posted up at my office at South Porcuoinc, on the lst day 01 Nov. 1912, and remains therefor inspection. Dated at South Porcupine, this lst day of Nov. 1912. W. M. WHYTE, Clerk of the Township of 'I‘isdalc. A quantity of household furniture in good condition, consisting of 4 springs, 2: mattresses, 1 bufl‘et, 2 stand tables, 2 rocking chairs, 1 Morris chair, 2 wash stands, 2 wat- er sets, 1 toilet case, linoleum, uln- dow shades, and miscellaneous kit- chen utinsels. ApplyHomcr L. Gib- fflfl SALE Ont.

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