Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 8 Nov 1912, 1, p. 2

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Other grains to the amount 03,â€" .424.110 bushels were in store on flat. 9:"). as against 3,!74”m.482 bushels on the same date last year. A big bankrupt stock sale was commenced last Wednesday morning at the old stand of the Common- wealth store on Golden Avenue and will he continued until the stock is entirely closed out. The merchandise comprises the goods of the Com- monwealth store and the. Bankrupt stock of the Fond Clothing Co., of Y‘onge Street, Toronto. The sale is being advertised by the Bankrupt Stock buying (30.. and Mr. E. R. O‘Hearn, on account of his know- ledge of the goods and wide ac~ quaintanoe in the camp has for the present 'been engaged to look after the sale here and conduct it strict- ly as advertised. Ottawa, Nov. 1.â€"â€"â€"(Spceial)â€"â€"l"igur- es issued by the department of trade and commerve today show that for the week ending (let. 23:3. 1‘2.’»~Ni.75~‘~' bushels of wheat are in «are at terminal and eastern elevators, as compared with 3,255,380 last year. These figures indicate that the east- ward movement ui wheat is 50 per cent. hea‘d er than it was at the game period last year. Fair suffragetteâ€"“And now, if any one who has heard' my speech wirahes to ask a question. I shall be happy to ansmr.” Mr. Barney McEnaney of Toronto. the stator of the McEnaney Mine. which is operated by the Crown Re- serve people. came to camp Tues- dny. The success with which the Development wnrk is being varried Masculine voice (from rear of hamâ€"“If you haven't any other company. riiay I see you home this evening 1" Mr. E. N. Lightncr. of Dotroit. Mich. is in camp and as Mr. Light.- nor, has been a constant visitor to theNorth Country for the last :3 yous. he is very much Impressed with the enormous admnoanent of the Pormpi'ne camp when one can- cider: that the camp really dates tram the Big (ire of last. July. Grain Movement Much Heavier Mr. J. P. McLaughlin has pur- filfll the Iurniwre basiness of Mc- Nsbbnnd 00.. and is now in aposi- tion to supply the needs 0! the home, in the line of high class fur- niture. of 0,11 kinds. Sdmmacher Columbus Ohio, and Earl S. Davis of Columbus, Ohio am registered at Hotel Goldfields. They are visiting the different Mines in the Camp and are Very much im- pressed with the development that had taken place since they visited the camp about 6 months ago. Mr. Sohuniacher is the lamest stock holder in the Selimnacher property. and he says he is going to (101110111. persistent work on the property than they have done in the past. The property adjoined the Milntyre and Dixon. 'l‘he Molntxre u l111.h has been a shipping mine foi the past six months, and which is no“ eon- structing a lame mill. and the Dixon which has been doing de- velopment work earnestly all sum- mer. A compressor is also being now installed at the Dixon, and it looks to be one of the coming pro- perties in the camp. on and the wonderful results that no being obtained at the mine is very gratifying to Mr. Mcfihnney. Mr. Gurney Cunninghnn '1‘. a S. 0. Agent has left on 3 two weeka' vmtim to Toronto. Bul- hlo. New York and Boston his place u amt is being filled-by A. W. Brown, brother of the genial freight agent, (i. K. "Buster" Brown. Messrs. Dalton Bros. now haVe their new livery stable completed. mlppd with phone. and tr;- now i a position to look after the liv- ery business of the town. Big Bankrupt Mr. Merry Christmas is spending a few days in Cobalt. this week. THE E'I‘ERX AI. IMPULSE! Stock Sale _ Ten per cent. of the purchase price shall be paid in cash at the time of sale, and the balance with- ‘in thirty days from the date of 'sale. Mr. I". S. Hurd, Dr. R. 8. Car tree and H. W. Barley of New; York, have returned to New York ! Â¥liter spending several days in Turn-i ' . . lliscussimr the monetarv aspect of z 1 k - ' ”m l , ‘ lb“! 100 mg oser properties 0 :the Balkan trouble. Henry Llewest. ;Of which they are about ‘0 pur- ithe New York banker. says: .d‘a’e' 3" "“3" mmmd that Turnhull i Financial influences are ineviatahly '00“ 39 8'00“ 88 any Pa“ 0‘ the icoming to he the controlling factor lPorcupine camp at the name stage ;in this war. In these days war is ‘0‘ development. m,“ is needed ichiefly a matter of finance. and the :most for this part of the Country iallies opposing Turkey cannot cone . tinue indeflnately a loss of a mil- '3 “ road 5" a“ to enable property ilion dollars per day. the present es- o‘mfls '0 take in he“? maehin- :timated cost of the war. "’ 8U. 38 these gentlemen “id the)“ The Balkan States. it should he were NM? to W“ in machinery 0“ jcareiully noted. have limited credit. Tumbull. 110090"! 39 1'00n 3‘ there fThey cannot borrow estensively in were iacllticxglrovided for the tak- 'the European markets for war pur- ling in 0‘ ma “1"?- .lposes and their home resources \“iii ihe quickly exhausted. Two vtelis The town of Timing is taking Ithan “5000.000, and this has al- on the wmranco o! 3 city more ready been seriously dt‘plt‘tfil by the and more every day. The town is innhilization of 200,000 men. -4~ -â€"-- humanitarian u...» busy connecting up the Main Spring: Much Better Credit. MW" pipes to the ”SMWNS and! 'l‘urlny on the other hand. has places of business so as every butlvd- 9much better credit than all the ing in town that so desires will ‘Balkan States combined. In case of have the Pfifilefl 0' b91138 ”“99““: inecesaity she might be able to float With magnificent spring water. and in foreign loan. But there are even the 40.000 gallong “'3‘“ tank 0‘ the more important consideration than '1'. (k. N. U. is also supplied with these affecting the war. PURSUANT to the judgment and final order for sale made in this cause and bearing date respectively the 27th day of May, 1912 and the '3lst day of October, 1912, there will be sold with the appro- bation of .l. J. Kehoe. Esq., Master of this Court at. Sudbury, by Alex- ander Irving, Esq. as auctioneer at the Sheriff's oiiice in the Court House in the town of Sudbury at the hour of Two o'clock in the afternoon on the 30th day of NOV- mnber, 19113, the following lands and premises namely: Two mining claims situate in the l’orcupine Mining Division in the Township of Ogden South of the Township of Tisdale, the said Minâ€" ing claims being recorded in the books ui the Mining recorders office for the Porcupine Mining Division as Num- hers T. R. S. 11% and 11:36 and surveyed as Numbers T. C. 004 and (303 respectively. Dated at Sudbury this let (13) of October 1912. J. J. KEHOE. In all other respects the terms and conditions of this sale will be the standing conditions of the High Court of Justice for Ontario. ' Further particulars can be had from George Mitchell, Cobalt, Ont. Solicitor for the Plaintiffs. In the High Court of Justice THE MINING ACT OF ONTARIO Under the blechanicu and “Huge-- t-urnoru Lien Act Between WM. H. PRITCHARD, Plaintiff and MARGARET A. BARTON and J. A. MENGE, Defendants The properties will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid, which has been fixed by the said Master. The town of 'l’immins is taking on the appearance 0! a city more and more everyday. The town is busy connecting up the Main Spring water pipes to the residences and places of business so as every build- ing in town that so desires will have the privilege of being supplied with magnificent spring water. and the 40.000 gallong water tank of the '1'. 6:. N. U. is also supplied with the sane spring water. It is the intention of the Mayor and alder- men of the town to put in alarge cement reservois next summer with capacity large enough to supply a town of ten thousand population. The six or eight new houses that are be'mg built up in the resident- ial section of the town overlooking Gillies Lake are nearing completion, there has been a scarcety oi resid- ences in town all summer and it is the intention to built about 30 more in the spring. The Northern Canada Supply Co. ate going right ahead with the building of their large warehouse, it is located on the corner of Second Avenue and Spruce Street. and running through to Broadway on the south. The Company are also having a spur run into the warehouse from the '1'. 6; N. U., this will enable them to have their large shipments of lieavy hard- ware delivered direet at the door with out handing which will in tluwn en- able them tu supply the camp with all kinds of minim,r supplies at al- most the same price which they can be bought in Cobalt for, which will mum a great saVing to those who are constantly requiring supplies of this nature. W. J. McLEAX Peace Will Be iiantained for Commercial iieasnns and lint Humanitarian Not improbably an adjustment will be reached between Turkey and her 'enemies in the form of a compro- imise that will work out toward an feven more lasting peace in that 1part of the world. The Appellate Term of the United States Supreme Court has refused to permit Charles A. Stoneham 8: C0., to appeal from a ruling that when 'brokers agree to 'buy Stock on margin for a customer they must have the stock on hand to deliver to the customer as soon as he is ready to take it up and make full payment. Emigration to Canada, as The Wall Street Journal points out. is not a harvest festival. They come to stay and to better their conditions. That the immigrants, as a rule, are a desirable lot, more so indeed than nine-tenths of those who are assisted from the old land, is shown by the return. of actual cash and property in their possession when they come to us. In seven years 674,305 people left the western states to seek homes in the Canadian Northwest. The total value of their effects and cash is given as $775,359,405. representing wealth per capita of $1,160. [Speaking in regard to the comple- tion of the 'l‘. .S; N. 0. line between Elk Lake City and Earlton. Chair- man J. L. Englehart says that it would form a Christmas present 01‘ would form a Christmas present 01‘ a New Year's greeting to the coun- try. Less than half the line is to he completed. The bridge across the Montreal River will be rushed from this date, all the necessary mater- ial having been secured. Passenger Trains Into Eik’ Lake Ruling on Stock Purchases The interests of Austria. Germany and Russia are all on the side of peace. These countries are each at:- tively means! in unusual industrial and commercial developments. and their great banks are lully occupied in financing such operations. Bringing Money Into Canada Their funds also. which through London controls the money bags of the world. is unqualifiedly opposed to any serious international distur- bance. Her great bankers could not be induced to lend money to any great power for war purposes. Will he Strictly Localized. Humanitarian considerations would have little influence compared with the great counnercial considerations which centre in London, and are more emphatically ranged against armed conflicts than at. any time time in the, world's history. Peace will be maintained lamely for commercial reasons; and what- ever the final outcome of the strugâ€" gle between the. Balkan States and Turkey there is no longer any ques- tion but that the contest will be strictly localized. In short. there is little px'uspect of u Eumpean war. [38W fllfllfiiifi‘d I‘HE. PURCUPINE ADVANCE AGAINST WAR C. Metcalfe a fur buyer who gave his address as Toronto was fined ”300 and costs last Saturday at Thomstown. A number of beaver and. mink skins were found in his bag at the hotel. Game wardens Parks and Blea and provincial con- stable Rowell made the seizure. The fine was paid. Fined $200.00 For Having Furs erw-owum-mwomownm.... Bank of Toronto INTEREST A Savings Account THIS BANK 100 Branches In Canada Capital - $4,600,000 Rest - $5,600,000 We can supply Rock Breakers, Rolls, Ore Bin Gates, Ore Feeders, Stamp Mills, Tube Mills, Ball Mills, Pebble Mills, Plates, Classifiers, Sand Pumps, Cyanide Tanks, Filter Presses, Agitation Tanks and motive Power for operating the above. Our complete line of Air Compressors, Receivers, Rock Drills, etc. is particular ‘3} up-to-date and worth your consideration Cor. King 6: Simcoe Sts., Toronto. District Offices; South Porcupine Montreal, Halifax, Ottawa, Cobalt, Winnipeg, Calgary, Nelson, Vancouver, Prince Rupert SERVICE TOâ€" SAVERS where we will carry a full line of Rock Drills, Core Drills, Hammer Drills and Accessories A competent Engineer will be in charge, prepared to quote upon, complete Amalgamating, Concentrating or Cyanide Plants, ready to run. CANADA FOUNDRY COMPANY, LIMITED We wish to announce the opening of our new FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE at is added to balances half- yearly. renders a valuable service to those who systematical- ly save money, by inviting depositors to their Savings Department. is a great assistance in sav- ing money. it attracts many sums that would otherwise be spent. and it keeps your money safe from thieves, from fire and other loss. South Porcupine “ADVANC z A. J. PARR, G. F. P. A. North Bay 1" , +++++++++++++++++++++¢++++ I} +++++*++*4~++ +++++++++++++ ZTEMIBKAMINE 8! Nflflfllfflfl flNTAfllfl flflllWAVi .mzuuuz3??v?X:3¢??X:?vfi. fizX$§v w. .m figzuz???xxu ..?X.."..X..u.."a3??":”..ui..??£svx. .w ”w 000 000 or. Local service between Englehart and Cobalt, and between Porcupine and Timmins. For full particulars see current time table or refer to any T. 8: N. 0. Agent. r++$+ Through trains daily between Toronto and 4’ Timmins. operating through Pullman Sleepers to and 4' from Timmins, making connections at Iroquois Falls '3: for Cohrane. _,_ Daily service between North Bay and Cochrane operating through C P.R. sleeper from Montreal to Cochrane. Cafe parlor car service between North Bay and Ii- Englehart. '1' The Only Paper Printed and Published in The Porcupine Camp Subscribe For the TRAIN SERVICE Effective, September 15th, 1912 as???» 53".).qu 0E0 0E0 0:00g0 0:0 0’0 0‘0 00 8 3 99

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