The Porcupine Advance A New York man has given his mother-in-law a hotel to keep her quiet. "is Wi'!’ did the natural thingâ€"went there to liVe. ounce d: l vapor mm It. is not mun}! vunsulutiun but it. may be mentium-J that coal is higher in Germany than it has been for many mtiom. Military men claim that airshipn‘ make war impossible - unnecessary would probably in: the better word. as the dull! rate for aviators aver- ages about one each day. A woman and a void smmsro cm are two things whioh nu inwstiga- ting (.‘onuuittee mm cumpt'l to give up their age. . Don't marry nut uf yum uwn set, advises Johnna (ludski. 'l‘hat's all right, la! in these wobbly times how is one tu knuw long enough to hum up the lllilgia‘ll'ulv or the min- ister what his uwn svt i~ ul‘ wheth- The window curtaézh have been pulled down, uhe parlor furniture has been vovered and the white dove of peace has gone into winter quarters, around the Hug-no. Six nations of Europe are at war and nobody seems to he trumping.r the grass on the peace palace lawn. There are some penple Wllu have been complaining of the weather during the past summer and even now object t0 the snow and slush and mud. It is unfortunate. The weather bureau has be predict someâ€" thing every day. It can't say the line is busy or there will be no weather to-morrow. In St. Louis anot'her upheaval, Robert M l.a Pollette. l'nited Stat- with Mrs. Helen Hathaway Robison es Senator from Wisconsin evidently .Britton leading the same. has added does not think much of the three {another failing.r center to the list. men who are up for the greatestl John 'I‘. Brush is involved in an gift at the hands of the American iargument over the payment of cer- people, and this is what he says oi itain world series dues imposed by the Presidential candidates, one of his leaL'ue. and when the full sit- whom will he elected next Monday: nation is summed up up almost the Theodore Rooseveltâ€"'l‘he man who |entire eireuit is one dismisting brawl did not make good. {flashed to the immense injury of the William Howard 'l'afhâ€"Amiahle, 'Ll'lllllt‘ \vhieli has :iVen most of these easyâ€"«going fat man-~willing, but in- mammtes about every ('ent thevhave If com pct ent .hie administration in he progres- sive. lwnnt to help him. But I do not know what a two-year-old progressive can do. He has not dealt with the problems that con- front this country yet. You don’t know what he can do. I don't. I have had some experience with re- cently converted ‘progressives’ in the last 18 months. I propose to ï¬ght. him if he weakens to the pressure that will be brought to bear ,on him.-â€"Robert M. La Follette. Can-do. Unncd 3mg. quantity years' cxpcrienu one of to maintain four Lian. Advertising Raul Furnilhoi Phone w. Wm :d m w Published 02ch Friday by Bill. WE, PROP. I do not intend it SJSSCRIPHON HAYES: makes beefstonk mm any to you. it!!! think of Rad- at a thousand or so per x'urs more. If Wilson still belongs FRIDAY. NOV. 1 these 11 m n mzinâ€"-â€"willing, but in- Wil progressive of three men. I intend an independent posi- In be in the Senate sow-Au [Intried to vote for any 32.00"." J 00 o vat. unknown shows two dull Home peopie give an excuse for lyimt by saying that the truth is andt during tk have the gvod w SO charity.†To any business man. whether in a live mining camp or a dead and buried village. we want to say that a newspaper is your partner and not 9 charitable institu- tion. Neither is it your enemy. when we are workim for a circulation we por partner and not 9 charitable mutt"- tion. Neither is it your enemy. when we are working for a circulation we an: working for you. You are as much interested in having us reach all the people cVory week as We the. The m-Wspapcr is a hit: part of your sales lnrve, and Vital to the life of curry camp and town and city. The only [$3903 in the world idly you advertise. if ynu arr a normal. ‘3 Some um- 3~k0d William Allen 3Whitv nl' Empuria. Kus. that same 3quostion. in rmuml to his native lï¬tauo 41ml Wllilv'a n-ply was sum- 'mcd up in this um- linvâ€"“K .\.\'S .\S Sllflll.“ RAISE MURl'. ("HRS '.-\.\‘ll LESS HELL". and tlu-ro yuu nesvspa'Pcr can put your before the people quicker uuudtly and damper than uuu'hly and (‘hmmcr than yuu can do it in any other wayâ€"and the lnrtlr er this nmwpnpm' 'nrrh-s your ad- vertisement t‘hv mm-v lnr-ronuhing is the salesmanship funn- ul‘ thv dollar you spend for it. sane. human being is What’s the matter with the Na- tional baseball lvawuu from the view- point of its club uwm‘rs‘f asks (Brantland Rico. are l'nless National l'umm club own- ers or the National league as a body. stops raking su much hvll it will suun ï¬nd itsclf dismwlitm‘l a- mum: tho fairmimlu-d spnrtamon of the Country whu :u'v I'vspulh‘ihlc fm' the succes.‘ ()f ‘hc [he sport-lnving {3115 H â€w . \zuiunal Iva for ('llll) owners «if tho' type of Charley Murphy and llnt'm'e Fore] of Philadelphia it might as well (lislmml hofm't- the fans throw it in- to the ditch. the father of all that “'35 hmwst while OVER? man (‘21 â€10 bout $30 a week move. It has been a vase of scrambling fur the dollar and for nothing else. For years 'nuw the polities in the Natiqnal league has been of the low- est, and moat intriguing type, where unly selï¬shness has mnthed every with any am] all ideas of sports manship blurred by the coldest of mercenary motives. And most. of the owners haven't the sense to see that in a scramble of this sort they are merely paving the way to ï¬nancial disaster. as well as the utter wr k of all sportsmanship. The ï¬r circuit has but one chance to make good. This chance lies in the rallying of the few club- owning sportsmen against such types as are presented by Murphy, Fogel, Ht'huhl thv reach want the Porcupine Adana lob every man in this camp of a newspaper he he ymld m: l.\’ TH [-3 (A M I‘ ) l and coâ€"operatior livin IL'IH newssary L'élllll “‘3 ll 51‘ “'85 trade news mum thur \\' {l L’T only st and "10:!!! the at 8].. driving these out o! the game and giving the league presido cut power. through a long term. to rule the league as Dan Johnson rule controls the American should be handled. Such :1 cnt should be given the power opportunity to make mod. thh Nu 50ml! As things now stand. the Nation-1 al league from the club zowners' ancs gle. doesn't need any adVine. It needs i a good swift kick in the pit o! the stomachâ€"an utter change in every , methodâ€"and if this doesn't come.! the only answer is a hoycotting byi the fans, who. striking at the gatel receipts. will hit the only \1ilner-‘ able spot which men like .‘Iui'phyg and Fog-cl pouess. I The Temiskaming. (much of the North Home Mine. has a surplus of $3H.11H.66. Thc Tenniskaming has paid since 190-5 50 per cent. of the par value of the stock or $1.- 2151.165. Rudlvst(‘I'-1'u1mlt Minn. 1.141.. 198 underuuing rmnranizaticm. under the mum' uf "Rudlmtvr Mines. Ltd." The 'apitnl is to be reduced from -..")1|0. 000 to $1. 000..1)00 and the no“ vompany will shut business with a clean slate. The Beaver Consolidated Mine at Cobalt has decided to double the captivity of its mill. The Beaver is one of the most promising of the smaller properties in this camp. and a shot recently put in at the 600 foot. level in the dialiase disclosed a ï¬ve inch Vein of are running 2000 ,ounees tn the ton. The importance lԠthis strilo' at this depth and in the (liahase is of great inipnrtanee to the whole ramp. It has. been the theory that the dlfl‘lfllst', wltieh un- ltlet'lies the Keewatin for thousands of feet. cut oil the Valltes in the :Cohalt distrit't. 'l'he «liselnsure of lvalues in this formation may mean lthat the various Culialt Companies ilwill lind it [N'Dllllllllt‘ tn (‘1) deep fmininu. or tn 1mm ul‘ 'JUUO feet. ram“. bull-headed mmmL'. or tn mm in what has ulwny ml a shallow distric .-\I (luv nun-ting uf thv din-Mm this month it is antivipzucd that dividend 01 I! (-vnts a sham: will I} pnsted. HeaVcr and 'I'e-miskauni pioneer work in this din the results of sinking in disregarding: the theory neers. has demonstratml pl'npel'ties whivh heliew he cut uut have a chat in: new and his: mines In the High Court of Justice THE MINING ACT OF ONTARIO PURSUANT to the judgment and ï¬nal order for sale made in this cause and bearing date respectively the 27th day of May. 191?. and the 215t day of October, 1912, there will be sold with the appro- bation of .l. .l.. Kehoe. Esq.. Master of this Court at Sudhury. by Alex- ander Irving, Esq. as aUCtioneer at the Sheriff's ofï¬ce in the Court House in the town of Sudhury at the hour of Two o'clock in the afternoon on the 30th day ()i NOV- emher, 1912. the following: lands and premises namely: ‘ Two mining,r ('lilllll> <ituute in the l’c.)1-m1pim- Mining Divi<ion in the 'I'nwnship Hf Ugtli'n Sulllll ()i' the Township of Tisdale. the said ~\lin- ing claims being I‘M‘OI‘ded in the hooks ul the Mining recorders ofï¬ce for the Porcupine Mining: lliVision :14 Num- hers '1'. ll. 5'. 115:") and 117m and survevwl as Numbers T, (‘, (HM i In all other respects tho terms and {conditions of this sale will be the standing conditions of the High lf‘ourt of Justice for Ontario. 1 Further particulars can be had ifrom (leorge Mitchell, Cobalt, Ont. lSolicitor for the Plaintiffs. MARGARET A. BARTON and J. hers '1'. It. .5. 1100 a surveyed as Numb and (503 respectively The properties wil sale subject to a [‘0 has been fixed by t The properties will lit} offered for sale subject to a reserve bid, which has been lixal by the said Master. Ten per cent. of the purchase price shall be paid in ('ash at the time of. sale. and the balance with- in thirty days from the. date of sale. Dated at Sudbury this {list day of October 1912. 'mh-r the .‘It-clmuivu and “'IIQ!“ earners Lil-u AN Between WM. H. PRITCHARD, Plaintiff and will Mining News . MENGE, Defendants RUIN QRWQ l'vmiskmmm; haw dune in this direction. and sinking in the dishase. nothing short THE PURCUPINE ADVANCE (ins: in the dishase. theory Hf lht' engi- strum! that many heliovml values to a «ham» uf mak- minvs at depth. Ill! rbter to handle crowd as Such a presid "'0" I. I. KBHOE "’0 {001 cnnsulcl any menu unumnios (In deep â€0 foot. the W. A. (i‘nmplwll will takv notice that his b32388? and personal lie- longings consisting of One Assay . . l'urnat'o. Um (vasolmc Crusher. Ono Gasolinv Lamp. One Trunk mntain- im: hunks nn mim-raIs and assays. quantity of tahlo dishes. mic tent with floor. will he sold by public auction at the ngress Clothing Store. on Saturday. the 2nd day of Noy'omher. W12 at the hour of two o'clock in thc- altemoon by Solomon Sky and the proceeds of such sale will he applied in paynnnt ol' the amount due. together with the costs of suvh advertising and sale. to pay the sum of $79.00 idue by him for room rent. Dated at Snuth Porcupine this 252111! day uf Uctulwr. .-\. IL. 1912. NOTICE is hereby giVen that a diVidend of 3 per rent. on the capi- tal stock of the ('umpany. being the first regular four-weekly di-\'i<lend, has been declared. payahle 23ml Nov- ember. l!)1".3. to shareholders of re- run] at the clum- of business (.11 25th October, 1912. Shareholders. in order that. di\'id- end cheques may he mailed to them personally. should have their stock recorded in their own names. This can he done on application to the Toronto General Trusts Corporation, Transfer Agent in Toronto, or the Montreal Trust Company, 'l‘ransier Argent in Montreal. Hated 12th October. 1912. Hollinger Gold Mine Limited, (No Personal LiabiIity) I Tenders can be sent ;30 Kim; Street East ito Cook 8.: Mitchell ‘pine. 1 Cash Register, cost $185; 2 sets sleighs,:1 stage sleigh, and 1 wag-on. All these articles are practically as good as new. Tenders are inVited and will be received by the undersigned up to November lst. for the following ar- ticles, viz., 1 Safe, cost $136; 1 Toledo Commuting Scale, cost $170; Thesé articles can be seen at Ken- nedy's store, ’South Porcupine. The safe, scaleiand register can’oe purchased subject to the Vendor's lien paying the difference in cash. MAJESTIC Quarter cut 0sz typewriter cabi- net. latest model, $30 cost $40. Al- so large solid walnut roll top desk $30, cost $85. Apply Cook Mit~ chell, South Porcupine. Two bright front moms upsteirs over our oï¬icos ; hardwood ï¬nish, separate entrance, suitable for ofï¬ces or living rooms. Cook Mitchell. Shack and contents, camp out- ï¬t, etc., .950. Also furniture. Apply Electric Light Ofl‘ioe, Bruce] Avenue. POPULAR “Mll'lt' \‘nu enn See Cl -nn \ :nnleville and the latest and best pietnres prmlneed. Yul. ARE missing an ex'ening nf rare. mnnselnent when \‘Otl tail to un tnthis pop- lllm pin} house 0t reï¬ned entertainment 29-30 DIVIDEND NDIIDE PUBlIB NUIICE THFATRE ASSIGNEE’S SAlE FOR 8 A L E TU R EX T FOR SALE McLeod l). A. 800 1‘9 PRICES to Tcw Co., Hamilton, or South Porcu- I)[.'.\'L.\l’, ury-'l‘rca.~:urer. T e w Assignees The Porcupine Advance Job Department is fully equipped to do any work you need in the shortest possible time, and do it well The Mulligan House PORCUPINE Fittml up with all The Mulligan House The Edwards Company is without doubt the Greatest Gold Mining,r Cmnp the world has ever produced, considered nt the Sllllw stage of Development. ['mleveloped prospects can now he secured for a mere fraction of what they will eost :1 little later. You missed yonropportunity in Cobalt and other new munps. Don't make the. szunemistnke again. Get in before the good ones are all taken. All eorrespondenee will have our prompt. and careful attention. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT MINING AND REAL ESTATE Box 309 South Porcupine Mmlvrn C(mvenicnvvs Rutvs Rmsmmhlv Always at your Service PORCUPINE. ONT. l’l'ulwrtivs Exmnim- lh-pm‘ts Furnislu-«l