it Would hring the newspaper: believe that (h duiug, and Sn 1 the uuetiuneer. Selling every! \‘U'l‘ \ l)l:’1')l’. Acounling tn the 1:11 11mm 1110 were 11111111115111 liquid11111151111101 includitw br11111l1'm111 port 111119, :1 111051 111 1111' 511111 belongul tn 1411131115 1\ (11., 111111 11.11.11111131 11111 11111311 gontlonwn 11:111 gathered long boture 1111' 5:111“ :211 111111 111-1011: 10 11111111 :11111 1111' :1'11111111 11111111311 111111 111111111111 the 1111191' importers. :1 1111*\' 11.111 1111' guuala 50111 11:11-11. 50 11 \1‘111"1 11 0.11119 11111111 111 1119 8.111? 1114 was \"1111 littl11.1111loe1l. 11111 1111 1 catalogue 111 111' 1115111151111 111.'F111 ed uut “shw feted, but. wa seemed to be EVFRYTHIXG OFFERED. (igarett1s.bu1’hed \\ir1'*..=1111p 1115!. cards. in 1111-1 mouthing: “as ut.Ie:-‘ ed; but it “as uttexh impossible to either see 111' l1ear “hat 11:15 going on. so dense “as the cruml around the aï¬Ã©tioneer. Some one shouted “two flutes." and the crowd surged forâ€" ward. Gradually the price soared 111 pure 11007.! ullt vcrx'thin [turn when Sumcum‘ gm." 'ine g: 5 withdrawn, able to gu hi m bf. Then one shout in was of RS [10 000 at em) there Iris!â€" if19â€- '16 to g on. l the I might say that I ha bu' u! the Fire Hep: past nine months, am uiuzitli 3g0â€"-\\ll€n l chic: '5 limisvâ€"l llï¬tl 1 renmnemtiun whatevc have been rent free. £ng (-ullm‘tul' at $100 still z'vt-eix'e that 3mm In this. capacity 1 hi hi; clxanves by worki large sums 01" money 32H )ut l‘c remuneration whatever. Sim-e then [1. have been rent free. I was hired as tax collector at $100 per mauth and 3111! I't‘l'eiVC that amount and 1m more. In this t-zapwih I haw had to take bi ' chances b1 “orking at thes with la1ge $111115 of monm belonging to the tow: iu mv pockets, not having time to lutk it up but just grab it and run when the bell rang. Should I have have a defence tn put [ m-cusatiuns made by the last twu meetings aimed that l haul r0- . m-m'inns mumh and C ten 1 unwed 11110 I had Hut roveived any ng $14†per â€"â€";md that I return. and [v (H adver- I informed the mmnnittee there and then that l muld not see my way elear tu undertake any responsibility other than aeting ehiet’. Mayur Wilsuu assured the eummit- tee he euuld urganize the fire depart- ment in quit-k time. lle tried, but had tun many uhstaeles to overeume with the result yuur fire department is in a far wurse eunditiun tn-day than it ever was sinee the brigade than it ever was first started. 'l'lw (‘uumil p11 'l‘hc (‘ouucil passed a resolutioul calling.r for a hy-law to appoint me fire chief, hut while I appreciate their cmn'icience in me, I still could not see my way clear to accept such a serious responsibility, as my powers even as chief would not he recognized, because there are neither fire limits. building: by-laws and other necessary hy-laws for a chief to act on. I have no property interests in this town, but I have always taken an ac- tive interest in fire department work, and in this case my services were practically voluntary, but apparently unappreciated by the majority of the Councillors. I still maintain that I was led into moving into the chief's house on the distinct. understanding that. a new fire hall would be built at once and a cero lain amount of extra equipment pur- chased, etc.. and that I would act only :is assistant chief until such times I TflE PORCUPINB ADVANCE ~ thought fit tn take charge 01 me ne- partment. Therefore I (-nnsider I have fulfill- ed my post of the («(mtraet, and think it is must unfair for the (.‘ouneil to ask me tn shuuhler the responsibility of the department under the condi- tions and expect gmui results there- from. --- lv-_v ing to the ifbh add a pinch of salt. and a ï¬tflc 1unn»cï¬?lard to the boned stareh. Tn prevent starched articles stick- 1 108 Bay Street Branch Office: NEW YOR ROCHESTER. HAMILTON Offices.) ERNEST HILL. Ast. Fire Chief .lkc than (Numbers Standard Stork Exchange) : NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BUFFALO. HAMILTONâ€"(Private Wires Connecting All Write fur Particulars of the Hints To Housewives 'Fo renu2vc tea stains la)'t over a bowl and puur buili through it. Hess. lethargy or cries Scrubbing brushes slumld always be hung up when not in use. su that the bristles have a chance of drying, They will last far longer if treated in this way. Animals indicate Toronto, Can. rain by uneasi- the fabric in: water Tommy Burns Gold Mining Co. Orders may be telegraphed et our expense Bluett Hollins The preferred stoek ol' the†Tommy lurns Gold Mininm t'ompany has been very ae- tive and strong on the New York. Boston and Toronto markets for the past few weeks. having,r advanced from around 56¢. per share to above The. We believe this stoek will steadily advance, as the public are beginning to appreeiate the wonderful possibilities of these proper- ties. l’urehases made new we eonl'idently expeet will SlIUW handsome profits. “'0 therefore unhesitatingly ad- Vise its immediate purchase. 3mm! Street, New York