Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 29 Oct 1915, 1, p. 5

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GEILS now 32:73. PER norm: .................... ‘\ ; 10c. (“rouA'ro cusup. mam: BOTTLES ............... .. 25c. m: HAVE A FEW POUND ms or 0001) am TBA 10 CLEAR AT ................................ 1,50 SATURDAY , Everything in the line ‘We Always carry oi Prospectors’ supplies Can Be Obtained Full stock of Hard- ware and Builders‘ Supplies When in Need of a SUIT or! Get our Pressing Prices by the Month 75c ”$33“: 3‘1"” 75¢ Pressing, Cleaning and Dyeing Done Ladies and Gents’ Customs Tailor NEXT DOOR TO CANADIAN CLUB CAPE PURE STRAWBERRY AND APPLE JAH PURE BLACK CURRANT AND APPLE JAI PURE RED CURRAI‘T AND APPLE JAM PURE RASPBERRY AID APPLE JAR STRAWBERRY JELLY RASPBERRY JELLY BLACK CURRANI‘ JELLY Ran CURRANT JELLY CASH ‘ SPECIALS and inspect ourstock of i High-class Cheese I OVERCOAT 0000000000000 Imam» of ; (knot-II Huspihl for (he I’m-twink ramp. Another grievanee brought in! hy the Board which shmdd be attended to by the Tnu‘n (‘nnnril was that in regard in transient traders. It was mentioned that [movie frmn nntside had enme intu ton n. upened up rented buildings and after a business .eareer of perhaps I few nmnths elm dmrn and leave nithmtt paying the fleet-3o nary license as a transient trader. ”n the nudism «T J. P. Melmmhlin. wounded hy t'. Pierre. it was there- t'nre deeided that the Seeretnry write the Town t‘mmeil revmesting them tu ent'nree the present transient trad- er's license. ME"? '5!!!” IEEMII Bum Phone Run. ”no unr v'm‘s'iun. whirh has Mn lmmghl l'nrwunl hy unr hmIivs in Hm «mm: was Hm! ut' lighting and h'lvplmm' rmo's. and nu the mafia» of V. Pivrm'. sm‘nndml by "1'0. PM hm. it was ch-riqlml that n nvmmiflm mnnprlaml 0" Dr. .‘lrrnm-n and J. P. Mrlmnghlin he ammihtml {0 art with n eulnmittm- of the Retail Menlmnts' Asst-rialiun In intervims the Xurflwrn (mimic: high! and l’uwor ('nmpany win: regard In honor rules ml tole- "lumps and lighting._ Fullmwinj: mum-Minus made at a premium "mm! tum-ting Hm! n dimwr “0 leol by the Board. Messrs. King and Simms were name-Mm! tn inn-r- \'im\' tlw Hulclllolds “Mel on this mum-r and repnrt lam-r ,m Hun ur- rmngt-nwms might lw mndv fur the llxing m’ u chm. Sn c-xrollvnl lmw lln- vlnss nt' piv- tnn-s lwvn wlnc-h Hw linmirv 'l'ln-ntn- m 'l'innnins nrrnnuml t'ur their pm- runs during Hn' pnsl M-S‘eml' \Vm'ks tlnlt it‘ is nnw inslc-ml nn exceptinnnl night Wln-n c-u-r)‘ awn! in the Innn-w is nut llllml in lvss thnn flftm-n nnn- utvs nflvr tlw slmw has ('umlm'm'ml. Sulm' mmh-ml this is due '0 (‘XH‘II- siw mlwrtising. 'l'u n vermin extent. nu clnnln snru-M has been attuim-d in this way. but nnlvss the quality ut’ prmhn'tmns whirl: Hwy inturmml tho pnhliv Hwy “-011. presenting lnnl Inn-n up m that! prmnisml stnlnlnrd, n l'nlling: nfl' \mnlcl Inu'v 3mm lwcn tln- (-nnqunvnvv. Count of Monte Cristo Coming to Empire Hn Mumtuy mul 'l'uoncluy xth that grmt nmstvrpivco ut' Alexander Du- tmls. ”'I'lw t‘mttlt nl' .‘lutlte Prism." is In he "t'ct'lml" MT in “VP sets 0f pivtltrm‘ '.\'|tlt‘ll hulcl tlw spot-tutor Nt- tl'unm-tl t't'um tlu- \‘t‘l'}' first tn last. 'l'u gu imu Qit'lflii n-gnrding the mwvl us clrummiuul would he to hike up imlmssihlv swim in justify it. but sullim- In say that this is number ui' those great t'mtturvs IDIIH't‘d hel’uro tlw puliliv in the lurgvst mnviv thou- trvs u!“ ”w lhmiiniun. and past ox- pvrivnm- has 35511in 'l'iimziins put- runs that thv Empire in sulnnitlinj: this umstm'pivw ut' Dumas will limin- tuin llu-ir vxm-llcnt reputatiun‘ 'l‘lw “llrukvn (‘nin' will militinuc its soriul- t’ni'm huth nu \\'0(llwsdu.\' mul 'l'hursclziy tlcspitv the tart thut nu 'l‘hursdaiy thv thontro will he util- izml by Hip I’m-slivtci'iun t'hurvh (‘nu- m-rt. 'l'ht- Empire mumigmncut. huw- vvor. haw airi'migml that their svl'iul will he pnwvntml just as usual that night. tiuus ui' variuus descriptiuns in'l'itu- tnius «it late and all of them (littering «me than the ntlier in nature and PUPPUSP as well as having an element ul' novelty in every case. The must recent in attract considerable public attention in that new in the winduw ut' the Nurthern t'anada Supply (‘u.. whu are making a specialty just nuw got hunters' supplies. By the capable arrangement nt' Mr. 1). Warren the window has been turned intu a min- iature partinn ut’ bush with spruce muss. sand and gravel as the requisi- tiuns. 'l'u make the scene absulutely lifelike twu cub times. due silver grey and the other red. which were -aptur- ed by a Finlander at Mattagaini have been placed in the winduw with a snug retreat. Naturally the kiddies ut' the tuwn have watched the antics ut' the young animals with great glee while the adults have alsu shown ex- tensive interest. The exhibit is cer- tainly a credit tn Mr. Warren both t'runi its umel puiut ut' vie-w and ur- iginalit}. TWO FOXES ARE USED IN TIMMINS WINDOW DIS] There have been window uttl'av- ’ (Continued frivm me 1) SONS. LTD. General Merchant ’PflO-NE 28 - - TIMMINS Chas. Pierce THE PORCH"!!! ADVANC I! DISPLAY. The Treasurer's repur! slum-ed that $8.35 were the (null realign. and ar- mnnts mynlvlo $71.49. ”were being $599.88 mlanro in bank. The (‘anmlinn Red (7m Soc-My In!!! TIMI)" anemia". (Maker Nth. with an attendann uf fnurloon. The minutes of the previous mom- in: «at: rad uqd awmvgd. by Mrs. lit-duh. that all bills In date he paid.â€"4'arrial. ”med In Mrs. I ‘lmpmnn. umndod tn Mm. l’fitrlmnt. that the "0d t mas Sowich ask fur the use at the Mac sonic Hall. Fridn). ()ctobu- Wth. hr the murmur of rowiving «Innatiuns ut‘ aorta! and llnndkel‘ohiot‘s fur the sul. «licrs.-â€".\tutinn carried. Mrs. t'lmp. man. Mrs. Williams. and Mrs. hung- moro mluutwn‘d tn he rum-m in the nt'tornmm tn rm‘oiw «lunatiuns; Mrs. Sunrtml. Mrs. Stmk'r. Mrs. ('lmpnmn and Mrs. l'ritu-Imrd. in the owning. The Pmiulent unwanted thm mem- bers wishing tn mntribme jvlly «r m M the mvlcliers bring tlu-ir run- Irilmtionu m the Red ('mss mom 0!) Tumdny. (Hula-r 28th. Mme-d In Mrs. Molnnis. 3000mm III Mr». “ilmm. that ”11‘ "In! ('rwm Swim) grant in" In and“ \lruu KIIigIIL â€"-.\IIIIIIIII carrivd. II MIII «Ian; doc-MM In n-III Mrs. Knight' a swing; llmt'him' I'ur II IiIIIo. Local Canadhn Red Cross Society’s Report le tut-cling 9c|juurnml till (Mu. lx-r 2|ith. SHOWER 18 GIVEN BY SOUTH POROUPINL LADIES. WIwn Mr. and Mus. ll. \\'|m|ry lrt't Snntlt l’nn-npino Iu‘ t-nlnnwnm- lIIIIIS|‘l(('('|'lII;.' nt 'l'imtnins tltvy left 9 large t'irrlo nl' l'rit-mls \xltn rngrt-ttt-cl vxt-omlinuly tn lmvo tlu-m tic-purl lmt «locitlml in snmn tnngiltlv wnv tn slum tlwir I‘m-ling. Ant-unlinuly a party nt' Snntlwncl lmlios um-xlm-tc-«lly nrriu-d nt tlw m-w lumu- nt' tlw c-nuplv rvt'vr- rml tn. yesterday mnrning. and tn In-r intense surprise «sh-lulu! Mrs. What- Ivy :1 ”sltnwor” nt' :1 mim-vllnnvnns nntm'v. Mrs. \\'lin|vy was quitv nwr- rnnw in mulonwn‘ing tn express ln-t' tlmnks t'nr tlu- kimlm-m slum-n in this wny. 'l'lu- lmllt-s inking mtrt worn Mrs. It. I'Z. Sullivan. Mrs. Goo. Perry. Mrs. t'. Lille}. Mrs. Ben ('rnskvry. Mrs.'l)mvsntt. Mrs. l". llnrnv. Mrs. (E. ('atl'lllit'luu'l. and Mrs. ('uin nt' Svlnunuclu-r. The ladies lnt't again on llw nnnn trnin. Mun-d by Mrs. Simma. smmclnl WHAT WB’SAY TALLIES WITH WHAT WE DO “.th Domflmont have. le‘m'n their «mix-rm in maul co holding at a fanny (If!!! bill on TM)‘. Nov. ”Member llllh by placarding all ""00 M‘hmns ul‘ porrupine camp will: pus. ‘ fiors «luring the pad! week: "‘9 The nluu'l nl’ lm- familial! is lo M‘“"' fnmla tmmnls their liquor;- lmonl anal those who han- lu-en ful- ;lm\'ing llw normmh'uf their cluings "dirt-comb will ngrw llml the lmll is miwel‘wufllly nf all llu- support which up can lw given it. , 'nl’ , . . . ‘ 'l‘lu‘ Mal-"mo llall at Tmmnm has ul' 1 . "Lglwon procured fur the m-msmn and I"Jimmy willing lmly I'rirmls will rm. ‘dvr llu-ir nuislanrv m m-mz that ll Ill" ‘ . I‘m .19 pml’uwly clvmralml. Although over hm \meks ahead in informing their friends amumz the Mlh'ir 0f Timmins H10 buys «f the Local Firemen to "old A Fancy Dress Ball This c-nmmt he h‘rmml a tum-k ball lwmnso vxpn-ss chair“ is mado than the gt'mh‘mvn «In nut Wear inn-ks. I'mmualvly the "IPIH'N‘I’S of Hm i'nil' sex may ban- this privilege and mm annually the rnjnymonl and fun nf Hu- rwning shuiilcll lw nmtorinlly mi. «In! in humus» of this unv-sidul 11-» us a call Prices Moderate gunâ€"wâ€" flu- mines are tn he WK I'mmhi. hose being furâ€"“hes! draw- ed lady. best dressed gem. burst dn'ss. «l maple. hos! drvmwi mmic huh and hes! drrssod wmir gent. Aithongh the name 0t~ the m'ehmk trn has nut yet been nnnnnnrecl it may he fitted on that this mtinn 0f the pmm‘nmme will he in the wry best hands nvnilnhle and that the hays nt‘ the Iktmrtment will ware. nu effnrt in seeing that thme “tin participate in the funethm have n tlmmnghly enjoyable evening. The date. as stated. is Tuesday. Nun-m- her 16th. The buying ut’ ('Iiristmas and 30w \‘mr'a presents during the amvmnvli- in}: festive sonsnn witl nu dualit he nfl‘ertod mnsidomhly by the war. hut tlw principto mtwwntrd by .‘l. J. “who. the land jvwvlor. that no mat- tvr wlmt mw dwiilvs mi giving. unal- ity slimild lw that harm in mind. is nu «Intilit nii (‘Kt't‘ut‘lfl mw. .~\ curv- t‘ul lwruml ut' his special «lismunt niinoiinenm-nt im paw ttw this week will- time imusiml interest t‘nr thus» minteniplntim: handing out gifts and NW pnvilom-s luv utl'ors sliuiild be «Inulily nttrm-tiw. , W our prices on Lumber x FIVE

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