Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 22 Oct 1915, 1, p. 1

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Luudun. Hut. Net. 21 ‘l‘vvtivvd from Htlam‘n tn- tllt' l‘t‘nun'ul n1. llu' 23ml ( Herr Halttzzliun In 8!. Th Vitung up ”I. IEH' 71>! 1 (“m-n ('hvtlmlu. (halt. S “'uudslm'k, and the Few ,thc 7N1 Battalion. [0ch .le'd mu! INN: l'izlttaflin: I09. \v in! England. 311‘. “o night i'z'u In Accordance With Instructions, from Uttawa While fltncr Regi- 4 ments are Kept at lnnnnn Business "("2! “writing: \‘als an as usual in tlu- hunk itself tlmugh no definitv ('alllm‘ run in MI it, is tlmuglll pussildv that! may lmu- .~:t::rtvd thruugh dt .wiring. PIIINEEHS flflflfflffl Many spm'mturs nl' 1hr “2% wow hwnl tn n-Imu'l; wry highly nu the splvmlid «xhihitinn put up by the Dvlmrmwnt. umlvr (‘hiz-t' Hurlnml, whilv tho tmvu wzm-r >._\'.~tuu :llm us- sisful tho-m mutm'iull_\' hm-uum- ul' its (*Hit‘il‘lll ('ulltliliun lmw. lhmmgv h}; lirv tn llw mtinum-«l (‘.\'- (on! HF $2,1NH1 is l'vpnl'lm! In lmvv )wvn musml tn the Hunk ul' (‘unmu'rvv an (‘ulmlt nu \\'mlm-sclaty at midnight. the m'ig'in ut' tha- Irluzv 'N'illf." Im- 1-:lum'n. The stuff ul' tlw lmnk mrv all in Hwir quurlvrs upstairs uml wvrv nnl)‘ notiliml ut' the disvnvm'y ui' thc- “W by lu-uplv un the straw. I i fire [Incurred fit Midnight from unknown Bause--fire Depart- ment Highly Bammended An event unique in the history of Tinmina took place Tuesday noon of thia week when the soldier boys of the 2nd Battalion Pioneera were given a royal eendool on the occaaion of their departure for actlve service overaeaa. and no one in the lnuuenae throng which assembled at the station Ito wish them hon voyage could help Heeling that these boya would bring glory and honor not only to Canada in general but to this north country of ours in particular. Lung lwl'urv tnm- i'm' the mun tn c-ntrmn the gum! [M'uplt' ui' 'l'nmlmns vulthl lu- are" running t'rum nll tllltll‘- tc'rs ni' Hw lcm'n. I'Invlu utrm-t Imurml its qunln ut’ Into-I'vstml itllmhltmua‘ in- tu tlw stro-nm ui' Immunity c-un\'c'l‘:.'in'.' ut the railway stntiuu. drawn lintlwr nut. ulmw by tlw turm- ni' tho-ir [thy-s- ic'ul c-u-rtium hut Ivy ilu- stt‘utt‘.’ «in-- sin: ni‘ tlu-ii‘ lwm‘h tn lw t'It-rt' ulwn tlw lust mmcl-hyv WM mid and Hm limll vhm'r gnu. tn tlw :m-n Mm \H't‘v giving: away .w tlmt Hlust' wlm remain- ml might rI-sl mnn- M'mm'. It was "hum 11.3.3 rum. “Kw" tlw buys mun-hut nut ul' tiu- skating: rink uml tunk up Hwtl' liusitiun 'whimt Hm Imml. and a liar mimitm latter tlw nlltm'l' lll vhm‘gv ymv tlu- M'tlvi‘ tn muw- MT tn wlm'h t.u- buys :‘wlmmh'cl by shipping: «ml all it brisk gull In tlw alt-mums!nmwnt ni‘ martin! Ilitlslt‘ rm:- clorml by ”In huml. \\‘|lli'll thrilled llli' unlunki-H till new ”HP whn litaSSi'Sh- ml ll spark nl' I'llli'iullsiti !'rlt likv stopping min the ranks. and llt't'ullt- jlllllylllg: llit' huts nil Hii‘ii' llilsslull ”3. lilwrt)‘. 'l‘lw (Ivsirv in by mw nl' xlu-m grip- ped (‘au-h hyalumh-r luml mu! Hwy flflBAlT BANK [If BflMMEflBE HAS $2,033 flUIBREflK TIMMINS GIVES GREAT SENDOFF TO PIONEERS Enthusiastic Goodbye Scenes at Local Station When Boys Left for Active Service Last Tuesday THE OCUIN E ADVANCE Vol 1. No 59 H. Hank-n n! the I his \1531 zu‘mss Uflllllitli ls Belief if Present finnditiuns Tfl 5T, IHUMAS Buntinnetofndiof This Met. 21. -\\mcl “as ta\\n hpqlu} «u«l«rhyg 10 21H! (Elnnalnxn l’h»- a St.'Fh«nnns.tiu-¢H- c- 7151 ’nttulhbu lu- au“. htlnthnd a: 1d the lemmiuu ht'lv M n. lugethvr “Hf! H10 {uttulh)ns {until the)' in the zumvx haw Inâ€"‘t 0v- his l'mnhwux'. (iurmam first {l vall'l'lml Imt :11- l‘ d" U' "- Hw lil'v .‘i'm'tiw' AC ll of «HIM I'm-l tiw Mum! nt‘ past grnem- of tiuns nt’ I‘m-0mm men mum up in of tlwir Iii-mists as the best and hrnwst on «if 'l‘itntnins tuwn marvhecl hy un their of wny tn naught tiw .‘lutlwr i'mttti")’ in kc. her imnr nl' tic-mi and In lwlp pay MT II. the debt We mw lwr for ”w prim-rt- Ofl itlg hnml \t‘lm'h «'10 It?“ uu't' uttr up lwlmml mittttry in tln- ilnys ut' its n; infnnvy. :1; tin tlwir nrriuil nt tln- stntinn tho-y ry \Vt‘l‘t' grin-n nimnt lit'ti-rn minntm lwo t’urv the train pnllml nut in Whit‘lt tu m mingli- with tlwir relatives nml m» in: qnnintnnm-s nnal tn n-moiw tlu- t‘nro- w. \wlls ui' pun-tits. imitlu-rs. sislvrs. my wives nncl swm-Ilwnrts. .\|t|mu;:h am :H'tivlo uppvm'ml in 'l'lu- Advnuw mmw \vvvlgs alg‘n rvgm'ql- ‘ing the pussihilit)‘ 01' a! (imwml Hus- wiml fur the wlmlv l’urvupilw «listrivt ’thu 'l‘imlulu (‘uuuvil haul «unsidvrml inking up tlw qllt'slinll [bl(‘\iulhl\ but .21” “(Hull Inllms‘ml than. ll~ matters pi'ngi'ess at the l’ui'eiz- pine \'i|mml Mine as they have been «10in: i'evenll) it is eunliilentl)’ lH’llCV- ml that the prupeuy sfieulil |:e pay- ing: a «liviileml aruuml sixteen per «will. by the eml «if the present year. .\s the issued capital 01‘ the l’ureu- pine Vipmul is unly 560,000 shares. lliis mmlil nut he a very heavy drain ull prulits. Vilmml ensts are umler live «lullars a tun aml earlier in the year the grade nt' are was running: well aver ten dollars a ton. The mill is treating alum! 12.5 Inns a day. The quarterly dividend multl only am- uunt in $137,150". llei-eutlv ull tlu 200 1.001. lval 11 disrun'x'y uf n gum! . - v. I . . . shunt nt are taut haul won m crluuked 'ml‘nrv :m\\' «b .\t their tneetin}.r this week. hnw- ever. they derided that the ('lerk write the ('nnneils nt' 'l'innnins and Whitney and ads” the lluards ut' 'l'rade lueally. tu see it' svnne emnhin- ed meeting- eunld nut he arranged when the tupie might he t'ully diseas- sed tn see it' aetiun euttld not he taken. The ('lerk ul' 'l'isdale. it is stated. has sent “at these eunnnnnieatinns and the date ”1' \Vednesda)‘. Nm'etn- her Ilrd has heen suggested as hest suited tu t‘ztell lmdy. The result at a meeting with the purlmse indieated. will. in any event he watehed with interest h_\' all resi- dents nt' the ramp heeanse stunt-thing: it this kind had tn he dune het'nre the nmney of the l’nrenpine Relief Fund. tn whieh l’urenpine was entitl- t‘d, euttld he released. WHEN“ PfiflSPEBTB [If INEHEHSER fllUlBENll Iisdale Council Will Ask Iimmins and Whitney To Meet Ihen and Discuss Best Steps Many pcmms in tho rruml mmlv llwsw l'mx‘ mlmm's lllv m'mlsicm l'ur gaping :u'uuml mmmg tlw lmys will: gifts ul' vlummlmvs, c-ignrs. Mann-Hus. Mu. whivll \H-I‘v gran-fully rvvvivml. .\.~ llu- tinu- l'ur alvpnrhm- clrvw m'm' mul llu- warning: c-ry ul' ”all ulmaml” c-mm- l'rum llu- c-umluvlur MI ”:0 plull'urm. :lu- lmys m-rmnlnlq-ol in- lu llu- vmu-lu-u after u lust lingvring lmmlslmkv will: llmsw llwy lwlcl must clvzlr. nml tlu- c-ruml wlm-II Imw llllml M'vry "\‘llllflllll' vunlugv pnllll lzrukc' mm :1 lusty ruuml ul' rlu-vrs «.5 the train with a whistle and pufl' ul' st 'mn slurtml cm its may lu llu- mu I'ullllulll)'lllf: slruius ul' llw Nulimull .\mlu~m played by tlu- lmml. 'l'lms llw vurlniu gum clcm'll nu llw first ml "1' n l'nr-rvm-lling: «lruum. but it. will rise again nu n lmppicr. hriglnvr sm-m- \slu-n tlu- war is uwr nml tlu- light ul' lilwrty slnillvs m‘cl’ ull tlu- wurlcl. and tho lmys in wlmm we 50 rm-vntly suicl furl-well will In- wolvmm-cl luu-k tn the gnhl munp us' lwrm-s uml gentlvnwu. PHDPflSE UflMfllflffl g; MEETING IN CAMP Hfflflfiflmfl HBSPITM has lrccn madc. The \vinzozc )\\'n {u the 500 luut level. Yea: lllllllllllll Xm-cm-l The Timin'ins Town Council as a 1%. l as hcst :wliole. following on a discussion Oflmj .short duration regarding the gather- lcu with ”W ling of public subscriptions by Tag...“ my cvcut lDays and similar institutions indicat- ”1' ' 2!“ an‘l- fed by resolution at a meeting last 3L ““0”letMcnday that they are decidedly a- X. W lwl'nl'v 'gainst such methods and have every l\' HP livlivt belief in taxation. Sit 'iiS (““1111- This was thc staml takcu hy t‘uuu- ut‘ o-illur Mci'ny at a mcctiu: callccl last ('u luccl; t'm‘ thc purlmsc of discussing Mt lthc licst tncalis ut' raising: funds t'ul‘ no; flf lthc lii'itish liccl (‘rnss aml rclmrtccl lit) 'l‘hc .\tl\'u:icc and thc Hutcnluc Wits Ithat with thc pruhahlc git't hy taxa- i, tiuu t'rmn 'l‘nuunus (‘uum-il ltn tag: (3" *(lay nl' suhscriptmns \mulcl hc askctl J lt'ur \‘cstcz'alav. ' i o . ’ I mdiflunst . it was at tllc lucctin;r nt' thc t'tmn- l ‘ it'll thcrct'urc that a i'csulutmu trmu ll 1'" ithc prcx'inus puhlic ltlt‘t'ilng‘ was suh- (,‘ '5 tllllllt‘tl asking thc t'nuucil tn cluuatc .'” i-‘i‘J-HNl in this way uml in muting: this ”P li'uttltclllul' .“M'Uy Wnrdml his l'l‘SHltt- “‘1 !' ..- .. - If u ,H_ \\'c Itmu us tullmxs. thc umtiun Min, su H. l’ni't-u-i”ndlf‘l l).\'.('utlncll.lur llt'. thl‘c and! m“. },H‘“ :cai'i'tct‘l \Ht'lmut «ltsscut‘. thc only ah-z. . l\' hclicv- iscmnt uuucillnr hcm': .( has. Dalton. ltm ibc PM" i ” [hat thc )layui: tnl'wai'tl watt“ to gtm ”W“ [ti-ri'lnml h. llcutli'ic. litt‘lll..(u)\.'(-rm”o_ In ”(.1 mt \‘cai'. gl'cslmusc tn his appeal tm' tumls and: inc li’ul'cu- {cuclusc a chccl; With a lcttci' St'llttlgilul H Sharvs'ilnl‘lll iu (lctail an avcrsuin to tag: 4 l.” drain “lays. ctc.. and donations in :cncral. t", .f 1r urging: that all tumls tor this and I,” 5:, i1“; hc nsnuilar purposes lic raised. by general lim; “mm“:gtaxatiun tllfill‘lltlllml equitably H\'(‘I‘ "'3‘ 't‘hc mill tthc cutn'c lmi'incc a'ml preterahly v.11 lav. 'l'he ithc entire llnauumn. l‘hat this iii-.m- gm “”‘h, m“- icy he tui'warulctl only in casc in» col- ‘ r d” tlu 'l(‘('ltnn hula: «lay at an"- kiiul he ham} ”H on 01' hctnrc ()ctuhcr 21st. .- -m- tl' at guml . . HUI yrrlnuked Appoxnt Auditors. gym; wiry-1c is, Sumt- weeks ago al'mlicatmns \x'crc Ease -\'cl. Ircccix'ctl by the ('uuucil for the pnsiâ€"ltht TIMMINS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 1915. i .\t a met-lint: nl' dirm'lnrs ul' llw lhmw Luke .\lim' it was derided tn ntl'or pm rntn tn the sllelnlIlt’m nt' I‘t-mml llu- right In pnrt'llasv Ill 2" Im-ntsn pm- allure "no lmlt’ tlw «mount mt' atm-k nmv lwld. This will mean u tww slm'k insult: ul' lfillflflll shares. ut’ whirl: tlu- 'l‘imisknming llmlmm lluy Mines. tlw mmtmlling I‘m-tut. will sultan-rill: l'ut‘ 223,000 shares l0 slmw tlwir ilnldivlt l-uttlldcnl'o itt lltt' t'uturv pmdm-tn'vnmm nt' tlw “mum llmkc- min». From the middle nt' Inst Vlhwvmlwr until Hvtnlwr lat tlw tutnl ‘pruduvtinn mnmmtc-d tn $89,500. but with the pru'mswd onlnrgmm'nts ul' lplamt and wluilnnont. tlu-rv in nu domlpt during tlw m-xt nim- mnntlls tlu- tutul uutput will vastly lw mmd- ruplt-d. t ‘ 'i'ht' Xut'th 'i'amttllmutt lil'us‘lwc'? ul' thv llurnnimi Itvlt savmlimtt- tti Pur- t'ttptnt' is imw rapidly humming ”t0 must pminising in tho «listrivt. Sim-t- thv 2”” and CNN) t'nnt low-ls hnvv lit-0:1 upviiml up t'i'um tlu- um: shut’t. sumo i't-mm'lmhlv nt‘t' has hm-u (it'H'lnpmi huth t'tlh‘i uml wvst. As staltml ul- r-mly. mums-flitting: on thv 2th) t'uut h-w-l was curly t‘l'UWltt'tl with sum-03's. 'l‘wvlvo t'vvt from ”N' shaft in win was. rut Witit‘il tit‘Vciupt'ti at it «list- tttlt‘t' ut' 25 t'vvt i-titu seven feet ut' $12 Ht't‘. .\t u «listum'o nt' 78 t'vvt from the shut't tho nt't' has widened tn 2:: t'vvt “1' 3! 3.1111410 its mttvh l'it'llt‘l' its thv ut't' hmly is wiclvt'. (Mo of tho chur- au-tvi'ia‘tivs (if this uro hmiy lint nthvr- wiso lttblt‘ti in the ramp. is that 1H tt l‘ttit' when the urv hmly \Vitlt‘llS thv gt‘tttit' is muvh hettvi' ills”. TAG DAYS DISAPPROVED BY LOCAL COUNCELLORS Who Prefer That Taxation Should Be Adopted in Raising Funds-«Writing Lieut. Governor With Check and Suggestions This Way Nflfli'fl THflMPSflN fifll’lfllV BEEHMINB Mflflf FflflMISING ts Stated to be Best Now in Hurnnian District at Pursu- pine Bold Camp New Stock Issue of 450,000 Shares---Confidence In future of Property sum Bll'lfll llf HIM [IKE Will BE fllfllflffl [XIEIIIHI Piremen’s Insurance. 't'hv ntwstinn nt' insut'am-v nn thv tirum‘n was hrnught up and the mat- tvr «Ins-ml lay a rvsnlutinn that it he rvt‘vrrml tn the 'l‘nwn Hnlit-itnr with a request. that ill‘ .svml an ansm-r h0- t’nre the ith. t'nutu'il int-Ming. It has «heritivd that the Finalirv t'nunaittw wait nu manager nt' the Imperial Hank and arrange tlu- var- inns zlvvnltnts lit‘t‘ltittf: in vii-w that tin ninnivs t'tliit‘t'tt‘ti t'ur thvntttrvs is uittuirami and the ('nmmitteu will have pmwr tn art. .\ Stu-tin“ huao is tn ho nt'iiot'mi t'nt' tiw tnwn firv engine and the tirmmen will hau- satist'avlinn in knnwiug that halt‘ a dug”: hatigcs‘ are tn he purch- ased t'nr them in am-nrdam-u with thtir inquest Mme weeks agn. Hall'ussm A" ('11.. .\. liruzoam. l’urvu- pim- 110mm. \‘mllwx'n Llnulwr Mills Ltd" Hntzn'iu '1"H"1.s'm'\' lh-lnn'nnmn‘. 11. 1'3. Mulflgnmm), am] the 110101 (1011111v1t1s. 11w 1115!. 1111111011 bring all! ilmn ul' #5135“ fur the I'al'vwvll hamgm't tmnlm'vd 11w rovruiling l’iunwrs Hm wm'ks :lgn. tiun ul mu iturs In lhv 'l'mx'n ”8' Tim- mins but llwsu haul nut lu-vn given (-uznsidm'minn until last thclny's mowing. There were uuly twu wlm nppliml i'nr Hu- lmsiliun. these being Mvssrs. Ilmnmmul :uul llznmuuml ut' Nul'lh lluy. \x'hn have :zvtml Inl'vx'iuusâ€" l)’ t'ur Ihv 1mm. and Mr. I". (K II. Simms ul' 'l‘iunuins. ()n the mutiun nt' ('ullm'inur (ilu'w sm-nmh'd by (‘uunviHur .\I(-(‘u.\' it was (IN-Med that Messrs. Hmmmmd um] llmmnuml lw again aluminum]. Hl'. Suttth l’ut'vttpim- yostutuht)‘ 21-11 in hm. with tht- tstsugu t'rmn King Hmn'gt'. tht'nttuh |.it'ttt.-(hn'ct'tmt' Hvtt- t'l'it'. atml lwhl tl clay ut' I'nllt't'liulls ttlthuttgh it was stt'ivtly muh-rstnml that the t'ttttt'ttsst't'a‘ t'ut' thv Ht'ttish Rm] t't'uss' wutthl ttut t-tttvt' :ttty httihl- tugs but vutttttw their \s'urk tn ;t('ult|l' in the street uttly. 'l'ht- result. was that tho Im'ttl l'nt- t'iutit- Hm-ivty by clislmsittg 01' I'm]. whitv attul hlttv huws tlicl (-xvvllotttly: thv svltcml vhihlt'mt ut' Sutttlt Purt'tt- pittv and “auto t'ztisml nx'vt' $100.00 and thv lluttw Htutt'cl by their t-tTurts will haw mm'v than $100.00. 'l‘hv 'l'ischth‘ ('uttnvil tlt‘t‘itll'tl thztt thv)’ \muhl nmkv thv :tmntmt up tu $50". any and T. Murrimm. 'l‘llt' lWH l'ur- awr a-ill la! returning in Kuwkash varly m-xt wvok hat Mr. .‘lnt‘risntt after having mmll' «at. tn rat-«ml a gmap ut' t'uar vlaitas t‘ur this triu has rc-tarai-cl again tn tla-ir pm'wrtivs. Hat ut' tlu- t'aar. whirl: arr all tu- m-thvt' aml sitttatv almat a "Ma and a qaartcr t'mai 'l‘ashmla ua milvagi- lil. \mt'l; tn any rxtvtlt has tally law-It c'at't'iml uttl utt mw vlaim aml l't'nm this asaays “‘lllt'lt haw ltt‘t'll taken slmw l't'utlt $4M” l'i Nilml la't' lutt. 'l'hiw- i-laims arr said In lw law-My taih-s wmt ut' tlu- King-“midst. 'l'hvt'i- ttl‘t' slttlt'tl lu lw luls nl' maul vlaims .m far as ittolic-ittiuas with tlw yuath ut‘ tlw maati'y llltllt’lllt' aml tlw far! that lat'gi- tmmlwrs ut' [It'nultt't'lurs haw takva ia grahstaki-s t'm' HIP mat- ia: “into-r mumhs \malcl [mint In a l'Ullllllllllllt't' nl' ac-Iiw ulu'l‘tlllutls. TIII-rv IIro rIIIItiIIIIIIIIy "lilll'n'r! ul' luml pmsIvauI’s and mining "IN! naming IIIIII gain; In and {rum llw Kn“ Lush 20M Hold and as ”w must I'I-liIIlIle are wry 'HIIIM‘I'V‘IIHH' III Ilwir giving uIIt nl‘ iIII'urIIIIIIiIIII IIIItil ""er and; has lm-II mrriml «III "II viIIIIIIs iII Whit"! Hm) IIro IIItvrmItml it may he IIIkaI IIIIII this is an iIIIIImIInII ul‘ mIm' runflclvlwv in HIP IllstriI't. .\IIIIIIIg IIII' mm! rem-III WIND IIIII'o rvturnml In 'l'iIIIIIIiIIs iII I'IIIIIIN'HII" with I-IIIIIIIII slukml I'III' HII'IIIIII'II'I'II \\'G'l‘l' Messrs. ' ('IIIIIIImI. 'l‘. Newm- m-y IIIIII 'l'. Murrimm. Th1- hI'II fur- British Red Cross Workers at Southend Iriu of Iimmins Ian Will Spend Winter Months lining Work on Group of Bialms [Mill PflflSPfflflflfi ABE llIiflfSIEfl ll KflWMSH IIISIBIBI l’lams for tho t-xtvusiuu lu the li: llunw mill ill‘t‘ unw lwing clml'lml. 'l'lw runstruvtinu :HHl mw-lumival Huff at tlw lhmw has been greatly slum;- tlwnml in llw past Hm nl’ tlmw ww-lcs by the im'lnsiun ul' Messrs. Waltmn and Tumor. hull: ul' wlmm lmvv lmol mm-h (-xpurivm-c in mill mumtruvllnn in many mumps. l'ntil sue-l1 time as this 111111 11111011511111 11115 1111111 1111111111111- 1111, it is 11111 11111111111111 1!: 111 111111111 11111- 1111,1:1- 1111111 11111 111-11'111'1: 1111111 11111 111: 1'1111 111 11111 111111 11.5 11111 tails \1'1111111 11111 11111 1111.511. ”1111' 11 51111111 11111111111111.111 111 11111 1111111 11111 1111111111 101 11111113 1"111111 11111 11111 1111111' 111111111 11115 11111111 1'11111111111' 1111111111 1111. MI. ”0012:“ In. Ynllll}: Hf Xul'lh Hay l’mvinviul “mini “1' ”with Inspm-tm has been :1 \‘isilur in vamp. stayin; an ill!“ (inlcliit-luls. :s‘m'liun ('zllbi. Alwhur “1' H10 Hulllv I'lxh'n- siun .‘lillt‘ is. hawk alum“ m rump ali'n-x' an vxtmulml 111]» Hill. will plawo u staltim l'nr tlw mm'vmvnm- lwrs rm'mnly gum: ('lmi'li-s ll. (‘lmpilu .lulm I'Iaistun mu! Mivhau-l Mailunvy w. Smli .\l. 'l°‘uirl0.\'.â€"â€" .\ii aipplimitiun l’nr rvlim' frum l'nri'vitm'v in rvspwi ul‘ Mining ('lziims 14174. 14175. l’ux'vuliim- Min- ing Divisiun. 'l'liis llllplit'iliinll was L'l'ltllit‘li un pnynwm ui' mmlwnsziliun and (‘Un'is tn I'vh‘pulltivlli. H. V. Bic-('luskcy vs. 1'. H. ”min and M. .l. Mulumgv. â€"-â€" Ho. Mining ('lziim 155975 situutv iii llw 'I‘mvmhip nl' Langmuir. in tlu- l’ni'mipiiw Min- ing Divisiun: an aiiiplivniinn umlur Sodium 81 01' HIP .‘iliiliii;..r AM. This «mlvr was ;.:‘l':lnlmi. .\('vm'dinf_r in 11 rum” :1 'm' ”1' gulcl l'l'ulu l’urphyl‘)’ is built: gut tng'vtlwr In' Mr. Wm. ()l'fm' llwrv and whvn mmplvn-(l “ill mH'tl" allmut ~32 Inns. Mr. Fred Yornol'. ui' llmnillnn H. \Vills' qun in 'l‘m'umn. was a! \‘isilm' in tho gnhl 'aunp during 11w past wool; and I'vtnrnml 'l‘lmrsdm'. \ ”UIH'N ('nntts vs. It. (i. .\nmn.-~â€".\ dispute vl'l'vvting' Mining ('Iaiinis 17517 and 17-123}, ('aisvy 'l'uwnsliip, in my 'l‘viniskmning Mining “iVihiHll. llmir- in}: ”1' nrgnnnâ€"nt. Mr. In iili‘; ilispniv jndg'nn-nl was i'osoi'vml. 'ltlwl'v \\'(°!'v ”My HH'H- |'3|‘('\' l'ul' ('ulllllliSsiHlH'l' ”mla‘Ull in «hull with in the Mini": (mm m lluilc.\'lnu'.\' nu \\'1-¢ltIt-sclat}'. ml! ”1' whirl: 1w” \wrv in l'olntiun tn Ilw l’nrmwinv «liqrirt. ('lmrlt-s ll. ('llxlpill. .lulm Hush.” and Mivhau-l Mulunvy w. Sm” .\l. Before Commissioner in Hailey- bury Iris Week When Two flrders Were Granted 'l'iu- Mrlntyrv Extrinsic." Slml': lms nuw rmwlwcl u oIc-plh uI' HVI'I' 7“" 1'00! and it is ox'wvlml Hm: sinking m 1mm for! Will lw vmnlllvlml hM'nrv Hw NM ul' llw ymr. This shaft is siluutml Mm furl l'rnm tlw Jupiter TWfl PUHCUPINE MINING BASES WERE Hfflfifl In eendin; out notices to ehnrehol. dere oi the flclntyre Porcupine Mines Limited. the Secretary encloses the report of Pruident Alex. hi. Bay. drawing attention to the {act that the epecial general meeting to be held next Friday in Toronto will be in. formed that an agreement has been entered into for the purchase oi‘ a controlling interest of the Jupiter Mines. Limited. 'l'lu' I‘v'mri l‘urilwr gnu-s ull lu my: 'l‘lw prim' ncn'ml in lw pawl fur is c-nlllrullim.’ llllc‘n'sl m im- .lzmllvi' prulwrly is $152.00", Hl' illi- emu upm'uximnivly -- lmi um PM'I‘Nlilt: .filiuum “ill “0' paid in ”w .lupih-r i'nm'mny in mmhlv ii In pm "if lie lmmlml imlvltimlm-ss mul Mlld'l‘ lin- llllllli's‘. om llml llw .lnpiivr prulu-I'iy mul lINM‘ls. runsielmu ul‘ 7” m'i‘v-s \\ tilt lmilcllngn. plum mul m'nilmwnl. “'ill lm im'm-«l mm' in Ilw m-u mm'mn)‘. i‘rm- i'rum all mwumln'nmum. .\~ rm "Ilsa-i nuninsi Iluis pmmvni. Sl'JJNNl \mrtli ul' minim: Inmvlmm') lull‘u'lms- ml mul I'lllil Inr lvj.’ llw .lulnic-r i'ump- un)‘. lmI uni )vi clolin-n-cl. \xill lw lm'nml nwr in ilw mm- c-ummm}. Is What Shareholders Will be lnlormed By President at Special General Meeting in Toronto Next Friday PRICE BY MclNTYRE FOR JUPITER $152,000 l‘lw is Financial Briefs rumnr that the 'l'. K N. ( n staltiun alt liustnn ('l'm uf the Ian In and 1'! H! “IUH’ Hm! H MPSSI‘S. H. iml'ie ut' 'l'nt'cmi Gen. II. Beebe at Syracuse. N.Yi aiming guests registered at the fields Hate] yesterday, their 1: in visiting rump being in mm \‘iith the Slim-('55 Shine where Mr. J. H. MvMiHun. miningr it.‘m :2» tur far this «listl'ivt. lms' mom-mm! n. Lioutmmnt's mnmuissiun \aith Majm‘ ltuzm's' tunm Hing: («mummy and will Him]! 101' duty about the litst m5 t :o: Humth. Mt. Mt-Millzm has 506“: :rmtml loam ut ahscmc In! m. cw..- limitml potiml and his clutivs ’wm will he ('all'l'iml un by inspm'tul's Worn utlwr minim: divisions. lnspovtur Mc'Millzm will lw ; .uInâ€" athlu aquisitiun tn the tum w ‘m: muqmny, lw lmsiuw haul Slll‘ll :2 \fzzto: vxpm‘iunvc in umlet'gmunol “mi. W. I". Sx-lmmzu'hcr ui' Hm Sc- c-lH-x' Syudimluo rotlu'nml ‘m his in ('ulumhns, ()Iniu, nu thv mum t“-41l}'. (UNI! I Silvm' 'l'lw nmlmt 01' “w nwtaillit'r :nim's :Iml \mrks ul' (mm-in fni' six munlhs ending: .luiw ::mh. 1 us n-pui'lul in llw Unlnriu hurt-n mint-s is slmwn by tho t'ulluwing l whirl: givvs ails“ tho ln'mluvtiuu liw vul‘l'vSIMileillg‘ lu'l‘imi Ht. lust \ Six "mums. Six mm 191."). Im- HHM . . $3.5)THJWZZ $2,”.IT Mining inspector McMillan to War ls flver Una Million More in Vai-o us far Same mum of last Year Rm'vm Ih'vvlu'mwms un tlw 500 I'm»! INTI I'l‘um .‘lvlmyro Nu. 3 53m”. haw ulmml up n hmly «1‘ high urmlu milling urv In thv must tmvnnls thv Jupih-r lim'. This \“vin in in thv ruu~ lm't zmw W'lit'll [run-ram thv Jupiter pru'wrty fur a «listmu-v ul' nn-r 2mm I'm‘t fmm mm! in mm. \vlwrv. in tin- Jmlitvr \mrkimgs urv "3' am (NHIIHHW' mhw M' lwhw‘vu ”mm and "MW ham- drml Humsmul «lullm's has nlrrudy hm'u clm‘c-lupm! and is uvuilnhh- t'uv shaming. Mrlntyrc- Xu. 5 Sim“ hxm hm‘n vumph'lml In llw Tom fun: luv! and c-russ-vmting “ill ho- sturlml thiq work hulh am the um um! 700 that. lmols tn mp this urv hmly m tho-9w ch-Mhs. line. and nlmut lull Tm fmm tlw Mr- lnlyn- linv. m Hm! I! run Iw utili/ml as n main slmfl In ormmmiruuy ole- win.» and handle urv minml "n ma- mirth side «1' the MM l’mm nll Izm‘m pmlwflim. lu Hm c-rm-Iiuu ut' Hu- m-w mill «litiun. whirl: is mow umlvr may. visinn will lw made Mr tlu- truth. "1' .hmilvr nrq-s. mu! it is vxlw than tlw t-xlm I'M‘vnm- In lu- cIa-r {rum this smll'm' and rum: tlu- In upvmtiuns muw mun-mplxm-cl. lllfll't' Hum Inkv mnn- M' ”w «ww- tmw tn lw im-urrml in thv lum- um! clvwlulmu-m ul' llu- nvw [m- I it's. Efllfl Pflflflflflflflfl fflflM 0mm IN SIX MHNTHE being Single Copies 5 Cents . 188.7131: 329,8!” 5:93.525 2883!“; 5515.04” :: M if: H.“ My all 's' Minv l'nl'tlcn'n l'hv pm 0:. ”U“ Six mm.’ 1m, 1914. $2M mm 7463.4 :1; 1.197.125!) 2.5725415 H in um H r” am I‘l'! pal 0' \‘O -_0.. "325 H" In U)! sul~ om- NM. 'H'cl . (‘d \‘iH *IIS “(9 01' l..‘ H. (H‘ N" H SO!

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