Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 25 Oct 1912, 1, p. 5

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It t‘i' t i1 01. V! “I -e| Well finished and complete 1r price. for convenience. D. W every detail Brownell, Porcupine Advance Office. sold The Northern Ontario Light and Power Company wish to inIorm their consumers that they do not now have a collector for their accounts, and in order to get the benefit of the discount must be paid at the ofiioe before. the 113th of the month. [‘wo roll top desks for sale at a rgain. Good as new and will be id for less than half the cost um won finished and complete in Company Mining Contractors South Porcupine, 1W“ DESKS fflfl SME capable mining men and we guarantee good work in every contract undertaken Reports and Maps on completion of every Contract. High-class References NOTICE 5 Cook 0‘2 Mitche/l ' C Barristersâ€"Solicitors--Iotaries : Temple Building, Toronto Goldon Ave. South Porcupine ..Qo ..u .I - .00.u.n.o~.«.oo.oo.~.u.u.n.u.- The building lot the new mill at ;the Swastika is practically complet- Eed the carpenters being employed now in putting on the. gulvaniae‘d sheeting. The machinery is not yet delivered, but is expected inside 30 days. and the management state' installing ol the machinery are all in place. - Swastika :--Beiore the first of Jan. nary two mills should be in opera~ tion at Swastika and treating from! '80 to 90 tons of gold ore per day. l The Swastika ten stamp mill is ready for the machinery at any tine. At the Lucky Cmss five stamps will : be installed and room left :lor five limore to be installul later. The ship- M ming News We are going out of this line : MENâ€"Here is a chance to saw Men's HcaVy ribbed under wear suit. SW EATER COAYS from Shh't! .A nim assortment. of price from 900. to $1.60. 500k. All wool. Reg. 360. pair, 5 pair pair, 3 pair for $1.00. Mitt! We have a big assortment of gloves which we will clear out at cost. suit. Pcnmen's a suit. ++++++++++++ Special Values ‘11 it: (‘urmins Ihapuics Rugs 1mm uuuuu -++++++++++++ Let everyone take advent age of our prices. THE PORCUPIN E ADVANCE Come in and Talk it Over With Us You can make For a very moderate sum we can furnish your home delightfully comfortablekmd cozy make no mistake in furnishing mce little home right here \\‘ 500 to $3.50. men's heavy shirts ranging in {W GENERAL MERCHANDISE for $1.00; Reg. 500. T0 m lfillV SVNUIEME Ill CUMMENCE WUBK Nave Bond looking Properties the Subject of Manual training In Iunnuull and will last in Schuuts Biven Particular Inenu Intulliqently ‘ Attention Porcupine is making good so rapidly these days that renewed at- tention is being given to the out- lying wwnships and Turntmll and Robb are receiving their share of believers that gold is to be found in paying quantities. dividually interests. In six years the Nipiss'mg (30., of Cobalt has returned to its stock- holders $0,490,000. The company has ore reserves valued at $6.0(XMXN and a substantial surplus in the tmasury. W. E. Edwards has a force of man on his property in 'l'isdale on the Deloro line, west of Uomchakc, as well am doing considerable assess- ment. work on thirteen claim» in Southern Whitney. We cannot see however in the face of the present production of nearly a half million dollars per month and the phenomi'nal discoveries being made in nearly all the active work- ings of the camp, wherein they can hope to put prices any lower than those at present ruling. The posi- tion is suoh that it would not be surprising to see a reversal of position any day and prices go soaring on strength of short Gover- ing alone. New York, Oct. 17.-â€"A bobaoco company entirely independent of any of the subsidiaries which made up the American Tobacco Company beâ€" fore the dissolution. was incorpor- ated yesterday with $50,000,000 capital under the laws of Virginia, I‘according to announcement issued in ithis city, setting; forth details of ithe new organization, which will he. iknnwn as the 'l‘ohacco Products (for- poration. The capital is diVidcd in- .to $30,000,000 common stock and $20,000,000 preferred stock. Fifty Million Dollar Company “I suppose," observed the tramp, bitterly, “you would like to have me get ofl the earth. But I can- not. “Have you tried soft coap?” ask- ed the woman in the blue gingham dress dispassionately.-â€"Puck. FROM A DIFFERENT ANGLE Mining News Iffififlifl'fi' MET The first session opened on Thurs- day at '2 tun. after the Scripture Reading by Re\'. Mr. Robertsmi. the visiting tcm'hers were heartily Wei. mined by Dr. Lowery. Mayor of fiiirlnhnrt and Dr. Lowe. Chairman M the Board of Education. The first paper was read by Miss Sullivan uf Vew Liskeanl mi ”Dis- eipline." Miss Sullivan dwelt upon the mural value «if (lisi'ipline in stremrthening eharaeter and develop. in: true manhood ul‘ wnnianhnml. She emphasized the importance of the persnnal faetnr in the pmhlmnâ€" the personality nl the teaeher. his sympathy with and love of the wnrk and his insight into character and conditions. The practical side of the subject was also discussed. and imans suggested for securing dis- leipline. : Mr. Chambers of North Bay than laddresaed the meeting 011 “Manual Training." Mr.(‘l1mmbers began by correcting the general impression that Manual Training means practice in wood-cutting. etc” and defined it as training the mind to direct the lhand. Mr. Chambers explained the lnord i111 Manual Training on tlw :Srlmol Curriculum. and pointed out :its disciplinary \alur. and the part lit plays in dmvlopimz character. and Ein inrult‘atim: rospovt for work. 3 A short discussion of the subjm't iby Mr. lipid of Cobalt and Mr. ‘~’.\larfarlanr of llailvy‘lmry, closrd the first session of the Convention. 'I‘hv Friday morning: sassion was oponml by an i11~1rur1i\'c paper on 1:1'11111111111‘ by Mr. livid. Mr. Reid rapidly l‘|'\'ll‘\\'l'd the liielory of the English lama-11am. Ila then dolinml the slum-1:1. Grammar. and explaim-d its great \aluc in 11-;uliim; the ap- p1mcd usuges of a languago and in i11tc1p1cti111: its moaning. In con- cluding. Mr. Ri-id gave some useful practical hints with regard to teach- 'ing the subject. Mr. (.Yliziiiiiit-i's gaw a second aii~ (111355 on his subject of the precedâ€" ing day. in this address he pointed out the utilitarian value 01' Manual Training, and gaVc practical illustra- tions of its place on the cur- iriculium. A paper on History by Miss l:.ivh- iardson of Latehl'ord, followed. Miss illiehaxdson dealt \eiy carefully with ilthe geneml aim of l1isto1'\â€"-to teach lthe 1eal \alue of the social and Jpolitieal fo1ees of todayâ€"and with the ethical value of its appeal to the hig'hei emotions. As m‘Jre im- portant, she emphasized its value in forming habits of careful reasoning [and sound judgment. Miss Richard- son concluded with a short discus- of the ‘best methods to be used in teaching historyz At the afternOon session, many questions of interest discussed, and arrangements for the next Conven- tion made. South Porcupine was chosen as the place of meeting and she following oflices were elected to the Executive for the ensuing year- ”on. Presidentâ€"“311'. ”allott. Presidentâ€"Alia Beuttie. Vice-I’l'csidenWMrs. Chzu‘lebois. Sccrctary-TreasuHerâ€"«Miss Higgins (-‘omnittocâ€"E‘lissos McAlpine, E Young, Macdonuld. Rush, Macrae Baxter. lio-presi-ntntin: to the (A). E. A. -- Mr. .-\. W. Wilson, li..-\. 'l‘lie ('om'ention was declared a. were characterized by clever insigh: suveoss by all present. The papers and sound judgment, and the dis- cussions were helpful. An interesting concert and a merry dance on Thursday evening were thoroughly enjoyed by the visitors and a side trip to Englchart Falls was also full of interest..T'he mem- bers of the Association left Engle- but with kind .mmem‘branees of the hospitality of the Northern town. Raffertyâ€"Sure, Kelly, but I'm glad to see yez. I thought ye were dead. I heard siveral payple shpa‘ kin' well av ye'I..-â€"F‘uck. A NATURAL BEL] F31“. M [NGlfHAHI

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