Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 25 Oct 1912, 1, p. 4

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wi tit of 3'04 plc PF tr! bi. tit V8 fl The Porcupine Advance elected." It bu been four hundred and twenty years since Columbm dis- covered America and the Irish put- ato. Both have grown some in this time in world wide import- Presi'dent Taft can say on the morning of Now-miner i'vth. "I told you so.” I never expected to In- 81108. La'dy dc Bathe says that Ameri- on men should wear gaycr clothes. EVidently she has never seen a procession of ciViu suvivtivs m) by or the Tammany Hall Imy~ in full marching regalia. --â€"-â€"--<«â€" .â€" What. some men regard as only a harmless hobby by themselvcsh re- garded by others as 3 bd habit. first loss now up to Uhr gin to feel old The. Balkan war looks like «11“. Shannan nid H. wu. Paris pulicomcn are living farmed into classes for instruvtimi in lock picking. pnl'kct.'pi('kill‘.! and general burglars .urk. Whmi it comes to the higher work in hold‘ups and assassination .1 pm“! 1:: .uhmu- mmso van he had in .\v\\' \ork. There is a man down in Kansas who complains Ulnar. since 'hisdaug'h- tor has taken music lessons she in- sists upon playing only classical stuff which he can not understand. He complains that the whole fem- inine oommunit‘y is in league to uplift him and he does not want to be uplifted. His taste for music stops short at Suwanee River. His idea of («union after coming: home (3‘1 preâ€"‘Raphaelitus are discomiorts whit'h he wants to forget. There is little hope that anything permanent can ever be done for father, when the niillineuin comes he will still be found reading his news- paper. smoking up the window cur- tains, impeding the advance of cul- tureâ€"and paying the bills. and mind the prom tired runs to shirt pct in the from p “Lend a Hand." This i; not a cry from the pulpit. it is a name of a paper printed by the inmates of the state penitentiary of Salem. Oregon, and contains this paragraph: 510!) While only Gun-do Unucd Slot-.9 “Idaho is falling into line with 'l‘he mevtin fvw old fmlhioned n i m: (l rc Advertising Rate. Furniuhet Phooo 3. ’ublished every Friday by slipper )f SUdSCRIPTOON RAYES: )nly 3;! years 0! age It is to Uhristy Mathemn to be- FRIDAY. OCT. 25 0E0. LAKE, PROP. minor poets and "Ht for 31‘ t [S 101‘ and the discus- or poets and the are discomforts the Browning circle ha sleeves and c ing the correct gentleman and ballads as being a wcaried body $2.00. not 3 00 0 \cu. made his a l' the honor syste tentiary mak’mg sew I and tempt [119“ crop in much am {he fnraman says ing farms." This is but one. of the many cases that could be cited in favor of the new idea of the conduct of prison- ers. More and more we are hemm- ing a sensible christian nation and realizing that brutality begets brut- ality. Some day pmbahly. our prisons will aim to give to the criminals the opportunities he has missed. and not make him mom do- generate by taking away even thoae pitiable few which he has. t‘am vitizensltip. The lbnmwutshaw chuscn William Sulmr. He has been a party man. and a 'l‘mnmamy man. but not of tln- mrruptiblo typo. He stands fur [prim-irplvs as well as party. and flls’llllllls [)N‘smlul mlvzmt- the political boss No matter wlmm tho \‘nters of New Yurk Stun- elect. they seem destined tn haw an hunost mwcmur . J New Mark when he looks over It is a favm'ite jest of the joke ilmikmi tc writers and the cartoonist to Md 'thvm and Us “pity the poor rich.” inf typo. But is there not. after all, just! ()n (w: :i hit of truth in the admonition? imay thv ”ore is a test. inn-vent m has :1 (-usth of printim: New Sun- day on highl}'«ral('11(lzll‘c-(l paper the pictlll'vs of five or six of fashion's darlings. 'l'hvy are sometimes m'vttv \x'unwn. but rarely is there prvtty wmnmn hut rnrvly Is the expression of happiness or or mntont upon their fentums. lnuk weary, hm'ed, create, 01' nutthing to struggle for They are born to social position. Dressing is a question fur the maid In snlvv. Meals are all arranged by a h«_)u.~‘ckoopor and her staff ofser- u housvkovpor and her staff of 591‘ vants. Does she mmt diamonds ? Write a check ! Would she like In g” abroad '? Once more. the ready chock book After all. there is smnothi'n-g tonic in work. Afterall. life's pleasures are sweetened and hci'Lrhtvnm-l by the struggle to secure them. Sn that ish A yacht .’ 'l‘hc money is available. Do you wonder they are bored Nothing: L0 (in in life but 0; and sleep, (ll't‘h‘n and play. the rich whu neither nulls and to enter into domestic relations and multiply the earth. -l)r. Adolf Meyer is director of the Phipps psychiatric clinic at Johns Hopkins, and therefore may be quoted as high authority in his chosen field. hr. Meyer is less radical than some medical men and eugenists in his \‘ievs oonceming the rights of defectives to marry. “The public." said he in a recent interview. “is apt to lay much stress upon heredity. It is not the disease. physical or mental, which ' 'm n 0 W ,l \V ,l C( \V .v\nd thvn [finont I‘m and with thei recently 8| ret urnad \\' ll‘ curt :oml :ulministraticm I'd hands an almuzt hear the wails of don't knuw l l'( :ildth without gua Illll fl} 1H mall y [1111 the say about whether fectives {nt'a Now York “1‘1 lstel I'vusun. They have W8 LII“! wout whether the as shall continue stic relations and in the state 0“ Ten prisoners and hen from SOHQI‘S outing 5mm work 11 prison, high to to has finished 1nd pit newspaper surround t? T! got the ter than ll 1110111 in pen Stl'll The 303' They peev- on] p the out tin which furnishe Matt's! Luther ”saw things." and at one time threw his inkstand at the devil, Whom he imagined he saw standing in the room. Max Nondau has listed as "degen- erates" a large number of men of genius. among them Walt Whitman. Rossetti tile poet. and many Paint- (3T9 With Conditions perfected. We breathe more easily so far as dity is concerned. William Blake. author of some of the most beautiful poems in our languasm. died insane. Donn Swift. like the tree he once mnmlized up- «m “died first at the top." These men had thinking machines which were drivon so furiously that they broke d0\\'l‘l or "wnbhlc'd." But how much better is the world for A woman in New York recently killed her three children for fear that they would develop had quali- ties which haul wrecked her own life. Misguided woman! Nut unefluart- er of their heredity ezime from her. Nut one-half their qualities came from lmth father and mother. Mure than tiu'ee-qlmrters «if their natures mental and physiml probably rume frnm am'estnrs with perfectly nur- mzil personalities. She should haw innkwi In (‘nmiiiinth surrounding luukwl tn (-umlitinne surrounding them and trustml ln rhv (luminance The Township of Lorruin has been thrown open for settlement and (ieo. T. Smith, mining recorder at i-la.myâ€" bury has been Urinpururily unprinted as ermvn lands agent for the new prcwmt marrium- of DN'SO’I lutvd tn cat-h nthor. 0:101 in DhySival and one mvntal I“cehlc3mindvd peoplv h: may thv stutv properly interfm- l"colnl03mindwl pcnplv havo feeble- minded children. Suvll should nut be allowed to marry. 'l’lmso inl'vctvd. with syphilis or mll- ” venereal diseases should not he not a person applying for :1 mar- riage license he rvquil‘ed to take an oxmni‘natiun for the diseases men- timm-d. tn be made by the qmblic anthm'ities at the state's expense. Lorrain Township Open To Settlers permitted tu pvrpetrutv the terrible fraud uf mart'iuu'v. 'l‘hv feeble-minded may easily idontitiml and (mntl'nllml.. The is mun- difficult. Hut why a: nut a person applying: for a territory and It I: which can only I timf and fairness t up land. The land has been mostly by Wiliie', Big Sisterâ€"Willie, what do you mean by climbing upon Mr. Sapleigh’s chair? Come down at once. bu I')‘ "Money. after all. means nothing but trouble." “Still it. is the only kind of trouble which it is hard to borrow."â€"Baltimorc American. Willieâ€"Inn lookin' for his soft sparâ€"National Monthly. Emersor inherited. I but Jethe hesidt IIAI) .-\ SOFT SPOT The township HARD TO mnnow and it is an appointment In only result in satisfac- fuir‘noss In any «me taking him “'83 a man he land taken up “91'“ :munds only self many lunatics THE PURCUPINE ADVANCE at. times. lmL 'l'ho nther Hut why almuld ,u-cordi n temperament ‘l'sn’ns nut to Shakespeare ple of Haik nearly three agricultural t rv. There L: Ian-S 11 ip will pm :mat while O . perhaps nspn su far up here- t h( be ll' 'lnmtimrs COIIP‘lStllMt of Um- Away thiniaw. ”no! (iaiulim‘ Crusher. ”no Gasoline Lamp. Ono Trunk mmtain- .im: hunks mi minvrals and assays. {quantity ui talilv dishes, «mo tent iwitli lloor. will be sold by public .auction at the Progress Clothing lStore. on Saturday. the 2nd day lof November. I012 at the hour of two o'clock in tlw afternoon by Solomon Sky and the vroceeds of such sale will be applied in paynwnt of the amount due. together with the cos-ts of such advertisinir and sale. to pav tlw sum of $79.00 due by him for room rent. Dated at South I’Orcupine this fLUHd day of ()ctulmt'. A. ll. "”3. W. .-\. that his longings Â¥ These articles can be seen at Ken- 1'ied) s stoxe, “South Poxcupine. | '1 011(1er can be sent to Ten Sc C0., 30 Ixing Street East. Hamilton, or !to Cook 8; Mitchell, South Porcu- Holllnger Gold Mlne Limited, (No Personal Liability) Shareholders. in order that diVid- end eheqiues may be mailed to them personally. should have their stock recorded in their own names. This can be done on application to the Toronto General Trusts Corporation. Transfer Agent in Toronto. or the Montreal Trust (‘ompanyu Transfer Agent in Montreal. llated 13th October. 1913. Tenders are inVited and will be received by the undersigned up to November lst. for the following ar- ticles, \'i7.., 1 Safe, cost $136; 1 Toledo Computing Scale, cost $170; 1 Cash Register, cost $186; ’3 sets sleighsfi 1 stage sleigh, and l wagon. All these articles are practically as good as new. The safe, scale'and register canbe purchased subject to the Vendor's lien paying the difference in cash. pine 'l'A'KiE NOTICE that a Court of Revision will be held at the Gaol at Porcupine, ()nt., from 1-0 a.m. to 4 pm. of the 22nd., 23rd. and 34th. day of October, 1912, for the purpose of hearing and deter- mining appeals against the Assess- ment of the Township of Whitney for 1912. Shack and contents, camp out- fit, etc., $50. Also furniture. Apply Electric Light Office, Bruce Avenue. Dated at Porcupine this 9th day of ()cwber. MAJESTIC POPULAR Wllcrv you ‘ml 511* Clean Vauclm‘illv and the Inn-st and host pictures produced. an cwning nl‘ mru mnnsmnvnt wlu-n you fml tn g0 tnthis pup- ulm' play lumsc of rvfim'cl ontm‘tnimnvnt \'01' ARE 29-30 (‘ampbcll will talu- notice baggage and personal be- UWIUENB NflIlCE 'l‘rust (‘mnpunyu 'l‘rzu Montreal. flth ”amber, 1913. I). A. l)['\'L.\l’, ASSIGNH’S SME PUSllC NDIICE THFATRE FOR SALE. MCI mod EGHEE Secret airy-Treasurer. I. M. F0 R BBS, Clerk PRICES ""88"“: Tow 6: Co., Assignees To Mine Managers’ The Porcupine Advance Job Department is fully equipped to do any work you need in the shortest possible time, and do it well 1»! PORCUPINE The Edwards Company The Mulligan House Fittml up with all The Mulligan House is without doubt the Greatest Gold Mining Camp the world has ever produced, Considered at the same stage of Development. Undeveloped prospects can now be secured for a mere. fraction of what they will eost a little later. You missed youropportnnity in Cobalt and other new ramps. Don't make the same mistake again. Get, in before the good ones are all taken. All eorrespondenee will have our prompt and ('al‘el'ul attention. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT MINING AND REAL ESTATE Mndcrn Convunivnvos Rah-s Runsnmlhlv Always at your Servin- Box 309 South Porcupine PORCUPINE. ONT. l’l‘nlwl‘tit's I‘Ixmnim- vaml‘ts I’lll‘llishwl

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