Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 24 Sep 1915, 1, p. 1

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Vol 1. No 55 CAMPAIGN AGAINST BUY- Infill"! m HM! A ING OUT __(_)_g=_ GOLD CAMP "m" gvyfl'fi'gflgms Will Be Started By Timmins Retail Merchants ---Also Discuss Other Matters Affecting Business Men The Betti! Merchants’ Association, of Timmina having in View the desire! to no thnt in: orders are sent out; of town which. in their opinion ought; to be retaincd in the gold camp. will; nt an only date commence a vigorous j campaign on these linea. as decided, at thoir annual meeting on Wednwe day night of this week. um- dnzvn “‘1!“ 0 llull'ws ln mmm-liun with Hm purpcm- . the [Kt-mil Mom-hunts rovontly mu!” m! in Tim .\¢l\'m|m- as M tlwir syshr lwim: [ml llmh'r way fur Hw vultir clmvn M' m Iznu'h vrmlit it mm [min ml nut at Hw movting that tlu-rv \w'l smm' 1.41m revsidt'nu in Timmins wl 'I'Iw m-xt dividend ul' tlw “HIIII' Mums Ltcl. Is mumum'ml us payable- uun I’m'mnhm' 1M. wm-k um Sunli‘ IAN" rvsuwms In Iumums “H" ”mm..." ,1... -- V- _ wvro (-xtvmlvd :wvuums and it was NH 1chan ”w n-ssull n!’ this will In found that m svvornl rim-a wlwn prutm-Iiun fur the mum-as mm: u! Ilumy nl' threw [ample rem-inn! their llw tuwn in this pm'tivnlur luw us tlu earnings Hwy sent mall mmy In uul- gvm'ml idea am-ms tn lu- Hm! in I'm-('1 side plums but whcm'vvr c-rmht was 01' this «Ivm'rimiull u trmnsivm tmd mslml fur they “patronized” lumu- «r s lu-vusv slnuulcl apply. Z... ... .x. 3:5.3. 55......â€" ___::=_r:.__ 3. 2:. 35:55: 33.7. «2252.4 1.2: 7.22.2: 23.1. :_ $.:::_z.n. l’nrvulvinv ('ruwn divich-ml ui' thru- lwr «PM. is mumum'ml us 'myuhlo ull Hvtulwl‘ lst next. Mr. H. I'. tux. IIIMIIII 4'IIIIIIIIII LIN .\.~;.~IIIIIIIII-I- I turned III 'I‘uInIItu. ..:_. 2.7.. __....1.:_..:. .1. 7...: 5:... 2.7. 2 11:2. _: 4.61, E:â€" 2.22:... 2.. 2:. 5.23.. Mr. H. L. Hilvhw Ims hum) ummim- ml Winnipeg umnugor ul’ tlw Huyul Hunk ut' (‘umuiau mwvu-«ling Mr. I). ('. Ron. Mr. Mark Harris ”1' Huffnlu. .\'.Y., arrived in tlw gulcl mun]! lust M'vmng Sidewalk for Schumacher and Other Important Items Were Dealt With at Thursday’s Meeting TISDALE COUNCIL DECIDE 0N LGCAL IMPROVEMENTS and i4 staying: all tlu- King (ivm'gv in Small: l’nrvulmw till Monday 11ml will (Inn slay m :lw (lultlllt'lllfi in 'l‘ilmuinx fur a vapllu- nl' «lays. maid! .\t the usual meeting “f the 'I'isdale Cmmeil lust Tuesday evening- instrue- timis were given in regard tn hm “1' three impurtzmt matters un'mmg res- idents in the 'l‘mvnship and in mm- neetiun with whieh the t‘uuneil «le- eitlmi «m talking tletiun. .\ letter was received t'ruin the h‘ehuumeher Mining (‘umpuny draw- in;.' uttentimi tn the need at at new tire hall there and this was referred tn the 1"ire and Light (‘mnmittee tn deal with. H" .\ mmrc Ii I!“ Financial Briefs THE PRPOCUINE ADVANCE l’rvsidcm ui' tlw Shh}- «(mutants and it was svvornl ('flNN wlwn [maple revvivod Hu-Ir mg that there wvrv‘ing paddled I'rum Immu- In lmuso in s in Timmins wlm 'l'immins by lu-uplr frum nutsulc- and ”nuts mu! it was xm «Icmht Um rvssnlt nl' this will lw worn! ram-w wlu-n mutt-Minn fur the lmsim-ss nwu on!’ pic rot-rived their'llw 1mm in this Imrtivnlnr lim- us tlw malt away In mu- lgvm‘ml idea .wvms tn lw tlmt in mum pl‘vaiclem ”I0 pur'ms‘o' "9' recently umllw in tlwir sysh-m fur tlu- muting r in rump this HIP lluun H'allll ul' tlu- has re- pm at - D “‘9“. I“ ,n' I" mum TO-DAY'S STOCK QUO tS'Itht-cl by Huuu'l' |.. (Noon Closing) .\|w.\‘ . . ....... lhmw KM. ...... “mm- lmlu- ..... lhmw Mines anv)‘ H'Ih'ivn Hulcl lh'vl' ...... llullingm' Jupiter . . ..... Mrlnlyl'v I’m't'upilw ('I'uu'n Inuwriul l’restun 1‘2. Hume 'l'm'k “light-s Vilmml . . ..... “'05! “mm- 'l‘vvk lluglws the west end :1! Snuth l’nn'npim- \va‘itod nil the (‘uunvil H-gzmlin; «hun- ,l',:c lwing dune tn tllt‘il [Il"'1»|!(‘lt} by .Stl'ilfjillg vutllv. It was “minimum! that 'tho rattle all lwlungml in “110 mun. 'l‘hv 'l‘uwn l‘h-rk \\'u.~"rvquestmi :‘tu nntih' the man im'ulvml tn kw.» 'his rattle clean ”1' tlw hurt) after ”milking: humus and tu 509 th: II the h}- ‘.'|u\\ in town! In this “as enf'nmuul n gu int Iw rmlm' Drifting eastward at tho SUN-{nut lowl. Mt-lntyro Mint-s ran tan» a hml)’ 01' “11- six t'm-t wide. assaying >531) tn tht' tun. avvut'ttill}: tn all! ulttrttll state,- mcnt made tn 'l‘hv News ywtvrda)‘. Last I'vpurts were that they \wrv still ltt um lull question nt' ln'ivvs Hr. eight-inch pilw. Accounts “Humming: tn $34.17 were submitted to tho (‘mmvl‘z and instruo- liulls give fur the same to he paid. In regard tn the matter “1' street lights on Mnnetn 'l"m\nsite. it “ill be renietnlzeted that n clenntntiun \uiiteil an the (‘-unmil same time am) with :1 teqttest that 11 mm light he plated t'm' their benefit. Sim-e then the Xurthem Untarin light and Power (' utnpzim lune heen seen nn the ques- tiun and lights “in he installed as desired :15 early as gmsfll 19. A no“ light will ills” he plan-ml in {mm 112' the selmul zit Sehnmuc-lzer. mpau ‘ '{P' .\nuthr Mum: ‘ McINTYRE'S NEW FIND. M dvpuptzniun t'rmu llll‘t rlt‘C‘ "nun-r It'Nt‘l‘ w I WM)’ nwrvhnms n-lmms ammmt u mm- ! m Hm «ml uf Hc-tuln-r _- vnriuus urguuu-msu un "Rustin". ’m-limt ~r take-n mum! in m nus! vat I'll. QUOTATIONS Surrounning Buiidings Were in I '~ Breai Hanger 0? Destruction ““’ ’ [luring Progress of Buniiagratinn H1 mi tin HM H D TIMMINS, ONTARIO. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 24th. 1915. up m ,r mum H-siclvnts (If I l’ux'rupinv tho that n0 01‘ HI) U4 UT)“ 08‘ (it! 05‘ H5 m m George i. Graham Was- (lunar Expect to ilava Control at Pro- of Claim Near Bahia-lama party Known as Blobs Bold and Will nevaiop i in California Privately ’i . “N . l l'iaulvllart. ”at. Sept. 22.-â€"-- Fin- lstartiag t'ram snmv aakmm-a vaast- iclvstl'uyml tlw building um'upiml by l.\lr. .‘viialt-y. ammsitv the railway taml a slmrt «listaam- t'rum tlw 'l'. 3.\'. H. railway statiua slmrtly at'tm' imam yostvnlay. The family lived in ftllv appvr part at the lmilcliag aml ‘tla- lmw-r part was um'apiml by Mr- Kialvy's lamt aml slaw sturv aml alsa aa ic-v (‘l‘t‘tllll parlur. llatll .\ll°. am! Mrs. )lle’inlvy \\'(‘l't‘ uat at tlw timc the tire stal'tml aml a girl in tlw ltl\\'t‘lllll,‘,! up stairs ,«mvv lla- alarm. j'l‘lu- tirvmva rt-slmmlml wry prnmptly llmt vitlwr tllraagll sntm' fault at' the {vagina ur ut' llw tqm'a pumps lm pres- ‘lsarv was uhtaiaml aml tlaally tlw la'urk ul' lighting tlw lirt' l'vll la a 'lmvkvt brigaclv. Htlwr lmascs ia tlw .viviaity vaaglnt tirv limo aml again. ~|mt willingI “wrkvt's suna svalml tlw 'nmt's aml pat ant the iavipivat lircs started by falling: ll'tllltlS varriml 1lirmulvast by tho wiml. aml Stht'tl lla- latljaiaiag Imilcliags. 'l‘lw lllllltllllL' tlt'- strnyml was t'arawrly kmmn as tlw l’t-ac-hy prupvrty aml tlw loss is esti- smatml at sm'l-ral tlamsaml «lullars. l prn'w Hm h vintm ”IF-ht". Mr. Graham and his mum- c-inh's «In um inn-ml Hunting a mum» :my'tu clN‘Plnp lIw pm'wrty: they may. Imwcvvr. slmrtl)’ nssuvimv \HIII ”mum-Ives snmvum- wlm will under. mkv tlw clowlnpmom in the interests cml)‘ uf ”so mun-rs. HRE flifiIflflYS SHIRE Blllllllflfi AT [NBlEHAflI l 'l‘lw \‘(in nmv luin'r (Iv-Velnpul by ‘HH‘ Haunl pmtplv ls stilt“! In haw fwidvnml all! In (5” IN! and the film“ lln the (‘ mnlmm i2; lwin}: sunk .1 lfâ€"lll' .thvr 40 1001. The Rand Company Orders :1 Mill l"nllu\\'in;_r tho clM't'lnlmwnt being (‘Xtvusivav ('nl'riml nut in tho “Plum seq-tin” ut' tlw gnltl mum» it is stated that tho Haunt (‘mnlmny ulwmting in that \‘ivinity have ”Menu! :1 mill t'ur installzltinn at their prupvrty aunt in aulditinn hun- tnkvn ux'vr anmtlwr I'ivh gl'ulllb (If ('laltlus. Benefit Night for The Italian Band min-yin: on their wm‘k ut' suppLVing gum] musiv in the town shnuld he approviutml and c-ndursml by :1 large attvndmn-e at tho I'Impiz'v un Sutur- (lm' awning. A Board of Trade meeting has been mulled fur 'l‘immins this evening in the (‘umu-il ('hamlmrs at eight u'vlm-k sharp. BBIWII RESERVE ABE NEBEIIIATIIG Eflfl Gfllfl MINE tliv tzwtnr \x'liirli liri-i-lndml 316'!le (ix-i pinimtinh by Hm t'nt‘tlu'r vulilrul. In! It". ”It' ”'0'!" t'um'imiy uwvs "hunt; ‘2'".."NU. the mumid imliim'v ul' tlw' pun-linu- price living Miami". Nun's run-ring this iiiiimiiit ltl‘l' mitstumliiig and imw ii your nl‘ twu tn rim. tlu- iirt‘mim-mmit living Hint 2m mm'li iii' ”iv urns-s \‘ttllw at ”‘1‘ mild. [multiv- tiun be set aside uiuiitlily hm'iiril thi- Iimtitlntintt «if tlw civiit. All utlwr uhligiifiunu im- subsidiary tn this. ('rim‘n "084-er ufl'vt'mi in “NW «Wt‘r tlw (iluiw pt‘uiwrt)‘ and plant. spend what was elm-mm! mines-usury uii Iith'l- upiiiviit. and give I" per Wm. M tlii- gulil prmluvml tn tlw (ilulu- t'miipmiy tn mwr inn-rust, Mr. t'mwurri-iitl)‘ gm [N'I' rout. ul' tlit- gruss value «if the ‘gulil will he clovutml tn moi-ting tlii- It‘ottiititidt-I' ut' tlw litlri'lmsv privo. 'l'rmx'ii llvm-i'w. [Wilding tlw i-uiiiplv- 'tiuii "1' ”w iigi'cmiioiit with thy urigi- mil uwiwrs. will tiiko titt iii-r Wm. M the gum prmIm-t t'ur its mm piii‘imsvs. When the Giulio ('iitiiiiiltiy's uliligit- tiims haw liomi fully mist tlw (Huiw ('uiiipiiiiy will get 45 per watt. «of tho Ipmtits; mu! t'rmvii “080“? 55 [WT N'IH. BUSHMAN HHS A SIX MBNTHS TERM cnnn sneltnn is Determined to Make the town Bate for anen 'l‘nqnuis Vitus. SH“. 233,-” Jul!!! ('zunplwll. n Imslmmn 01' this plum- mls c-lnn'gml lwfum- Magistrates .\t- kinsuu mul .\lv(‘uuln°0,\' will: imlvwnl lwlmviuur tmvamls wuuu-u and girls. fur Whirl: ”Home Iw was lmmlml mu :1 six Immlll's svntcnvv. (‘rmm .\tturm'\' Singlvr humllml llw «use fur the pl'cm-vlltinn. 'l'lw «It-fondant was arrested by ('llivt' Pullstuhlv SIM-Itch". mu! when varg-ml in mum plomlml Hut guilty, but nu Miclvm-v prmlurml by the WWW lw was :ivvn at six mnntlz's 'SOUTHBND ANGLICANS TO PRESENT MR. J. J. CALLAN. lll urcler tn express their zimireeiziâ€" timi «if the et‘l‘urts “1' Mr. J. J. ('nllam \\'lln has been in elmrge ut' the Angli- eun (‘hureh serriees in Smith l’ureu- pine fur the summer mnmhs. u mun- her «it the euiigregntiun intend meet- in}; at the resitlenee nt' Mrs. Seeli this evening when they will ' present it eheque tn .\lr. l'zilhm. Siuee his ltlli- in}: ehurge in the gultl (‘ttltlp the alt- temlzmees sit the ehureh have ihereus- (‘tl :istuiiishingly tllltl it is with feel- ings ut' regret that the memhers (if the ehureh l’iml .\lr. ('ulhm's serviees will he (list-untinuetl. He leaves with the very best wishes nt' all who met him atml will «lepurt truth the gold ezunp utl )liiiitlziy. this mining: Sunâ€" tlil)’ hein;_r his last here prinr tn re- turning tn pursue his studies at ('nl- day lwmg Ins J turning in Inn-s 1020 In 'l'tmmlu At the lllllwl'izll mine piuslwvts, as a result at :i no“ vein r'mvntl)’ mine drums, are wry bright in the iminiun «if tlmsu whu haw seen sample's. This is all the Inn i'uut lvvel and is stated in lw l'nuitoen fort in width. .\'n :issans Ii: 1w us got hm n takvn but tlu- hm samples “Ilitll \xerc slum" iii 'liininins this \wck hull: «any tree gnlcl visible in the naked (we. Fourteen Foot Vein At The Imperial 'l‘hvl'v au'v alum! a in}: at the pram-11y sulm' 5‘") {PM Hf «ll‘ vuttiug has been av 'l‘hvrv urv “hunt a «luzvn men Wul'k- in}: at the mummy at prtfsent and sullu‘ 500 feet “1’ «hitting' and (crass- vuttiug has hwn ill't‘ulnpiisheli. The plant is nmv thurmighly equipped for going ahead with urtiw: “MN; and as a preparatiun fur the winter some 21m minis uf \mmi hzu‘c' hm-ti deli- IIiM' lu' was given an :wzllmn tn think 1! «WM a deal by Mo «Ontml whirl: is -. ('nlil'nrni "0le ”run Fulupmly Is rllivh i! Win .f the Ulnlw 'Iu’flh'd m-nr ”Two Small Shipments Stated to Be Worth $80.000---C0nsiderablc Activity in Prospecting SPECTACULAR ORE FROM DOBlE-LEYSON CLAIMS In Munm Iuwnship wry "IT has loom! rum"! in dim lluhio hm sun-“mum vlnilu knsh unlcl lms Im’n tmmd i “Ink-h hm! :‘nmwrly rot-v “"Iil'l‘ «Mom “wan-rs ut‘ tlu- prmwrty lmw lwv \mrking quit-Hy and HM min-Hist" tlwir mwm-ss. .\lr. .\. U. Kirh)‘. Ht 1!: Hmuininn chlm-Iiun ('nnumn)‘. at 1'1“ BUBAU EflUNBIl SANBIIHN SElllNB llf Pflllllllllf Application is Made by i}. ii. Sheridan nn Point Raised When He was in iimmins Mr. V. ll. Slit-I‘iilan. H't’t‘ltll)‘ ut' 'l‘iannins. was prawn! at tlu- Itim'litt: ul' llH' ('uliall ('uum'il liial night want- ill;_' In liltuw l't'mlt llml liml}' ll. he. a rosiili-at «if ”11' tuwn lllltl paying a linsim-ss tax. rmilil «any «in linsini-ss n‘itlmul Loin}: ”nmloalml.” ”0 pm- ilnvml his assossnwnt Sllt't'l. Wlllt'll lllv ('naiu-il t'aanil in Ul'tll‘l'. lli- ri-t'i-i'i'ml hi it sttttittiiitis lw lllltl rm'i'till)‘ I‘m-viv- t'll lii illlotitl llit- lmlit't' vultt't l'nl' 50”- ill}: l't'uit ”mu :1 ('III' an tlw 'l'. A" X. l'l trait-ks aml c-unsiili-t'ml that ali'i-ailv liming a liiisini-ss tax it “as nut nor- i-ssarv t'ur liini tn taki- ulll a tiaasivnt lrllltll'l‘ a liu-nsv. ”t' alsn aantml lu knmv il' lll'. Wlllll' lllltlt’l' tlw status «if a business man in tlw tnwn. but at tho sanw timi- uni-rating: a farm math 01' lwrv. ('Ullltl niuli-i' tliv niai'lu-t hy- Iaw rent a stall and svll "wait and ‘nth' l'arln prmlnvv an ”IV market ‘Wlllllml infringing an ll|(' at'ui'i-nwn- 'tiunml liy-law. and if he ('Ulllll sell his [H'mlllm' aiul lw alluwml tlw saim- pri- vilvgvs as UllH’l' l’artnt-rs \\'llu llll\'t‘ stalls. \\'llu inalu- farming lllt'll‘ Htlt' slit-i'itllly. Brilliant Victories Are Reported in Favor of Russians ' LONDON.â€"- THREE TURKISH TRANSPORTS WERE SUNK IN THE DARDANELLES BY BRITISH SUBMARINES AND AVIATORS. ATHENS.â€"~ KING CONSTANTINE TO-DAY SIGNED A DEGREE MOBILIZING THE ENTIRE GREEK FORCES. LONDON.â€"-BRITISH STEAMER "CHANCELLOR” OF FOUR THOU- SAND TONS WAS SUNK BY GERMAN SUBMARINE AND SOME OF THE CREW LOST. PETROGRAD.â€"â€" BRILLIANT VICTORIES AT BOTH ENDS OF THE RUSSIAN LINE ARE REPORTED. GENERAL IVANOFF CAPTURED FOUR VILLAGES PROM AUSTRIANS WITH NEARLY TWO THOUSAND MEN AND GUNS. GENERAL RUSKY HAS BEATEN BACK THE GERMANS NEAR RIGA. PARISâ€"BRITISH AND FRENCH GUNS ARE CONTINUING A TEE-â€" RIFIC BOMBARDMENT OF THE GERMAN LINES, DESTROY- ING TRENCHES, BLOCKHOUSES AND ENCAMPMENTS AND PREVENTING ANY EFFORTS TO REPAIR THEM. GERMAN ATTEMPTS TO ADVANCE 11-? CHAMPAGNE AND ARGONNL‘. WERE REPULSED WITH HEAVY LOSSES. Tl 'l‘lu; ('muwil gm'v him tlw ussuraum- m In" .\| mm» clismwr} l‘t‘i'l'l \‘PI‘V rlc II (Received By Wire To-day) \t knw «list zlllcl Ihc I I I 1' WW mnnllls sun-Immvy Mm tiflml wiih his | sunk vlmnks as rich as llwsv mun- w l'urv lwvn 9mm in 'l'ummu. I! i N! Ilmt hm small nllipnwnts M "W nmclc' h)‘ tlu- c-nmlmny mu «hum W‘UNW. II in Nut emr tlu‘rv furv HIM ”H'l'!‘ ix mmsit "Mivity in Munm tmvnslnp clays. tlmt tlwrv mm mulling in Hm tn pron-m him. runs-mining II Mm! at farm and mixed M I' hi4 stm-k «m sm'll farm. t'rum cm IIH' Im'nl llml‘kvt. m! n Is dun ClAIMS HIE PAS Now Lislwurcl. Svpt. “.32.~ Mr. Sam Sulmmm was in tmm nu 'l‘lumlu_\‘. rvtnrning frum “mum. and win in at day ur hm Ivan-v fur his lmuzo- m the west. .‘ll'. Sulumnn is in Immuvm all llu- l’us. Munitulm's guld mimug mmtrv, where he has lwvn rqniohux t'ur llw pus! few yours. “0 is "“1! uptimistiv uwr tlw futurv "1' HM :w'u/ 710M “Pld in Hw prmlm'linn 01' Nov milling gnltl. Many of Iemiskaming’s Early Pruspectors Are Now Ihere Manny ul' 'l'muislunning's vurly mm» in;r ln'uspvvlurs urn u! 'l‘iw l’us, IIHHHIJ: whnm 1w nwutium-cl Hvrt lh-unlsn (ivul'gv Hmwruft. Sum Htissv. .‘Jzim Halvka. .lalvk Hmnil. Huh [lib-WU. :Iml Prod MvIA-ml. all] n" “1mm '-'-'0:l'v‘ m-ll lumwn lwrv Ill tlu- vm'ly «In; ”1' Ilw mining lumm. NI Single Copies 5 Cents an mms I)! fill HAS BIG Hflllflf \\ hm hm um I surlm wmsulv'l‘ 'hihi! arm HUMP." slm H was INI‘V mm! H Iw upo'g hutww: I I‘! mvkm “H1 lulc' H nl‘ I! mu: all!" "‘30) I n M“

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