9900.!0600990363990699008OOBOOOOQDBOGROBOOOCOCIIC:: “Pl" 1’0†()H‘it‘v TIMMINS - ONT. PHONE 25 We make to order in our shop, Ladies’ and G}: 'Suits Spovinlï¬v «31' Full «In Next Door Empire Theatre all and we our Iww stm-k 01's.: OOOOOOSOOOOOOOOIO J. P. MCLAUGHLIN Our new Full Stm'k of I'mlmwvcm', Slums Shirts. Tim. and Clothing are now in stm-k at yuur disposal Borsalina Hat \Vv mm in all Wu Mens Drnp in anal lnuk tlu-m m tho m-w :m- nuw carrym SHU‘V You the ï¬nest and 310:“ .5 .N. um p a and Huck m'l’nlk Suit Slam line 0f Hats Tlu- must Exclusive :unl up-tu-«lutc Styles in all Ladies “bur Be Sure and Pay a Visit be- fore the Sale is concluded MRS. l. E. CHRISTIE is now being carried tlu' :mcl Slml ‘ nuts and Riding: “I'm-cl“ W (H'S llUllS Timmins, Ontario H :mtmgs 1 .quur .\lo-L:I :n‘rn'ml a? H Kilmï¬nu UH WW fflfl [06M RH] Cflflï¬ï¬ 30M" am This (Friday) Ilmrning U "ml that all Hu- “0an i! hm! hum dislum'cl ul' and nlmut nm' hnmh‘t-d were In at Mr. 'l'mlcl's m Srhmmlc Shuuld it lmmwn Hm! [he mkcu up by tu-llmrl'uw “I In'cmgm intn 'I'immilm who! m‘rmln tin-3' will smm lw 'l'lwn. nt' c-uursv. mum-s impurlzmt your! ut' Hu- \vh fur tic'kt‘!lmldmx~~lhv lll‘ll“ will he tiw lanky winner â€1' NW Hutu. It 1:39 been decided that this take place on Wednesday night next at half past eight at the Coliseum in Timnnnr. but the exact method of malts}; the draw will not be decided upon until a meeting of the Red Cross and Board of Trade committees are held. perhaps to-nzorrow. II gm 1)! HM all y 1} ' :0 o v ( mm (mn'tmnant-lw :lll't'tlll} has a ï¬rst class gatagv lntilt (min in ima- ginntinn): tltv Sm't'vtat'y til’ the “Hill‘tl nt' 'l'l‘aulv (with tivatl'l)‘ a pm-kvl l'llll ul' tivlwts Ia.-t Saturday nightâ€"ml: yes. all paid t'nt') has alrvad)‘ nvgntiatvd a salt,- ut' the autu when he roveives ll as he says the real estate business is quiet and he needs the lnuney: anuthm' yuan: spurt well 1<nuwn and pupnlar in tuwn is wnndoring hmv he will manage in lmy enough gasoline tn run the var when he gvts it, and st» un. indie-Min}: that oxvellent gum] lnmmr and fun have all been ubtained tln'uuu'li tlu- «untost. {at tlu» c-liiot oxvitmnont. as rol'or- rod tn. will he on Wednesday night at half past eight at tlw 'l‘innnins Rink. Thu t'uno‘al nt‘ Mr. Angus Morri- sn::. :2†old resident of the Muskuka district. tnul; plum yesterday at Gm- venlmrst. 1.10 .Ath l’ :ttuliun. (21119.. in train- in;r at Lumlnn, left yesterday mnrn- flu.r in heavy marvhing order for :1 trump tn Stratt’urd. Ham 1: Thou. I nmrlmlt DRAW WEDNESDAY NIGHT. H )Id hen- ('ulm‘ in â€w nul 01' the liml (11155 [X in â€Wi)‘ gum! \mrk. i'iuns :unl hnnmruns mnnnonts Imcn lwnnl till the mules! sinm- vnnnonwnn-nt. There is svnrooly ilim‘ Hf a! {it'iu-t wlm (inch; Hut v n [mint ul' assuring his- friends he will lw tiw winner. Plans 01' dome-hum“! undm' ('mmmmd of r )h-Lzmghlm of the 8th (131.13., Bel at Humumquv .x'pstonlay from imhnum Z Chas. Pierc my.»- and all Hu- tirkvts m 'i'nmmm liislms‘m‘ 0H. and Hm! ull‘)‘ 'mmlnwl were Io“ fur snlv M's M Srhmmwhrr. l lmmwn Hun thew nrv nu! Dy tn-nmrrmv Hwy will In- Iu 'l'immim wlwrc- it is felt Il't ll trek tu lirm'kvillo clemsmn V-stiuns have van -:~l way tn mlupt uml ’20 tlitlivult tn satisfy the mmmitlw will at :n'rzmzvnwnts l'ur it'l-llulill'X’S that all I very unrel‘nlly uml lmuz'tu:1il_\' l‘m’ rum- "Mr" I ll an» lwvll made as (u mlidvm uwnm‘s Will um†15 lmmlwl ux'or bar THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE ill naturally mm'o mum-r In wlm-h WIN) will purvhmrd. Hm "Inst “11- mutter ' as In WIN l' the nut". Timmins «If "\‘Ql' 'l‘immim '0 tlwir IXIH .lq‘ «'Ivlli- It ulclll'D' .d C'russ 0 mm. man-r mrl "f 524 was "N ('II I' IS “If Ml ‘nl‘ HIV-SIX MllllBH BRITISH Bfllfl ARRIVE?) NEW VflflK hating â€alive at thf Always wit in: tlu- WW I Imn'it's and i1 tum prawn! 'l'lwnlrc- «m night will ha â€The Mm: l'l """VU pnhliv More Attractions A! Timmins Empire unly tlw usmn! Mum": via.“- u!’ 1 tun-s which Hm l-Impirv always In 'vl'mul Wvl'v s'lmvu~ lull Hwy wvrv 1 host that mulcl lw svmu'ml mul lwl the (-xtonsiw pmmnngo. .\ plt'using feature fur [1w Immu mom. nu «luuln, is the fact Hm! Sm l’urvupinv l't-sidvuts law making i' regular lmhit nt' inking: in tho sh m the I'Impirv in 'l'immins. whirl) an inclimtiun Hm! tlw [brpuu'mmuw must lw well \yul'HI witnessing tn true vol fruit: the neighlmrin'." tmxu. livery Mnmluy mu! Saturday a «liv- vrsiun is mmlv frmn llw vustmnary run ut' music by having- the 'l‘immius lzmul play alt â€:0 Hunt “1' Hu- 'l‘ilvzll‘rv an ixnliratinn 1h: must lw “'0“ Wu†vol fruit: the wig! Mo I Year $5.flfl 5 Months 1.75 5 Months LUB I Year 6 Months 5 Months $2 on 1.25 15c. Rates: ut out and Return this with your Subscripti UHHEU SWES Illa CHAIM m u-m inn .\l n. was N‘p'er‘I simmmmm. wl “HIV" â€It ’lc v inn-n built m p qua!“ .‘ivxit [V .lhu NIH!!!“ ll u" It IV mwdm' 0 To “The Porcupine Advzuu'v' (’h-ntlmnvn dose the sum 01' Street Advance†I'm: State or vaincc .‘N'! HII'II‘ men! .INNL- it x' ()1' Town Befor Buying Your Hï¬Iour and Feed F You should give us a call NIH“ H'H it IIS llllt' {Ibki( lull m- :1†MW I PARIS.â€"-There is violent artillery ï¬ghting all along the French line. particularly in the Champagne dis- trict. German aviators have bom- barded several small French towns with murderous effect. I BEan.-â€" German Admiralty ad- mits the loss of the German submar- ine “U27" after the sinking of a |smali British cruiser on August 10th. A WEEK'S DESPATCHES TO THE ADVANCE QUEENSTOWN. â€"- Allan Liner Hesperian. outward bound. Liverpool to Montreal. carrying 700 passengers and crew. including a number of Can. adian wounded soldiers returning home to Canada. was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine at 8.30 p.m. Saturday. about 100 miles south. west of Pastuet. Ireland. Reported all passengers saved. About twenty injured when three boats upset in launching. Passengers declare that Hesperian was torpzdaed without warning. Items From Various War Centres and Other Interesting Items of News lmtll svrlnls us Scmu- truly slur way u!’ during: 1 was :ahnwn this nznl 'l'lmrmluy lingo alum WIN thing: nm- :1 hi: WASHINGTON.â€" The United States Government has ordered an enquiry to see if the Hesperian was sunk by a mine or was snhmnrined. The British Admiralty has made a statement that the Hespcrian was in no tense armed or a transport. ROMB.- General Jos’irt here in conference with General Staff as to joint against the Allics enemies inside either lines: and bombarded vcrcly with many casualities. Ho artiJcry duels cominuo from A1: 50 £113 N0; oh. PAR 13. â€"I‘rcn:h and German avi- ators were active at several points LONDON-"French steamer Guate- mala of ï¬ve thousand term and a small British steamer were torpedoed’ 'WBDNESDAY. SBPTEE‘JBBR 8:1: â€1' [Wu I invhuiin and MW :Imwnm nulls lur Please enter my Suhsvl'iptiun tn TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER†.1 MO} “(‘l'l H] in In “1‘ I'vliml 0:! ill HIP Ell dim: tho lmlivmus Hilliu Hi svx'vrzll utlwrs \xlmsv wry :mmvv m1 tlw sworn :u'v tlu lur mtvnsivv uppinnsv. NDI‘ “(H is ulwa AY. SEPTEMBER :11 imm'vst has as tlwy haw startling im' m: «m Hw p Iii: '1"! 'HH wimrv m um- cluplvtml lwl :11 rim and In :1 Jofl'rc has been :0 mm: the Italian to joint opexations Y«)111'.< truh H ation to the ‘ PORC UPINE ADVANCE" lull.“ ll few! in hunmm :llia :4 llu'l'mlsml III l\'t’ prugrvssml. 'wi1!('xlt.~; in 1110 part â€I. “Mists nu \\'mhu~sdu_\' â€I?“ wing: sum in :umthm' Imp whilv Ho :1 lukv. ms pivllllw lw I'Impin- [in Hitvhiv wry ï¬rst ll H'll‘ ful't'l't .‘hls‘ Heavy Alsace L‘HN Do You lntend to Build? If So, Get our prices on Lumber but the crews saved LONDON.â€"- Grand Duke Nicholas has been sent to command in the Caucasus. Allies military critics re- gard his removal to that district with satisfaction. PETROGRAD.â€"- Russians are still holding the Dvim river lino and Gcr~ mans appear to be at a standstill. CARDIFF. -â€" Wales miners are again on strike for the third time since the war began. BRISTOL.-â€"-By a vote of six hun- dred to seven a his labor convention tooday issued a resolution to work to uphold British government to the end of the war. LONDONâ€"Two men. three. women and ï¬ve children were killed and forty-three persons injured in last night's Zeppelin raid in eastczn conn- ties of England. LONDON.â€"â€"There were No separ- ate Zeppelin raids over English towns last night. Several ï¬res and casuali- tics. Numbers and districts not an- nonnccd. NEW YORI{.- Private cables ar- riving today indicate that last night’s Zeppelin raids reached near the heart of London and casualties probably PBTROGRAD.-â€"Russia is celebrat- ing victory over the Austrians in Galipoli as the ï¬rst win under the perscmzl direction of Czar Nicholas. PARIS.~â€"~Thcrc was heavy German air raid on Paris last night. the ï¬rst in several months. . Casualties not announced. French dirigiblcn bom- barde LONDON. - Casualtics in last night‘s Zeppelin raid totalled 103 ac- cording to Press Bureau anncuncc- nzcnt to-day. Sum 31 hm HS lmpml tlmt‘ vxvvptiuuall summrt will In» given llu- venture. lm-lmlml in llzv wvokly rc-Imrl this wool; is tlw mmumwmnvnt that tho suhsvriptiuns 11ml dnnutiuns rm'vivml wvrv $70.85. H Leg-21 THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER l'itluy. tln- 17th .\I°r:ln}.:v:nvntz; HS in he nxw u! um- at mvtiuns ; the vi! TH PORCUPINB PATRIOTIC DECIDE T0 IIOLD DANCE. u‘l several railway stations in :‘n territory with heavy damage. «It-rich l'l for whirl! le I‘m'oupim- in ('I HHIH in huh! :I ï¬rst «kiss King (h‘ul'gv Hutd'l nu I'll: uf this muntlx. 1;; “1'0 lwing mmlv t'ul' {3 un- hmng mmlc of â€10 must Sllvm (luring: HIP SOUSâ€! â€I. “no «lnnzll' mm I'H'hnllzllilt' it is :vvpliMMl summrt HI I\'nl' In HIP lmlivs u‘ tl'inl it FIVE (,‘ll' I'll] 9th. (‘PSS «wit-U t-lxlss l'mul I am! unly tn lw will l'u