Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 3 Sep 1915, 1, p. 7

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O. LINE. v..- u.â€"â€"â€" STbNBWORKâ€"PLASTEMNG. IN FACT ANYTHING IN MASONRY wSat‘ CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION. TORONTO. anu all '1‘. N. U. Ry. Stutiuns tn 'l‘uruntu. lamest rvgulur first «lass fare and mile-third for round trip. Good going August 28th tn Sepptomlwr 7th. im-lusiw. (iuml fur n-mrn tn reach final (lwlinatiuu not lalvr than September 1.3m, 1915. Passengers roquirin; P u l l m a 11 um“... nlmlso ndaiw uur Agents Passengers spat-o. please lbl‘ulllp! h. TIMMINS, SOUTH PO§CUPINB Run By White qup â€"â€" For lite People Laundry Called Po and Deliv- ered at Timmins Every Monday and Thursday. MILLER BROS. - Proprietors. IS YOUR COAT SOlLED J COLLAR Do Your Suits mllv Rear Chargicos Tobacco Post Office aturday. August 23th to Monday. September 13th. 1915; Reduced Fares â€"â€" ‘1‘. N. 0. Ry. SANITARY STEAM LAUNDRY Bartliff Kabcl 3m: AND LUMBER MERCHANT. OUR MOTTO IS» Nothing Too Smallâ€"430mm; Too L Give us a Trim. Orders by Mail or Phone Receive Prompt A TIMMINS. ONT. Scheuler’s Saloon. Mill Contracto ,r Tmusers Need Pressing? ut J. PARK, (B.F. I”..\., North Buy. Out. No Better Lumber Ever Grew Than’ That We Have in Store for Youâ€"â€" Dry and Sound and Neatly Dressed. The Kind That’s Rated Very Best. Munugmni Landing. ”:HN' l'l ad Store. opposite zmtl duâ€" Buy it From l'hnno ($5 000-0000... 0. 0.0... |.. 9.. O . O 0.0... 0.00.”.00..C.OO..0 00...... .0.0..“.“.”..... Mclean 81 flawlinsnn , BuI/de s avd i 4" Contrao tars \ 0000000 I:‘I\ 1:004 Opp. Station - Timmins g 00000000000000000000 ,-\ A - r - ~ =9 -or'o o ~o~o~o- ¢ '. House Lighting and Moi? Wiring ALL WORK GUARANTEED to meet Fire Underwriters' Standards. Estimates TIMMINS P.O. Box 7.6 R. Charlie ELECTRICIAN k 35 ltnl!(‘ Careful estimates given new work or repairs. and Plans Furnished N€\§\3 ’0 3 ticn imst Startling was Ihat When i Uperatcr Seaplane Big m ... York fire Timmins (‘llltu IHNHU' 17.3 H». J”m1"!vsmnulvnts. smutm 0 “hr ('“tIIIIHH. " - A" g ‘.‘!1\.< â€"~ ::'I\\ :_'.x\< nu “tn :1 z‘nmvlwnmns in all u!’ film [If CAMERA MEN IN TAKING Wflfllu’fi ”(WE {lid nu} iiu' ruui‘ n!’ “'0 imiMm: uppnsflv. 'I'iw \‘ii'\\‘ \\‘;I.-'. inii'iinii)‘ nihil'm'imi ii)“ at vluimm-y and n ini‘fl‘ i-nrnivo; am. using his i-imwm lriinul us ii imlnm-o. tho i-nmvm mam walkml alum: xi mir- rmv lmlgo in n lmilclinr: iimii'or thi- fire. The building. it SL‘l'HIWi. was mu- ot' the ulci-i'iisliimimi iwnkml rumi’ mmmiuns whit-Ii liml lwmi trunst'nrmmi into a ton (-mnmiasiun liuusv. 'l'lw glitter was rusty tinâ€"«um! it sudden- ly gave way under his weight. Sixty feet below. the engines woro tiervvly trimming: streams ui' water hit.» the building. Im make Quick Thought. l linnclreols nt' neuple in the street! stmnl breathlessly watvhiw.r the ltII-i periletl eatnera man. ()niek thinking saved the day. He tusseil the mineral t'nrward. eatehing it. in the upper part at' the chimney. 'l‘hrunqh sheer lnek.‘ it heltl. and he hung, dangling t'mni| a leg: of the. tripml. l By this time a number at' the wn-t men in the street beluw had t'aintecl." But. he erawled baek tn the mint. and to safety. then went. an taking- the ,piettlre as it' nnthiw.r at all iltttl han- 'peaetl. Later he achnittecl that he'd had a eluse eall: but he elaimml he lnnl the best tire pietnre ever taken. and i guess he was' right. - Attend All Fires. “it might interest yun tn knuw that we answer every txm-alarm tire lin Greater New Yurk. .\n antunmhile {is always reatlv lu hustle an ntwratnr it” the svelte ut the tire. Luis “1' [item lut' ennrse. are nut at any: value tn as. ihnt we. are always un ililllti in ease ganything tines happen.” “ H10 Inmul svnpv ul mll' s\' std-1n ix mm M the main rmwma {‘m “111' being in existent". \\0 lmw r‘vmvsontu- “Spl‘zlkin'r at tho sumo 01 ”Hr ."'S- tvm~ nl' tlu- smallm-n m the wurld. if \1m willâ€"IN mo tvll \1m album: lust (hild we 11°-stmml in its parents. [.2132 summer we sent :1 man «lmxn tn \tlzmtir (‘ it .. and who!) his film was 11.-|umlmml :x 1mm in :1 small tuwn noun Inc-11* rovmzni/ml his «him. win» haul been Inn! My son 1|! nmnths. At hi4 Hugues! we vnlm'god u purtiun ut' the film and In means ut a littlo de- tovtiw an the rhild mus mum! and taken hark in its hullu‘.” "1w l’rostun (HI and (his ('umpany vxpm-z In “Main gum! results from drilling nu tlu- ”(‘lllHH‘l' Farm, near Hull. 'l'hm'v are ulmut twvnty-fivv ynung men in Surnia. wlm are waiting: fur wxmiting (u :-I Iurl fur the 70th BM- tuliun “him is In lw t'nrmml in u few days. “at west in). well. mul a saved. .-\ largo number present engaged in Myth. pulhng flux 'Hw Hmuiltun Sheet Huilum (‘.u has mnnilmtml a large number ut men tn tlw nvwsmls t'HrL-c (himsln 's Mmhinc (hm Fund has nmx reached the substantial sum of It is expech-d that the Work 011 the Guelph pipe hue and rosm'vmr will be (-mnplctml 1n uuuther munth. ltvv. Father Juhn Flaming: nt‘ (.Ihes‘ tervillo has been (-huscu tn succeed the late HPV. Father '1‘. J. Spratt as priest at \Vult'e Island. IanIP 'DH'HIII‘. l‘IIHIuM n prartim- of attending wire at Timmins will I E‘ variuns: presentatinns nll kinds 0" daring f Restored Lost Child. I’athvr Julm Fleming: of Ches- ,H‘l KIIN ['11 ll Hm: gvneml a w m :0 ,’1' ”1' Indians are at in the district ulmut Ill ('nt'lmsi Handing ||\ lvrt t'm' m-ws Hm largest. :lHihlltul'S. 01‘ .ul thruughuut mum-rad ' c'nrrs'in ulmut ’mth- ('l'nlv \Hll In: £33 in Rnerican Coin in Pa;- met 0'." mm .ions of Rar 'l'lwro's n quivt grave in I’lnmlvrs. \\'lu‘ro u unfclior 510mm t'v-nig‘xl; [lo “in hour nu nunw-thv«unnunnÂ¥ rcunr. .\ml tlw 010er 01' HH' fight: lkut l sovu|t«»svv his dear fave. 'rhrnugh n "fistcd'ungnhduultvvrs: .\h! the “unnnn's partis the hrukun heart . ;\nd the burden of hnudy your H3333 3 3 ”3333333333 333 533333 333‘: 3:33 33333.33 33333133" i had In» “ish tn Sill‘ hint. Hr tn shelter him at hmue; Id hme blushed that semn sumthl hm e been home NIA him in the vents tu emne. Di eheered him \\ hen he lett tne. Ml \HIS pmml that he shuttld he Just cute to tight in the muse ()1 right. And the hiittle ut the tree. Hut 'tis iltll'ti t'ur many a muther Whu has gin-n h11r host tu-dm'. Strung men in meet. in 111cm strm-t. Win» 11111 thnmim.r their 1-hmi1-11 mun. \\" nu 1m tivlds 0t sport mu! pleasure \111 uniting and planing still. Am! “in nut heed their countn 5 11M ()1' hasten th11 gaps to fill. We plvzul with you. young Britons. “'19 muthers whu mumut gm. '1'” tulu- mur plan-0 with a nmnly game. And \nml nish u lnutnl luv: 'lhmv mv llittlo vhihlwn s \nium. 'lhm'v mo muhh-ns and old tnlks. hm, l"ru:u an m-mm grave NIH ynu tn szn'v 'i'lu- weak that depend nu yuu. \\' Mrs. J. \V. Fustvt’, (If ('ulmul‘ painfully iujm'ml nll Saturday M'ortnrning ut' tlw amtmunh which she ms driving. 'l'lw m (wvurx'ml nmu' (‘ul‘l Springs. Fustcr is in the. lmspital. Mn! rennetnher. it' yun shunhl falter. And play the eraven's part, While ymn' native land hy t'uentan's hantl ls pien-etl tn the innnmt heart. "l'will he hard t'nr ynn in the future. When yunr sun shall mane tn knmv That his father. when we needed Inen. Was a shirker and math! nut gt. DON’T BE A SHIRKER. rl Cut out and Return this with your Su'cas ription to Keep Posted on Portupine' Iv lmlm .\l|mlhc Rates: J can K. Laughland. I Year 5 Months 5 Months 55.00 1.75 1.00 I Year 32 I!!! 6 Months 1.25 5 Months 75c. UNIIEH STITES IN CAIN]! utlmluy by Hu- amtmunhno m The um'lclcut am Gmtlmnun : wr was |)_\' NH- (‘1050 the sum of Advzlm'c.’ fur. St 'uct City 01‘ State 01' Pr Winn: V \‘dln'c Mrs. A WEEK'S DESPATCHES TO THE ADVANCE Items From Various War Centres and Other Interesting ltcms of News LONDONâ€"A general strike of two hundred thousand Wales miners is likely to-day unless a conference settle: the dispute predicted by Min- ers' ofllcials who conferred with Cab- inet. members 29-day. BBRLIN.-â€"-Admi;°al Von Timitz agrees with Bethmanmfielweg and Von Jasow that the difference with America should be adjusted at once. Ht docs not favor the disavowal of attack en the ”Arabic." WASHINGTON â€"â€"I’:csi;kn: W new “The Porcupine Advance cf Ccto‘cc: LONDONâ€"«I: is believed that the lungs: point is passed in Wales coal strike situation; more miners have quit work but. officials think settle- ment. will be made to-day. AMSTERDAM.â€" Allied aviators destroyed last Saturday at (incur. a. building used by Germans for push-i ing aircraft. | _ . l ATHENS. A Bntlsb submam°',_WINNIPBG.â€"â€" Redmond Roblln. shelled and partly destroyed bridge“ at Galata a suburb of Constantinople. ' Montague Hewden and 9°ldw°no were .all arrested 1n the Msmtobs consplr- People near water s edge In panic. lacy charge and held on b all of fifty PARIS.â€" Our artillery continues thousand dollars to appear in Court. Phase enter The House 01" Value MONDAY. AUGUST 30 TUESDAY. AUGUST 31 SANDERS 8: PETGHERS GENERAL MERCHANTS II‘ I\ COME AN D GIVE US A CALL Full Stock of Gents’ Furnishings. Boots and Shoes ORDERS PROM? TLY ATTENDED TO MY 1' We always have a flesh and up-to-dat stock 0f (m hand at the very lowest prices Yours truly my Suhsm'iptinn the “PORCUI’INE ADVANCE" emcacions action against trench ahel. tel-ed quarters of enemy. No notable incidents to report. LONDON.-â€"Grea: importance is at- tached to hurriedly callcd cabinet meeting in London to-day at Premier Asquith's oflice. LONDON.-â€" Desperate fighting at Dardanelles. :alian troops landed. lurks tarnished: soldiers in riot. NEW YORKâ€"«Germany has bgck- ed down and will 1373?? 007:1". Strrugiy reinforc- o-i Russians“. have taken (no offensive iin Guiana and are t‘lrcclzninz to roll up the right. flank of the Austro-Ger- Yxroans. In some localities much booty “has becn taken from the retreating anaus. The Russian Duma has .authorized the issue of more paper ‘nxoncy and the financial outlook in ibright. Immense res:rvcs of savings mm yet untouched. PARIS-A violent battle is raging in the Vosges. Germans followed up shelling with asphyxiating bombs and a rush of infantry. French chas- seurs. protected from gas met the at- tack and drove the enemy back with bayonets. German lcsses being heavy. ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE U l.‘ fur which I (-11- egaram sure sa Tl w 1‘ '( ) l‘ “ up i 1 IL A! Azabic incident. y for American acctcd t 'o-Germ SEVEN be 1111 intima- rcperatc with 111mm is con- 1.1111 the Jap- .1111! from that Pall an drive

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