Vol 1. N052 flint interest wss very intense in renrd to the unonncement made by The Alsace lest week recording the junctions gold nugget from the Km Tomhip wee proved by the hue demend for further information on this section and accordingly this has been secured from one of the most relisble mining men of the Porc- nyre [old csmp who returned from th Hum district on Wednesday of this week. The ld-ymm-linhw c-luinw. il‘um Whirl: the large lluugvi mu, tutu-n hrc Immiml nn "H' .\°.|'I. H. X. 1.- nl' [Ail 1" in i'um'vssmn i. brim: vhwrn in iwch'v uuhu must "1' .‘lmhku. The mmniry rm-L H â€1' Ki-mmim 831'. very hilmhlr in that M ihv H“!- Iilwm' mim- null II IN H'uwrsml \ch many «lykl's ui' M'hhiml qlmi'il [mt- phyry nml ailm- \mm from hm In six I've! wide. HM lhrm- uliiTc-ri-m a-hnms which can he irm-ml I'rum Him in 700 foot Hu'n' urv «matrix \‘o-nu \\ hale- «other wins ill‘t' Innu- ul' hm mixml. 'l‘lu- quartz is in prupul'imn ni' nhulll mu- iu â€Iron 08' what. .\ vmmich-rnhle [mm "8' the vuullil'_\' is cow-rm! with swam]! hm is “I'll wmulcd. 'l'hc- higlwr ground has hm-n burned uver mu] mama-Ming ix mm- linrntively «my ms the \‘c-ms mnl «lykkm mm it» easily irm-ml. AfllflMflBIlE fllfl lflï¬ll RH] [18055 llllf Ifl-Mflflflflw Irrangements New Complete for Selling Car In lid of the 50- l eiety and field Kitchen ‘ The matter has heen under t‘tHlsltl- ei'tition t°ur swine little time nuw'. hut deï¬nite steps were taken at a meet- ing of ladies held in the ulliee “1' E. (l. llieksnn at 'l'inunins yesterday xli'tel‘tttmtt When there were [it‘ea'etil Mrs. llruwn. .\lrs. llnustun. .\lrs. Sinnns. .\lrs. .\leltiiies and Mrs. l’rit- ehard and ills†.\lessrs. ll. .1. .\larsh- ll. Ur. .\lelnni.~. and l“. t'. H. Siunas. whieh â€it: represented the 'l‘innuins .lluard ut‘ 'l'rnde. "l‘he gathering was held tn settle m the matter at arranging the selling if the ear tunl tiekets tn the extent Ht. 120" Wet'e ut'ilet‘ed tn he printed tugether with a nuniher nl' push-rs whieh will he distrihuted all u\'el' the ruld ramp. . It will depend nu what nuinher a person draws as In what priee will have to he paid. There are tn he 'uur different sets ut' tiekets. eaeh set uunh'ered t'ruin «me in three hundred ind eaeli ligure standing fur a eent. Those wishing tn seeure une ut' nore tieketsâ€"~and the prunmters nin- erely rely (Hi the little wurd inure-~- 'un (10 50 hy appl.\'ing at the sture t' .\[tll‘h'llull-l‘it't'lt‘alutlt‘ Limited in l‘iinniins, at 'l'has. .\. See's llrug .‘tore i 't‘innnins. at .l. 'I‘mld's Drug \‘tm‘e i .‘eluiniaeher, and at (leurge Fuirbnirn's sture in .\‘uuth l’ureupine. There have been eunsiderahle en~ plit‘ies as to when these tiekets were 0“ plueed nu sale and naturally hose so greatly interested will he nxious to get the liest lmssihle elmiee t' numbers. lf‘aeh tit-ket. lmwever. will he in a plain sealed envelupe su hat. the intending purehaser will nut know until it is upened huw niueh he will-have to pay. Messrs. Marshall-Eeelestune Limi- (Ml expect the ear. whieh is heing applied through theta. will he in .l'itnmins tooinurruw. Saturday. and 'inmediutely on its arrival it will he The principal w-m ull llw Laysmz- Dubiv t-lnims is ulmut fun!“ I've! \Hclv striking north and south t'rum Hu- snme faults whirl: slum the vein in a 1mm» or Jess mutln\\'v~stcrly .lirov- ti'gn. lerv lune 'lwuu 1m loss than ï¬fty claims slalkml ulrmlcly in tlw «Nitric-t Within [Wu \vm-ks wluivh is am incli- mttiun in itsvlt' u!’ tlw inteum- mien-st being Iukvu in Ihis svrtiun uf Hu- «mm! 1'): During the next two or three weeks every man. woman and child in the Porcupine Gold Camp will have the opportunity of becoming the owner of a. 1916 brand new Model 83 Over- land automobile at a price ranging from one cent to three hundred cents. 0n the hive at this unnnuim-nwnt 3ll SOPIUS hm t'iclirttlulta in Iw vnl‘t'm't but the veracity ut' the stattmm'tit will Iflupproviuti-«l when it is auldwl that this is the t‘ill' Willt‘il tlu- Int-ail lt'ml Fruss Brunch \xill lmt t'urwurtl. NUGGET FROM MUNRO CREATED MUCH INTEREST . THE PRPOCUINE ADVANCE F‘iBearing Samples From Lcyson-Dobie Claims Proved Cause of Considerable Attraction Malluw-n. \V'lil‘ll n slmrt limo sign. was n qnivl plnro is nuw n lins)‘ “'9"? nl‘ activity "Mimic-«l by all clam-Hp- linns ul‘ mining nwn. Mining unwr- nlinns have lN‘Pll mrriml am in this ilislrivl fur the past ten years. mare piiilivnlnrly m llm Painkiller and ulln-r pmpc'rlivs. Sovoml small mines “‘Q'I‘P slnrloil in tho SullllldVNH‘l‘ll mrni-r nl’ Munrn iuwnsliip and in the nutâ€: “on! vurm'l‘ nl’ (lnilmi'ul 'l‘uwn- shut pluvml ull vxhibitiun lur n limv in â€Mr lmgv hunitun- clvlnutxm-nt “in- clmx. Later the ear will he clriwn thruth the guhl munp by Mr. Man'- shnll. am'mupunieil h)’ memhers ul' the hwul lletl ('mss llmm-h, and thus mlnpt this sehemc nt' advertising the ntl'aiir in mhlitinn tn the uther meth- mls heiug "51‘â€. The «lute ut' the draw will untur- all)“ «lepeml on the sale ml the tiekets lmt t'urther pui'tieulau's regarding this will he gix'en in The Admin-e- us pru- g‘i'ess is made. Just 11 WHI'ti in min-lusimi. ll' yun have nut gut u tieket within at very few «lays ut'ter they are plueecl u!) sale it is in every way likely ynu will have little [H.‘ilt't' l'i'um the urgings «if the [led t'mss hulies until yuu mm prmhu-e the lH‘t't‘h‘Stll'y pieee ul' paste- lmiml In assure them that ynu are (ltllllg‘ ynm' share in the gmul wurk. lmvv ltttlv pmwv t'rum tltv urg'tngs ut' the “Oil t'mss lmlivs until yuu mm prmlm-v tlw now-ssut'y piwv ut' pustv- lmm'tl In assure tlwm tltalt ynu :trv «luing .vmn' share in tho gnml \mrk. When the var is timtlly «lispusml ml the l'umls svvurml will lw tltillzml l'ur tlu- pur'msvs ut' tlw Surivt)‘ uml $3500 ut' the alnmunt will he ltmulml tlw 'l'iunnins llmml at Trade us a "nouns nt' paying tlwir slmrv t'ur 11 llt'lll kit- vlwn t'mm t'uur Nurtlu-rn ()ntm'iu JUPIIEH Sflflflfflfllflfï¬‚ï¬ MEETING flflllfll fflfl NEXT WEflNESflflV luwns. In ret'erenee tn an au'tiele published in The Advmnee t‘uur weeks ngu tn the ett‘eet that shurehuhlers ut' the Jupiter mine were hoping tn receive some tangible unnmmcement t'rum those behind the euneern as tn what was prupnsed to he «lune xlhuut the property. :1 native has been sent nut by the Secretary ut' the (‘umpuny to these shareholders whieh reads: “The dii'eeturs have reeeived pm- Xit‘a fur a imijm'ity ut' the shares fur the meeting In he held an September 8th. It. is. hmvever, us previnusly pointed nut, desirable to have twu- thii'ds «if the shares represented. Several requests fur further pur- tivulurs ut' the ufl'ors revolved by the mmpnny have how made. 'l‘he «lii'eetnrs iln nut mnsiiler it in the interests of the emnpany, nor fair tn the pz'uimseil purehasers, that the details nt' the pi'luuisals should he pnhlisheal at the present time. but they are at liberty tn state that they have het'ure them pmpusals mure t'av- urahle tn the eumpany than the Me- lx'inle_\'-l)arragh agreement. 'l‘lu- Uwrhuul var \\‘ltl(°lt the lmvfll Red t'mss Snviety inteml pmting t'ur- wnnl t'ur muuwtitiun arrived in Tim- !nins just hvfurc The Advanm- went to pm as It is uxpevtul this will be on exhibition tu-«lm m tmmmrtm in the slum“ nl Manshitll- l‘: (â€'tlQ‘SIUHC Ltd. TIMMINS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd. 1915. llllllrs' ' . ' . u ' \ , . . . , ' "MW", t n tlu tltth hul llltll “m. .3 gl‘l' in â€mint 2"" “wt lu-twm-n tlu- th ni'v 'l‘nu'n- llimlit's hit! it is lwhc-vml llml it Will llmt lu- m: \'.'icl1' cm tlw till†t'nnt lm'vl. m "gl'l'hv \‘0lll Imw living: clril'tml mum is ’[‘.,‘\-".lt'nur tn lln- I'm-t \\'ltlt' with lnw hut . Sum prmnisitig gnhl mum-tit. vim-:93 'l'lu-rv lms hm-n a musich-mhh- im- ch'pth iprnwmvnt in the win as it is alrit‘t. m: tn Iml mum In tlu- smith nt tlu- 51m t'nnt llt'tPII th-w-l. It is trm- that it is [Nil "5 I'ivh 'i-v nrilmt ilisti-ml nt' living t'rnm tlm-i- and Ill tlwun lmll' tn t'nur l'i-vt \\'ltlt' it mm mm Wnulclllv stnIM-Il l'nt‘ 25 feet with prullt. nus it' This im-ims that n large tnmmgv nt’ tlwm _U|‘(‘ will lun'c- tn Iw lmmllml tn nhtiiiil Hlu- Stlllll' nmruiu ut' prntlt. With this :vnntingi-nvy in View tlu- mumvity nt' ftlu- mill was ri-vviitly ti-stml and it “um...“ was t'numl that "\‘N‘ 2t"! tnns would npri-s- Irv trmitml in the prom-zit plant with- t'fllll- nut, any mhlitinn. - lung .\ big hnh' lms hem: Imulv in llll‘ Dnhic killings pnml us ulumt tlt'ty inns u umhlo 'dny tll‘t' gning tn the mill. and n hun- pfroy.lclrml Inns ruining: from stupor; aml m'i'ml-lilt'vvlnlmu-nl. 'l‘his rmhwvs prmltlv- mt nt'ltinn but u conmt'nrtnhlo surplus hml ur rv- 'hm-n lmwiilml nvor uml ltlnn't‘ (livi- eitlwi‘lch-mls tn lil'tn'lth t'nr this «lo-tlvfonvy. lumliy llm-ri- iumuwmm II PflflBlll'llf snows mv tucuunnms glVorl at 400 and see font levels ‘ Diamond llrillitiflas also snows ‘ looks Promising for large lined Prospects for further lire Reserve levels to be opened l'rusmrts in rt-gnrd (3cm I'M-I M the [’01 Min nn- wry prnmis imlimltinns me! With son! I’I'IIIII IIIII SUIIIII IIIIII III' IIIII III'iI'I III IIIII :‘IIIII I'IIIII IIII'III SI IIIII IIIII iIIIIIIs III'II IIIiIIg IIIII iII III II'L'II III iIIIIII'I'IIIs II'iIII IIIII IliIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIII IIIII PIIIINISI' III [III II'iII,-..r III! IIIIIIII IIIIIIs. IIIQ'SI' I'II'I' Im- in: III'IIIIII III IIIII “PSI. IIIIII iII IIIII I-IIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIII: IIIIiIIg III‘II‘II‘I II III] IIIiIIs IIiIl IIII IIIiIIIII IIIIII I‘.\|IIHIIIIIHII IIIHIOIIIIIH'II iII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIiIIII. .\.~' IIIII lIPhlIII III II('\l‘III|DlI|(‘III IIIII'k III IIIII 400 and mm IIIIII IIII' IIII-‘I it run IIIIII IN‘ sIIIIIIII WIIII II IIIiI IIIIIIIsIIIII III IIIIIIIIiII- II IIIIII IIs IIIIII II IIIII IIiII IIII in sight III IIIII IIIIII III IIIIII war as IIIIIIII IIIIII III IIIII I)I‘,‘.{'IIIIIIII". 'IIIis IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIII'IIinIIIIIIIIy II IIIiIIiIIII and II lIIIII.’ IIIIIIIII'S. TI The Retail Men-hunts ut' the 'l‘mvn ut' 'l'innnins have deeided hy resulti- tiun that early elusing every night in the week. with the exeeptiun ut' eer- tnin nights sneh its pm dnvs and nights hetut'e hulidzn's. “unld he huth mhisnhle .ind nduptnhle .ind nt their meeting Inst “ednesdiu deeided ails†un asking the 'l'nwn (‘mnieil tu pass at h‘v-lnw tn this etTeet. 'l‘lu- qutiun was mmlv by Mr. I). ()stmssur. svvumlml by Mr. Mvt'rm-k- on. and then- was unly mw clissvutivnt tn the pmpusitiuu. Mr. t'lms. l’ivrvv. whn ('ullltl Hut 500 MM“ '10 pussih')’ muld vtusv his vstuhlislmwnt vwr)‘ night in the wm-k. Huwvvor. u byâ€" lztw fur the purpusv WUllltl require at petition t'mm trmlosmvn nt' ttw tuwn and it is umlvrstuml that sinvv tlu- meeting: this has been svvm'cd. The ever absorbing questiun nt' \vlmse names shunld he inelmled in the ateeuunts submitted tn the See- retm'y was again hmught t'urwzu'tl and during its «liseussiun the questicm ut' tradesmen obtaining: mortgages in nrdel' tn pruteet, themselves was ln'nug'ht t'nrwunl. And Pass Resolutions on Them at Their Meet- ing Last Wednesday Night 'l‘he snhstanee 111' this is that a resi- dent nt' the tnwn may he building: a hnuse hut 11nt have the wherewithal tn earr)‘ nut the ennstrnetinn and ae- en1°din;.:l_\' requires tn seeure eertain gnnds nn ('redit. â€0 may nhtaiu quite a large amnnnt t'rnin nne 111erehant and in n1der tn ass111e the latter will extend a 111nrtgage n11 the haildin;_.r in (nulse nl ennstrnetinn. lhen, tlH'urtl- inU tn eases eited at the meeting' he will seeure t"'111the1 eredit trn1n niher merehan. 11 hn 111a} nnt he aware nt. the existenee nt' 11 111nrtgage. 'l‘he snlutinn tn the dillieulty was therefore t'nnnd in a resolutinn unwed h_\' ('. l’ieree and seeunded hy Mr. Met‘raeken. that “The Seeretarv he untitled nt' any 111nrtgage nr nrder n11 wages given to any 111e1ehant and he in turn nntit'y nther inert-hunts. Hollinger Reserve. There me several 1"".1iles1nen «if the tnun \1l1n are ereditnrs of the Unlâ€" linger Resene Mine and it “as stated at the meeting.' that a letter had heen Make All Alike. mmnsmg J11 with up to Porcupine nising jml drifting m LII ll}. H‘ rmvn I'm ln‘ lflflIfl IHflMI’SflN SIBIKES NEW VIII M 200 ffllfl [Ml .\t 13w 20" run! Inc! M tlw main aim" "3‘ â€I0 Nutâ€! Thumlmm milw u will Mum! hvu and a half I‘m" wiclt‘ lms lwml rut. The are slums Imu'll gulcl and is lune-h higher than the m» vmgo nf Ilw mim-. 'I‘lw I'rnss mu run imu this win nnly ton I'm-l fmm â€to shaft. and us it was nut exwvh‘d HIM llw main win mmlcl lu- mu until a «listmm- ut‘ ï¬fty I'm-t luul been made. it is m: urv lunly that is nmmn-ntly quite m'w. 'l'lw llm-v rumpurhm-nl shaft is oluwn In llu' Illlll l'uul ll'H'l. alml 8| sln‘ liun lms lu-vn rm but In» «It-vvlumlm-nl nl' any «mm-qumm- ullmlmlml m lllv lmwr lvvvl. llvl'nrv llu- I'm-sum! "min \mrking aim“ was sunk. ull clMplupIpNfl Imal lwvu m-u-mnpllslu-cl m llu- Hm l'nul lo-n'l. 'l'wu «lisllm'l urt- lmclivs lmcl luwn clvvolupml m that lt‘H'l: um- ul' llu-w urI- lnulivs is nlmul 150 “ml lung. mul l'nr ll wicllll ul' lll'tm'n l'm'l it will run ulmut right «lullnm tn the tun: tlu- utlu-r is nlmut 200 foot lung. uml it mm M slum-cl l'ur valvv l'm-t tn mulu- am uwrugv grmlv ul' lq-n Ilul- lurs lu llw tun. liimuuml drilling has slmwu. us fur us llu- «liumuml clrill mm lw relic-d up- uu. that â€w nunmgvnwm will uhmin m lmxst m gmul grmlt- nrv fur the m-xt lvwls In ho ulu-m-cl up am what! has lm-n «low-Inlwcl ulrmuly. It was Ilwm- rvsulls than :3th tlw nunmgv- uwm vnllflck'nm' tn prm't-ml with Hu- nillkillg 01' ï¬lm Hmw vmmmrtnwm shaft. and tlw um-vsmu'y surI'um- imo pruvmm-Ins lmw tukon plum- n-vomly. If you are receiving The Porcupine Advance by mail you will notice on your address a dateâ€"either 15 or 16. If it is the former it means your sub- scription has not been paid. After this week's issue all '15 subscribers will be taken Off the list. The con- tention need Hit HIP lllnttull â€I. t'lltls. .\. 50v, sm'umh-tl h)’ A. Samlvrs. it was de- t'itlml that a Ith‘ he t'nrwal'tlml tn the Nurthvrn ()ntariu Light and l’nw- or (‘mupaay stating that a grvat deal of «limonntt-nt Mists with rvgartl tn the rhargvs Imulv hy tlw ('umpany and asking that a rmluvtiua lw mnâ€" sitlvt'ml. Ihe Menetzin repurtetI :1 mutter mnverning the Past â€thee and «Iir- eeII)‘ :1II'eeti11g the IIetuiI Men-hunts Assneintinn. He stated that he mail- ed Ietteis nt' Imtiee. I'm :1 111eeti113.r Inst Sutuuhn in the «111te1 Im.\ ut the I’ust (â€live at ten 11 elmk 11L 11ight.t)n Mnnchn. m1 enquiiing it H‘lIalIII 111e1- ehamts “1111ch he [)lt'StlII at the meet- in}: he 11111111] that thev hmI HUI 1e- eeith their untiees. II1is 1111:; at hnIt past ten in the 111nr11i11g. I‘Ie haui written In the I’ustmuster an the matter but I'I‘I'Q‘IVI‘II 1m reply what- ever. 11111' any explamutiun nt’ the delay. 1'111'1‘iv1-d l'1'u111 H11- 'l'1'115u-vs i11li111a1l- in}: that if their zic-mmms 110111 1111! prvssml payment. \Vuuld lw Inaulv, withuul i1111:1°vst.i11 lmumrv, 1017. N11 ~1-11111I\ 11.15 111101011 i11 tlw 11101111- tinw. It 11:15 (i(‘(’i(l(‘!i 111111 tlw Sw- 1'1-1111‘1' mitv 1111 1"'1111l1v1 «lttaiilml i11- tniumtiun. tlw Inuliull lwinu by Mr. .'\1111it:1:_rv .1111! 5041111111! in 311.911"- «101's. “n the nmtiun â€1' t'. l’ieree, semnd- ed by ('has. .\. See. it was deeided that tl letter he sent in the Depart- ment in ()ttnwa giving the partienlars and that the repurt in the Advunee 3190 he t'nrwnrded tn the Department. Not Home Trade. The matter «if the IAN-ail lied ('rnss Sueiety pnrehasingr gomds from «me «if the large eity huuses was hrunght up and on the inutiun of Mr. USU‘USSH‘, sec-unded by Mr. See. it was deeided that a letter he inserted in the Ad- vanee signed as n wlmle hy the Re- tail Merehants nt' 'l‘iinlnins. un the matter. the uriginal ut' the letter to he sent tn the [meal Bruneh ut' the Red ('t‘nss Sm'iety. Reduce Light Charges. llw meninn nl' Vlms. Post Ofï¬ce Delay. - milw. Tho rmss rm run in unly ton {PM l'rmn Hu- s It was Hut exported Hm! not be further detailed. l’im‘vu, scrum]- it was clm‘ided in NW vaurt- tlu- lun’tivulars 7 Whether developments will warrant %the stampede remains yet to be seen gbecause a sample brought out of the idistrict is only from a certain area land it is possible that extension of 'the vein matter may not be further :than a small quarter. Taken approximately as two hnn-grnins and South Porcupine for the dred and ninetyaix miles west oflpnrpose of investigating further. Oochrane. Ontario. on the Transconw Samples which have been brought tinental ““1“"? there ‘3 0'19 0‘ ‘hegout of this district and were shown most sensational gold rushes expet- ito Porcupine business men today are ienced during the past three years in astounding. the history of the Northern Ontario . , gold ï¬elds. going on at present lug“? flit??? 9:2“:nflfiym1‘ï¬frï¬g Samples Seen Locally Are Cause For Excite- ment and The Departure of Prospectors The camp is located fourteen miles north on the Kowkuhsgama River and the nearest station is on the Transcontinental known as Kowkuh. Bxits of prospectors from both 00. halt and the gold camp have been made during the past few days and to-day a large number left both Tim- TIMMINS SSHflfll SflASfl APPSINI PSINSIPM ANS ASSISTANT PROSPECTORS RUSH T0 THUNDER BAY Mr. “105. Bowler of Muskuka and Miss Jessie Muirhead, M of Inruntu 'l'lwrv m-n- Ill applic-aah' l'nr llw milwipalslnip and ti? applivaals fur the assistamslnip ml the 'l'iaaains Pal». llc' Svlmul. .\l°lvl' Mll'vl'nl vnllalclvl'u- tiun .\lr. 'l'lmmas lluwlvr ul' .\laskuka I'm-vivml tla- lira! aamml alnpuimawm and Miss .lossiv Mairllcml. ll..\.. ul' 'l'uruam, rm-vivml lllv last umaml ap- lmlllllm'nl. 'l‘lw 'l'rustvvs lwlivw that in lla- svlm-tiuas maclv Hwy have svvarml pruhallly twu ml the stl tvavlwrs fur the Wurk nl' this particular svlmul available at the amawal in Ilw l’ru- \‘iavv. 'l'lu- SwrvmI;\'-'l'rvnsuI'vr. .\lr. Thus. .\I. Wilsmn. nl' 'l'numms l’nhliv Svlmul “mud. I'vpul'is us “INCH’CSI “0 has :llsu lulu-u :1 mm'sv in Nut- urv stmly at tho ()ntm'in Agrivultm'all (‘nllogv in (hwlph, and in .\rt. t‘nm- nwrrv and l’hysimtl ('ultnrv in thv l'nivvrsity ut' 'l'nruntu. It might hv nu'ntiunml. tun, that ho is :1 Past Histrivt Mnstvr in the Imyul â€ramm- .\ssm°iutiun, twivv at l’ust. l’l‘m'cptut' .iu thv Huyzll lilzuok Institutiun. at t‘umpnniun ut' the ltuyul Svm'lvt ('huptor, tl Mvmht-r ut' the Loyal Bhu- Associatinn and a Master Mas-«m. ('1) tn the hvginning at this ymn' .\lr. lhm'lvr was far ï¬vv ymu's prin- (‘iptll Hf l’l'nspt't't Ave. l’lthliv Svhtml in tlw t‘ity ut' l’urt Arthur. a twelve mmnml svhtml mnsidt-rml "me of thc- hest of its size in the whulv l‘rm‘inw ut' Unturiu. Miss .Iossic- Muirhmul is :1 Incl} nf ability and prutivicmgv and was Mr years on Hm ('nlmlt Public- Svhuul stzltT. She attended high mlmul in 'l'ur- untu for iivm V'Nlls passing tlw .lunim 'l‘cm-lwrs .hmiur and Hunuur )lau- rivulatiun vxmniuutiuns. Mr. l)m\'l¢-r's vi't-clvntiuls m'v min-- nwmlulilv tn at «ivgrw “to has In in! "-1 mm; «Mu-lium- us It [Mlltiit' SI’iIHHI towiulw' in ()ntmiu. llv lmlcls tl l’t-i~ llltllH'lli i’l"'n\illtitli Svmml-vluss I’m- t'vssimml 'l‘mtvlwt".~' t'vrtitimtv t'rum 1110 Turn!!!†Xut'tmtl Svimnl: at (it'miv H t‘wtitimitv ut' Physical 'l‘ruining lustiuvtinn umlvr tlw Struthmim Trust: at l’rut'vssimml I'Ilmiwntm'y .\ rt (i'tt‘liiiit‘llt’ t'rmn the â€Marin t‘ullvgv at .\it. and tho vazu'tnwnt of Edn- mttimt. with Hun-ln'nt'cssimmI SIM'P- inlist standing in pi'zivtimil art \mrk, aim] has just written on tho ltvlmi't- uwntal vxmuimitiuns t'm' am An Sup- vrvisur's ('t-i'titimltv. In 1912 she graduated frum the l'niversity of 'l‘uruntu, uhtuining 1hr degree nt' Bawhelm‘ nf Arts with Slim-- ialist's Standing in nmtlu-mutivs. During 1913-1014 she attended tlw Fuvulty ul' l'lduvutinn, taking thv mmrsv fur spm'ialists in nmtlu-mutivs and physivs, passing with lmnurs. Miss Muirheml holds 11150 the in- tvrim High Svlmul Specialist's (£01; liï¬oatc in l’hysival ('ulturv. the Strathvmm H ('vl'tiï¬vate fur l’uhliv Svhnol toaolmrs. Mr. Dmvlcr re-npened the Svlmnl fur the Seniur (‘luss last “Hahn-«1a); September lst, and Miss Muirlwaul will re-npcn the School for the Prim- ary (11155 cm Tuesday next, Septem- ho-r 7th, Monday being Labor Day and a Dnminion lmlidny. Imuh- tluw lmvv sm'lll'cd m» n! the stl 10 1leva tur u! this pautivulur svlmul n the mutual†in Ilw I’m- It in estimated that they aver; twenty dollars to the pound which course means 840.000 to a ton but t is speculative. The quartz containing the gold stated to be very similar to that the Porcupine area except that it darker in color and does not show much oxidization. There are all kinds of rumors and reports regarding the rush but the Advance. in accordance with its stanâ€" dard of conservatism refrains from publishing anything of a nature which might mis-lead intending visitor; to the district. l°°uur drunk and «lisurclvrly c-lm..:m fur the 'l‘uwuship ul' 'l'isdnlv m'm hmml lwt'm'v .lustic-v 'l'. .\l. Wil-um mul .‘lnyur Wilsml (Hm-u- “ivkï¬olll lu-ing IIIDSPHI) alluring Mummy and 'l'uvsduy lust. and ï¬nes inumwd. m- dvr tllv Liqum‘ Livvnsv Art. in vm'h ms» mnmmtin: tn $90.0". Cases in Iimmins Court leniently ' Dealt With [In first vami residents at tiw 'l‘nwu Wt'l't' sumnmmul in ttw l’ulim- i‘mirt'. this wvvk t'm' Utilitiillg ur t't'i'thir‘; tn tnkv nut â€('urtvr's" iit‘t'llN'S n..ctom hy-laiw ~t8 nt' tho iminivilmlity. .lustiw Wilmm was imlnlgom mi tlwsv ï¬rst utt'vmtvrs «wing in tho- hy- luw lmvins.r su rt-vvntly mum. Mt.†rtTt-vt uml ntlwr mitigating c-ii'vum- M051 HIKE fllfl BARIERS’ lIEENSEB lmv lmvms.r su rm'omly mum. mm HTt-vt uml ntlwr mitigating c-irvumâ€" slauwvs. but he wants it llllllo'Y-huul tlmt llw hy-luw Inns in be fully. um! prmnplly vulupliml with. TO -DAY'S STOCK QUOTATIONS. Alwx . “ulllv EX. . ...... . lhmw Luke . . . . .. lhmw Milws . . . . .. Vulvy H'Hrivu .... (Enid “001' . . . . . . .. llullingvr . . ..... .lupilvr . . . . . . . .. McIntyre . . . . . .. l’vurl Lakv . . . . . . . l’urvupinv ('rmm... l’urvupilw Imperial, l’rostun I'I. lhmun. . 'l‘ovk Hughes . . . . . Vilmml . . ....... “'05! Dunno .. . . . .. WASHINGTON. â€" Prospects: of peace in Europe before Christmas: are believed here to be bright. ATHENSâ€"A large Turkish force has been surrounded by the British. on the Dardanelles and surrender i9: imminent. LONDON. â€"â€" One British and 0:30 Belgian steamers were submarined tu- day but the crews were landed safely. PARIS.â€"- The situation on the western frontier continues unchanged. Japan is now sending a steady supply of rifles, guns and munitions for the use of the Allies on both fronts. MWANEE NEWS flUllHiM Some anxiety is being «mm-.1 among the friends in the guld vamp Hf 'l‘. l". ('heyney whose lnystrriuu-L disappearmwe vannnt he arc-named for. ('mning from ('leveland. Hhiu, he was last. seen at, 'l‘immins nu Momâ€" day taking the train f’ur Sumh l)°vrl'r‘ npine from where he went In the Dunne Mines. Since then nonhmzf whatever has been heard â€1' him. He was dressed in a blue sack suit, aith flannel shirt and although lmth l’m» vineial and lm'al police. have been notiï¬ed nu trace 01 Mr. ('hewvney hm»; been enmuntercd. Any intunm-‘Eun will he gladly received by M1. l‘lillll. fl‘nser ut’ the ('anadian Rand Vamp. :..n\ at 'linnuins. (Supplied by llnuu-I FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd. (Received By Wire To-day) Single Copies 5 Cents flccasion 0"" (:ihï¬u 1)) .40. If†H?“ mi 01) A ()1; QM)" 'H) 0'“ I)†H" his I 'A 0! is or is 48