ll. li. 59W. lh'lnt'u 'l'uwtiship. eun- tainim: 17 SH aeres and situated only a few t'laims south and west of the great Home Minim: ('mnpany, l’reston l'last Home. The Home l‘lx- tensiou, West llume. The Standard. Imperial and other well known pru- perties. l'pon this property it is the intention of the ("ompanv tn eon- centrate the most of its work fm the purpose of llt‘\'telupinL,' this claim into one of the prmlueing mines of Porcupine. Work up to date on this property has consisted of strippim,r and trenching a large number nl veins that show up on the surface. Along these veins "test-pits" or small shafts have been sunk in a numher of places and in several in- stant'es free unltl llil‘ lu'i'tl t'uunil sticking right out of the quartz praet ire .Ilv on the surfat-e. .\t the present time it is helieved that there is a very large hmlv of quartz and sehist striking directly at't'ns‘s the longest way of the claim north- east. One well defined wall has been located on the South side of .the vein but so far the other wall has not been (llSPOVcl't‘d. l'p to this (late this immense body of quartz and schists is known to be over one hundred feet wide. How much wider cannot be determined until the other wall on the north side is located. Assays recently taken from this big body Show 'alues in the quartz of $14.68 a ton in the schist of $6.20 a ton. practically right on the surface. The samples from which these assays were taken were care- fully selected so as not to obtain any rock showing free gold. but were selected so as to secure an average of the quartz and schiSt values clear across the dyke. not counting: the free gold showings. Assays of the quartz samples showingr free gold of course run into hundreds of dollars a ton. Location. formation. and sur- face indications considered. it is conceded by minim: men locally that the property is a very valuable one. Suitable acconmnodations have been erected on this property for about ten men at the present time. which includes bunk house. kitchen. dining room and ofï¬ce, etc. pmperties (or dove the developments ( aummr'r of 1911 vamp wore of sm-I' turo and thorn nu doubt as to the [)1 camp. the compnn over several “1-†cipal mining camps of tario including South L ganda. and the Sudbury ision. but on nvcuunt u mixing amount wanrt and to pmcvml :: tivc (havelnpmom ln extent of awn-u Development ('ump; with but, few exccplii the largest vnmpnnie: Porcupine and ullier tario Mining ('nmpa. mcnt work, of cuursc cemratml upon the ('i promising [H'vupt‘l'tll‘s other claims being: m pet-tins: and assvasnu' as stripping and treu that. show on the s‘l West and musl [mm i~ vatiw thoroughly of meat and must pm puny's mum-run: time consists of claim known as t! H. R. 599, Helm" minim: 17 3H m Boston Development. Company. Limo ï¬led was one of the ï¬rst. to realize and appredatc the importance of this new and wonderlul gold camp nf Porcupine. This mmpany has al- Earnings Have Grown Rapidly The Boston Development Co. Making paring Buildlngs Ann land Good Progress In This And m We†(.2 z’\ ;‘ "1...!‘3Yt'l‘1'i ;} ‘1'I{?W‘ 1“, Other camps dflv-iupmvm ..; \..n.':..ln â€HM x ' ‘ ‘H'HM‘ 1?" MW†9:: "w «um “mulch its Trea nl Manager, Mr. A mdvixahlc The gross earnings of the Canad- ian Paciï¬c Railway and its allied steamship lines. with the working expenses. for 1911-12 and the six preceding ye'ars are given below :â€" 1911-42 ...$1‘33,319,541 5180.031298 1910-11 104.167.5308 .61467977 1909-10 ..... 94,989,490 61,149,534 1908-09 ...... 76.323.39.11 53,357,74b MINE UNDER , CAREFUL MANAGEMENT ’orcumm whim: mamas; and [hm mnk 1n Treasurer and (knew. It i :n u sun-m (â€m N ll ll â€Hill Ills s upt'l Nurtlu Mining HIS Irf mummy . \Vul'k 5 5011139111 Hn Lorrain. Gown '3; Mining Div ui thv conscr hi h ‘Ul! \s ll Fuller "I being can rating m um U the ' Hostun Limited. m I‘llt present n'mpinc I Mme, ' . mm "Ins p: vcms pr pro SUCH |)‘) the '03 DIN 1| it m "K (if In develop suvh :1 claim into a mine and doriw its pmtits from the min- vml extructvd. It has been and will continue to ho the policy of this company tn avquirv lul'm‘ holdings uf minim,r properties by means of discovery“ location 01‘ purchase. and m fulluw wry vlnsvl)’ the manner of pt'm'mlln'u 0f the? large English 0X- Nurauinn mmpzmivs whivh hnwbm‘n The mmpany also uwm group hf six claims in Shining Trev District in bury Minim: HiVEs‘inn. whiv dor th‘olopIm-nt at the pro: Mr. .\. S. l’ullvr. 'l’rmsur thN'c are c' this kind thomsles m'minL' dis minim: dis-trims 0f Northern Un- tarin. In tho' vase of an exam- tinnally valuable property. howovvr. it will he the aim of the mmpany 0f it 1"! pans puny to attompt to male. mines out HI. a†its pmpo‘rtics. but simply tn develop thmn up tn the point wlu-rv they can be sold at a large ï¬gure and the proï¬ts disbursed to its stm-klmldors in tho furm uf (“Vid- mulm 'l'hv ("umpzmy holivww that crnsscut 9: mm shmvuu.’ on this claim Taking: overything into considera- tion, Mr. Puller is probably one of the busiest men in the camp. from 1907â€"08 1906â€"07 1 90:"r0ï¬ of the railway and its properties has doubled. the operating exnenses havâ€" ing rather more than doubled. This showing has been made during a period of increased competition, and in face of a tendency to reduce rat- es, for carrying both passengers and freight. tron p Illim imito' One In six years the .\. S. I'M! nolal .\Ianam‘r UVN‘ â€Iv \\':l_\' ll 0 100 m "I the intentior amps Iv Ill) 3 intention of the Company laim to continue the shaft present. depth of 50 feet. ct and then run drifts and north and south. and lat- :nrmnu~‘ nppnrllmltlcs H! mm inuully pn-som im: in tho newly discovered riots of Northern (m- thu case of am excep- I! p00! '3 pl‘nnl 61.66.“),75? 71.3%.173 H "I ( depth lkc' is very much vlat- â€H‘M‘ prnpert ios an 0 pram-lit timt- and 3 them to M viiil so ttlmlfcr Mint \‘vlnpnmnt thvw prrmm operating: income mmom nHHt'llt Ipany's largest mists of seven :9!" 40 acres each 'Pull 1 Lorrain div» "Vhi stance north uf 3"“ laufer \Iinc. A t" ‘ -lnpment “mk u" how prnxwrtivï¬. Pal' mt nf tront'himrl .\ and two shnfh quit to a depth of Mes: I“ winter I! much n'tunitit um depth of nth shaft s IN! 49,691,807 40.914218 39,696,445 the W the S 'h arv not†m tinu mvrt m sham \\' n cum Sud I†fl U!“ "0 l1 un I!“ \\' he ABIIIBI PUlP A joint stock company with a capital of $1.500,000 is to he or- ganized to carry out the enterprise. An integral part. (if the scheme is the ('o‘nstnu-tinn of a pulp mill costing. with equipment and machin- ery, not less than 4300,00â€, with at daily output of «me hundred tons nt' pulp and the enmluyment of two hundred and fifty-nine hands on an :ivm‘nge fur ten mnnths in the year. 'l‘lll.‘ investment is distrilmttxlâ€" $100,001) «luringr the ï¬rst year ; $300,- 000 during the set-«ind yezu' ; and the balance during the third year. Cut- ting may commence on the limit so soon as $100,000 is expended on the mill. The sum'e-ssful teemlm'cr is also un- dvr agrm‘mpnt to crnct a paper mill on the order ml the Lieutenant-Gov- ex'nm' in Council, which shall have The Different Uses of Quartz: SSUM Io Be Expanded in Pre- Greater at‘th’ity is e\'idenced in the development of Sorthern Ontario. Settlers are entering the country more rapidly but are not likely to patronize that region in large num- bers until the ndVent of ready made faring. Messrs. Shirley Ogih’ie and pvrty 501‘! until my tlu- nmmmt instalnwms. 'I'hv tcndcrcrs : wood and zurrivu the settlers and mute as far as dI‘Vt'lHVINNH and .\nntlH-r likt-ly «luwlupnu-n! is 1hr starting: in antlu-rn â€Marin at a system of {most induotrivs, employ. int: tl‘ainml men and opm'atml upon lines that will mark a doparturo from the wasteful lumlmrimr methods of the past. Negotiations are pro- ceeding by whit'h. it is t-xpm'tml.. a large area in the north will b0 se- vurml by private and (lemtctl to the making: of wood produvts that will utilim every inuh of the trees from mots of top. With it will be car- ried on reform-sting and the szientitic culture of existing timber. a vapucity of one hundred tons of paper per day and shall turn out not less than seventy-ï¬ve tons of paper per day. the purpose 1) \hil†expend 3? huildincs and 1:1 m'ithmrhnnd of nf the land on F. ll. Anson. of Montreal. are the successful tenderers for the Ahitihi pulp limit oflered by the Ontario Government. The amount of the bonus to he paid to the government is $5.000 per year. distributed otter a period of t\\'ent,\--nne years. making smsmo from this source alone. 'l‘hia represents only the right to cut pulpwood and timber on the limit. which comprises 1.50m square miles, and entitles the. successful tenderer to obtain a lease. upon the usual F. H. Anson. of wooessful tandem pulp limit oï¬erc Havernmcnt. The Different I'ses of Quartz Quartz occurs in many different forms, such as sand. tripoli, sand- stone. and quartzite. In some forms such as rose and smoky quartz and amethystiue quartz. it. has a gem Value. Massive crystalline quartz and flint are used in the manufacture of pottery. paints. and scouring soap and as wood ï¬ller. Considerable quantities of ground quartz are used in the manufacture of paint, in some cases as much as one-third to the total pigment consisting of this ma- terial. Quartz cruslied and graded to nviizhlmrhnml of Iroqttnis Falls. None of this land an the. limit saws with the lease. sn the conditions under Whlt'h this money is to be expended will he dcvidml hy the Minister of Lands. Fnt'osts and Minn-i. although a lion will ho t't‘tnim‘tl utt all pro- porty snltl until the purvhasvrs ro- Mosmrs. Ulrih‘ic m‘ sorted in their um and after WIS! flu Various sizes is used in the manufac- ture of sandpaper. sand belts, as a scouring agent with sand-blast ap- paratus, etc. Blocks~ of massive quartz and quartzite are used in the chemical industry and as a flux in copper smelting. Ground quartz is also used in ï¬lters and in tooth pow- ders and.by dentists as a deter- gent. mm. 0! Im mils for pow .\n addition sin-d by t Strivt {I ft 0 l‘ 1913 Hwy will mlvam'o (M )M‘ M brim: («pended or m! Mum in. preparing md land fur settlers in the Iroquois tom: :rcrs also agree to buy wrivult uml prodiu-t s fmm . and («mu-mint to pm- n' as in thvir power the t and Sc'Hlt'annt of the UH pu rpom‘s mum'mnvm . which md Ans-«m have in- ï¬or. is that during TH E PURCUPINE ADVANCE N nher (m the Emit. .560 square miles. sueeessful tenderer I. upon the usual . and ("ouehiehing lIMIIS Sfllfl talk nu. not u‘m m Leaves T01‘onta’ .. .30 p. m. daily ex‘ cept Sunday up to Sept. Z’lst and from Sept. 93rd to 28th, Monday Wednesday and Saturday'- Low Round-trip Rates in- cluding Meals and Berth 1000 Islands and Return $15.00 Montreal “ “ $24.50 Quebec “ “ $55.50 Saguenay RWer and “ $45.50 Bank of Toronto Steamer “Belleville†Leaves Toronto 2.30 p.m. daily ex- Toronto 6.00 p.m. every Tuesday. Steamer “Dundurn†leaves Hamil- ton 8.00 am. and Toronto 5.00 p. For tickets, reservations, etc., write H. Foster Chaï¬ee. G. P. A., Toronto. ton 8.00 a.m. and 111. every Saturday. Very low rates on this line includ- ing meals and berth. INTEREST A Savings Account THIS BANK 100 Branches In Ca nada 'Nc can supply Ruck Breakers, Rolls. Ore Bin Gates, (")re Feeders. Stamp Mills, Tube Mills. Bull Mills, l'cbble Mills. Plates, Classifiers. Sand Pumps, Cyanide Tanks, Filter Presses, Agitation Tanks and motive l‘nwer fur operatingr the above. Our complete line Hf Air Compressors. Rcvcivcrs, Rock Drills. etc. is particulariy up-todate and wnrth your consideratiun Capital - $4,600,000 Rest - $5,600,000 We wish to announce the opening of our new FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE at where we will carry c1 full line of Rock Drills, Core Drills, Hammer Drills and Accessories A competent Engineer will be in charge, prepared to quote upon, complete “Amalgamating, Concentrating or Cyanide Plants, ready to run. Cor. King Simcoe Sts., Toronto. District Offices; South Porcupine Montreal, Halifax, Ottawa, Cobalt, Winnipeg, Calgary, Nelson, Vancouver, Prince Rupert CANADA FOUNDRY COMPANY, LIMITED SERVICE TO SAVERS MINING MACHINERY renders a valuable service to those who systematical- ly save money, by inviting depositors to their Savings Department. is added to balances half- yearly. is a great assistance in sav- ing money. it attracts many sums that would otherwise be spent. and it keeps your money safe from thieves, from ï¬re and other 1055. South Porcupine AND “Kingston†STEAMERS “Toronto†%++++++++++++¢++++++++++++ â€I“ Englehart. *$**§*+++$$$$Â¥+**+++**+.Â¥+§¥ M b5 6:2 .4. m z .,._ .c 5:: a a. M “ADVANCE†Through trains daily between Toronto and 4‘ Timmins. operating,r through Pullman Sleepers to and from 'I‘immins. making connections at Iroquois Falls for Coltrane. 4- 4+!- q. .1. .1. Cafe parlor car service between North Bay and TEMISKAMINB 8! NflflTHfflN UNTAHIU flAllWflVi Daily service between North Bay and Cochrane operating through CPR. sleeper from Montreal to Cochrane. Local service between Englehart and Cobalt, and between Porcupine and Timmins. For full particulars see current time table or refer to any T. N. 0. Agent. e+etee++a The Only Paper Printed and Published in The Porcupine Camp Subscribe For the TRAIN SERVICE Effective, September 15th, 1912