some t in dale The internal dissention among the dtareholders of the Crown Chartered Gold Mining (‘0. of Porcupine. Lim- ited. assumed a battle royal aspect last night with the issuing of a writ by Arnoldi and (Brierson. act- SOME FINANCING IN CROWN CHARTERED CO. Writs Have Been Issued Against Directors to Prevent Sale of Claims one mg mm‘ a group or known as the Davidson the northern portion ship. On these lots va wbeth '1' or not the present directors had t.ic right to continue to rule the destinies of the corporation. was raised. Their term of ottice expired some time ago. yet no meeting was held to eï¬'ect their successors or to re-elect themselves. Some of the board, as constituted at the last annual meeting, dropped out, yet no successors were appointed. cunccrno-d crot The denouement came the other day with the announcement that the directors were attempting to dis- pose to I'nited States interests 0‘. the valuable Davidson claims, so far as known the only holding of the company possessing any real merit since the other 'properties were never developed to any material extent. Announcement was made at Montreal at the same time by the secretary- treasurer that the company was out uf funds‘. that the directors had ad- Vallk'm’l Illullt‘y in Hilly Hll (lt‘VklUp‘ I" REX $7.131) Fl A X C E ATT EM PT - The Toronto World ol last Satur- Ly has the following in reganl to no of the hopes of Northern Tia. The aflnh tions in the future. order of events in the this would result in allel ins ience A f0 itit mun IicY1 It pl†PAYMEX'J‘ WAS NOT MET. pretty much «sent m 'hmm} got her at in whivh weeks ago the question as to m' not the present directors right L0 continue to rule the ‘l‘dx I†nlx' a! ances of high {H of the company have much of a tangle for d the shareholders have :-r at sea as to the MK! .ivh they were placcd tion follows an invcs all excel H vondholde :1 1’ 3' .U'cht puny. L Ilennu darneau alt to hm pa ï¬â€˜nancers < nnult N 3 I properties . and the h little or tars exper 30K to .\I of [the sharehohlcrs and requc; this nature. The public. a ponion of them. have once too often. however. transit-1‘ present action iunmiun restraining lam'. 111111 by 1111111'0111-1‘ emu'aes hm'e umsed huge losses to the company, ifur M11111 they themsehes should be Elinhle ; and that they hme issued il- ilusoty eiuulata to induce the shatte- gholdew to p'111t 131th theit sham 'l‘he plaintifl charges manipulation in the stock matkets, and asks judg- ment {01' an account by the defend- ants in 1espect of the ptemises and pa3n1ent by them of the company's [losses and also in tespeet of dama- company's clatms. 'l'he plnintifl declares that the dc- fendnnta are not entitled to occupy the othce of directors except for the purpose of calling a special meeting of the shareholders to bear the re- ports and elect new directors. and asks for an injunction restraining any other actions by them. It is also declared that the direc- tors have failed to conduct the M- fnirs of the company according to .‘hm‘temi ('0.. of the Dmidson laims by causing a transfer to be nadc. that they have induced A. B. SHAREHOLDERS TAKE ACTION. A meeting of the dissentient share- holders vas’ held in Toronto on Wed- nesdm, at which a committee, com- p1ising brank Arnoldi, K. 8., M. K. (omit), l\. C., and Hugh ll. Suthe1- land, b1oke1,. “(3H3 appointed to is- sue .1t11uila1 to the stockholders setting forth the charges against the directors. These in brief are it: fol- lows : l .\'o general meeting was held at the time appointed by law. 3 .\'0 report has been made by the directors up to date. 3 The company's accounts have not been audited or sent to the shareholders. 3 Some of the directors have re- signed and there is not. a tull board at the present time. 5 The directors allege that they nat'u' atl\;tttt'etl money to the com- pany. 'l‘he shareholders have neVaer been advised of the conditions call- ing for the advances nor of the terms by which they were obtained. (i The directors have lately been negotiating for the sale of the com- pany’s properties without taking ing the shareholders into considera- tion. T The company's aï¬airs have not lumw1rnanaged by the dhwctors as they were legally bound to manage them. H That since some of the directors have resigned and successors have not been appointed. the remaining diiectms are legally incapitated from carrying on the affairs of the com- pany. m spi red rs 8N ‘1 M1. John P. Heï¬eman. secre- tan-tIeasurer has dealt with the aï¬airs of the compam outside of the legal action of the board A SKING FUR PROXIES. The committee has sent out appli- cations for proxies to be used at the special meeting called for in the writ. The committee believes that it will hold proxies sufl’iciemt to con- trol the meeting and to turn out the present board and to elem new (lit'e('t.ot‘.<. who will conduct arlinves- tigation into the affairs of the com- pany and take any legal action ne- emsarv against the former board. The writ arainst the di Lres that they have i nspircd to deprive th '11 ff, 3} ('H.\ RUE (0F FRAI'I) [11f without the and approxuna t8 claims mine meeting is called :ely 7.748.000 shar- . so The World was “H.000. and will be over a million by H . former mtst andi director m: been bitten hence the .n‘it S mululom ly at least m wn dc ludiciai Sale of Assets of Calcite Lake Mining Company, Limited. Pursuant to the Winding Up Order made herein and bearing due the 213: June 1912, and my direction lu hereunder. sealed tenders. addressed. to "The Master in Ordinary†Os- goode Hall. Toronto." will be re- ceived by him up to noon of the Eveventh day of October. 1912. for the purchase en bloc of the follow- ing assets of CALCITE LAKE MIXING COMPANY. LIMITED. 0| Mining Locations LU. 357 and L.O. .356. Mining [muses from the Crown of record in the Deparhrcnt of Lands. Forests and Mines, situate in the Township of Lawson. District. of Vipissing. The aboVe properties. are adjacent to east side of Calcite Lake and and pipe lines for air and stcmn. and the com-ml Mim'r's Blacksmith's and ('al‘Pt'ntvr's tnuls and Cook-house and Hunk huuw out-tit and some home fumitm‘v. Much dowlnpnwnt. has been done on the property; two shafts sunk, one to 2377') or 2360 foot (loop. the other 30 foot and extensive drifting and cross-mutiny: has been done on the Various INK-ls. the cast of which is amprtwimutoly. as per Company's hun'h‘ $53900. \\' 0 S Shaft Hmw Pump "on“ samc lll\’vntUI‘it-.~. cum, can application to the Li<p solicitors. 'l‘l‘JR-MS 01" SALE cheque to the order of (3. '1‘. Clark- son. Liquidator. for ten per centum must all-company the u-mlcr. which cheque will be returned if the tend- er he not accepted, a further ï¬fteen per ccntum shall he paid on comple- tinn nf nnrchasc and the remainder in 11 ‘ ()rdcrs to inspect the be had on application dator. The purchaser shall search title at his own expense and the Vendor shall not he required to furnish abstracts, produce deeds, declarations or e\i- dences of title other than those in his possession. The purchaser shall have ten days within which to make any ohjections .or requisitions on title.. and incasc he makes any ob- jection or requisition which the Yen- dor shall from any cause be unable or unwilling to answer or remove, the Vendor may then rescind the sale. in which case the purchaser shall he entitled only to return of the deposit money, without interest, cost or compensation. The purchaser shall keep the pro- perty insured against ï¬re until com- pletion of all 'his payments, Loss payable to th? Liquidator. The lowest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. Further particulars may be obtain- ed on application to the Liquidator or his solicitors. Geo. 0. Alcorn, Master in Ordin- ary. Dated at Toronto this 12th day of September. 1912. Day Foxguson 0’ Soliâ€" citors for LinUidator, 59 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ont. G. T. Clarkson, Liquidator, Scott Street, Toronto. Senator \‘al'daman, so the story goes. once rented a plot of several acres to one of his black neighbors. The land was to be planted in rorn, and the Senator. then ex-governgr, was to x‘et'eive (me-fourth. The corn was (11d the “Well, wasn't I to get a fourth?" “Yes. sah, boss, dat's de truf. but dar warn't no fo'th. There was jes three loads, and dey was mine.†THE SENATOR LEFT OUT the Senator. then ex-govern'ar, to reveive (me-fourth. The corn duly harvested. but the aenaror not receive his fourth. Meeting negro‘one day. he said : ‘ook here. Sam. have you har- fourteen ncluding so. Blac‘ 0. ("“04 properties are adjacent of Calcite Lake and m Lake. Situate on pmor THE PORCUHNE ADVANCE Pump. J Human"! equipment. lham- car. buckets. pipes air and steam. and $unk '1 0 '0. Cook House. House. Powder nk House and Mamagcr’s rc- ksmith 10m: ‘ g0 can be soon on iquidator or his Situate on mildings and ‘mvor â€Quite. (‘hlding px‘opex‘ty may to 1110 Liqui- ' receiver. ml pump. Canadian sho ’om A D O O ’0 .00. O. O O .0 O O O. O O N O O o o â€oâ€. O. O O N O O .0 0'. O O .9 O .00.†O. O N O. O O O. O O O. O O O. O. O O O 1 Rex Theatre last "was [lays This September 23--24--25 “Whose Baby Are YOU?†Week “Lena 0 0.0 O '0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 00.0 0 .0 0 0 0 .00.00 0 0 o o 0 .00. 0.00.! A GUARANTEED «'zll'lwul n1. Slwcizll Scenery. Mallml'nu- warde and “all! t'fll'vts "Miss Bibney as “lens" Miss Kinney as “Sally†Rivers Just About one-half of what its Costing you with coal or wood People have an idea that electric irons are expensive. They are not. One can be run for less than 4c an hour Besides you are saved the bother of working around a hot stove. An elec- tric iron should’t cost you any more than 50 cents a month to operate We have a good display at all offices and will be pleased to demonstrate Electric Iron For 1 cents an hour D ’0 0....†O. O O O. O O .0 O O .0 O O O. O O .0 O O .0 O .0 O O .0... . oo’u’n’u’u’n o .°..°..°«°«°oo‘ 0‘50. 0 o o o o o o â€o“."oâ€oâ€oâ€:â€oâ€o O O. O O o“. «:00 O O "3“? O O '00... 00 0 D 0 O O .0 DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO‘, '0 O.â€.â€.O 9.. 0.00.0... O.â€.O0.00.0 ..O0.00.â€.O O. o , ’0 0 O 0.“ .0