Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 6 Sep 1912, 1, p. 4

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The Porcupine Advance Ohc!‘ “a good miner; bar that this is a bartender. Because a man spends a lot of time on‘a job is no sign that he is eamivg his salary. onto Globe ted States Your neighbor may have beed brought up in a different church and just because you do not like a thing yourself is not always a reason that there should be a law to pro- hibit it. - The biggest battfeship in the world is to be callid the Pennsy.\°ania and Pennsylvania was named after a man who atlhcated peace and who thought with thrman that war was hell. 110 Sign See Europe if you will, but see your own country first. It has been estimated that the people of the United States and Canada spend $450.000, 000 in European travel every ayen There is :1 slight feeling,r of restlessness around and about town. The provincial police are working this way. 'I‘lu- va Ym'k Christian Advnmttccnnll'ssvs tn :1 gl'mlt luck ut' paltimu-u with Rulwl't \V. Chambers, whn has lwvn serving up some ln'ctty lumr literary stull' nt' lutu. It is nuw lmssilnlv t'ur l'ml lmil'ml girls tn shinv at ‘mth cmls, as Lumlun mum-n have set the [mac and :u'v wearing 'urmt culm'ml stuckings. You wont be alive then, so the opinion of Dr. Forbes Winslow, need make but little difference in your daily mental existence. This en.- inent alienist announces that in the yearZ 259 every person in America Will be a lunatic. It is hard for New Yorkers t0 get away from the question of high finance and officials in the Booker case are now wor- 1‘) ing more about whcie he put the moxie) than whcic he not itâ€"zmd lésing sight ofthe kill- m g part. Whil Beating the worn Canada. United States Advertising Rate! Furninhetl Published every Friday by Globe-is not. en SUBSCRIPTION RATES: and priding you! (03 activity. Canada M W. the Boy Scout rot“ 0E0. LAKE, PROP. Phone 26. U bulging .3351 lSiVC $2.00. not 3 00 a we". sivoly a Ufli‘ anada leads f on being to roman: me Tor. UU i339!) m ‘ contest trip to l in gold It is rather phenomena] to have mines in a gold camp established on a paying basis, in a period covering less than three years. Do you as a resi- dent of the camp know there are four mines at this stage of the game right now. and that there are mighty bright prospects for double that number before another year turns the corner. Or are you like the injured husband, the last to find it out. Pastor McLennan Goes To Yorkton l’l'c-sh.\‘tm'izm v! l’nrc-upilw was and lw has :4: way. aml ahlt- tn [ill'k nttt amt ~ta'. antl in a truly ('liristian way uyvrlunk. tlw trivial rliall' Hl' tltv (f\'t‘l'.\'tl1l.\' tnimlning‘s UHHUHUH t” illl ”l. ‘thifi' \Vllll' tlvrvrs «m this Ptll’lll aml wt» (Nil Hilly as it «*xistml. llv will lw. yvry lllllt‘ll missml lmtlt as a man aml a minister. Joe Atkinson, brother of Mrs. Ho- mer L. Gidson, left last week for the West where ne intends to mike his home. He was one of the most pop- u'ar among the young fellows and will be very niuuhed missed by all who knew him: I" Um tlw \wst‘ Ii ret \vurk tlw Wo'fit. .‘lr. McLemmn a tire! wnrk in thid vamp was in ”w littlv vlmrvh :lt l’«)tt.~'\'illv WIH'H ”In pl't-svllt Sitv HI. HIP I’ramln‘h-rinh plum-h in Sum}: Friends of Julius Messei', a well~ known engineer and mining man in this north country, would like to know where he is now located. A fuvoe will be confeued by sending his addicss to this office. Miss I. G. Qeattie has returned to South Porcupine and wi-l again have charge of ?he school work. While a.- way on her vacation Miss Beattie visited in the Maratine Provinces among her ltome people as well as taking a trip along the famous St. Lawrence and Iliudson rivers. him slnvv pustnr Hi Im- ('mm'u lwrv alum! a ymu' ur mnrv :lgn :1 vnllgl'vgmiun ut' Whivh any millistvr «'HHM m-H lw pl‘ullcl. if smh :1 thing as pl'iclv mm hr :‘lllmwcl in m Hpmml tmu h- inus. Hr MWIHWI tlu- right it llHlIl lllllllll Fred Mchmarm of the North Dome mine was the holder of ticket 331)!) in the Nipissiug Stores drawing contest. and rewind the free round trip to 'l‘otonto and the tan dollars Ill It would seem like a whole lot if you had to count them, but the dif- ference between one hundred million and ten hundred million basteria in the milk for our tea or coffee is not) sufficiently large to be alarming when all we hace to do is to swal- low them. 'l'lxv'l‘rmimw Bank of Canada has puxwfi into lustory and the lecal branch in Porcupine opened last Tuesday as tne Royal Bank of Cana- da, the merger of these two banks whiCh have been known for some time;- taking: effect on this day. Manager 'I‘ipton will continue in charge of the bank in South Porcu- pine. In the province of Ontario in combined banks have a total of 110 branches and 9 suberanches. timer taxing: enact. 011 mu: uay. Manager 'l‘ipton will continue in eharge of the bank in South Porcu- ' held at my office, Second Avenue, in pine. 1n the province of Ontario in i the Town of Timmins. Ontario, on combined banks have a total of 110 ; Monday, the 26th day of Arugust, branches and 9 subdbranches. ‘191-‘3. at the hour of ten o'clock in ithe morning to receive a statement v , ' i afi ' s, to 3 int ins ectors, and lhe nexxly organized Por-l 0 a“ _ W" P 601' the ordering of the estate gener- cupine football team had theirl ally. first practice on Friday last Creditors are hereby requested to A meeting of the creditors will be LOCAL ITEMS '1’ Wm ' .1 t0 luuk :It‘h-r tin ; in that thriving \wst. Mr. '3le H! HI HIHHH nu] "HP 8H" IH‘W "IM‘ 1 galtllo'l‘ml uhm HI‘ ”1' the! (-hnrv “4|.“ IT) if! )1 mntrv :uu 11 Ill wilch l svrumn in ulmut Ynt'k‘um. n.- ‘v- :h been IHHII um: of n U l'( V] H" 3" C :1 hm It plzll'h [100815 BASI [IN BUUBT llf REVISIUN Additionan Expense to lawn- ship and Delay in Bol- Iection ot Iaxes. Feuow ClhtcflOZâ€" been kept high. no one can complain so long an every paroon na aucaud in proportion to his neighbour. it is an advantage to have the au- uarnant high. It (in: a batter standing to tho Townohp and if the assessment is kept high the rate of taxation can be kept low. If the aaseaoment is low than the rate of taxation will \x’ith the aid of this loan your Councnl paid 0“ the indebtedness left over from 19” am. ounting to 526.000 and there is some 52,000 of Liabilities left over from 19” yet to pay. In another year the Township will be reaping a handsome revenue from the various mines and with its aid the aiiairs of the Township can be financed without unduly hurdening the The new court will sit in Wilson's Hall at ’2 p.m. on the afternoon 0‘ September 16th. IQIZ. and all those who appealed against their assessment are requested to be present sharp o n time as the appeals will be tallen up in al- phabetical order and disposed ol promptly. The assessor has endearoured to assess the various properties 0‘ this Township fairly and rsteablv. While the rate of assessment has on the best terms to men! {he be the: Government to a Province of Ontario ratepayers. The Council have done their best to lessen the burden of the ratepayers ol this Township while at the same time making all necessary improvements in the shape of roads. sidewalks. improving streets. building bridges. besides fire equipment at South Porcupine and Pearl Lahe. be made sufl the ratepayer- We have spent so far this year $26,000 of which the Government contribute $3,000 and the Dome Mines “.000 leavung a net ex- penditure for this year of $15,000. This added to some 532,000 expended by the Counml for l9” makes a total of $50,000 spent in this Township in a little over a year withoutcollect- ing a dollar of taxes from the people. Ofcourse these moneys have to ‘be repaid but we have arranged with the Government so that the repayment of their loan is spread over a number of years. and the royalty from the mines will repay this easily leaving a handsome balance yearly to add to the general taxes. 19“ an We are compeHed. however. to raise mnncys to repay the Bank of Toronto loan $10,000 and to meet current expenditures until the next year's taxes come in. We trust that the good citizens of Tisdale will assist the Council by refraining from appeals and other proceedings which result only in do lay and expense to the Municipality and them- calves. Signed on behalf of the Council of Tnsdale, South Porcupine. Sept. Isl. 1912. J. E. COOK. a! revenue .lu t makes no Jaw-rt casonoblc t In the matter vof Pierre Alphonse Morin, of the Town of T'umnins, in the District of Sudb’ury, late of Cobalt. butcher and general mer- Notice is hereby given that the above named insolvent has made an assignment to me of all his estate, credit and effects for the benefit of his creditors or other persons entitl- ed thereto, or having claim thereon. 3 assessment :9 mg To the R the useflmenl chant. The Councnl IIBI were name because the tale 0‘ ch NIHIBE Tl] CREDITURS nepoyers of the Township 0‘ Tiuhle .-e to raise certain amount 0! money tequiromenu of the Township ond dinerence to the ralepaycr whether bat rowe wins I dfl Ji any rrowed 540.000 from flu.- rcr cent which is an ex- . amd thuloan was obtained any loan ever made by the my Municapality in the DH THE PURCL’PINE ADVANCE so the required amount 1 the: Township dnrmg the Council feel that be mllmg to pay low Reeve nicapality taxation must 3 taxes w: fr UICl-Ulu un-v wwvv - And notice is hereby given that af- ter thirty days from this date the assets will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which no- tice shall then have been given, and the assignee will not/be liable for the assets or any part thereof so dis- tributed, to any person or persons of whose claim he shall not then have had notice. R.S.O. CHAPTER 129. In the matter of Joseph A. Morin, Insolvent. Notice is heieby given that the above named insolvent, Joseph E. Morin, of the town of South Porou- pine, in the Province of Ontario, tate to me fc his creditors. tile theit claims with the Assignee before the date of such meeting. T. M. WILSON, Assignees. Dated at Timmins, Ont, this 14th day of August, 1912. The creditors are notified to meet at the office of Cook Mitchell, South Porcupine, Ontario, on Mon- day, the 12th day of August, A. D. 1912, at eight o'clock in the evening, for the purpose of receiving a state- ment of the insolvent’s affairs, for the appointment of inspectors and the giving of directions with refer- ence to the disposal of the estate. All persons claiming to be entitled to rank on the estate must file their claims with me on or before the Illst day of August, 1912, after which date I will proceed to distribute the assets thereof, having regard to those claims only of which I shall then have received notice, and I will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose lelaim I have‘not then received no- ltice. day of Ahgust, A. D. 1912. GEORGE H. B. INSOLE. South Porcupine. Ontario, Assignee. J. F. Reilly of Porcupine has 250 more geranium and fuchsia plants than he desires to carry over the winter and will sell them very cheap. Dated at South Porcupine this lst SUMMER GOODS ALL LINES REDUCED. HERE ARE A FEW OF THE PRICES Remember we close at 6.30 Mom, Wed and Fri., Evenings Wholesale and Retail BRUCE AVE : : : 50. P0 Northern Canada Supply Co., Ltd. NUIIBE Ill BREDIIUBS PUNIS fflfl SAlE Mll SUMMER BflflflS flfflllflfll. â€"for the-general benefit of Screen Doors Regular $1.50 ” " " $1.75 $2.nn Complete with hinges, screws and pull) " New Perfectinn" Blue flame Oxl Stoves 3 Burner Regular $13M) 2 " ” $1H_lm Ovens for same with glass door " $ 3.5” " $2.75 One $27.”H white enamel lined Refrigerator at a great reduction Blizzard Ice Cream Freezers. now 1 qt. $1.5”. .3 qt. $23M“ 3 qt $3.5M Slaughter Prices Ihe House of High-Class Photo Plays Matinee Wed. and sat. at 2.30pm. same M AJ ESTIC TH EATRE PRICESâ€"â€"100 and 150 tmem 969091 COMEâ€"Our Pictures are flickerless Two Shows Every Evening First Run at the MostUp-to-date AssessmentWork MOVING PICTURES Illustrated Songs Good Music In Any Part of Northern Ontario’s Mineral Districts, is Our Specialty 8: Company Mining Contractors South Porcupine, Homer L Gibson All our work is under control of thoroughly capable mining men and we guarantee good work in every contract undertaken Reports and Maps on completion of every Contract. High-class References AT flflN’T MISS THIS 'SHANSE SO. PORCUPINE 00.00000000000.0000.00 Delivered to any part Of the town at reasonable rates. "IE Unign Bualfinmpany Now $10.: .0 000k (2 Mitchell Barristersâ€"Solicitorsâ€"Notaries Now $1 UH Temple Building, Toronto Goldon Ave. South Porcupine 9' Telephone 90 0h Ont.

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