Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 2 Aug 1916, 1, p. 8

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vozzzonOOO60630000630060900.30900932900600 000399930000. LES SOUTH PORCUPINB SCHUMACHER Watch E This Space OQ$¢00”“OOOOOO 9 O 0 (9 o 0 ¢ 0 9 O O O o g BIG HT Rev. J. Douglas Paterson, Rector lluh (‘111111111111iun men Sunday at S 11111.. also on 151 Sunday 111 month at 11 n. 111. and 011 Inst 8111111115 utter ex 0111111Ir senice aning PHHGF, 11 .1.111. Sunda) Sclioiil. J p. 111. Evening Prayer. 7.30 11m. Baptisms and other services by arrangement. Un hehall’ at the ('unipany. I wish in exprens unr many heartfelt and :‘t-naine thanks for the lmxes reeeiv- ml. Histrilmtiun has heen made as l'nlhm's: ()ne pareel las made up hy _\'nll) tn eaeh ut' the hays ult the list here with NS. The remaining pareels were hruken up and distributed tllll- angst the rest “1' the euinnany. l hulle this meets with the apprm’al «if all euneernetl in the as.~teinhlin_«_: at these huxes. l have the hunnr tu he (lratet'nlly _\'unr.~'. \‘C. 'l'. ('nrtis. Lient. 2nd Van. l’iuneers. (it-OOQOOOOQOOOOONOOOWQ 0090...»...033.‘ CL. @5.¢¢¢O¢GO§OW (Empire Theatre) Pastor. J. Maxwell Allan Biblv Study and Suhbuth Srhnul. 11 sun. Uivimr Service. 7 lun. Anthem by thv ('lmir. Yuung Mon Specially Invited. has: [it heal and [kewkte IN THE MAIL BAG ST. MATTHBW’S CHURCH TIMMINS THE BYRNE'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Church Notices Ill o! N' lvmvcml :u-rnss y suvh Wurtlu' lws. Woldml, l'dle. Dirk '., .luv (h'ruux, y. Ulmstvzul. 'aunplwll, \\‘('l'(' lmt. 'l'lu-y urv rum units. al_\'.~'. Mm .\'u trans H m «lm' H'SP 'ln. 1 tn‘ll‘l 'nl'ts I: 's‘il'allilt '2 «mar- HL'lillHL 1! il lule those l'lu muli- S In.” Null \‘um W Hm I'ul't’ tho m‘t' ' nu! ml (bl! u HS m ll W Ii H Scaled 'l'cuders marked ‘ ‘ Tenders fur Water Works Extensions” Will be received up In “mm 01' August 5th, 'l‘cmlm's are rcquirml for the lay- ing ul.’ almut 5,400 {out ut' Water Mains, llydrunts, Eta, in the Town nl' 'l‘immins. Sperilimtiuns and plans may he soon at the ntlim- n!’ the 'l‘nwn ('lerk. 'l'immins. ur Messrs. Suh-lit't‘e 6: Nee- lamls. New Liskennl, ”1' will be fur- wanled nu written application. 1916. U. E. M().\"[‘GO.‘IF.RY. Timmins, July 4th 1916. C \\'A.\"l'lil) 'I'U lll'ZX'l'.----(S Rammed House or Bungalow an ”ill. (iiw full particulars to Hm; 30, Advance. FUR SALE YUl Midsummer Promo. (ions of Moneta School POSITION WAN'l'l'IlLâ€"-~Ymm§: lady (It'Silvs luwitinu as stmmgrzlphm': '3 voms oxpvrirmuo; gum] kxmwlcdzo of gun-{all 0‘ mp \mrk. Bux :m, .\d- \muo "Hive. . ‘ \\' \\'.\.\"l‘l':l).~-- .\ (‘uuk (EL-mew]; gum] xvagts. Apply at uncc tn Mrs. 11. J. Marsha“, 123. Hemlm'k St. FUN SAlil'lw'l'lm-e Airedale puppies hy lh'. Melnnis' “ell kmmn «low; l\\'u males. une female: [)1"l(('. mailc #510. female $5. .\lSU one Irish ter- rier female puppy, l'nui' mouths uld; priee 4‘5. These are all strung healthy puppies. and “with! make exeellem euzupamiuns Hl' guards. (':m be seen at any time. A. l). l’ezu'eo, Suutli l’ureupine. I"! n: TENDERS WANTED FOR WATER WORKS EXTENSIONS UH HA1.“ I dug: and registered l)l.'.\'(} LADY with experienee as hunk-ku‘lwr and with knuwledge ut' stezl:.v;_rmphy. wishes tu secure push tinn album the lirst ut' July; gum] references. flux :58 Advance olIiee. tit gm my 1!] i 11;: lull! rugs. rurlmn: 123-111 I’zn'lurs wished; easy “1!“le Sh'm't. ANTED.“ l’usiliun as 1i111('-i<001w1'. 150x 20, Advance ufiifl}. M tt Padll)‘ 1mm xm-llcm m ':m hes Seen ’czuro, Smut huh N 'l' !- f [H.X'l'.» -~.\ [bur-mum llullsv In at} buying: I'ln'niturv. I'Iwry- ing-tu stun lmusvlwcpiug. About. ‘54) needed. flux 10, Advzmvo. Min!) lm SA |.l-Z. ~- "I' stunt ":m rcumnuhh 2‘)ch HM l\ I) pull; wine. I’lmm .‘lol‘ \\'| l" .l” mly I'm' urlmns, oh ; hm: H!‘ Hit 3'. .\ hal‘L'th» v3!" IiH'tllH: mm“. -"_'.-),HH .l': F‘v ‘4‘1'1231‘ H. L. “PW”!!- 'iu'. .‘4 uni: l'ul'vupin“. Elggu nun-w! 5mm: mun :u'n-z'. \HHI Ln'u‘quLu- ‘1'; 3:1: 4. Apply >1;th «,uuh- 312H| n;l;.!'.\' c-\°:uvim'. fat I ifvl: 'HI'I'. |.t<i.. Ol‘iruunlh. -.â€"-â€"--â€"â€".â€"-â€".â€".â€" _â€".â€"-.-.â€"-â€"â€"â€" . .I'I. VHm' mlliv pnmvim- â€", ul 1: t'rmuh '. lmlizrt'vm] and, '1 in llu- ('zmmlizm Kt'mwl {‘thgl't'v HM :lpplimflinn t'! w. l'm\' 3323}. 9mm l'nH'vn-E H p_\' ”w cl.) ‘H h“ “11“., 'l'immins IIHH NOTICE l'nr quu' mmu-lwr. I'UUEIHN terms. 1 1111211211 II “was Sn .uplv ut' tm wmnlcl suit ‘lll \mblx .xlz‘r ,V: vm-umn clean- lmmm: ennui-u King’s Amuse- THE N’RCUH HNE ADVAECI W H H ulliv pr ; pmligr mndizm almplic-n I. Suuth ll mm hnnst \mvly pu! rpm. grow] a m Ken vat inn ll m d a man bargain $225.fl0 Clerk. "I Suuth l’urvupine. The fullmving l'esnlutinn, muved by H. X. Jay and semnded hy ('. (i. Wil- liugns. was ununimn’usly passed: That the (.‘uum-ils uf' the 'l'mvnships of 'l'isdale and Whitney and the ('pum-il ut‘ the Town ut' 'l'immins. he nutifiecl ut' the appointment ”1' this 0 900309600900060 0009960060600. 02.9: 00200923300¢9z§ 0609:. € @COOO‘.‘000:30602¢OO:20§::§900 00986398020039 0:09 .l. l’. Mrlmughlin. c-hairnmn. and Uuytuu ()strnssur, nt' 'l‘innnins. ('. I). Kalmling nt' Dumv Minvs. Gurclun Gauthier and (hwrgv 132m- ucrmam ut' Pun-"pine. I“ (i. Uirksun and H. X. Ju}' “l. o+ooo¢09ooooooc ooooeeoeo¢ccoo° C..°¢ f‘ 0..¢‘ z 90000.9 0 0 2.: 0.2.00. ze....¢ .¢.z¢z§¢2¢°¢0° C“.:§A ”9? 6990906 5.606060 900000900 NM90900009099 90 u__-o00000999009900990009 09 . 0000000000 009909009900909999n00_ 0990009 0090990090000000000 9000990990006009900 HBE RElIEf CUMMIHEE HJHMH] IN Gfllfl CAMP Tfl fllfl SUFFEBERS Red Feather Phcmplay Monday and Tuesday. August 7th and 8th. Mr. J. l’. Mel‘auglnlin is elminmm M the ('mmniltee and any elutlniug, muney 01' other relief gmuls sent 10 his store. ur in any member 0f the ('mumitlee will he «luly reeugnizecl If girls wont ull parade in fast attire. llwrc Would be hasty marriagm. ('mumitlw will and ,n 1 ~.preciutcd .\ mowing in ”w 'l'immins ('uufic-il ("haunlwrs yr'stvnlu)‘ alt'tcrmmn (en'- «lursml llw resulminn passed by n rvprcsenlative rmnmittm: in Small: l’un-upino r0 tlw mum-y Ivt't «war frum the fire rvliuf fund “1' July 1911. ('ummittm- and that they he request- ml tn pass l'l’h‘LIlHllUltS requesting that the lmhuu-e ut' the Immies eulleetml hy the 'l'nt'nntn llmlrtl ut' 'l‘t'tule .l'nt‘ the relief 01' the sufferers 0f the tire of Jul)”. 19”]. and Huw held in 'l‘ut'uulu under unler ”1' Judge Mitltlletun, he released, they waiving all rights tn it, and that it he turned «war In this t‘ummittee l'm- relief 01' sufferers t'mm the mnl'lngmtiun “1' July ilttth, llllll. TIMMHNS Mara Parker Dehaven VOQOOQOOEOOOOO break- t'e wcr Schumacher-Timmins ‘ Red Cross Society I! ’ a" "I “10 rrg‘ulau' um-kl)’ meeting «)1 I“. lmmll Hm! ('m.â€":.~; Sm'iety was held m tlw ('«mm'il ('hmnbers nu July 25th, with ninv mmuhm's prcsvnt. n Hurt-("1111. Sut'ivl)‘ Mrs. Stmlur . Hrcm'n Mc- I unis 'l'c-nn}'.-'.nx mlal. Mr. '1'! DI u] lelmw Van Darling. Ht Ull'l.‘ Pill“). u A 'mlul mic whirl: "(We 10 lwl‘ netted the run! 01' .8. 5

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