Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 2 Aug 1916, 1, p. 1

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THE I'RPOCUINE ADVANCE «(Bush Fire Plays Havoc With Outskirts of Timmins M tho town (”Ml ll Wulllll I‘m. the hose avallahlo lu roach Hwy «lid :mt \‘ish lu lvaw l ml the lawn aaprnh-vtvd in fire hrukv ma in aaulhvx' wo-t was aha» the ixaprvssiua that mmhl lw vunlrullml by a shu lmvkol hrigadv. -. l’luwever, the lll‘t' mmtimwd headway very rapidly and M 01‘ qu hum-1N wvrv within dislam'e 01' (ha l'lamvs and llrigado gut hasy layiltg um la 'l'mvard the middle ul' Ilw mum tho llrc- had hm-uaw m lhal all the sturcs and l 'l'mvnrd the middle ut' llu- :il’lvr- "mm tlll' lll'i' lmd lu-mmw 2m m'l‘lulilfi llmt all the stnros mid lilts’lllt‘h’fi lmusos were nrdvrml tu (-lusv up mud send their mot: tn aid the llrigudo. litmus on llm outskirts were now beginning hi l'ull lwt'urv llu- flaunt-s \\'lll('ll were living l'imzwd by at high wind. l’ouplv within n rmiim ”1' a quarter «of ii milv t'rmn the :it'I'wtml lumility hogan i-nrrying um lmusclmlcl i-t'i'wis and ('lntllillg‘ and wry 3mm :1 rvgulau' trvk tn inure sheltvrml plum-s was in prugrvss. aided by mutur trucks and linrso \‘i-liivlos. and the light in saw the hunt mm m: in i-m'nost. t'ur nu- lmdy mm' qllt'siimu'cl tllo liussiliility u!’ ”w l'lllil'f‘ 1mm falling at Vimim in lhv l'limu's. Death and Devastation Take Toll in Life and Property 8mm sec-"rm! u Mumpw nml «Iric fmmod by 1: sh ‘omk SH H‘l‘imls‘ Vol 2. No 39 (m Satux'dn; had its nrigm mom rnml nu .‘lmmtjuy and the west 5M0 awn! in In Tim 13' nftm‘ tho nu People Seek Safety. Hullsehuhlcrs in all [hurts nt° fawn were prepared tn own-mile many were 50 sure that the tuwn Tflfflflm HIM um. Alfll’fi 5MB“ I'M!" IN IllSIlKA (Sflflllll Althuugh tho Itrigxulv “1-10 mm! the stutiutt. tmthittg \uts tlttltt' «w to ”W fact that the tire was nut M the town and it mmhl' t't'qtttt‘t' the hate uvuihthlo tu I°('tlt'h it they die! :mt wish tn h-nw Hu- FLAMES FANHB D BY HIGH WIND TBREATEN DESTRUCTION‘ TO EN I'IBE TOWNâ€"~FIP.Ec FIGHTERS ALMOST POWERLESSE OWINO TO DENSE SMOKE AND INTENSE HEAT ~MOTORS3 REMOVE HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS TO PLACES OF SAFETY! "l “adult Jf Tin :rs Overcome. in in the Ilullingu' her help. and smm Me was bending to eat and smuke were me range and their a mile away in the wind. Smue ni' lhe in '50 elua‘e jhnt it in vall'nost. fur m». uml tho pnssilfility falling at \‘ivlim m rmlim nt' a quarter 10 afl'wtml lumllit)‘ l household M'fw‘ts 'm'v 3mm :1 I'vxulm' iirc W st rlkln; llw tin ill ”"0 mll the and \V ll 5 III} haul l safe! ul'l' at intervals, nnd sunn- dynnnmv. anh was ln-ing nsml by tlw maul- mum-rs. c-nnsml u hi3: vxplusinn about five n'vlm'k. but did nu chunngv. A (our ut' dynamite on tlu- tun-k m the south 0nd ut' lln-_:;:ntiun yam! was the mmlinm for sumo anxiety, but the 'l‘. N. U. rnslml in an engine and Inn! ii Inm'ml in Sun!!! l’urt'llllim' fur 228th Do Good Work. ('apt. (Hen) .l. 3]. Allan ut' the 22'3ch llattaliun. haul his men «letailecl ut't' t'ur speeial wurk. and they ren- dered yeuman serviee in different quarters nt' the tuwn, their nnit'urms heing must impressive en the t'ureign element. 'l‘hey patrulml the al't'eeteil districts and tn‘n were statiuned at the Imperial llank tn hamlle the sit- natiun there when peuple rushed with their valuables and impurtant papers for deposit. .\lr. Delung. the mana- ger, was ill at. the time. The guml Wurk ut' the soldiers pruves the em- eaey at a systematieally trained hmly ut' men in an emergency sneh as this. Sume ut' the men were (ill guard all thrungh Saturday night In give the alarm in ea~e ut' renewed unthreaks Uf tire. (“HHH’Q snglalhul' mm. In all ullulll lmrnml tn tlw The needs «it the sulcliers were IUUkL‘ll nt'ter with i'espeet tn refresh- ments later when ('apt. Allan tuuk them tn Sul Lamb's, and the Town (‘uuneil will gladly l'uut the hill. Sergt. 'l'eevens went unt an the special train Sunday In Mathesnn and lent nun-h Ht‘t'tll‘tl assistant-e tn (hw- turs nxnl nther relief Wurkers around Nushku. Ulhel' svrinus fires hl‘ukt- nut during the 11110111111111 in 111111111111 512111111115 111' the "11M camp, the 1111151 501111115 and spectumlhxroheing11111- inst 01151 111 the [11111191 Mine shaft huuse. 11111111 11151- ed “1-11 111111 the night and thre“ 11 glme 1111 the surrounding skx. “hivh 1~1111l1l be seen for miles 1111.1111111 ing to press gives the following in- formation of the search being prose- cuted around Nushka: To K. Belong.â€" Detachment of 20 men have sear- ched the bush from Montieth to anhka today. The gruesome task yet remains unfinished as we have still ten bodies to bring in. ‘w' Capt. Allan. «mtuim-tl M! .wuro us Hwy 1mm wvnt)‘ Mm. '0: "1-50"! m sum: “WIS NI :4qu vgzm pumimg Im- dymunilv. by tlw rumi- plusinn “hunt 8H Idlk IHHHUS (mo lmn 10 that! the as aumflwr (-itlwr tlm vurm'rs nl' ‘ uttvr dos- lime. 1h u N m m'i'. Will wit lum TIMMINS. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 2nd. 1916. '(‘SQ'III WI I'll Eyewitness Story of The ' North Country Holocaust l"ire.~; hitll‘lt'ltl ' :1 :rent ninnv clif- letent lmuilities nn Stitnrthn lnsl ntnl as u remtlt the hest Inuit ut' ( uvlimne is in ruins: the thriving tuwn ut' Mnthesun is lllltl t'htt. sure fur the t'lngpule, tilt the stntiun gamlen plot. l'rutn Willt'll waves the l'ninn .lnek ttn- lml'tltml. the ensign «if an lllltlllllllit'tl rnee whieh will hnihl nnew the enun- tt'y sci lately tnncle «lesulnte. Xtisltktt. hilltnt't'. Kelsi». ntnl llte utltet' Sttlle- ments in the rntlins ut' the tire have heen “illl'tl unit so eleatn that when the "Admme" iepiewntntive visit- (‘ll the severnl seenes. there was in»! 1| stiek the .size of n nutn's nrtn let't tn mark their lut't'tlte sites. liilntmls ul' tnngleil irntl nml shameless liitelteti stuves served unly tn ninrk theni us the rel-ent hnhitnt «if human heings. Relief From Gold Camp. form”!!! this mlumity is mm' lwing rounded and is u m .cly Wl'ittvll pug:- in tlw llistm'y ”1' this ymmg mul Impu- t'ul mmntry, lmt llw mmnm'y ul’ It WI” be imm'vssvul ulmn the hearts ut' tlmn- sumh wlm wc-rv t'nrtmmtv mumgln tn dm‘nstuu‘d llw lmrtlwm with-I sut't'vring tn t vsvu'w llu- I'ulv ul' tlu-ir Immy vu- luhnrvrs in tin- grvut Walk “1' lu-wing u xmtimn «mt u!’ tlu- nurthluml wilds. Towns Wipcd Out. 'l‘immins I'rum tlwir the szuuc was an! ll :1 slum-in] t [’nl'qunis . ["11”]! 1 (ittltl at speeiatl train was run nut as far its l’urquuis .lunetiun. l’rnm l’urquuis, l)r. llatine)’ mul \\'. M. Withliliehl went in tn lruqtmis Falls and left supplies with Dr. Ma- hnne)‘. The}; returned tn the June- tiun uml pt’m't'mlt'tl snuth an a huml 'ur and were U]! the seene twelve huurs ur more het'ure any uther medi- eztl help arrived. Dr. llainey put, in a haml night's wurk in the vieiuity ut' Muntieth. Mathesun uml Nushku, where he rendered aid with almost xmwrlmnmn st21\'lttL"-|m\'.'(‘l'. tn the superhuman stn_\'in}.râ€"}mv.'er. tn the avalanche nt' sufferers whu ranie in at thuse pnints. lh'. l'lainey has In»- thing hut praise fur the nntirin}: as- sistanee giVen him by Widdifiehl. Hn Munday morning anuther t'ain was nnnle up and business men and citizens worked hard rounding up eluthing, liethling, and fund for the strieken seetiuns. 'l'wo freight ears were simn filled with necessaries (if all kinds, and these, tug-ether with a eahuuse ear. which earrieil the relief party, were on their way tu alleviate as nun-h as possible the distress along the line. 'l‘huse mnumsing the pnfly were, Mayur Wilsun. ('apt. (Ron) J. M. Allnn. Ur. Mrlunis, Rev. J. I). Pater- sun, ILivut. Kennedy, Tum King, He. Kelly. W. (E. Smith, J. Dalton, \'. \\'nudhur.\'. V. Pierre. 5. MvLeud, J. Hastun. K. I“. Delung, J. Meyers, and (‘. \Vnmlt'rufl (.\d\'am-9 representa- tive The rwliet' train alsu vurriml Gml- t'rey l’mulx of 'l‘immins, whu had re- ceived \Vul‘ll that his hmther. his bru- ther's wife and three children had lost their lives an a farm about four miles nut nt‘ (‘m'hrana At Purquuis .lum-tiuu mw relit-t' um- was sent along the Iroquois Falls lu'llls‘t PROM MATHDSON TO COCHRANE ON THE MAIN LINE OF THE '1‘. 8; N. 0. AND BRANCH LINES EAST AND WEST. DEATH AND DBVASTATION HAVE LAID THEIR HANDS HDAVILY UPON NEW ONTARIO‘OUTRIVALS POROUPINB FIRE. ”cm the nens tilterecl thlun'r'n tn the ('amp. and the inhahitants ut uins haul partially l'(’l‘t)\'(‘l'(‘tl their uwn miravuluus eseape at same terrihle t'ate, reliet' \mrk gut under way, and an Sunday 'l'tfl' train was run out as far as HM I‘m H'Hltflll‘! 1-Slwx'ivm'ml in ”w grip uI‘ UV!" \‘urHu-rn Hm :lswulw fur Moms. and ”w lunaly «Math and mum and " "I! lmfl ll- UIH'S mm ”:0 Ii fr 1'» r ()n tlw way up tn (‘m'lu'mu- fmm tho Jmu'tiuu. llu- (min vl'vW. Wlm haul Iu-vu nu duty stmuly frum Saturday umrnin;: until Mumluy mum. witlmut slut-p. and wvrv still Iml'vlit-vml. tuhl mmu- pitiful slurivs ul' im'idvms ul- «mg-Hu- lim- during the previous few Trainmen's Sad Stories. (illllt'l't Loo had assistod llr. lmw- ory. around Mathosnn. and said that tho greatest oxhiliitintt nt' pluok whiolt ho had oH-t' witnossod or heard of was gin-n hy a littlo girl about 1'...- yoars nt' ago. who with li\'o nlhor por- snns had hoon in a woll from six n'olnok Saturday oyonim.r until twn n'olnok Sunday morning. llo says that whon they woro takon nut thoy woro all t'nund to ho torrihly burned. and tho littlo girl had a handago ar- nnnd hor log: t'rnnt tho knoo tn tho hip. 'l'ho dnotnr hold tho ohild's t'nnt and told la'o tn tttuln tlio liattdagt'. \Vllott ho hogan thoro was only a littlo lnnso skin adlu-rin;r to tho onttnn, hut as ho g'nt l'arthor along: t'losh hogan tn ontao nt'l' with it. Whoa Loo was a- linttt tn dosist tho dnotnt' itisistod that 1 it, was nooossary tn got tho whnloT handago off. and tho l'urthor ho wont tho mnro lmrnod t'losh oatno nt't' until tho handago was onmplotoLv romnvod tn tho hip. and tho trainman assorts that nwin;_r tn tho amount of t'losh ro- tnnt'od. tho lo;_r was higgor at tho knoo than at tlto hip. 'l‘n avoid lllUtHl pui- snn. it was also nooossary tn lilo off a ohoap rin:_r from the hand of tho littlo girl. and he says that tho only timo duringr tho wnnlo prnoootliii;_r that tho ohild oyou whimperod was during.r tho tiling“r of tho ring, whioh was sunk in tho hurned flesh of her finger, although sho was onnsoious durinj.r tho whole operation. 'l'ho trainman onuld hardly t-nntain his emotions whon telling of her simple ohildish request that he send her a uightio tn gn tn the hospital in, as she was without olnthing saw for a Tmiddy hlnuso, her other garments having: been hurned from her hody.. In one house at Mathosnn ninoteon \penplo wore t'nund huddled in terrihlo agony from the burns reoeived, and in another house not far distant thir- .teen were found, although nnt quite {s'n hadly hurnod. ‘ llamnre shows little signs of tire olnse to the railway hat a woman from ‘ farther l‘iaok asserts that sixteen bodies are lying in there. Doctor Suicided. Postmaster Watt and Dr. Reed of Kolsn are dead. “'hen the dootor's body was found he had a sponge sat- urated with ohlorot'orm held to his nose. and it is supposed he had fought the tire until all hope was gone and as a last measure had used the stupi~ tying liquid in pret‘erenoe to the ag- onies of burning. A traindoad of ootttns arrived from North Bay on Monday morning. but a great number had already been hur- tt'ontinued on Page 4) luvml um-s ('npl. Allan llw 1min \\ uml was lt-l' yours “MM ”‘5'! small t'ux tvrrim‘ llfldl sau'ml. It" In H: a'm div: :(I‘D Mt npswl cm I wr litllv g. b’l‘fll‘h‘ shun Hll u gum! hump l'ur lwr lwrv. Mrs. Smith. nu vlclvrly Indy d an run-him: tlu- plulfnrm “”0 girl. at tn! "1' nlmut ml‘lu m :lllo :rnkP clown It m'm'nm Heartrondlng Scones 0H with us! um' ur murv H" a in :lmt awful it H‘N \'_\‘ \\' 'urquuls W c-unmim-«l pritu-ipnlly hm 3| 3‘ Nth "IIH'II trvmlin In llml lust 2‘3. I'vlu ulnm- in tlw wurlcl. Iwr m n‘immins nml ¢°I'_\' I ll I! ulu' _\‘nllll ".4 : mu! hugging the unly thing: 1-: mu INN"! 'n l‘ il!¢°lo ' rt‘liN' -hiMrc-I mu voly 'vnlizin . The "flu lmfly \n‘r Ms tram inI'vrlm. gill n” Imim lives vul- and fight slu- mmlhcm like a mum in pamiml u put fmu‘ unmy lu\\'!|,~'pm.plv \‘uiclt'd llzv “11- “My 1: «limmtv ' almost an Ill ”21' PM“ Birch Sll'm 51‘ was ”pt-n pm'kot I'm sidvs like. stul'o)’ “'31: (in!) ut'tvr lhv rust (hml‘. “'1!“ the ('1‘.\'(‘.~3 lwiug' tilu taken slwlu-r 1mm building and MW « St-riuus injury ”I“ m that u pilv nt' lmnlwr 01' NH- ;g‘rullllcl Hnux' ut't' tlu-m. unri' Hwy safety with unthing ' mium' bruises. [in MEETING [If Gflflfl HUMIS ASSflBIMIHN Tl] BE Hill] I]?! ffllfliW sm-iminn was c-zillml fur lust 'l‘lnn's- clay in the ("unnvil Flmmhors, 'l‘ini- Inins. but as it. Inn! nut liven given snflii-ienl pnhlirity tlu- nttvmlunm- was tun small in trunsuvt tlw innmrt- nnt business in hand. .\nut|wr nwvting nt' the Assn-influx! has ‘H‘t'll.1|l'l'flll;.f(‘€l far in ”w sinnv plzuv un l'iidau'. \ng'nst «fill, all 5 1mm. and a gumf zittvmlunvv is Imlwd 1"”! in uulm in mi :1 unanimuus ”pin- inn un nmttvrs uf him I intmcst in mnnevtiun with rum! inmmvmiwnts. Destructive Storm Follows in Wake of The Bis! Fire BAll EHUUNHE SHlllIlfl NIH BE USE" AS A Pilflllfl Tflflflflfflflf The hull grnimds in 'l'innnins has heen in n disgracefnlly had eunditiun all summer. espeeinlly the infield, and ulthnngh a few of the boys have made attempts npnn various m'eusimis tn iinpmve the det'eets, every time there is a hall guine sehednled they find their et't’urts have been wasted. Smne indifferent drivers at” nmtur ears and hear)" vehieles vhcmse tn use the ”ark as n shurt rut when on busi- ness in that direetiun. therehy eutting up the .snrfaee with a series of wheel tracks uver the grounds and diamond. UN It is rather Immutable that tho authorities am far have dung nothing l'lullt‘ m TERIFPIC WINDS WRBCK HOMES AND SOATTBR UNFINISHED BUILDINGS BROADCAST IN VICINITY 01‘ TIMMIN8~~DBL~ 0013 OF RAIN DBSOBNDS LIKE A CLOUDBURST ON THE FIRE MBNACBD TOWN-~fiâ€"ANXIETY AND FEAR INCREASED. stul't' m O OH .\n "Mini Hllst'.‘ u" Inn-ting ut' the I“ - nu lln~ grmmal l'lnnr mm as u wn in tlw mm! il mmlo a fur tlw wiml “film-ll lllll'ht tho iktgu my lnllmm zuul the [up vl'uslml cluwn uhtu tlw l'uumlu- l'lvl‘ Irving t-llruwn eight feet. to st against tlu' l't’hlthlH'O m-xt whirl: was luully t'l'lh‘llml nlmul :vvs zuul vvx'mululn as well as tiltml slightly. l’nm‘ IIH'II luul slu-ltor l'rum the min in the 1:: and MW unly suvml l'rnm New Store Collapsed. ll lumps lumllml' tsell'. H W H _\' Il'lll‘ tunm [In nl n“ '.'nr.~'v by MW fut-t mlwr an tlw roar part Hmn' lwlcl llu- debris lhc-y M'uwlml nut in lili'.’ \vm'w than :: few H (Wu-sturv)‘ It was dosimwd [ um! flunr mad as v H'uut it made Ur“ l‘lnircl "hp I'! up: um _\' m N Hum' Hounds at I'll siclv 01' ”IO 3mm! u!‘ ”no rrlmmlml like- miu clvsvvudml I llmugh wok! \\ llic'h IH-mnn- i the lwurl-s ul 1 l Ilwv hml a- lull \ivlims tu u l'l' min 1| :m-nmllx IIIH' (Ill! m lmildin nllm mus! as n [in ital fut Trm's' Wl‘l‘t' rmolml up and autumn ‘ M'E' likc- lIquthmd. Th0 tvlvphmw lino alum: 13w m-w Hulliugc-I' rum! Ii” was Ih-muhshul mul pulvs and wires «hmglml hmpl)‘ m-rms tlw maul whvu the «turn: hm! "huh-d. Sumo ul' the high h-usiuu wirvs mu! huh-.4 nt thv Hullingor vnm~ prvsmr plum worn hlnwn «1mm mum ing suuw slm-tm-uhu' Iirmvurks. 'l'hc- vlm'lriv lights were ut'l' till uhnui nit.“ u'vlcwk in the 1mm afiml thmw furtuw uh- mmugh in haw mndh‘s Imulv :mnl Ilse ui‘ tlwm. 'l‘hrvo amtumuhih's wvn- pm tum- 'l'hrvv amtumulbilw wvro pm u pm'm‘ily nut 01' rnuuuissiun ix: .smm' ram-{inn and haul tn Um tuv'wl tlwir l'vspm-livv hulm'S. .\ hu'gv pi of vomit-0 nu Ilw runt' ut' the» n Ilullinuvr mhninistmtiun lmiM Hu-i ll')¢o h HHUBEES fflflM flflf ZflNE BET fflflfl Ml] SHEHEB M PUHEUPINE vlutlninj: lvt't 'l'immins fur (I ('ily. (iurdnn Manny and 'l'um lnuk up u lmrriml suhsvriptin tummy and rmllizod ulmut :9] whirl; was alsu 50m «war in H2. ivtml nuns; 0n Sunday. (hmlnn J. H. Patterson ulsu :u-mmumuim? the relief party. Hue nt’ the Vietimn at (inhh-xz "115’ is 21 \mmun with .~i\' ehihh'en. Winn-.4: hue-ham! is M the f'runl. .\m-I’|rr 03.50 is that ”f n mam and MW and baby l'rmu Nellie Luke. This \u'unmn was ill in bed with the three «hiya uhl infant. when the fire memo-”k them and after the hushzuul haul fnught the fire until hope was; guru: he had to take his wife frmn the s-Mk hecl and all she seemed was a. ram- mmt. She walked but of the hush in her hare feet, whit-h are terribly burned I'mm the embers aver whrszh she made her way in safety. No service, was held in 'l‘innuin‘s Preslyteriun Hum-h ui-i Capt. (Ht-v.) Allan said he wished to pmeliee what he preached, so hurried away in Gal- den ('ity. am .Umuhsixty I'M'ugvos I'rum 1?: rune haw- hven brunch! in!” Hu- (‘annp and on Sunday owning umlur truvks with prux'isiuue vlutlnin'; lvl't 'l‘iuunins fur H tn rmuedy this state of affairs as gum! sporting grounds are Not :1 mp- erfluuus quantity in the distrivt, and what We have gut shuuhl l». :ivu, u. little reasonable Pure. H Fundstuffs worv Single Ccpics 5 Cents ! fur a 1 HM ”ullillg valiamzvd UHIOI‘ Freak Fancy of Wind lil'h ('np! am-m'ed was a. ram- «I out of NW bush in whit-II are Wrrihly _' muben-s uwr whiszln 'lifiidt' ll “I!“ I'd uppliml Him: :HHI ‘nhlc mill i0” I‘M Ilhhm m Hill ”H HN‘ lww Min-4 )wm' H ii H; fi IN ll H

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