AAA ..â€..'.".Vv.vv.v '.v v.. -._ O .0 .9 The and are HOTEL GONNAUGHT Beautifully Loeatml, overlooking Porcupine Lake and South Porou- pine. Fitted up with all modern- eonveniences. Two minutes walk from the T. N. 0. Station. e a wonderful saving on fuel, worry and time A. FROOD MGR. pï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬‚" * ‘. Lowney s Chocolates, Randall 5 Grape Juice Pint Bottles 500 Hontserat lime Juice, pints 50c, Querts 75c Neilson’s Ice Cream and fresh fuit arriving daily Has the followmg ofï¬ces “And just think! one of you maybe president some day. All of you who would like to president, please rise." ished. “Becauseâ€"because crat,†said W111i tears. Styles Correctâ€"«Stock selected and up-to-date. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE managers of the not; ,†asked teacher, aston‘ éOéOéOoO-O@O@O§Qé :ause I’m a. D‘d-demo- Willie, bursting into INCORPORATED, 1885. roomful of pupils 1 Branch also at Haileybury in the Some real-estate dealers in British tops of mountains. It is said thati the captain of a steamboat on Koot- lenay Lake once heard a great splash ,in the water. Looking over the rail, ‘he spied the head of a man xfllo was swimming toward his boat. He hail- edhim. “Do you know," said the swimmer, “this is the third time to- dav that I’ve fallen 03 that bally Porcupine Gnld District; swimmer. “this is day that I’ve fa old ranch of mine Manager Porcupine Branches 5 0,300,000 0 52,000,000 well Mr. Alex. Price left for a hnsinoss trip to Montreal on the noon min Wednesday. INTERESTING ITEMS FROM PORCUPINE Mrs. (Ieorge Preston and her son, llayland, left Porcupine on Sunday for Owen Sound. She has been up on a month’s visit to Mr. G. Pres- ton of Taylor Pringle's brewery. Captain Toner of Port Dufort. the oldest captain on Ottawa river. is paying a visit to his son-in-law and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jef- frey's. of Haileybury Crescent. The prisoner James Walsh was tank on on the morning train on Tuesday to Toronto by ï¬ï¬‚iver Piercy of â€W Provincial Police. stationed at For mpine. Inspentor Mayhew of the p department. New York. has Porcupine lately inspecting t nus properties with a View pin: the false reports that. in circulars throuch the po coming the proapeets of mines, homo: and otherwise. S. J. Billinmlhv hankor and brok- or. of Batnvia. New York. H. Crank- ~haw and P. W. MoC’aflroy. mutimmr. have been inspm‘tinu‘ the Hudmn nav have been impacting property in Shaw week. .011 Friday. the 2m: inst. at the (‘nurt House at Porcupine before Re- mrdvr Gauthier. H. Morrow. clerk at tho Muiliran Home. was: sum- mmmi fur assaultinc Wm. Gurrill by kicking him on the head and other- wise boating him. Evidence against the defendant was given by James Rnwn and William Bortrand. Mr. Gauthier. after severely admonishimr tiw «ii‘fc‘ndant and cautinnim‘: him as in his future (‘nnduct ordcrod him tn pay $1 ï¬ne and costs and to pay the man Gurrill's doctor's foes. Councillor Tom King. (‘num‘illnr Dr. \lvlnnis. Goo. Preston. Councillor '1‘. Factor. C’lme. \lazlnnis and several other prominent townsmvn will moot Mr. N. W. Rnwoll at, Rnsodnlo and gem-wt him tn the hall aroundsAvhero In grand lmsohall tournament is to IElm played for a prize of $50 in gold ‘fnr tlm winnim: tmm. Mr. Rowell has consented to pitoh the ï¬rst ball in the second game and everybody is iondoavm'inq to make this a great {gala day. Friday is civic hnlidny in Form:- nino. Rowe Walsh. acvompaniod by Great ineopx'enienre has beep felt' here by thNatilmliv community atl the absem‘e of a priest. There has: been no service of any sort held in‘ the Catholic ehurrh for the last two! weeks. The Rev. Father Pelletier has 1 been away for that period and al-‘ though a priest from North Cobalt was supposed to attend and take charge up to the present no one has arrived. A wedding which was sup- posed to take place here had to be 1 transferred to Cochrane. Several par- ents are also waiting to have their children baptized. Fatirer O'Gor‘ma'n of Haileybury has been communicat- ed with, but up to the time of writ- ing no reply has been received. It is time the Whitney Council got busy and did something to abate the nuisance of straying horses and un- tagged dogs. The night is made hid- eous with the yelping and barking of a number of unclaimed animals run- ning at large. Then again it is danâ€" gerous for horses to be allowed .to wander at liberty in all parts of the town. especially where there are a number of woman and children. The THERE Wllliï¬f MfllSE MEM fflfl Ml Game More Abundant Than Even in the North Country This fall New Ontario promises to be a real! hunter's paradise when the big gamei season opens this fall. Chairman Jfl L. Englehart of the T. N. O. Rail- way Commission, who has 'been mak- ing an "inspection tour of the Gov- ernment line, says that the whole north country is overrun with bull imoose, cows and calves to a degree of abundance that he had never known before. At Bushnell, mileage 47, on the railway, Supervisor Edwards, who is in charge of bhe ï¬rst division, under General Roadmaster Young, saw mtside public Tmnwhip are sent and ad nt'ioua m 3D ldogs when they see a horse straying make after it and attempt to bite its heels. thereby scaring the horse and causing it to stampede. SeVeral persons hme had narrow eseapes (mm the [tightened animals, but it seems that until some one gets hurt no notice will be taken of the mat. ter. It is a menace to the lives of the women and children and some- mung should he done. It is a pity ‘Ethe straying nnimale are not. seized [31nd impounded and the owner made .gto pay the expenses. snciets‘ luf “If m the The ï¬rst meetimr tonk place at the club at the copier of King and See- und Sta. and from the number of at- tendantq seemed to immediately he: collie pnpular. some candidates for nnminatimi even leaving their beds in their nighties and lmrryimr to the place of meeting in that scant at- tire. 9m great was their anxiety to he initiated. The idea is summsed t0 hare orieinatmi from the Versatile ‘hrain ni’ Chas. Pierey. and George Preston was the ï¬rst member voted Iintn the chair. After the inaugura- tinn Tontributed too late for last week’s publication.) What is believed to he an original id at the same time unique club or wiety was institutvd in Porcupine. n the night of the 23rd. its object waiting to he the chair. and pnwihlv. Wi hard mattm' «men they had I'cqu "I i arrival. i Hf vourw. lzki- all newly formed in- istitutions. then- was some kicking ‘amlinst the informal way of the pro- it'flvlllnfl’h‘. Ed. lloit entering a vigor- 'uus protest. seconded by Eek Char- lebois. but after the question had ‘been thrashed out it was decided to 'let the proceedings go on as they :were. whit’h appeared to somewhat ‘qlampen the feelings of Messrs. Hoit and Charlebois. also their clothes. .lleuret was shown by several mem- bers at the unavoidable absence of .(Eordon Gauthier. the new recorder, 'lwho was kept away, it was announc- ’le(l. by a pressing engagementl Some of the inhabitants seemed to feel slightetl on being told of the af- fair afterwards. but the committee temler their regrets to them for the ‘ unintentional 'neglect and promise not to forget them on the occasion r of their next meeting. On being_in- wan cscol‘tm wh It “"10!“ mmr offered them luh hnu an nmmlu formed of the affair again several of the boys were too modest to accept the honor offered them and beat a hasty retreat. One well known mili- tary inem-ber of the camp with his martial instinct retreated to his stronghold at the double and fortiv tied ’himself against invasion by the enemy both front and rear, thereby saving two points. ‘ For this issue only we have been permitted to give the passRord of the club, which any male inhabitant of Porcupine will gladly answer. It is: Where Can I. (let wShampoo 7 (‘lll uh-st v on mu thirty 11 uther a ltly ( ') H G) l‘ lUlH'fl bring the boys of tzhe mum not touch with each other. me it appeared to he too uueh. while with others it. , moose last wcc a lit Indian ï¬le ll all by I zreatly ‘0“ ll w 1110 sncivty to have tlwir patronage. ‘. namely Wm. Gurrcll, from his} hotel to the by music and singing. ‘(Mltl)’ appreciatml. and Id (11» u-rcmony on his tom niltmr wa feral gent! persuasion 3ck,followinq each 80cc] t‘llll' furmed mm and i mluved 0 1m vc th 0