Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 19 Jul 1912, 1, p. 4

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The Porcupine Advance There is only one town left in Eng- land. they say. with a purely Bri- tish nune. It was once called Caer- Lywely‘ld. which afterwards beomne Caer-lmel. then Carleol and finally Carlisle. One name like this .vllould Canada's fire waste du1 was at. the rate of $97310 ute. People should begin that eyery fire in a city whether your own or) bar's. is borne by the e munity of those who insu losses in any town can higher rates. Word has come from 1.03 Angclcs that Death Valley SCutt has sold his mine for $1,000,000. The purchasers are said to be '1‘. A. Watson. F. E. Sharp and F. C. Goodwin. the lat- ter iommrly business manager of the Portland Oregonian. Scott says that 3316.000 haw been paid down and aw balance is in he paid at the rate of $50.0“) each month. Canada. Unltcd States When the Hon. Frank Couhrane: goes north shortly to make his tripj of inspection of the Hudson Bay1 Railway, he will resort to primitivis methods of locomotion and will not be accompanied by the usual corm of spoonâ€"fed attendants. 'l‘his inno- vation will he somethingr altoirethei different from the private car and bullet to which former Ministers haVe been so much accustomed. Mr. Cochrane intends to make the major part of the journey with no greater entourage than an Indian guide and no more pretentious con- veyance than a canoe with a tenting outfit. The Minister will probably fry his own fish and do his own washing the while, leaving the hut. uries of modern civilization to the armchair critics at home and those whose knowledge of departmental de- tail is gathered from hearsay and the inspiration of imagination. The Government steamer Stanley will intercept Mr. Cochrane at Port, Nelson. Mr. Cochrane is well quali-; tied to do such a trip from his ex- ; perienoe grained in the nomh coun-i try. having paddled the canoe. driv- en the tote team and carried the pack in the earlier days of the I‘fild‘ son Bay Company's service. long be- fore S-udbury had a place on the map, when railways were confined to Southern Ontario. The circumstanc- es serve once more to call attention to the varied career of a great Can- adian, whose rapid rise from ‘a 1mmâ€" ble station in life to the high posi- tion of Minister of the Crown, has been a subject of more than passing notice. Advertising Rate: Furnished. Phone 25. Published every Friday by CEO. WE, PROP. Harry Boyer of Goldfields, , Neva- da. is doing assessment and deveIOp. ment work on some claims adjoining the Rea. Mr. Boyer has been in and out of the camp several times dur ing the last two months and is sat isfied with the showings on his Tis- dale claims. SUBSCRIPYION RATES: FRIDAY. JULY 19- waste durinir of $97 ,1." per by the entire com- who insure. Big fire mm can only mean a city or town. or your neigh- 32.00 a you. 3 00 a year. antccn must go ps. there were the notion the effective. Now, to realize Iune d‘. 11111111 1111 P11111111 - 11111111 111 Bllfiifl JERMEV VHEMI Some large Sulphide Veins Have Been Uncovered-«Some free Bold found Recent discoveries of gold havei been made on the Jermey Vet claim; in lot 4, con. 6. Whitney, adjoining? the La. Palme and Three Nations properties on the east. Several large yeins have been located and workis now being done to determine the character and extent of same. The vein matter is heavily mineralized with sulphides and in some places shows gold. The Jermey is held by the Gamma and Watson syndicate of Orilli'n. beâ€" ing one of a number originally locat- ed by them in Tisdale and Whitney some of which have been disposed of in the early days of the camp. Hith- erto no work has been done on this i The work now being done on the .Ienney Vet is under the supervision of John C. Dunn. Many of the properties in North- iern and Eastern Whitney are going to make good. So for in compari- son to other parts of the camp very 'little money has been spent in act- ual mining. but all work done so far has gone to show that this part of the camp has merit and powihilities of making three or four mines. lot and results so far are very en! murnging. 310 any am an Mons Building i More man Una Dreadnought W a Year 'I'hn- [)1'111)11~‘:ll by some peace loving' senator to close the Panama Canal to the ships of all nations building more than one dreadnought a year has not been taken very serioust in; as much as the l'nited States would. 'he one of the nations to he excluded lirom using the canal if his proposal was adopted. Congress is, however. more seriously considering other pro- positions and there is not unnaturâ€" ally a feeling in the United States that ['ncle Sam has gold bl1Cch himself. To build a canal at a cost I111 $400,000,000 and then to 'have no lmul‘c use or enjovment of it than i'ans other nation goes sore ly against l the grain of \ ankee thrift. One pro- lposition now made is to exempt l l nited States \essels engaged 1111 the coasting Made from the payment of tolls. and another is to close the -anals to American or Canadian ves- sels'ow-ned or controlled by trans- continental railway companies. Both propositions have aroused consider- able resentment in this country and will be objected to by the Imperial gOV'eImnent as contravening the An- glo-. \meiican t1eatv which p1ovides that the ships of war and commerce of all nations shall be admitted to the use of the canal upon equal terms. --â€".... ll! Vancouver and the Pacific Coast“; t is look forward to a great “boon as the result of the canal and it is believed l inot‘ that a large part of the western l n.“ grain crop will be shipped to Liver- l. ”,1”? : pool from Vancouver instead of from i m.“ Montreal. Vancouver and Prince Ru- 3 mg} gpert are big ports open all the year" larou'nd and the Canadian N'ort'hern: M will no doubt have a third abort no 3 PM less desirable. The canal should Iow- f bee] fer freight rates across the continent 5 wee lunless the transcontinental railways the geontrol the steamship lines and l all}: l strangle rompetition. lohn Mr. A. J. Parr, general freight. and passenger agent of the ’1‘. ~N. 0. Ry., has many troubles. 'l‘lie travelling public is careless in leaving unclaimed baggage in coaoh« as and waiting rooms, and eadh day there are dozens of 'pieces of baggage unclaimed, found in the coaches and waiting rooms and turned into the look-up. An inventory is taken of contents, marks and descriptions giv. en and all persons whose addresses are found are advised by registered mail. In many cases the agent is unable to find owners on account of bagâ€" gage and parcels being unmarked. Mark your baggage with name and address. It will save you the loss of your goods and the railroad peo- ple a lot of trouble. SHflWIIG BPWEll Fred Lefebvre of North Bay is re- gistered at the Iroquois. A. E. Bass, who has been con- nected with the Bank of Cominerce for some time, left last Satunlay for Toronto. Dan. W inks Albert Sebastian Shields. mining man. sometimes known as Tuck. has been taking a vacation for the week at Matagami Heights. The givic holiday, of which there was some talk of celebrating next Monday, has been postponed until Labor Day, when a big can! of sports will be pulled ofl. W. H. Marshton, surveyor and ps- sayer at the Jupiter mines; was married a short. time since to one o! the many charming girls of Toron- to. and returned last week. The con- ple are now at home at Pearl Lake. Mrs. Syh‘ca‘ter Kennedy of the Iro- muois Hotel returned home Sntunlay {mm Ottawa and other eastern cit- it‘a. Mrs. Kennedy also visited her 041 home at Portage du Fort,at one time a well-known and historic Hud- time a well-K: 30" Bay post Fred Graham fix in charge of the mining reeorder's uiiice for this camp. He has had experience under Recorder Bruce and knows all the details of the oliice and familiar with this work. Miss McAdam, of Cobalt, is spend- 3 a haw days with her sister, Mn. llumer L. (iibsdn sent out. a big gang of men Tuesday to do assess- ment work on twenty-live claims in Me.-\rthur township. Claim owners are keeping their assessment work pretty well up and very few claims are alluwed to lapse. LOCAL ITEMS Neil L‘amplu-ll came in from his liclom claims the ULllcl' day, bring- ing some well mineralizcd are sam- plus for the inspection of interested parties south. If his judgment is not at fault, the claims are sale-winners, and may soon be undergoing devel- ment by an organized company. The Foster mine at Cobalt may be rc-opcncd by '1'. J. and (3.13. Flynn and other prominent mine operators of the. north and worked under a louse. 1n the early days 01' Cobalt the Foster had some of the sensu- tional ore of the camp and is liable Ullfll UIL vu- yuov v.-..-x- w--- __ '______! to repeat under the right xnanage-; n, in the northwest there is anl‘ mentl I Ethiopean in the wood pile» not on- . 'lv black of mien but terrorizing in Howard Dunbar, one 01 the lumhcrz '1 _ d f }, ”fins ' ~ ‘ 1 . lungs ut the north country, a good “0 magnitu e o '11spropo . The "border rulhans ' interested in fellow always and a better one now. returned to Porcupine Monday with stopping the 110‘" 0f emigration to Mrs. Dunbar. They were married in l Canada are adducing facts and figures? Toronto on the 26th of last month. Mo prove that the ruilvay freight» ser- ;\II'. and Mn. Dunbar will be 'here 1 rice in WBSWI‘H Canada is inadequate for a few days but will make their 9 and that railway and exln'ess charges permanent hmne in llaileylmry. Ev-lare enormously higher in Western lCanada than in the Western States. gThey say to the intending immi- -â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- lgrant: “What do you gain by dheap- er land, if your wheat rots on the to pick the time and the place and ground or if whatever money you bag-Plpes at three and four o clock 'get irom your farm 1” taken from Hum! ...:... “an...” 0",. you by the transportation compan- l 1 eryone wishes :hvm lumpine» emu contentment. Music is all right; but people like v - llowau'd Dunbar, one of the lumber i ' _ kings of the north country, a good ! the magmtud fellow always and a better one now, "l‘he “border I returned to Porcupine Monday with stopping the Mrs. Dunbar. They were married in :Canada are ad! Toronto on the 26th of last month. HO DI'OVO that Mr. and Mn. Dunbar will he 'llel'e:\'ice in Western for a few days but will make their l and that railw Manager Charley Watson of the :Plenanrum mines at Pearl Lake has lbeen in New York during the 'past gweek. He took out of camp some of fthe richest samples of ore seen in [the camp. Before returning home 311‘. “atson “ill act as best man at itlle nodding of Miss Ramsa} of Ap- pleton. Wisconsin. to Mrf”Hugh iPail-2,111anawer of the Nipissing mines at Cobalt. \Iiss Ramsav has Exisited Cobalt sexeial times within the past fe“ years and is a sister of :_.\115. R. B. Watson of Cobalt. Music is all right; but people like to pick the time and the place and hag-pipes at three and four o'clock Sunday morning, when printers and other honest people are sleeping the sleep which only comes from an easy conscience and hard workâ€"rather disturbs ‘the mind for the early morning services. In a mining camp it is sometimes hard for even pro- minent merchants and the best of citizens to forget when Saturday night ends. There Is Mourning Among the Johnnies The black emblem of mourning is to be put on the doors and there is to be some wailing and probably some knashing of teeth among the male population of South Porcupine. 'I‘he glory of the sunshine and the fragrance of roses will have depart- ed when the .Iardin de Paris Girls Cm. playing here for the past two weeks, finish their engagement Sat- urday night. The Show and the girls seem to have pleased quite a. num- ber of people and some real city .Johnnies were developed. THE PURCUPINE ADVANCE ics ?” They are also making much of a car of strawberries for which a Saskatoon dealer paid seVen {hundred dollars express charges. It is not an unfair argument, and the only effective answer is for the government to correct these condi- tions. We venture to say that Am- erican settlers will continue to pour in, but they will come prepared to tight against extmtion by the rail- \xay companies. They will have no sentimental attachment for either of our political parties and their influ- ence will be thrown in faV‘ox of that party which has the courage and ability'to redress their grievances, 1101' will they hesitate to go into a new progressive party if one is form- ed in Canada. Barney Vim fell in. and there stood Mary sig‘hing. The mud was thick, the water shallow; but never a squeak from Barney. He just «qpiet- ly hiked to the Light and Power Co's office for dry Clot-hes. When he re-appeared upon the street needing a pillow to pad the elbow of his pants, he was meekness itself, and is now rouminating on how to make a boat stand still long enough to board it. In the meantim: Mary’s good guide and counsellor is wonder- ing who the laugh is on. We are not, however, sure her name is Mary, but it is a good old name just the same. But Barney never will forgive the kid who yelled: “Come here and I'll pick you up,” as he floundered around in the water. ALL LINES REDUCED. HERE ARE A FEW OF THE PRICES Remember we Northern Canada Supply Co., Ltd. Wholesale and Retail BRUCE AVE : : : so P0 Mll SUMMER [30003 REDUCE“. " New Perfection“ Blue flame 011 Stoves Slaughter Prices close at 6.30 Mom, Wed and Fri., Evenings 8. Alfred Jones, K. C. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary. c. King St., Golden City ‘ Porcupine, Get your information Direct 1" the Camp regarding {I MINING srocxs, MINING BLAIMS, TOWNSITE LOTS, £16; 0 We are ”R'CHT ON THE CR UND.” Ask us anything about PORC INK“ that's what we are harp for; Let us TellYou the One Best Stocly’to Buy A. S. Fuller AssessmentWork South Porcupine, Ont, Can.‘_ “RIGHT ON THE GROUND” In Any Part of Northern Ontario’s Mineral ' Districts, is Our Specialty Homer L Gibson Company Mining Contractors South Porcupine, PORCUPLNE All our work is under control of thoroughly capable mining men and we guarantee good work in every contract undertaken Reports and Maps on completion of every Contract. High-class References AT' llflN’I MISS THIS CHANCE Onth’io. SO. PORCUPINE OOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOCOC Delivered to anv part Of the town at reasonable rates. The Union final Bumpany 000k cfi Mitchell Barristersâ€"Solicitorsâ€"Notaries Temple Building, Toronto Goldon Ave. South Porouplne Telephone 90 Ont.

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