In furtherance of this aim the pur- chasers must at their own expense construct and maintain all roads, bridges and other improvements that may be necessary in the interest of the settlers. Adequate provision must also be made for the instituâ€" tion of public schools and the erec- tion of suitable school grounds. The schools, of course, will receive the usual municipal and Government aid. This provision is said to he import- ant, as settlers who are willing to tax themselves often tind no market for their school debentures. “One of the most important fea- tures of the arrangements." explain- ed â€on. Mr. llearst. â€is that the purchasers must commence within 90 days from the date of the acreement and complete with all reasonable de- spatch a permanent saw mill. plan- ing mill. sash and door mill. and all necessary buildings and houses in connection therewith. such plants and buildings to cost at least $70.- 000. and it is stated by the purchas- ers that they will cost much more than this. The erection of these mills will accomplish the two-Bold object. namely. furnish a market to the settlers for their timber right at their doors. and also furnish abund- ant lumber and all kinds of ï¬nished building material not only for the settlers in these townships but for other settlers in that locality. The agreement states that the pur- chasers, if requested by the Mini~ter, must imprnve farms by clearingr thereon “.35 aeres. huildini: a llnlh‘c' and ham, and digging a well, and it is understnod that this will he re- quested. “It is understand," said Mr. Hearst. “that, these improved farms may attract well-to-do settlers who will brim: mnsiderahle nmney lllln the muntry. and who would not be willimr to undergo the hardships at- tendant upon pioneer farming in the usual way. This experiment will de- monstrate tn the Government whe- ther ur not it is expedient or neces- sary to embark upon a large scheme of improving farms in the north, as has been advocated in some quar« tors." Under an agreement with the Pro- .vincial Government, Mr. Willis K. Jackson. a lumber merchant of But- lalo. and his associates are to pay $98,364 for as many acres of land in the townships of Haggai-t and Ken- dry. in Northern Ontario. and will forthwith clear the land. establish saw mills. and bring settlers into the distrit‘t. It is also prox'lded under the agreement that at the discretion of the Minister of Lands. Forests and Mines improved farms will he prepared. which are to be sold at a prime to be named by him. 'I'he settlers of the nnrth country know something about vulnnizing by means of private enterprise. The en- reer of one such company that workâ€" ed overtime on the. timber and forgot to “settle" the land (lid not male) mlonizim: in that fashiun at all po- pular. The Governnwnt in entering upun tlu- prvm-m c-xpvriuwm 14 «aid to the taken llu chum-m â€1' it end- ing in a timllerinq excursion. The agreement is an absolute mmruntee that the laml will he clean-(l. that the settlm's will be given 1 terms that will not mort future and under condition do away with many of hardships of life in the hush. 'I‘hv tmvnships are situated about forty miles west of Cochrane, and are travm'sed by the 'I‘x‘ansconrinoan 31 Railway. I‘hc I‘Iattagami diver runs for the most part through ,the Excellent Progress On the Hughes At the Hughes excellent progreSs is being made with the installttmn of the tive~drill comprewur plant and the results met with at tne IOO-l'oot level were of such importance to the direl'tors that. it. was (lee-ided to sink an additional 100 feet. The work is now in progress and if the results obtained on that level are ashvor- able as they were at 100 feet it is altogether likely that a20â€"stamp mill will he installed. The lirectors are at present discussing the advisa- bility of installing this stamp mill. At 100 feet the vein averaged $10.40 a ton in gold values across a 30-foot lead. COLONIZING EXPERIMENT OF TWO TOWNSHIPS Syndicate Obtains Terms From the Government as to Ownership and Settlement t1 '10 There is a water power situated in the property. but this. together with the beds of all stream; in the town- shipsand the right to storage of wa- ter for power purposes. has been reserved to the Crown. and 900 acres haVe been resen’ed at the site of the power to the Crown to afford ample lroom for the location and develop- ment of any industries that might lliereaftcr require this power. The (‘rown has also reserved a town site of 404 acres on the banks of the Mat- talrami River. The purchasers are not permitted to lay out any town sites except. with the consent of the (hwernment. and it. is expected that the industries that. will be establish ed by the compam will create an ac- .tive market for the (imernment town site when the same is offered for sale. A reasonable tract of land will be granted to the purchasers for .the location of their mills as soon as the construction of these mills and the installation of the machin- ery therein haVe been completed. but the ownership of all other lands will llie retained in thc f‘rown and only t-nrml under the :tm't-ettimtt. Mr. llt-arst intimated that for some time the Unwrnment ilild been considering the :ulvisabilit}: of «mining the Co- nperntiun of private capital and pri- vate enterprise in the work of ('01011- izim: northern Ontario. “Many schemes have been suggested to the (‘rovermnent by capitalists." he said, “along lines that have already been successï¬ul in settliné with a superior class of settlers large areas in the Northwest and British Columbia. The Government, howeVer, has been slow to take up any of the proposed schemes. as it was loth to -do any- thing,' that might by any possibility have the effect of preventing intend- ing settlers in that country securing the land at the lowest possible Costf' township of Kendry. and where the railway crosses this stream the town site will probably be laid out. The total area of the townships is about 103.000 acres. granted 0! settlvmont tlers. Revival In UH 80 soon as the work of settlement has progressed sufï¬ciently it lslike- l_v the Gm’ernment will open adjoin- in}.r t(,m'nsllips. The usual timber rights now. accorded to settlers will not he in any way atlected by the agreement. .luputer ("-ame back into promin- em-e Friday in the mining market and occupied some of the attention which for the past few 'days has been monopoli'zed by Hollinger. Hollinger itself was a shade easier, but there was good buying on any reaction. It closed at 13.15, with Jupiter selling at .32. The McMartin Mother Lode property became prominent and sold at 104. Dome Extension was liquid- ated on account of the annual meet- iner. the report of which appears elsewhere. The general trend of the mining market may be said to have changed very little. ln rnent after tlc ,H 1H Jupiter Shares n' n the ('rown and the mnnploticm of nice of the diï¬â€˜erent 111°) ‘lllt‘ 3t) ,H llltm‘ t!) with six- .mder the the pu 1“ “I'll! 1D P11 1‘ the t} the Yin a teller in the city hall branch of the Dominion Bank at Toronto. living at 18 Bernard-avenue has confessed to chat ofï¬cer that he himself was the forger. and was locked up changed _ with forgery. The ï¬rst time that the deteCtive doubted the story of the imagery as told by .‘iclntoah was when he learn- ed a few days aim that McIntosh 'had left the employ of the bank. He took him to headquarters and after in hriel examination the young man made a complete confession. On May ‘23. Manager Harmon. of the city hall hranch oi the hank. <.. I l i lswore out a warrant for an unknown man who was then supposed to have passed a worthless cheque at his branch of the hank. McIntosh ac- oompanied the manager to headquar- ters and told a circumstantial story of the passing of the cheque. The cheque. wa-z produced. It was a cheque of the Northern Crown flank and purported to'he drawn against the account of L. E. Wilkes in favor of T. Ellis, hy whom it appeared to endowed. Attempted Bluff Story Which Answered tor a Week But in the End Bonfeesed BIIK Ifllffl MINUS HE WAS fflflGEfl It is exactly thirty-six years ago that the Montreal Lacrosse Club played at Windsor before Queen Vic- toria. ()t‘ the ï¬fteen men “110 made up that team eight are still alive. These are: Messrs. Bob Summer- hayesuthe well-known photographer» who resides in Boston; S. MacDon- ald, also a resident of Boston; Ross of New YOrk; T. Hodgson, S. Hub- bell. Henry Joseph, I). A? Bowie and F. C. A. Mul'ndoe, all of Montreal. The dead are: Messrs. Strothers, Grant. H. Beckett, J. Greene. '1'. Ralston. Sam Massey and Dr. Bersse. After spending a week with Detec- tive Mitdlella of the city force. pre- tending bo search for a trim whohad passed a forged cheque on him hr $302. Garnet U. McIntosh. 23 years A Few Old I-Ial. Chase, ï¬rst baseman for the New York American League base- ball team, has started proceedings against his wife for an absolute di- vm're. l’Iis complaint has been ï¬led with attorneys for Mrs. Chase. The. Chases haVe been married almut three years. and haVe had two children. one of whom died sudden- ly. Mr. and Mrs. Chase met while he was playing an exhibition game in New Jersey. Since the marriage Mrs. ï¬hase has never missed a game on the home grounds. She and her baby were always to be found in a box near the ï¬rst base line. Itis said that she will' deny all of her husband's chargesa attributing the trouble to jealousy. com pa M Billy Queal, the Yankee flyer, who came so close to the great record of All Shruhb of 24.33 1â€"5 for ï¬ve miles, is ï¬guring on a trip to the Old Country. K-nickerâ€"“Do you use labor-saving devices ?†Rockerâ€"“Yes, a ï¬shing-1301c will prevent you from having to take up the carpetsf’ (U H. SEA RA"! {RID FUR “ELLIS MAI ’1 t0 “‘1' \‘hit‘h wow th Mitchell went ind by lent' daye thm'c im: tha '0‘: D Men Still Left t tho man would be um] at the Wondhino W0 then going on. De- went to the track ac- \lvlnch. They spent wrc and at Various m worn unahln to 10- TH E PORCUPINE ADVANCE ION W N3 l'l‘ 't 01' ant 1n It you wish to purchase any par ticular lot or lots in any township. write us. We ham 3 large list of owners. Now that the governnmnt is spend- ing millions to deVelOp Northern On- tario all lands are sure to admnce rapidly in vulue. Ontario Land Surveyors Engineers and Maps} Ihe House of High-Blasse Photo Plays Engineering. Mine and Land Sur- veying. Draughting. Blue Printing by electric process and latest maps of all mining areas on hand. : ucmunou IUILDINO : C O . TORONTO . OOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOO Matinee Wed. and Sat. at 2.50m. 5‘108 HEAD 0mm: : Devlin Block - Bank of Toronto PRICESâ€"L100 and 150 M AJ ESTIC THEATRE INTEREST THIS BANK A Savings Account Code 8: Code MULHOLLAND 8: Co. BUY now You Will mu Many 100 Branches In Canada Veteran lots We have I numlm ct otolcc well Inc-led Ms BUMEâ€"Uur Pictures are flickerless Two Shows Every Evening CLASS LESSONS 75C. PUBLIC DANCING SOC. l] E. BASHIW, Iues., Ihnrs., and Satur. Ev’gs. Party lessons [veryhflsrnnmmfl Wilson’s Hall DANCING LESSONS First Run at the Most Undo-dale MOVING PICTURES Illustrated Songs Good Music Capital - $4,600,000 Rest - $5,600,000 {SERVICE TOâ€" SAVERS is a great assistance in sav- ing money, it attracts many sums that would otherwise be spent. and it keeps your money safe from thieves, from ï¬re and other loss. renders a valuable service to those who systematical- ly save money, by inviting depositors to their Savings Department. FOR SALE is added to balances half- yearly. From 8 to 10 p m PORCUPINE. Dancing Master Cohan + ++++++++++++ +++++++++4~+++ '3; HMISKAMIIG 8! NUMBER" fllIAfllfl BMW 1 Emominiouwagsï¬uly 1 § Good going June 28th. 29th, 30th, and July lst ul- 1912. Valid for return up to and including Wednes- day, July 3rd, 1912. Minimum fare twentyoï¬ve (‘25) cents. Passengers requiring pullman accommodation will please make early request to our local agent, so that we may know just what equipment is wanted. For further particulars apply to any T. 8: N 0. agent, or the undersigned. +++++++++++i P++$++++++ WWW WRNW z A. J. PARK. 0. 1*. \ P. A. North Ray ; ++++++++++++++++++++%$*+++ §1Rcbuccb farcsutt. 8 n. ®. 1R9; “ADVANCE Single Fare Return 23' The Only Paper Printed and Published in The Porcupine Camp Subscribe For the .99