Fire or six bunch: «I "kn!" keys are hanging in the post om“: wailing for claimants. Mrs. A. 8. Fuller (Mutual this wk. on" spending the put year in (he Sines. "any Assoltine meivul Word I‘mm his hmfller. I’Ie. Wm. J. Assn-Io tine. who is nuw Malinned at North Bay. Ho exmts In gm to Town!" in the mar future to have a sporinlifl look at «me of his leg! whit‘h has been lmuMinx him fur some time. h'chumnchcr win have .- wum according «3 all reports The Dr. Monro building an the rar- aer 01' Pine strut-I and 4th avenue is guiag ahead very rapidly and is ex- peflcd to be ready on or about the ï¬rst of August. Humor l. flihmn was in (‘uhalt the Intlcr part of the. week nn husinm in mmwrliun with the Red Jacket M i ne. will muvo his hmkvmgc Ins hrosvm lumtiun In building when mmplotml (Mr sutmvrthors will lmtit'v in Inst week's issue we started an “llnnur Hull" at the lwrwns frmn this camp who lmw jnint-d t'nr nvvmns service sins-v the beginning ut' the wnr. nnd nltlmnglt we have sunroodt-d in get- ting m-or tlnrcv hundred ut' those nnnws tlwrv nro prulmhly n t'mv wlm nro nut yet nn tln- list and w \mnld deem it’ n spovixd t'nvur tt‘ c-voryune wunld hunk (Wt't‘ the list nmwnring in this issue and it' tlwro nrt- nny miss- ing In your knnwlodgo kindly let us lmn- :mnu- sn that we Inny make the list Its mnnplvto na pussihlv. 'l'lw lutrst ummlty list nunumm-s that Livut. (‘m-l (ï¬rm-n ut‘ lluilv,\'hury is “mung tlw missing, um! Liout. l‘lwvn Xivlml ut' ('uth is killed. Ruth thvsc mm: were well ktmwu in Purvupino mul ultlumgh it is will: Joel» rt-grvt wv learn at tlu- supronw salvriltvv ut' Lit-Ht. Nielml. tho lmpo is vxprvssml tlmt Licut. (ï¬rm-n may still lw mxhurnu-tl. llI-I mrt all ï¬rms III iIIIvrI-sl In this IIIllI-I-I H~llII_I IIill lN' IIIIIIrI°I°IIIII-Il IIIIIl I-III-lI llt'lll “till lIIlII III Ilmlfl‘ IIII- paper that IIIlII‘ ‘ll IIIUN‘ lllll‘l't‘h'lllll. “'0 mm IIIII gr! all the III-IIII but In IIIIII' III-III III- I‘llll :34 the Hun It Slml‘t' and that 'l'lu- tlm-v hrs! svlliu'; hunks "1' this war :m- “Kitvlwnvr's Muh," â€The Find Humlrml 'l'lumsuml.†and “My Yt-ur nt' tiu- (En-m War.†Fur sale at 'l'lw 1.. Shunt-mun ('u. ('nx'pl. Paddy Hullagiwr is hawk in tuwn an at mm. Icmkmg llw pn-hu't- uf ;,;mul limit]: and usual vhm-mwss. is what m- wish to «In. “(iamliav Gus" Mavllvr and his harness matv. ('arl I'Iyrv. wont tn ('0- halt last week tn qualify as ln'ntivivnt vaginvvrs t'ur “hvaziav haggivs" and it is whispered that tlw quality at gasuhav nsml in tho vivinity ut' l'lailoyhm'y is M highvr tunsiun than in this not-k 'u the \x'mnls. “'0 are ut’ the upiaiun that th(- graduates will nut ha ath tu impruvo tlwit' spent much hy having a (liphmla in thvir pm'kt'trz. .\ Iliu- lim- “1' ('hurvll ut' I'quhmd “\nm mul lunv Hunks mu! ('mlmliv I'luym Hunk“ just I'm-(rived by HM- L. Stmlvlmun (n. It is rumurml nu guml nulhm'ity that Hun (‘npid has survvmlml in udd- in': I'll l’ritvimrd tn his list â€1‘ hem-- «lit-t3 fur tho prvsont In'iclul swam“. Huilvyhm')‘ Day. July Is! and ill'l' arm 'usiun. 'I'lu' Mar slmll- Ht shipnu'nt uf Mumlm. this .jlllllllu'l'. “iliit’_\'hlll')' is in make Huiuiniun Day. July 15!, â€159th Day†this your and arv arranging spurts i'ur llw no- “asinll. 'l‘lu- 'l'iiuluins hull tmim will juurnvy down liN‘l't'. tugvthrr with :1 «:umll)’ squad of t'ullu\\'cl's. Rev. J. Douglas Paterson, Rector Huly ("mmnuniuu every Sunday at S 3.11).. ulsn un lst Sunday ut’ mumh at. 11 mm. and on last Sunday after evening service. Morning Prayer, 11 3.111. Sunday School, 3 11.111. I'Ivvning Prayer. 7.30 pm. Baptisms and uthcr svrvires by arrangement. (Empire Theatre) Pastor, J. Maxwell Allan Bible Study and Sabbath Srluml. ll u.m. Divine Sorx‘iw. 7 pm. Suhjm-t: Harm's. Anthem by the (‘lmixz Rhiuiat: Mrs. J. K. Mmm'. Young: Mon Spuriull)’ lux'ilml. ST. MATTHBW’S CHURCH TIMMINS THE BYRNB’S PRESBYTBRIAN CHURCH Church Notices Timmins News in Brief Fuller r "n. it is vxpeflml. hrukvrngv- nflh-o frum mtiun In II“? Moore lestmu' haul mmtlwl' Fun! autumnlnlvs all how}: the thumb “HS ('hIIII. She-4m arrived in 1mm last friday fmm South Bend. lml., where he has been suing l0 mllénc. ( hIII'lic will he Irrll H‘l‘JC‘lfllK'l'ml while pluv ing lImclIall fur South Porcupine III the summer of 1914. What would a good job he wotth under German rule in (‘anadd mt. "to.“ sum distrirt at! All in .\D-‘ Dr. "com. medical health (flicfl' far this distï¬rt and whnsc headquar. ten are at Nuflh Bay. was in town the latter pm! at' last week on his regular tnur nt’ inflict-tint). Hudsnn Maxim. the inventur. as; sorts that ticrc is such a thing as n self-[impelling mim‘. Hudson should hnvo lived in this \‘ii'inity in the days «if the Palm“ hmim and hv mink! be Btll‘l‘ ut’ it. Sunlh l'urvupim- is fullmvil'lg the fnulsm-lvs ul' 'l'immins and will dust? their plum-:4 uf lnmim'ss «luring the mnmlm uf me. July. August and Soptomlwr M mm u'cIm-k «very Wed- m'mlny nftvtnmm. I. M. Allwurth Ima $00qu the mmlrmot for tlu- .lmmm-H rosidonvo Whiv'l Is lm'atml un 2nd Awmw. 'I'lw tmvn lms mm- upvnml up Birch Street at tlw ronr ut' the rink by m!- Hng clnwu the hill from 2m! Avenue tn 3rd Avenue. 'l‘lu- fulluwing apprm'intivo loner has “00" rowivml m â€w Advmwo "uh-v. The â€Now Your" rvt'vrs m llu- mlwnt of this paper nu its second your UI' Misti-mm t'rmn June 7th. The Bridge Flats. lhmglas Ave.. St. Julia. NJ’» The i’ureupiae Advaaee, 'l'innains. ()at. tieatlemea.â€"-â€" Will ymi please in future t'urwanl my paper tn the above address instead ut' the Fairville l’.(). l'p lu tlu- present I lmw- revolved my vupy regularly ('lll'll wvvk, and have wry muvln enjoyed walling all llu- luml News. Wishing ynur paper a slwvcssl'ul “New Yum" Mr. James A. Hawkins and family dvsil'o in express [0 their nmuy l'rivmls lu-m'tl'clt :lppi't-vimiun hf the oxln'vssinns ul' sympathy and «undul- cnvc rwvivml since their rut-cut Ir:- rmivvuwut. 4/. :4. ...â€"7.1.27 22:42:._.:..l:: .33.. .3... 3.4.7::1...¢ 12...: «7.. ex. 7â€". 44.5.... .... 7.2:: 1:72:53. 3 45mm 2. .3. .l..::__44..:.:_ .... ï¬zzâ€"1...... \\'.\.\"l‘l'1l) \'\ 2.57/7. 12:7. $..x./:_._u.:. 1‘ .12: 2:; 5.2... 3:. 5 ::.:. ./_._._.K/.: 222.75; 2:: Z??? 3.7. FUR S.\l.l'I.---.\n ()lix'vr 'l'ylunvx'itm', slightly used. Apply tn J. A. Lu- Hrm-que. 15 (‘mlau' St†'l'innnins. 'Xutivv is hereby givvn that tho I'Ilwtiun Hf :1 I’llhliv Svlmul ’l‘l'uslee tn talw Hm plat-e uf I". Stmokwcll. will in- lurlcl \\'mlnvs«lu.\'. Juno ZHtII. 1910. H. K. M¢).\"l'(i().‘.ll‘ll{\'. “:11 1|: 0 pz'nty “hu hmk tin- rain~ mm! hum the buggy alt Dalton s Lin-n hum an or ulmut Thursday, lune 15m. kindh wtmn ~: :uue tn the uhmc pwmiaes 21ml amid pmswutiun as the putty 1:; knmsn. WANTED 131 )H SALE .\' ivlmlsmn \\ \NTI‘J). "\Vuluam uhu mm (-uuk', ulsu gill tu “ash and irun. \pply M15. A. H. (Hobo, llulliugm Mine. YUl'XG LADY with vxlmrionvc as bunk-keeper and with knuwlmlge ut’ stenugraphy. wishes tn svvnre posi- liun almut the ï¬rst uf July: gum! ret'erenrcs. Box :58 Advam-c uflicc. WANTED .\'l‘ u.\'_( ‘E T0415)? .\.\"|'I'Zl).~- First vlaiss mail.) muk i'ur lumil mining mmnmuy ciiipluy- ing: zilmut 4“ ur ï¬fty HIP"... Only ï¬rst class mm}; Howl apply; gum! wugvs tn right 1min. Apply Bux H Admin“. Umm'. ANTED.†Pflhi‘iflll as tizmelccum'r. 'mx '2“. Advmu-o â€Hive. ' I†W 0.6! u u.â€" Mevhaniqs..\pp1y 'l'lw Nurtlwrn Canada Power ('u. Lul., 'l‘iuuums. “Pm .\l 'l‘innuins. (mt 1| 1' CARD OP THANKS Yuurs truly. Mrs. 1". 'll. Stm-kwvll. St. .lulm. X13. PUBLIC NOTICE I). â€"â€"â€" \ 1 unk (mutual: guml .1\|Hl\ all mum to 3115.â€. shitâ€, 1) “(‘l'llm k \t. MARRIED. M'F -S|utlmul 1mm.\pp1\ \u 1‘10 Strhev '1il-nuins. fl NOTICE My :1 msi ne THE POICUPINB ADVANCI ifl-d 1! ml men of who put '1‘ Wu Goad l‘lerk.