Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 11 Jun 1915, 1, p. 1

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Of ammu- thus:- he Iusuml fur 3mm who are wlllim: In in their desired am be given and Hw nger In cxdzrmgu I are rmuh’. Mayor (‘mmcillom hr. Mu it was dcmdvd. vrn of Trade and 1:0 1'. 4 .â€"-â€"-Editoriul. Stray Nuggets. ‘fiecord Made by The Advam-v A large. new boiler is expected to arrive nt the mine this week through the Grodwurds (‘ontpum :llltl “lill this installed the intention tn extend work and intrease the man \till he gone ahead with. NEW MABHINERV fllfl IHE NUBTH IHflMPSUN Under the capahlv superlntvm-y of Mr. N. G. Evermt busy opvrutiuns are being carried out at! tlu- North 'I‘hompSnn properly with over forty men engaged. Drilling operations haw How was. ed with the pulling of tho diamond drills and tho rvsults haw proved very encouraging. Mr. II. It. 1400 uttvudvd hvl'uz‘c the Council on lwhut!’ uf uthvr thrvv owners of pmpvrty m1 't‘ammrau- sum-t requsttng that wutvr (-nnnm'timx.-x he latd there so that Hwy mutd haw It connected to ttwtr rostdvnm-s. The other (hm. wvro \Ivs'sx's W. 1.2. lmzm. The new installation of the hull mill at tho Porcupine \‘ipomi Ininu is now completed and worything is working sniisl‘zu-torily. This was at larger mill to ruplm'v tlw small onv previously in use. Diamond Drills Pulled at Vipond .e-Tlmmius L: of Trade and 1:0 l'ux°lh'.'r into an The (‘num-il fut-min rs mun-m the Mayor. prvummg. and ('uum- Moorv. l’otvrs. MH'oy um! l): “”1110 the Board of 'l‘rn(|.- deput was made up of Messrs ()sm President. Dr. Mrhmizs. Mar Pierce and King. Tamarac Street and Water. TIMMHNS MAIN STREETS - ~ ARE FiRE MENACE After a disvm about nine o‘clovl aldered by pram! the passing of u by-law was tho I: something lwlng by-lnw. with its and mam-rs u! I] force will mkv Mn and it is pruhulm 850.00 or $100.00 \ In Um :u'voamnry ! Abovo are two typlral remarks made before a mcetlng or the Timmlns Town (.Touncll last Monday by mom bars 0‘ th“ 'I‘lmmhm Bunrd of 'l’r'ttlv who were part at a doputatlnn lmm that reprcwntatlvo lmdy to takv up with the rullng urganlzatlnn the «matter at havlzm anntothlng dom- ahout tlw "OntHHUll m tm sex-mu. After a dlsvusztlon lautlng from about nine o‘t'lork to tvn lt was mn- nldered by practically t-w-ryom- that the naming of a local lmnrm-mnvnt 1 “You Might Jun as Well he in the Sahara Desert u on the Stream Here on I Windy Day." 1 THE/I'RPOCUINE ADVANCE “We end Hui-my Keep Our Door: or Window: Open Because a! the 33ndfi' odfi last wovk by rain. Sporting News. --â€"Timmins Board or Trade. Local School Examination sults. [8 Point Impressed on Council By Board of Trade [)eputation Who Ask For Improvements MclNTYRE EXPECT RECHR PRODUCTION ~â€"'1‘immins 'I'immins Vol I. No 40 -Excellen! Progress at $11le Ball Mills vs. Stumps. Machinery for l’ikc Luke. Mining News of Pump. Drowned in l‘orvupino liivvr. 'l‘lnnnlns 'l‘own (‘onm-il. Advancc War Bulletin Svrvirv quing Tournummvt Hullingor vs. Hume Jordan. Tennis Club Schumavlwr South I’orvupim- News \\'o.dding of l’mvim-iul 'obtlmll at Schumuchvr. ‘atest War Despatches on Going \' To Ptcss. S LOCJ CONTENTS. Mayor W. Dr. Moon Firemen Mem. Count-H (vuntinuvdi Provincial (‘onstable Dancv Items. M Nowa ll 0“ ll H rrk-d rious 111001 (hi wfor NH)" {or 'l‘immins Game Slopp ruin. um prom-m wvru cl (‘ount-Hlors and Dalton. 19 deputation rs ()strossor. 3. Marshall. ll My 1 m yre hllrir «iuudls U IH‘ 8N uh UH hi it- Hll .‘le‘ly interested spectators stopped to observe the unlit-s of ti ('oupie of hear cubs which were on exhibtion a t'ew days this week in one of the large windows of .\iarshailEcclestone Limited at 'i‘immins. They were brought to town by Mr. ('harles Sheridan. of (‘ohalt. who secured them from an indinn at Elk Lake. Mr. Tom King. of the amusement parlors at 'I‘immins has purchased the cubs. which by the way are two months old. and will probably train them. They can be seen at Mr. King's establishment and to the youngsters of the district would cer- tainly prove an attraction. in regard to the matter of roads in this district it is interesting to note that there is now a tine road to the imperial and it" about a further three- quarters ot‘ a mile 113 put into a similar state leading to the Pet Mine it would mean a great advantage in mans: ways. There are several pro- perties in the vieinity which are like- ly to he extending operations soon or re-openi'ig.r work and with good trans- portation in the way reterred to much benefit would he derived. Elk Lake Bear Cubs at Timmins l’rvsidont Harry L. 'l‘aylor went to Toronto last Saturday and is expected hawk to «atop to-day. (low hem Mr. Robert Sloan. late of the Pur- ('upine (frown Mine has taken over the t'aptuitury 01' the Imperial and is now au-ting in that capacity there. All the water has at last lreen pumped out at the imperial Mlne and four Veins have been struck at the lOO-t'uot level. It is the intention to erusseut about 50 feet from the main shaft. .-\ drill will be started to work on some llne ore budies and develop- ment work generally will be vigorous- ly enrried out. Erosssutting Will Be Carried an and Drilling Started on fire Bodies President ()su'ussor 01'th Board mm the first to address the (‘ouncil in rvuzml to (in- mmtvr on whix-h the dvputauion had come before them. (( (mtimwd on p111, c 3) WATER All flUT [If IMPERIM SHAH ”The petitioners for water on Tamarac Street can have water fur- nished them immediately providing they can arrange for the financing of the work with the town.‘- (‘oy it v tlu rat Mr. Looâ€"Thom are three iota there to he at-rwd by this. on which built!- huts hm'o hoot: uvgit-cteti and two other tots further on which have how purvhasmi on which it is iutvudod to build. (‘oum‘iiinr Mt'('o.\‘.â€"-â€"\\’o flood water down horn in tho town. r think tho host way to warn- tho town would iw to have atom:- t-ugium-riuzz tirm pro- pnn- plums tor uuhthtui tu tiu i'ro- vitwiui iimmi ot iivuith umi thoir approval thou issuv lit-imuturt-u. They should no in this mnnuwr. Roughly wv ought to how thrm- or {our titmtumui ”0"! ur mums or more. B. E. Martin and it. .\'. ('lmpman. “We- are In a handicapped position for this" said Councillor McCoy. “The [mini is how Is it solos (0 he door? it would probably rout two or three dollars a foot to lay a pipe lhorv." ()2 I‘ll! \ir and charged for at a reasonable and tho mum-y 0mm! hv ndvnnvcd l mkvnn from tho wzuvr rntos later w wunld that be? ! vould answer Mr. ('humnnn but cannot say for min-rs. )n the motion of (‘onnc-illnr Mc- y sum-ended hy ('unncillur Dalton was ('nrried luauâ€"- as the: lllor .\l money “'1 ‘o,\‘.--l'!llo: :0 ('umxot xuppose l for at u 1v vould ht ml hv advanvud ! uu-r ram-s lutvr ! would answer (-mmut say (on or mnro. In answer to _‘ t-xpm'tml to put it In. it was put reasonable TIMMINS, ONTARIO. FRIDAY, JUNE 11th. 1915. Special Despmch received on going to Press states that E. Nerlich was found Not Guilty of High Treason in Toronto. ' The deceased had been for the past year or more acting as watchman at the Porcupine Crown Mine. The re- mains will he brought into 'l‘immins this afternoon by Messrs. Burton and lrlnstun who will send the bod) to lnnerkip. Ontario. the home of the late Mr. Malcolm. ' Lust u'm-k vud tlu- Hirm'turs ut’ tho ,Mc-lutyrc- l’urvuptm- .\ttuu.~<. t.td.. paid It! visit to thv prupc-rty and xtuyvd till Mnuday. 'I'hv party was compost-d of ”('01. Hay. l’rosidvut. Sir Houry l’vl- Ila“. J. 1!. 'I‘udhopv. J. 1’. I'm-k0”. Mr. Sheppard. J. R. l. Murliug aud (‘. B. Flynn. 'l‘twy arrtvvd at Srhumurher In a special car Saturday. Much sutiufucttnn and pleasure was ,uftcrwurds oxprvssod at the outlnuk :at the mttw and the Board wore very 'suuguluv as to the future work to he carried on. Returning about eleven (Zzlock Mr. Donoghue again found his partner in bud and on going to waken him found he was dead. Dr. Moore. of 'I‘im'nins. was ('alled and declared death due to heart failure. \lr. Donoghue row at the usual time this morning and called Mr. Mal- colm as usual but receiving no res- ponse thought he was sleepy and pre- ferred to lay in. Mr. Malcolm was well known through both the (‘obalt and l’oren- pine camps with which he has been connected several years and was es- peeially noted for being a violinist of special ability. About eleven o'clock this (Friday) morning Frank Malcolm, aged about 50. was found dead in his bed at his home by Mr. Donoghue who resided with him. Well Known North County Violin Player Passed llway Suddenly from lleart failure l'pwurds of 300 tons of UFO is pass- ing through the tuill daily; at the present time and this will shortly he liH'l‘l'ilSL’d. For the mouth of June a l‘t'(°()l‘(l production of gold is promised and it is t'Sllllliilt'tl that by the end of August tho rompuuy will haw a rush surplus of $75,000 to $100,000. Shortly iwt’molcaviug the camp on Monday the party paid :1 visit of in- spurtiou to the liolliuger Mime. fflANK MAlCfllM WAS flllJNl] HEM] IN Bil] Mi orp imdy 26 fuel Widt' has iwen mot with at tho 600 foot Iovvi. tho ztvt-rugo assays living $10 to tho tam. ()n the nurth side of thv prmwrty .\'o. 5 shaft is down 400 ft. ’i‘ht- \‘vin at this level has been opened up for u distant-.0 of 150 ft. and in spots is fully 30 ft. wide. The diamond drill has hovn operat- vd' in this shaft and the win prm'vd to a further depth of 100 it. and the shaft is now being pushed to the low- or love]. =‘Machinery For Pike Lake Gold Mines More ihen sue ions of are is nai y Passing Inmugh Mill and Uni: Wili Be increased it an Early Bate Express Delight at Activities Carried [in and Are Sanguine as to Developments Possible June Record Mclmflf alumnus VIE" HIE PflllPEflTV There is no vosaatton tn the work helm: «arrted on to newton vlntms tn the [More section and It to Interest. In: to note that Mr. J. 1). Phillips. 5.3L. whose headquarters when tn the t’orvuptnn ramp are" at tho King George. South l’orcuphw. left for; Now York the latth part of last week to order mnehtnnry for the Pike Lake Gold Mines whtch developments Mr. Phtmpa fa snportntendtng. NERLICH NOT GUILTY. There are a few more men employ- ed at present than earlier in the spring but this surplus is chiefly on surface work and in the general work the numbers on the payroll remain about the same. The new electric hoist at the main shaft 01‘ the Hollinger Mine has been started up and the old hoist will he placed in at the Acme property. As long as power remains one of the chief problems in Northern On- tario. it is of vital important'e that the cost of power for milling opera- tions be very carot'ull determined. Mr. Cunningham, on the other hand states that power per ton of ore ground appears to be slightly higher than with stamps. He says that the latter crush 5 to 6 tons per 24 hours per horse power. At the recent meeting of the local branch of the Canadian Mining Insti- tute the topic was discussed; but no figures were presented. Hollinger Electric Hoist Operating Mr. (‘. H. l’oirier. who designed the Vipontl plant. says in its favor that first installation and upkeep is less than one-half that of stamps for equal vapacity; that. the (captivity in tons per horse power is double. and that there is a reduction of one-quarter the amount of solution required, and ('onsequently reduction in must in handling solution after ('rushing. Overhead mill space is also reduced one-half. “At. the Vipond and the Melntyre mills, rolls and ball mills are doing the work done by stamps at the other mills. The ore is ehieiiy soft sehist and the ball mills have been entirely satisfmrtory; power per ton of ore ground appears to be. slightly higher than with stamps for the. production of identieal results. Steel eonsump- tion is about the same. the stamps perhaps having a shade the better of the argument in this respect; cost of operation and repairs is in favor of the ball mill. while first eost and uni- formity of operation (what might be termed laek of operating “griefz; are decidedly in favor of the ball mill. While my own experience in the dis- triet has been entirely with stamps. and their performance was satisfae. tory, i am of the opinion that. the ball mill is preferable for breaking down the Porcupine ore ahead of the tube mills." There is every probability that the Success Mine will be worked again. Though no actual options have boon closed several otters have iwon made to tho (‘iark estate. The Success has been cloud down for amoral soars. Its (our ciaima adjoin the cast ('iaim of the \ipond. This is on!) one of tho manv pro. portion in the cold camp that should be opening up in me com-so iii a short time. ”Now that the Vixmntl and .‘llelu- tyre mills hare bum in mntintiotts operation for sex \(Wral months. inter- esting enmparisons are beimz madc- between the plants using rolls and ball mills and those using stamps for the main crushing operation in treating l’oreuplne gold ores. The large plants. Dome and llollin- get‘. are eqnlppt-d with stamps. and most of the published data on l’or- eupine niatallurgieal processes is that whieh has been gathered at these two plants. Comparisons have been made with results obtained at the \‘ipond and McIntyre; but these have been of a rarer general nature and unsup. ported by actual figures. Such ilgnres should now be obtainable. and there seems a probability that the rolls and ball mills will make a better show- ing than the stamps. In a paper written for the ('zmudizm and American Mining Institutes. and published in the February 15 issue of this Journal.1\1r. .\'nel (‘unningham says: 0!] the stamps i'resented Before Canadian and imerican Mixing institutes Show That He is in favor of Bali Method for Breaking [ire In Main Crushing flperatinns of Gold flres from Porcupine Camp N. Cunninghzml’s Views Wlll Bull mus SUPEBSEUE SIAMPS? Success Mine May Be Re-opened \\'i: ll u vim ' «mo-slim! the (‘an nadm whim; (1 ball mill Mining wussion versus Journal The evidence of Inspector Black- well. and Provincial Officier (‘armi- chael was taken and went to show that on the date named the Provin- When Steve Schuler appeared to answer a eharge of keeping liquor {or sale on June 1st (frown Attorney Smiley. or l‘laileybury, appeared to prosecute and Mr. J. E. t‘uok. or South Porcupine. defended. Seltuler pleaded not guilty. This is the first time I haw had a chance 01' talking to so many assem- bled foreigners and 1 wish iu impress upon you that while I am voming up here i am going to semi you to jail, every time you are ('om'iuted, for four months. if you do not behave and keep eon)- in',' before me you will find _\'ourselves detained in a camp at 25 cents a day instead of working here at $2.25. You will bring it on yourselves. I think in this case it was a drunken spree but. at the same time it is a serious offence. There. is a liability to endanger human life by throwing stones on the streets. 1 don't know what you have in 'l‘immins, hut in the camp where i come from there is a regular jamharee in the foreign set- tlement nearly every week and gen- erally starting in a wedding or ('lll‘lSi- ening and ending up in a drunken fight. “So far as being Austrian. Russian, German or anything else is rum-eru- ed." suit] his Worship. ”it does hut make any difference in trying a e: so. I wish to point out. however. to those foreigners in this camp that the Bri- tish Empire is at war with Germany and Austria and the (‘unadian Govern- ment is giving people of those na- tions very wide privileges as long as they behave themselves and do their work. 'l‘ln- dvt’unco was nndnrlnkvn by Mr. W. A. ()lmstcud. 1110 (115p having bvun rmnundod from Mr. '1‘. M. Wil- son J.I’.. at 'l‘innnins. As. none of the defence witnesses mnld sneak sum- cient English an intorprvtvr was used. Nick lllahey was eharged with as- saulting l’. (‘. t‘rat’t at 'l‘innnins last Sunday evening while the otiieer was in the execution of his duty. livi- dent-e was given by (‘hiet' ot' l’olit-e (‘ourtamamhe. l’roviueial Utlieer Carmichael and l’. ('. t‘rat‘t for the prosecution wltivh went to show that consequent upon a drunken celebra- tion at a Russian christening trouhle took place. One man in trying to es- cape from the polire was the brother ot‘ this defendant lllahey and the lat- ter was alleged to have thrown a stone at l’. (‘. (‘rat‘t {vhieh Sil‘llt'li the oilitter's hat. 'I‘hv. Magistrate guilty and us an $100 $122 By Magistrate Atkinson tit Drinking Sprees Wilt Be Very Severely Dealt With HIBEIGNEBS IN CAMP [IRE STHBNGIV WflflNEfl 0n rvnriiing the rapids the current tltort- t'nttgltt tltv bow of titv mime niltl tlt'spiit' till tltt' t-fl'nrts nf ihv two nt-trtmnnts they t'niimi in mntml its mursv. 'i‘itizt rmnitwl in tin» t-nnm' swinging mum! and t-uiiiciing with n lttrgu htht'i'. Hull: mun wnlvr and 'l JAMES TOONEY DROWNED IN PORCUPINE RIVER .itum-s Tummy. aged nimttt thirty. who lived at Kt-you and was m-ii known in tiw gum rump district was the victim. On Tuesday anvrnnon Inst. alum: with u mmpnnlml whusv umm- has not boon learned. 'l‘nunvy aturlvd frmn u farm wlwrv he lmd hum: lwluw the rapids of l‘nrt'uphw ('rvvk. Canoe Overturned at Rapids After Striking Rock---Body Recovered With Pike Hook Another drowning fatality is added to the already lengthy list rlainwd by tho Porvnphw River. Liquor Behind the Bar Through Carlcssness. and (Continued on paw,- 4) gistram found defendant as an vxmnplv. iim-d him costs zunouming in all m ’l‘mm 1- thrmvn into ”it ,\' nlmust lmnmdlaw Thatl’urcupine Advance Will Receive :ry f flespatches fluringAfternoun 5 With latest News Diamond drilling is the main kind of work being carried on by the Mines? Leasing and l)evelopment (‘ompany at the flea Mines as well as Burial-o operations. 'l‘wo holes have been drilled and some fairly good values met with. in fact one vein it. is claim- ed is encouragingiy rich. (men eut- tlng will he proceeded with to find out. more about the veins struck. O’Connor Sawmill Food For Flames 'I‘lic sawmill and other buildings lm. longing to Dan ()‘l‘onnor at Mancin- tosh Springs were entirely destroyed by fire on Tuesday. Included also was a large quantity or pulpwuod and lumber. The origin of the outbreak has not yet been found out. If you wish to keep postvd menu fore. phone, write or call iumwdiutely and haw your nanw placed on the list who will receive Iht' mews :m already stated. Diamond Drilling At the Rea Mine Owing to the cost of the service and the work entaiied in repeating the despatches to those desiring them The Advance can oniy entertain the: question of giving the information by phone to those who are War Despatcfi Subscribers. Our time is so much taken up that. requests from (Mu-1' quururs um, necessarily. have to be refused. ln :u-rnrdanee with requests. The Ad 'anee has. also made plans f.) phone the despatehes immediateiv on their arrival to eertain mines of the: distriet and it is here wished to paint. out that. any mine. business man or resident of the north with phone rim- neetion who desire to have these musâ€" sa:;e:f repeated to them and ha 5e. nut. already made ar'angetnents with Tim Advance can learn the terms and vow ditiuna by phoning 'l‘innnins :36. 'l‘lwsv nwssngvs will lu- sent {Furl 'l‘oronto nt’tvt‘ tlw noon tit-sputt-lzwt are ”300‘thin in that (-ity or pvt'izazm later and will thus; he received Lt 'l‘lmtnlns (lttrlng the afternoon. 'I'ht-y will invltttlo tho smnv inmru motion that the afternoon city nrxxz-x- papers carry on going to press on! thus rt‘SldOillR of tin north country it: the gold rump will be able to lo-arn ot' the lutqst ntovvtnonts during that; till)’. An Advzuu-o l1 ed at tho drug 5 and urrungcnum nu! whereby Mr mins will rum-iv Mr. (it-(Hgv Fair pinv. «‘umuwm-ing an Monday um: um 14th. it has been arranged for 'l‘xm l'orvaplnv Advance to receive bpt'vlul war lmllmlns wlllvll will be llw law-Ht wires ()1 NW (lily rrvoivvd in tho gull! calm; and district. [MEET WAR BUllHlNS BMlV Ill HMMINS le ('ornm'r. hr. Alt-Null. lmd duly notiliul and it was (IN-Mo Mm Um! no mum-st was nvmu ‘l‘hc- l‘mwml muk plm-v soon thn arrival of Hm rvmnhm. a: Pun-u pine (mun-wry. ly sunk. lhv run". it ht though: 4! having taken rmmps wldlv In H." water. "In mmpmdnn after u hnrd snag. Rl.‘ to keep hold of H10 upset emu. sm'u-vdvd In gvmng m thv hank mud rushed to Kvyos for naalatnm‘v. A m-nrrh party was organized and thrvo-mmrwrs or an hour nm-r Hu- mumo had n-mrm-d lurflo tho hmly uf Tnnm-y was rovowrod hy :1 NM hunk. W Single Copies 5 Cents mm hullvtin board is p331:- Llrug store of Mr. Chas. Sn! genumtx are being ('urriml My Mr. A. S. Fullvr at 'I‘mv rum-ivv lhv (lt'fipmclués and w Fairlmrn at South Pun, 1~ will he sent {rum noon dospun-hw: ll 0in or perhaps It!

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