1111A". Boyd left town on Mom- (137 for the south on n visit. Mr. 1’. ii. Munro (bf 'l‘m‘untt). I'v- prescntim! the Canada Foundry (30., while. staying: at the King (ienrgc this wvvk. on hcim: asked his opin- ion of the future of the camp gave a very prurticzil answer by referring the cnqmircr to the splendid brick building: his company are erecting, indicating it as a sign of their con- lidoncc in the Porcupine district. In a brief vonurutuluturv note ro~ spouting the sowing of grass seed at Sunth i‘urc-upine lust wcvk it should have been nt'ntiunu‘l that the Bank of 'l‘oronto instituted these steps and the mass now to be seen in front of their premises lessens our- siderably the bareness of the street in that section. Mrs. Hayes of Brandord is Visit.- inu her damhter. flu. Fred Warn. for a few dun. Mr. W. A. Johnson, 01 the Nipis- sing Storms. (’uhalt. arrived in town Wednesday evening on a Visit to the South Porcupine Store. and return- ed to Cobalt yesterday. Prof. F). E. Loche of Boston is a. visitor to :amp with two students, Messrs. A. H. Means and L. H. Scimuur, making the (Tonnaumht their headquarters while paying in- spection visits to various mines. They wore awnmpunivd by Mr. Ern- est Luring. Mt. uï¬ Ma. 1‘. Torrance returned on Monday after a week-end stay in North Buy. Mr. T. l". Sutherland. Inspector of Mines from Cobalt. arrived at the Rim: George the early part. of this wool: and visited Various mines of the camp in the course of his duties. It is stated by Township Clerk W. M. Whytc that applications for li- censes are coming in pretty freely just now and in cases wlicrc ï¬nan- cial difliculties have been mentioned by applicants arrangements have been made which havo mutually sat- isï¬ed all concerned. Mr. G. W. Bennett, Government Superintendent. of Colonization Roads in the whole. of Ontario. arrived in town this week and registered at the King George. One of the main in- spections made hr Mr. Bennett was the Mattagami road improvements, which are. under Government super- vision. 'I‘he Dome road in his opin- ion was making excellent. progress. Amby Devine returned home on 'Nesday from Toronto on a vaca- tion followinc his studies at College in Tomnto. the ins: 6mm Messrs. Fred Jamieson and "Scot- lv" MPP’arlane M The Advance stafl VL'ill spend the weekend in Hailey- bury. roturnimr Hominion Day. During the past week the business at the Hotel Connaught has surpass- ed all expectations of the manage- ment and daily saunas of activity are to be noted with the arrival of each train. a nleusing feature being the large number of outsiders coming to the camp on visits. Dr. Sutlherlnnd arrived safely in Moose Jaw last week and shortly before The Advance went to press a very interesting acouunt of his flat impressions of the western city was reveived. These will he published next week and will no doubt pnove attractive to all those who were per- Honnllv aemiuintetl with the genial doctor in South Porcupine. On the King's Birthday when the South Porcupine baseball team met other local teams on the new ground at the Southend a ï¬rst base mit and a black ï¬elding glove were found to be missing at the close of play. Dili- gent search and enquiry have been made for these and at. last informa- tion secured as to where they were taken and by whom. Nothing was said to t‘hose concerned for n time with the hope that the outï¬t would be returned to the secretary or some other club oï¬icial. Now. however, the period for consideration has passâ€" ed and unless the articles are given back to the Club. proceedine‘s will be taken in a dar or two to punish those reoponcihle. it i: on nrineinle that steps will be taken in this wav for the tric'k. if meant a: it loo“. is eonsidered a most contemptible one. and the practiee should be pre- vented for the future. The Town Council did not meet Wednesday of this week in accord- anec with custmn. but last week at. their gathering transacted what to must .Low'nspeople was a matter of vitali Importanceâ€"the passing 0! 30. counts for payment as referred 10 on the front paste of this issue. '00k wh i It 'orcnpine. Baron Von Polenz of Montreal and . Eustace of London. Em†are at be Connnua-ht as [mes-Its; while. look. 1: round the camp. in which they 1.! interested. at W El LOCAL ITEMS (it'or nmh was re- Ire this South In It. P. L. Cody “1in in WWI II I 'lIUUl III- Wednesday at the King (home. on a: .â€" business visit in connection with the‘ \Ir Croft Baxter hat been bug ? . _ ‘ . . . ‘y 5.0!â€!!!‘11 Ontario 14"“ “9“ Power this week overlooking some claims in Lo. % Shaw Township. Mr. â€('0 ( rocKC' Xipissinsz Stores. for a .vm'mion in ml at his home in duwn and expects contrary to some nthor wrok frum C. Elliott ul tlu- Baltimore wvnt tn llailcyhury last “'va (3nd,:1000m- nnnicd by MN. Elliott and a nurse (m avcount 0f the sm‘ious illnvss of Mrs. Elliott. who will stay for some time in Hailcylmrv with her motlwr. A baseball contincent under the title of “The Northlanders" luve chullemred members of the Cages Club strictly to a game some even- ing alter July First. J. Jackson of the Northern Canada Supply Co. returned last Sunday from Cobalt. after two weeks' vacac tion at his home there. Mr. Ik- Xipissinu fur a ,vm A baseball match will take place. at the new ground at South Porcu- pine tmnnrrmw the 291b, between Knuth Porcupine and the Dome con- tingent. at which a large attendance is mpeetml because of the friendlv rixwalr} now becoming prevalent among the various local teams. Mr. R. 8. Code. of Code and Code. the Cobalt. and Porcupine surveyors, was a business visitor in town last week and and stayed at the Kins: George. Mr. F. J gistcred a week and 4 distriL‘L partmenl of H rived in town Hist at (he St‘ in the absence A dance was given in the dining room of the Hotel Connanght last Friday evening to mark the. depart- ure of the Moran orchestra after a stay in the Porcupine district: for a eunsiderable time. About (it) were present at the dance. the use of the hall thing been granted by the man- zwement. Messrs. From] and Ken- ning. A most. enjoyable time. was spent and thnnls extended to Mrs. Prom] for her generous (lssistunt‘t‘ in the fnnetion. time in llail«:~yhuw Mrs. C. Austin. lintt rotm‘nod to Sunday. his heavy uting his presence. Miss (iertrude Allan, daugter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Allan. is expectâ€" ml home tomcjirrow and will receive. the congratulations of numerous friends upon her success while in To- ronto. Miss Allan entered the Con- servatory of Music in that city last September and the examination re- sults show that the young lady has passed the vocal exam. with honors. Mr. Allan is well known to South- vnd residents through his connection with the Milton Carr Handware. Sunday next. June 30th. is to be. celebrated by all the Presbyterian Sundav Schools in the Dominion of Canada as Patriotic Sundav. At, South Poreupine a serViee will he. held in the Presbyterian ('hnrvh at. 13.30 in the afternoon. tn whiehev- eryhody is cordiallv invited. A large attendance will he a neat encour- mnnt to the Sunday school teachers. On learning of the sad double be- reavement which Mr. U. E. Burkel! passed through since his departure for his home at Norwood, the Cagwos Club members sent a telegram ex- pressing their deep sympathy with him. Mr. Burkell is expected back in town on July lst to resume his duties at the Bank of Toronto. This evening, Friday, there shouldé be a large assemhlx at the Anglican Church when under the auspices of' the Ladies’ \id. .1 social is to be held, the program for which is pro! mined as most enteitaining and en-' joy-able. There is no charm- for adv mission and u L'eneral imitation is issued to all and sundrv to he ple- wnt. -\ silxer collection -tu be taken “ill be dexoted to the church funds .m...‘- m- as well as help to make and hearty service. As an instance of implicit conï¬d- enceoin the early future of the For- cupine camp one only need draw at- tention to the splendid brick build- ing nearing.r completion on Main St. which has been erected as a ware- house by the Canada Foundry Co. It is among the few ï¬rst brick es- tablishments to be erected so far in the town and an examplary indica- tion of what is likely to follow be- fore very lone. The numerous friends of Mr. Fred H. Watt learned with rearet of his departure from the ramp Wednesday uf this week for his home in De- troit consequent on an urgent mes- mm- in rrturn there at nnco. Fred was‘ an enthugiaqtiv snortsmnn and ardent baseball enthusiast and his :n“iflhli‘ company will he meafiv missed M a large number of resi- dents in the Pormxpine locality. .\l ‘0 m at 'ruckcry. manager of the :ures. left am Sunday last, on in Brmtkvillo. Ho vallâ€" mm in (‘ubalt on the way spams to rouu'nmalcmo. some local ideasuin an- frum tnmm’ruw. Bailes of (‘obalt was re the King George lam a huï¬im‘ss trip to th‘ Monday even" mth I’ormlpim M Mr. Ben ('t :r of the Cobalt Nipissing Stores Meanwhile Mr. El- Snuth Porcupine ' business necessit- venimr to an vnjuyablc mun IV tho dc at { There are all kinds of little items iol interest concerning incidents and gdoings around Porcupine and the :North end of the lake. as 37811 as ï¬big affairs. If those who know of ithem would only realize that others :would be glad to read of them thev lwould no doubt, be only too willing Ito send them for publication in the {Advance Mr. Wm. R. Croft I’axcer, fat the Bank Hotel. is always pleas- Ied to receive items of this descrip- ition. verified by name if Wl'lLan. or 'sverbally and will see that they reach *the Advance office safelv. llTEflESIIIE "EMS The work of levelling the sidewalks and clearing the ditdies of the town has commenced. a force of men hav. ing been put on under the direction of R. Sims. Amunc thv Mulligan llousc visit- ors this week are W. U. Clarke.l’ow- asson; T. l“. Sutherland, J. W. San- dcrson. Cobalt: R. B. Lamb, 1“. B. Burt. Toronto; Wm. English, North Bay. Gus Swanson. accompanied by Mr. W. Jamieson and Mr. McGowan, left on Manda) for McArtimr where they hold interests in some claims in that township. the east si indication . arr in this conditions. Murphy House Visitors invludc U. W. Lzmgfunl. 'l‘hos. Banks, 1!. W. Hookcy. Toronto; J. W. Morrison, Walter E. Mind. .I. W. Vandcrgrift. C. A. Vamlcmrift, Swastika. Thusc baseball enthusiasts, includ- ing Reeve Walsh, who are respon- sible for the excellent state of the new baseball ground. are deserving of chl'y praise for their eflorts, as they rertainly have accomplished a piece of work which will be difï¬cult. to surpass by any of the other (lubs of the district. Mr. F. 1.. Cody of the Sort/hem Untario Light 6:. Power Company had an interview with the council regarding a ten year's franchise the company desired to obtain from the council. A lengthy discussion follow- ed. and it was decided to hold a conference with the company three weeks hence. Reeve Walsh returned from his claims in Denton on Sunday and was very satisï¬ed with the prospects. He says the country in tl.e Cripple (‘reek district is showing up well and i~ likely to go ahead. l-‘orvupine smrod tlwir first, victory mm the home team on Saturday on thv club “round at Porcupine. The prucovtlings were fzu'orcd with line wozltht-r and there was a. fair at- tcmlunvc. 'I‘lw rvsult was ‘23 to 12 in [MM uf tho humu team. The fulâ€" luwinu fm‘mt-d tho line-up of Che Yor- mpino team: King If, Newt-11 ss, l’it-I't'v 13h, Mszu' 3b. “()th‘an U), Agrwuy rf. (‘nhurn cf. '{utmirus c. â€The l’oroupine Board of 'i‘rade met at the Mulligan House on Friday. There was only a small attendance, but no matters of any irreat im- portance were brought up for dis- cussion. The. Board will meet to- night at King's Hall. when it is hoped there will be a full attend- anve of members, as several matters of importam'e are to he settled. The weekly nu-etim: oi the l’orcu- pint- ("Mint'il was held on Monday at King's Hall, with Reeve Walsh in the chair. It was decided that the Chief of Police should assume the ollice of sanitarv inspector in addition to his police duties. The appointment of assessor was introduced by Mr. King. and after some discussion Mr. Walter Lanches was appointed at a salary of $100 per month. The muesâ€" tion of beer, tobacco. dog and other licenses were ordered to be held over until the next council meeting. two ('hicf Preston of the Fire Depart- ment. in addition to having business interests to look after, is a busy man these days in his otlieial connec- tion with the baseball club, but he knows how to handle its aï¬airs as well as those of the fire brigade and a better man could probably not the been chosen for the position. The machinery for the erection of the new docks has arrived and the pile-driver was put into position on Friday. The building of the docks will be under the supervision of Ne.- son Finder. the Citv Engineer. The dock at the north end of the lake will he of an L shape and the total lene'th 324 feet. extending far out in- to the lake. It will thus he more convenient to handle the gasoline boats. the water being much deeper in that part. :‘lr. l’inder has also the i<txne'r‘\'i<ion of the (-onstrut‘tidnn of the (luck at the south end, whi‘h will he of the same. Shape, but ON inf: in the depth of Water it will no, Mt 1V u i re . .l. Riley reports the capture of hummimz birds in his gnulcn on and side ol tllc lake. Surely an alien of something cxtraonlin- m this nurth country's climatic 3h. McKay rf. (‘nhurn md lennis THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE so lone llf Pflflï¬lll'llf p g If, \' (mu-ll H). ('(M‘hn mu cf. 'Zlmni:1-.:'s bury Cresent last Saturday, some small piles of stumps and bush hav- ing caught, it, is supposed, by sparks from the flue of a saw mill close at hand. Chief Preston soon had his men on the spot and a powerful stream was brought into Ivlay,which soon .put an end to any further chance of the fire extending. c '0 O o .0 0 .0 O O O O O .00.... O O 0 .0 O .0 00 O O N O O O. O O O. o o o". O O O O O 00.00.... C 0’. It will be pleasing: news to the patâ€" rons of the Majestic to learn that the management have undertaken the paintingr and decoration of the build- ing: this week. but this work will not interfere with the giving of the usual nightly program of excellent A small ï¬re occurred in Hailey- 0 0 0.00.0 00 90:» 0 0 00 o o o“. 00 0 0 0 0 .00.0 0 .0 co. .0 0 .0 â€0 00 0 0 0. .0 0 0 0..0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00.00.00. 0 “3 0 00.00 0 0 0â€. 00.00 00 0 .00.0 0 0 0.00.00 0000 .0 0 .00 .00 .0 0 .0 00 Knight Bros. Mckinnon M AJ ESTIC THEATRE BRANCHES: Porcupine, South Porcupine, Schumacher Doors, Sash, Frames. Mould- ings, Flooring, V Joint Rooï¬ng Building Paper Glass, Builder’s Hardware Phone Connections at all Branches New York, June 20th---lt is reported on good authority that a firm called Marshall-Ecclestone has the largest and most varied stock of general Hardware, furniture and mine Supplies in the North of Ontario and are doing a large and increasing business in these lines. I congratulate P'orcu-‘~ pine people On having such a go-ahead live wire concern in their midst, and hope that the firm will have the Same success in their business as I shall have inmy Presidential 1’ q Campaign. Stop Press Telegram. Marshall = Ecclestone Head Office: COBALT, Ont. PORCUPINE “The Store That is Different†Rough and Dressed OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O D.O 0.0 ..â€.~..“.. 0.00.â€.OO.â€.OO.â€.â€.N.O0.00.â€.00. .00... .â€.“.O o .9 .0.†0.. .0.“ O. O O “o 0-. O .0 o ’0 â€.00....0 -:«:«:«:~¢o and pictures. Another improvement is the arranging of the stage so that the full length of pictures can be easily seen now. Among the pictures shown to chowded houses eVery night this week have been a series of “Mutt and Jeff,†which are becom- ing very popular, a fine dramatic picture. “For the Queen's Honor,†and others. The special attraction of “The Mine Disaster" will be shown tonight. and from the record gained by it should attract unusual attention. The installation ‘of elec- tric fans in the Majestic makes it a really cool and comfortable place in which to spend a pleasant evening during.’ hot weather and it is not sur- prisimr. therefore, to see the large attendances every night. TIMMINS (Signed) T. R.. Limited Special DCSpatch i In View of tin recent new and inortant discoveries of gold in t1 Township, 1 can oflcr some of m: ’hest locations to responsible Mining lintemsts, on equitable terms. T. M. {WILSOK Claim Broker. 'l‘immmu. I()nt., l’. 0. Box No. 1,. Phone Bu. TURNBULL â€" MINING CLAIMS FOR SALEâ€"SECOND HAND PORT 4 able buildings, several sizes, can be put. up in one day. For photds and . information apply to EMPIRE LUMBER (30., Ltd†Latohford, " Ont. 10-14 Classfied Ads._ limited