Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 28 Jun 1912, 1, p. 5

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TRADERS has the followmg offices in the Porcupine Gold District, PDIUUDlflB TRIBE NEIHUHS SIUBK FOR SALE Aura Lake South End C. H. Day. Manager Haileybury Transfers of money by mail or telegraph can be made through anv Branch of this Bank. Travellers going into Porcupine are invited to avail themselves of the advice or services of the managers of the above-mentioned branches. . L. BAUGH}; Co., Capital and Surplus, - $6,800,000 Total Assets, - - $ 52,000,000 INCORPORATED, gag. Brokers Montreal Branch also at Haileybury OF CANADA. Small Block of THE Manager Porcupine Branches J. D. Tipton, Toronto Burns It once started up his engine of the boat which he runs and to [ether with Smith proceeded to the spot where Blue was last seen. It was too late, however. and tlthoug-h thev circled round quite, an area. making every efiort to find some trace of the now drowned man. :ll was futile. Blue having disappeared completely from view. When the news was circulated at the south end several canooists took advantage of the calm which lollow- ed the terrific brief storm to scour round the place where Blue was re- ported to haVe last been seen and the searchers included Officers Bren- nan and Salle with drugs. but al‘ though work was carried on for quite a considerable time no trace of the body could he found on Tuesday. It was therefore derided to commence a properly organized dragging party in the early hours of Walnesday morn‘ mg. During the greater part of Wednes- day nnrnimr drawing was carried out by four at five mums and boats but up till man no success “had been met with in the recovery of the body. In order to put forth greater of- fm't Police Officer Sane. W. Murdock and T. McGee arranged to go out :urain after the noon hour. but prior to this secured wire netting to which was attached four dozen large hooks making a drmz voverimz 60 feet in lenflh. Shortlv aftcr half-past onc. just about twmtv-four hours after Bluc’ had dchd into the lake. the drag caught on mmcthimr heavv and on being hauled to surface brmurht. With it tho body of- the drowned anili- tcct. the hooks having caught in thc bathing costume. an architect. A rumor prevalent hintvd at the possibility of the at- fair hcim: no accident. but this was sigm nf dospomloncv and had muse for trouble, being: quite viable and good natured prior mooring his untimely end. stutvd by thnsc more intimate with tho druwuvd man to be absolutely i’iliit'lliOllS, because he had shown no “luv lcaVes a wife and two oi three children now residingr in ”an- maek, .\1ivh.. and to the widow a wire was sent on 'l'mmday evening hy Mr. Smith. askinu for instruetions as to the disposal of the body. Pete Blue recently was represent- ing: the (‘rolden Crest Miniwr C0. in the development on their property and had seen to the removal of ma- ehinery from Cobalt for this purâ€" pose. The work, however. .was sus- pended about six weeks ago through operations being held up. A reply was received from the Wid- ow of the unfortunate man from Hancock. Mich. to the effect that (Continued from pan 1.) T HE PORCUPINE ADVANCE Pete Blue Drowned 110 she had wired his father in Detroit for instructions Mi}. .0 Thuruiay noon no further instructions had been received in Sonth Porcupine as to «hat was to be done with the body. ANOTHER NEAR Stan's. Prior to the above sad occurrence two young men who are working in South Porcupine had narrow escapes from drowning and it was only through the instrumentality of Butch Burns in reaching the scene that they were saved from a watery grave. At about 10.30 on the same morning these two went for a canoe ride on the lake and so far as The Advance could gather from either ol them they were not very familiar with the rudiments of handling a canoe. According to the version of one the craft began to "swirl" rep‘ idly and capsized. For over half an hour the two were in the water. one being able to swim a little and the other not at all. Their predicament .‘\ F‘O()l ll S H .‘\ 113‘ It)! . Of all the foolish attempts at jok- ingâ€"ii joking it can be calledâ€"that of raising a false alarm While swim- mine. is surely the worst. and one deserving of every censure 'on the part of those carrying it into effect. The old table of "the boy and the wolf" could not he better adapted to anything than this. It was in the early hours of Tuesday morning. ac- mrdimt to information handed the Advance. that the attempted hoax. was practised. A certain young man holding a responsible position. it is stated. although the identity was withheld. was swimming around and suddenlv threw up his arms. creatinu at the same time an alarm as it re- quiring help. When assistance was prul'lel'ml the perpetrator of the non- humorous joke. at once revealed the fact he was safe and that no help was needed. It is it matter. of course. outside the jurisdiction of the law but. in future cases of this descrip- tion. when every verification is forth- coming, the publication of names mar sci'x'e as some preVentiVe to such nonsensical action. Mr. O. E. Burkells Bereavement The double funeral of Mr. and Mrs. .luhn liurkell took place at Norwuud on Friday. The death of the fonncr uccurrml on Sundav evening. and of the latter Wednesday aftel‘nuun. Mrs. Burke“ had been ill for some Lime mm. her husband onlv a few days. 111151. 1101‘ husband nnlv :1 few days. he 1111\i11g111k1'111111:11'.1l_v1i1' sti'nkv while out fishing 11 NW 41113» 11171» Both \1'1111: hiu'hly 11151111111111 1mi- dents 111' Xurwood 111111 fax 1111-11} 11-â€" sided in Alnwick township, North- umhci'lzmd County. The late Mr. B111kcll 1'01 :1 n11111hci11fV'1°'-a1s was sec1etary of the Alnwick Agricultur- al Society. and assessor for the same township. Mr. 0. E. liurkell. sun of the late Mr. and Mrs. Burkell, was teller in the South Porcupine branch of the Bank of Toronto and left two weeks ago following: an urgent telegram de- siring his presence home. Much sym- pathy is felt with Mr. Burkell in his sudden and double bereavement. tions. we will see something done at last." was augment ol 3 man. ber. . " In brief reference to I chemical m. zine. the order for which hid been cancelled by the Council because of non-delivery according to contract. the opinion was expressed that the necessity of mach a contrivanee was more important in a place such as South Porcupine where the roads were not so good than in places where good roads were existent be- cause of the length of time taken to wet the feels to a fire. Two letters giving terms oi insur- ance. one from X. R.Green. Hailey- hnry. and' the London and Lanca- shire Guarantee Insurance Co.. which had been laid heiore the Department at a previom meetimr were again brought forward with the intention of making linal settlement on the question. AL the llullinqer Mr. Cole found Ithau. Lhc- are t‘usct’wa‘ of the properâ€" tv had been [unruly invrcust-«l luy t'v- vvnt’ (It-wlnmmvnts. and that [his \mrk would he continued by sinking hclow the ZOO-foot level from {our different points. It. was also found that «lwvlopnwnt work on the 100- lt'uut levels of the Millerâ€"Middleton luml tltv tum-font. lcwl of thv Dixon lvluims had promo verv satisfactory. "NW tirsr It’ll stumps of the 40-31mm) :mill Were sturtml last Saltlrtluy on ithe "Holly." ---- -._-.._..._- <-.... . The first named was on the lines of individual insurance of members, while the latter ollered a "blanket policy." This allowed for the insur- ance of ten members ofthe Depart- ment at a plentium of $40 alto- gether. The plan was that no spe- cial ten be signified or their names inserted in the holiey. but the insur- ance would cover the whole of the department because it was extremely unlikely that ten men would be in- jure-d at one fire. Those to come un- der the benefit. however. would only he aetual members of the impart- ment on the roll and not any who assisted at a eonllagration and might. be hurt but had no gonnei'tion oili- eially with the department. On the motion of Mr. Henry. scoâ€" undcd by Mr. P. Kennedy. it was de- cided that “the Sucretm‘v be given huwer to insure up to ten men in in the Lundun :md Lancushirc Guar- antee Insurance. Co. for accidents chrimr only duties as firemen from ()n the Dome Extonsion work i.- m‘ovccding from Um shafts, 100 feet and 2300 feet deep, and a small quau tity of good are has been chqupod Same road pay ure was l'uund in workings from all three éhaits. at HM). 1300 aml Slim feet. relfipectively, on the Jupiter. but it is much fault- ml and required very careful followâ€" ing. From .\'0. 23 shaft the LVNâ€"foot level shows four veins. two of econ- omie value. ()1) the IlOO-foot level the values are better, though no gold is visible. Property of the Thelma Gold Mines. Limited. Township of Bryce. 'l‘he l’lenuurum has two shafts: down 200 feet. 1 200 feet apart. The! development is confined to crosscut- ting at present and some good veins have been cut. but they will nut be opened up till the shafts are con nected. The Pearl Lake development work consiSts of work in the 400-fout level and sinking below that. level. A Lenâ€"stamp mill has been running for some months on the Mel'ntyrc. Some 200d 0m had been encountered in chelopment, but, the management has been unsatisfactory. A uh-angc has been rccvntly made. The property consists of seven mining claims, numbers 12750,12751, 16686, 15502, 15503, 15505,. 15500. These claims carry a number of quartz veins and a number of outcrops have been located which give indications of good value in gold, but not sufficient development work has been done to determine actual values. The property is equipped with camp buildings and other requisites for carrying on mining and develop- ment work. There is also on the property a large amount of good machinerv which is in first class condition, the most of it never having been used and is available for use on the proâ€" perty or for shipment elsewhere as the purchaser mav desire. fl MclN'l‘YRE .-\.\'I) PEARL LAKE Review of Progress in Porcupine H.\' 'l‘lll". HULLINHB \'.-\l.lI ES l\' J l'l’l'l‘l'llt (Continued {tom page 1.) “LA .\' K I‘I'I‘i' ADOPT I‘ll) (Continued from page 1. CHEMICAL ENNIS E machinery includes a five ASSIGNEE’S Sfllf MACHINERY. Fire Department [*3 H Owing to inability of Messrs. {hr fresne and N. Abraham m attema duties it was decided that Moss". Henry and Gibson be first and soo- ond lieutenants respectively. us sub- stitutes for the two first named. the motion brim: put forward by Messrs. Qua and J. Eaton. ('oum‘il it was decided on motion of Messrs. (‘ropsey and Michell that when the Council want to fly for the bell thov inform the Department and the sum of $37 on hsnd will then be handed over. Rmerting to the question of the ponion to be contributed by the Do- nanmmt for the fire alarm to the thé tifixe‘he ‘alarm ‘was guarded an. m m roll was called.” In discussing the question of a hose tower which had cropped up at the meetimt ol the “can! of Trade when Mr. (‘. B. Monran oflerod to provide lumber and Mr. A. (3. llrmm alot. the Fire Department expressed their approval of this if it could he secure ed. They also thoudnt that the Bri- cade should have. some saw as to where the llre alarm would be plan. .-\n altornntiw sohmno of connec- tinn with thv pnwor house by steam in the event. of the electric system being cut oil was brought. to the m tit‘o M the mot-tint whon the Chair- man romarkod that there was my- thins: hotter toward reducing intuit- anvo rates than this. Probably they would got it down to six or seven per cent. 'l‘ho (Trowu (.Ihartert-d's Davidson claim has a shaft down 2500 feet. and crosscuts are now running to cut ore body. 011 the Inllofoot level there 15 a shear 7o11e ‘JU feet wide showing showing good values in parts. Ure consists of quartz and schisted green- stone. .\ sixâ€"drill compressor and l three fill-horsepower boilers have re- cently been installed. 1 The Mel nauey , which is the Clown ,lleserve (.‘ompam' s limped), is evi- Ldeutly looking up. U11 June 13 the ore had just been reaehml on the Jimâ€"foot level Quartz showed across the whole face of the rrosscut and gl'ree gold was found in several pieces. l ()u the 30(H'oot leVel there exists ,an ore chute " .3530 feet long. of an av- ;erage value of $1.53. On the 100 foot llevel an ore chute of .30 feet has Eheeu found, but not so high grade as A motion was passed on the unh- jeet proposed and seconded by Messrs. Carr and Cropacy and read- ing ”This Department expresses its approval of connecting up the pre- sent system with a steam pump at the power plant and the laying of the “coessary pipe from the North- ern Canada Supply buildlmt to .the power plant. and furtller.tllat if it is mntemplated swim: ahead with the pipe to the Connanmht Hotel thev revonuneml a four inoh "Me. in the service on Railrnad street." 'l'lu! Hun»: Lake Mr. Cole regards as a promising: pruspcct, 11ml :1 little pay Ol‘l' has been found on the 100‘ foot level. A small plant. is being in- stallml. With rmard lo the Mulhol- luml the commission’s l-le'inm-r says that the shaft has: now been mmk to u depth 01 10 feet. Un tho “(Hum lu\'cl 1!. mm has been [hand ammg- im; chr three feet widv for a length of 300 foot. Parts of this vein are pay ore. been found, but not so high grade as ”11‘ 3”” “mt. 'l’i.e Vipond is now crosscutting on the BOO-foot level, exploring for their ore. ()n the BOO-loot level, ore chute of 400 feet is developed with a 54- foot gap, which, it is said, Mr. Cole believes likely carries pay values al- so, and the end of the chute has not yet been reached. Ore is more con- tinuous and wider on the BOO-loot than on the 100-foot. level. The av- erage stoping width is 5; feet to 6 feet. It is expected to have the mill in operation by the end of the pre- sent week. The capacity will be from 100 to 1:30 tons daily, dependingr on the fineness of grinding. engine; one 10 n.p and uthtfl' items Of stock of provisions plies. stamp mill complete; an air com- pressur; three air drills; two 1000- motive type boilers (one 50 h.p., and one 80 114).); one 40 h.p. slide valve engine; one 10 h.p. vertical boiler; and uther items of equipment, with star!» of provisions and general sup~ The machinery was examimd a few months ago by Peter Kirkezuard, consulting engineer, and valued by him at Firthâ€"er information can “(2 nbtam- (rd on request. He states: "The martlrincry is worth the value «at. right, where it lies to be moved flecwhcro, and is worth cansi'dcrably more if mud on the property as originally iau m'ieu " and will be received {or the whole property and assets as one parcel or for any portion thereof. up to and including the first day of luly, 1912, by the undersigned. JAMES C. STRONG, Assigneo. Confederation Life Building, Town- to. TEN DERS A RF} [NV [TED STEA M P l‘.\' N ECTH )N 1N NUR'I‘H $13.62 '1‘ 1 SI PA I J'I

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