Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 28 Jun 1912, 1, p. 4

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That the recent New Ontario Dav in Toronto would provide cimsi'dor- able food fur comment. hy the vari- ~ous nvwspawcrs and periodicals of the Queen (’itv was a foregone convlu- sion. While some. comments were nus nt-Wsprl‘s and periodicals of tho qucn (litv was a foregone) (.‘UI‘H'IU- sion. While some t'mnmcnts were Iliatlt‘ \vllit'li. although not by anv means (lotrimcntal. llllllCfllNl a lack of knowledge (in tho parts of the writers tllt‘l't' \wl‘v also somv excel- lent DlCL‘cs of advit'e tendered the re- sidents of Northern Ontario. amont: which the following from the “Mone- tary Times" is worthy of reproducâ€" tion. The “Monetarv Times” says: “Yesteidav in Toronto was New Ontario day. Several hundreds of the men who are developing a small part of the twenty million arms of rich agricultural land in Northern On- tario. invaded the Queen City. “18v heapvd oratorical coals upon the On- taeio Government’s heads and placed elocutionarv fires beneath their chairs. They won: feasted and feted by Toronto citizens. but had little time for anything: also than tt‘llin': One way towards helping: solve the dillieultv is the suggestion that it' say the l"ole\~()'lh'ien penple Were in erect a number of houses sutlieientlv large to aeemnmmlate the ax'ei‘atre family and ask a reasonable rent they would not only benefit the omn- numity generally but also not lose themselves. Comparing the cost of building of most of the present emp~ tv houses with the rentals asked and class it. as a business speculation the interest looked for is such that even a heavy usurer would hesitate in de- manding. It is time. therefore. that those concerned in this holdup rea- soned with themselves if not with others and at any rate allowed some little consideration for the advance- ment of the Township generally which should be the purpose of all those now earning their lchllllOOd in the vicinity. Much cnmmvnt is sun-1y unneces- sary for with such an (-xistant con- dition of afiuirs any hrond-mimlml person mm at once understand what a detriment is being created to tlw South Porcupine welfare. So far as can he gathered the whole cause may he condensed re the proverbial “nutshell.” If the opin- ions of those who claim to have ex- tensive knowledge on the subject is to be taken as reliableâ€"and there is no reason to believe otherwise from the experience of The Advance â€" the owners of this class of property are atuhtborn to a degree in demanding hig‘h rents and would much rather prefer haVim: their houses stand ten antless than came down to come- thimr like a reasonable figure. A prominent. tradesman during this week emphatically asserted that he had no less than eight diflerent em. ployees from the Dome mine enquire from him H‘L'ill’llllu! the puuihility of renting a fair sized house at ~‘vnslblt2 figures. All these men were married and had families and it was their earnest. desire to haVe their people in earnest dvsirv tn haw: tho-ii- pmplc in Porcupine. hut with thvir van-nines averaging from pruhahlv $100 to $190 per month they naturally re- acntcd au‘uugly being imposed upon â€"-for it can he classed in no other wayâ€"4w paying a rental of from $35 to $45 per month. when» the my highest amount should only he .-5 for the class of house and its size nflored. What is wrong with landlords in South Poroupinel That is. owners of houses now empty and for whim tenants are desired yet apparently not to be procured. :A'n observer on taking a stroll round the various portions of the Township will notice loweral very suitable dwelling houses unoccupied which. from many points 0! View Would appear to be most de‘ slrable residences in: .1 mining camp and yet enquii x io-znulinz the major- ity of them resulta in the informa- tion that they have been vacant Ior quite a considerable period. The Porcupine Advance Canada. Unned Stiles Advertising Rates Furnishetl Phone 26. Published every Friday by 0E0. LAKE, PROP. PULL '1‘: Hi li'l'll ER 'Ill‘l ll I'ZASONA "LE" FRIDAY. JUNE 28th SUBSCRIPTION HAYES: $2.00 a not. 3 00 a year urn munyry. Everv town and every citiycn must pull toucther for the'do- sin-«l and ourlv svttlcmont of their 'l‘hc-v are making.r a trip from coast in mast. but time prevented them from travelling: on the government railway heynml the town which ha~ uiwn us many millions of ounces of silver. The (lav has passed when Northern Ontario should suffer from the business man's lack of tim'. and consequently. general eral~attention. Beyond Cobalt are twenty million acres of the finest agricultural lands. mineral deposits, a large aggregate in water-powers, and a considerable area of valuable timber lands. New Hntario cannot receive too much publicity. It canâ€" not obtain too much practical work on the part of the provincial govern- ment in its development. In the meantime. there must be no dissen- slun amour.r the units of the north- ern country. l‘Iverv town and every Quite a numlwr of complaints and comments haw been heard regarding' the condition of Railway street at i-ertain points because of the foul smell apparentlv originating from the water in the ditch at the road- sldO. 'l‘his ohjevtionable feature was more espeCiallv noticeable during the recent spell ol hot weather and those living in the vicinitv as well as daily pedestrians would greatly appreciate a(‘tion on the part of Uhe responsible authorities in bringing about some remedy. 'l‘hat it may prove a seri- ous menaCe to the health of the com- munity should be seriously realized. wonderful (-ountrv An instancv nf mn'vmmont anter- nrise in. and Yankee appreciation of. the North came to untim,‘ this wvck. The provincial authorities have sold It is interesting to one whose dut- ies require his continual attendance ‘it public gatherings. and meetings in §oiitii Porcupine to hear certain vrops ter munufmrt un tlers and capital. The former are coming in goodly but not in sum- cinnt numhers. The attractions of Western (‘amula are too great. the main one helm: the pussihilitv nf raisins: the first. erop without clear- imr the land of timber. Readv-matle farms. therefore. in Northern 0n- tnrio \llOllld macnetiza the settler whu ham :1 little capital. 1." these «lays of speed mu- cunnot expect him to wear away much of his life in vlenrimt hem-v timber to prenare for nu-rvham uf "llflzdn, and his asmvi- atmx. The land rnnhl'isos th tuwn- shilh‘ in .\'.-w Ontarin. and the stov- ornmvm retains nn balm” of tho- Crnwn tlw title-s t.» all land‘- pond- im: suttIo-nu-m. It l'mit'l‘Vt‘s :m aroa vhascrs (0 Mr. nu-rvham lm: with-1 fur fut uro- rc-tainim: ulsn mntml nwms with the settler tn fi\ the! terms of .- mill. planinu mill. sash andiloor mill. in rust $70,000; to improve fag-nu lw clearing twenty-live acres. building a lumen and a ham; to cunâ€" ~'tru('t. and maintain all roads and bridges: to makv atlmuatc provisinn fur the institutiun of public schools fur the institutiun of in the tmmshins; tn mum of fifteen hundred wars; and tu settle ‘3. all Complaint cannot be as severe as a in: years no. for today the pion- eer in Northern Ontnrio are. doing their share of publicity work. the Toronto Board of Trade and other bodies have assisted considerably. and the Ontario Government is xiv- inc pravtical attention to the neces- sitie‘t of a hitherto largelynesrlected area. Mmtlv needed in the muntrv beyond the minim: «ii-stricts. are set- tiers and marital. The former are 00mins: in goodly but not in sum- 'i‘ilii is practical work. but it i unly a drop of developnwnt in :1 ocean nf possibilities. This is no :vnerailly rmilized, bemuiso the aver mo mun tnurim: Onturin goes uni JIM the people of Toronto end of the! lower portion of the province what a! wonderful country is their Vorth-- land. how slowly Old Ontario is! realizimt its comnrrcinl possibilities.) and what are the pressing needs oi.g their country. The Monetary Times would advise the men of New On-: tnrio to possess patienceâ€"for theiri Empire cannot be developed in a year‘ or mad. at the same time. t6 hummer the government for mreso sive action in the policy of peopliniz5 the North. ! tom fur Hurth om- dnllzn' :m acrv. 98 SIX [0011 if? MIN“. \V [I'M (‘4 ).\l M EXT li.»\\’ll~'iH‘~'. water-pawns. m vnntml nwr all agree- hundred au‘rus in fivo mttlc 9.400 acres with : within two years. [Here yearly thvroufâ€" Hf salv. The purâ€" mnstruvt a saw- I. szwh and door xwk 61m clear a mini- with pnwcr I. The purâ€" have sold NH avrc~ a lumber lit)! Ill h Wettlaufer Earns $24,000 Monthly 'l‘he Wettlaufer Lurrain Silver Min? Snliritm‘ for the Assimiee. lug; CO, is [maintaining net earnings .w 4." "â€"6 mi 1,000 per month, which is rient tn meet requirements of 30 per cent. per anv num, paid as a regular and extra dividend. It seems that last month's earnings \u-re maintained largely . the improvement which has been st‘ul‘ml at the company's new mill,neâ€" sulli- ; the present dividend : hr 7 ASSIGNEE’S Elli - In the matter of I). l“i‘1e(1111a11 Co InsulVents. Tenders are invited antl will he H I‘eived by the undersigned for th purchase of the stockin-tratle an dividend. It seems that last month’s‘ earnings were maintained largely by: the improvement which has been scored at the company's new mill,ne-' eessitating the shipment of only Hg tons of high-grade ore, which at least indicates the operating efficiency vn-i der which this proposition is now! being handled. 1? The new will which is now operat- ing at the property is complete, the tailing being reground in Huntington mills and treated on slime tables. These slime tables produce from 1% to 3 tons of concentrates a. week,as- saying from ($00 to 2,000 ounces of silver per ton. This is said to be a new departure and one not employed at any of the silver mills in the Coâ€" halt section. in general the jig tail- ings being discarded and the fine sil- ver contents lost. The company at present has cash on hand amounting to $90,100. The quarterly dividend of 5 cents per share accruing is payable July 20 to stockholders of record July 10. Porcupine District I. aseball Schedule Following is the schedule drawn up by the committee appointed in con- nection with the Porcupine District Baseball League. ’l‘his has been careâ€" fully revised and submitted to the representuti\‘es of the Various clubs and generally agreed upon. "nice reports." But what a diflerent aspect presents itself when those same advocatora are approached to air their View practically by adver- tiSing."I‘his is not intended as a wordy catdi {or business but a fair assertion that with the stringent ei- forts of The Advance to support Porcupine in every way as it is do- ing. those carrying on busiuem and drawing a revenue from the same Porcupine should practice a little rive as well as take. water: over and again advoating the “pull together" principle. In theory it. sounds nice to them and the publication of their views make 'l‘immins at South Purmxpi Home at Porcupine. Aug. 7011. South Porcupine at home. Porcupine at 'l‘immins. Aug. 10th. Dome at South Porcupine. Timmins at Porcupine. 5'”th l'nrvupim- at l’nx'rupim July 37th. 11¢.an at 'l'immins. l’m'cupine at South Porcupine Julv 315:. South Porcupine at 'l'immins. Porcupincat Dome. Aug. 3111. 'l‘immim at South “nllu' at l’«‘n'nmilw South 1" Porn: pi m July 3rd Uumv at 'l'immins. Porcupine .u South Julv 0th Hanu- South Porcupine at l’orcupiuv at humc. .lulv llibh 'l‘immins at “nine. South I’urvupinv at l J ulv 1‘00}: lm m l n outh l immins at Pnn-upim- at Hum inu at 'l'immins. Julv L’Mh. .u Smith I’Ol'cupin l'orvumm July I} )rvupino :1 - at 'l'imr ill lulv :3 “mm )rvupuu v 3-1111. th THE PURCUPINE ADVANCE 'ol'nupine ”UH )rcupu 'ul't )rcupm 1111"“ 1 pm. A'nd notice is further given, that after the 230th (lav of July, -ll)1'.3,uhe Assigmee will proceed to distribute the assets of the debtor amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which no- tice snall then have been giwen and that he will not be liable for the as- sets or any part thereof, so distri- buted, to any person or persons of whose claim he shall not then have had notice. Dated at South Porcupine this 20th day of June. A11): 1912.4 fairs generally. (‘reditors are re- quested to file. their claims with the ilSSig‘nCO with the proofs and partioâ€" ulars thereof required by the said Act, on or before the day of such meeting. - A list of the stock-in-trade and book debts; can be secured upon ap- plication to the Assignee, and can be inspected on the premises at South Porcupine. Tenders; are invited and will he re~ t‘ciwd by the undersigned for the purchase of the stockâ€"in-u'udu and book debts of this estate, up to and including the 29th day of J3me, 1912. 'I‘he stuck-in-trade consists of readyâ€"made clothing, Gent’s Furnish- ings, ”Outs and Shoes, Hats, Caps and Trunks, and is valued at $5,000 wholesale price. Tho stock-in-‘tmde and book ac» counts will be sold en bloc at a rate on the dollar. and a separate tendc-r will be required for each. In the matter of Brunsby Burnand, South Porcupine, InSOIVent. Notice is hereby given that Brains- by Bui'nand, carrying on business at South l’oreupine. has made an asâ€" sig'nn‘oent under “.81). 1897, 0.147, nf all his estate. credits and efiects to l’. liluckey, .112. of South Porcu- pine. for the general benefit of his creditors. A meetin" of the credit- ors will he held at the oflice of 8. Alfred Jones, in the Town of Suuth Porcupine, un Saturdav. the 29th day uf June, 1913. at the hum ()f 10.0” 3.111., tn l"((.0)i-\(B :1 statement. uf the insolvent's affairs, to anmiint inspectors and fix their remunera- tion and for the ordering of the af- The bookâ€" debts amount to $1569.87 amd cover a period since August ist, 1911. Dated at South Porcupine, this; 15th day of Junta AD. 191?. A. H. VTNFIBERG, Assimne. South Porcupine. Ont. I? Those few hot days, the first of this week, kept us busy with Screen Doors, etc. We still have a good assortment of Sum- mer Goods. BUY NOW. Remember we close at 6.30 Mom, Wed. and Fri. Evenings Wholesale and Retail BRUFE AVE : : : so P0 The Judges will have a busy time, as this Contest has been a BIG SUCCESS. Results will be published next week if possible. Watch our Window for the number of nails in the jar. We will try and have them counted Tuesday, July 2nd. closes Next Saturday, June29th, at 10 p.m. Every Ticket Northern Canada Supply Co., Ltd. That our SHINGLE NAIL GUESSING CONTEST mg Fishing Over the 1 st? NOTICE H] CREDIIURS 1‘. Bl \(‘KEY ..,IR Assignce. S \l [‘RI‘ 1) JONES, Our stock of Fishing Tackle will interest you. must deposited before then . ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' Q Q 9 pzo 0:0 0:. it 9:. 9:0 Oz. oh 9.. 0.0 0.. {0 9.. 0.0 9.0 0.0 9:. 0.0 50 0.. 9.. 0.. 5‘ 0.0 0.. 9.. 0:0 0: '2‘ 0:0 a. on. ‘*40o:0’.0.§0¢:0€0*0:00:00:0 00:09‘0vzoa' [0:09:09“ooozoazoofiiouzo.. The entrance pupils went to Math- eson Wednesday and Thursday to sit for examination and the results of this will be known about July ’20th. In connection with the South l’orâ€" (supine public school examinations were held this week bv Miss Beattio and Miss Baxter to decide which pu- pils were to he moved from one class to another. The completion of the correction of the papers had not been completed when The Advance went to press and it has been arranged that Miss Beat'tie will forward a complete statement of the results for publica- tion in The Advance next week. Miss Beattie leaves this week end for her home at Markdale, Ont, where a brief stay will be made and the remainder of her summer vaca- tion spent at St. John, N. B. Company Mining Contractors South Porcupine, AssessmentWork In Any Part of Northern Ontario’s Mineral Districts, is Our Specialty Homer L Gibson The Schools All our work is under control of thoroughly capable mining men and we guarantee good work in every contract undertaken Reports and Maps on completion of every Contract. High-class References C C V 9.. 0O. SO. PORCUPINE South Porcupine. Ont, Can. “RIGHT ON THE GROUND” Ask us Let us Tell You the One Best Stock to Bfiy Get your information MIN|NG STOCKS, MINING CLAIHS, TOWNSITE LOTS, E'O. re are "RIGHT ON THE GROUND.” 5}: us anything about PORCUPINE- that's what we are here for. 000A (1% MitC/IBN Barristersâ€"-Snlicitnrs-â€"Notaries Temple Building. Toronto GoIdon Ave. South Porcupine . S. Fuller C0. PORCUPINE lion Direct from the Camp regarding Ont.

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