Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 14 Jun 1912, 1, p. 7

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96099909090090.9900...§¢§oooooooo¢¢¢9¢9¢o¢¢¢oooooo¢o¢cocoooooocooo ggOzOz...OOOOOOOzOOOOzOzOOO: :00 O. 3.00:... 03.: Suckling . co. i‘CObah Special" leaves Toronto 8.30 p.m. daily,arriving Cobalt 9.41 a m. and Porcupine 9.34 p. m.. Grand Trunk Railway System Full partlculzu‘sfrom an} or address A. E. Duff, Agent, Torontu. Night Trains carry up‘to-date Electric Lighted Pullman Sleeping Cars. Day Trains carry modern vestibule coah’ues and Parlor. Library, Buffet. Cafe or Dinirg Groceries, crockery, Hardware, etc. - flry Goods - Boots and Shoes Hats and Caps, etc. Shopfuroiture and fixtures inc. Horses 81 Rio '4 Cash, 10 percent. at time of Sale. balance at 2 and 4 months. satisfactorily secured and bearing interest. Stock and Inventory may beinspected on the premises, South Porcu- pine, and Inventory at the Office of the Auctioneers General Merchant. to offer For Sale by Auction. en bloc, at a rate on the Dollar at our Warerooms. 68 Welling- ton St., West, Toronto. on at 2 o’clock p.m., the Stock belonging to the Insolvent Estate of Wednesday, £11"); McLeod Tew. Assignee arrive Toronto Leave Chicago arrive Toronto Leave Detroit arrive Toronto Leave Montreal arrive Toronto arrive Toronto Leave BUHBIO Leave New York Sylvester Kennedy. TERMS: The Omy line with through Car Service from Toronto We are instructed by June 19th ;from any Grand Trunk agent E. Duff, District Passenger 11.1 am. 8.17 pm. 8.2 pm. 11...58am 1.8 a.m. 3.2 p.m. 4.3 p.m. Snuth Porcupine The Ideal Route To Porcupine and Cobalt is via 1 1.28 pm. 3.43 p.m. 11.58 am. 2.45 pm. 1.8 pm. 12.5 p.m . 4.48 p.m. 7.3 p.m. 3 1661,1111 1517,98 1178,15 551,111 147,511 5 3527,02 1â€"3 p.m. 7.4 a.m. 1.3p.m. 73, am: 3.25 pm. 8.17 pm. :llllll HIM I Will éwm [mutuallyâ€"i lost Importal lines in 1 TH ”hwr HIU‘HNM “NIL; Hf HIP P0114.) fullmnm: mtmvt h Immtm ’ m :o‘fm'rx: ms: Hf H‘w l'mui I ~\H|h*‘.l’o' xvii hr ‘1 HHM‘. "'l'hr- Mnung Inh "'l'hv I“‘h.’i.H‘;' 1m: HHM \‘HT‘~ “w. (I? unny‘ni m tin Emu} LJwHV‘Hu ’22; In .‘I‘ :JHIHI ~ .. - ~_â€" .. .T'. Inn‘flt'b- ' ’ I‘ o.'~ H ' ,X I 9‘ 02 ‘ . .11 3‘ . \‘E‘ I o Iv . \3 ‘ \ M . \ ’ 3 ’ ' - ' . "o y \l' ‘ Pollowi'm: the above comments the :mnoum'cmonts made hv the “Porcu- pine Advance" as to procedure of work at Pearl Lake proves the pre- diction given. “Mr. (‘nrrv has put thrmmh sumo lnI'L'c- dvnls. hut lw fN-ls elated over his lam-st. in that it relieves Porcu- pine from rm'vivim: unjustifiable mm- dvmnation sun-h as would have hven nude had the Pearl Lake Co. nut been taken out of the hands of the rowiw-r. 'l'ho Amm‘ivun capitalists now included in Pearl Lake have pmvidod a sum of $‘3:W.W| for de- velnpmant. purposns. and for the erection of a stumn mill.” " "l‘lw people whom I intrmlucml m t'lw Pearl Lake ('0. are nlliml with the larm'st l’hilzulvllvhia l‘mnnâ€" vinl intormts. and the Paul lmko '.ll:ll‘vllnl(lm‘.~z um rest assured that tlwir propmh‘ will now lie made in- tn :1 lIlL' prmlm-inu mirw.’ " To those interested in de\'elomnent work of the Porcupine district the followinz extract from "The Mining Im‘estor" in reference to the re-open- ing of the Pearl Lake Gold Mines simdicate will be specially worthy of note. "The Mining Investor” says: "The refinancinc ol the Pearl Lake. (Bold .‘lines Cu. and the placing of control in the hands of strum: Phil- mlelphia financial interests. is re- tarded in minim: circles as of meat importance to the cnrlv future of Porcupine. 'l‘hc mine will he started WIII Eventually he one of the lost Important Producing lines in the Camp Pflfll [ME IF: i} Will SUPPflflTEU 9,58 p.m. 5.25 p.m. THE PORCU PINE A DVANL‘ E I“ (Hi In dism I" Belan'ger came from Byner Inlet about ten days ago to look for work at French River. Not securing work and having no money, he attempted to walk back to Byng Inlet and beâ€" came lost in the almost impassable country between French River and the Canadian Northern Railway. Em- ployees of the French River Boom Company in trying: to locate a break in the company's private telephone line through the bush to Key Junc- tion had their attention drawn tn eries. whieh they at first took for those of a trapped hear. 0n comâ€" ing nearer thev found the lost man in 21 [)ltialile enmlition. llix‘ (fltll‘lltfs were torn to shreds from travelling through th swamps and thickets, and his far: and lizmd~ Wt'l't' rux‘vrml will] lulnml I't'nm l)ll(" nl' lulut‘}. illt'r After wandering throng-h tiu- hush for (War seven days without fowl or shelter a middle-aged Frenchman named Jas. Bclwngrer was found in an exhausted condition about nine miles east of the French River Vil- lage. Lost in Bush Over a Week lonuuvs, and thv pmulim: nmmm'mont of thvir char H'npn will vm'v prnhahlv t-hnr dm'larntinn of moat and possihlv interprm’in Back 0f the DH tion of ruilwav fzu innnmliato pmiovt nm'tlu-rn mmnfl'v ‘ tnrin's “VP-millinn mc-nt is tho initial ln (‘iieliev it is anticipated that the (il'n't'l‘lllllt'tll of Sir me-r (i‘ullitl will tavlilv the Pt'njm‘t of a l‘rOVin- vial Railway lH'lUl'i' long. The atlltli- tiun of the Vast unsettled hut pro- (liu'tiVe turriturs‘ of l'mrax‘a has wlwttml the appetite ol' the sister l’rovinve for further (ltW'vlnPlnt‘llt and expansion. It is probable. nowmcr. :H't‘Ol‘tllnL' to reports. that initial steps may he taken on a James llav Railwav. having: its present termin- us at Rupert llav at the mouth M the Nottawav River. It will he remembered in this con- nection that when the question of the Hudson Bav Rai'wav terminus was under discussion in the Federal Parliament last session. and the matter of the feasibilitv of the northern water route to the Atlan- t'ie was under discussion, lion Frank C(whrane. Minister of Rail- wavs and Canals. intimated to the Home that the Government had eon~ tem'plated the possihility of trans- shipment from Port Nelson to the mouth of the .\’ottawa_v River on James Bav. This much. at am' ratv. is evident. that. thv vvvs of all threw (invm'nmonts are taking mvniznm-v of tho varlv rmuironwnts of thus” nurthm'n country. ln Untat‘in it ls kngwn that it has him: lwon tlu- clrvam‘m Mr. J. l.. l'Inclvliart. (.‘hairmtm ul thv 'l'i-mis- kamiim « Northern Hntariu Rail- way. tn further mtvml tho lino tu thv .lamvs llav. and at the present tiim- twu Mpluratinn aml survi-yinu partivs are out in thv districts rath- vrimr (lata. 'l’lw rcwntly-«lotincil lmumlarv lwislatinn of tlw Federal thwornmom “puns the “strip” pass to Part Xi‘lsnn. and it iv lvarnml that anv im'mmliato stt-ps which mav he taken for the extension of ll!!! l‘rm'im'ial Railway. will he taken that am' inmwdiato stvps which he tnkmt for the extension 1; l‘ruvinvial Railway. will he with that ultimatv end in View Within the next. eighteen months the Canadian map ls min to be rolled back. This time the mandate will he: "(30 North !" Three Govern- ments have set their faces. jointlv and severally. toward northern de‘ velopment and extension. and big projects are believed to he cumming their earnest attention. Both One m projects are believed to be «wasting their earnest attentinn. Both Dn‘ tario and Quebec have plans for l‘roVincial devclunmont, and the Do- North Country to Open \ p it In imp mot inn .vnod tr W h Hli< rs sum ll'nnstl mpm N N fl W'Ol‘St' um 1nd I'lllt‘l‘ mun. pl'njm'ts \ml operatinn nsnnrtutiun f: H Inaauu‘ Whitm 3i prusIn-vtiVn ('nnstrlu' fzu'ilitivs is thv mun wt nf npc-ninu un Hu \' tn saith-men“ 0n- lnmm auinu IV D fut 1nd ll n zlttontiun H] his: ('01- nmnia] an actor and hmmld fur- immn'tzxm'o vial Ri‘mifi- mm] that \ ppm] i t n ru llHN rience mm; the ’IHm [)\I. In 11 h lO I» ll‘ With only the evidence of one wit- ness, 'l‘homas Lmvson. a clerk in tlu Department of Finance, Ottawa Ottawa, which took the form of the identification of a number of docu- ments and letters (lealinLr with the transactions of the Farmers Bank. the first hearing of the four charges against Ur. Beattie Neshi'tt of simi- inL: false returns to the Government on Dec. 35], 1906, Jan. 31 and Feb. '29s, 1907. and a special return on May" 10, WOT. was «included before Magistrate lle'nison at Toronto on Thursday, and an adjournment mule until today, June l-l. Beattie Nesbitt Hearing Today i (find headway is heim: made in :drivim: the lateral an the Phoenix lliurmuchs win {rum the Newthume ltunnel ia ('lear (.‘reek emintv tn a puint under the deep shalt (m that property. Much :u-tivitv is reported in what. {is known as the Virginia Canon (lla- ‘trict. in Clear Creek enmity. I lwssees' an the War llanre mine ' near Central City are reported to he maVim: shipments runnim: high in lu‘uld. i Bond and lease has been given an gthe Bullion Kim: mine near Uurav [by the mmers who are residents of {Grand Rapids. Michigan. mih and tinlls The Kansas Citv Mining 6; Milling company recently organized. is pre- paring to drive a tunnel on a mm”) of claims an Alpine mountain. caqt, of (Flour Lake in upper (.Tlcar Crock county. valtcr [)l'ndlu'tiun 1 miniun for April was ”'1' (-uppcr. 'I‘m-lw mm :u'v on “(Mild ('0. intho A lupin: nut mo «m the whivh will 'lw shippml Duvvlt‘mmcnt of the Inspirutim (Immwlidu'tod mimw is prmwsdim steadily and the numlurr of men (-m pluyvd is twin: uraullmllv inm'vasml. About twvmy mun are employed a: the (iihsnn minv. nine miles \wst of Miami and shipped to the old Du- miniun smelter at (ilubc. Ummlupmvnt Hi the lnwimtinn The Wellington Mines companv at lireckonridw. is installing a 2300- trallun pump to handle the water at the fifth level. It is stutml that nnw that misc- un t'hv tiilpin th'mn has put thrutmh sinking npot‘atitms ln- rosuntml at once. .\ t'ct‘vchtl has hvvn appnitttr thv (Bold Run Minim: 'l‘um mmpzmy which has prupcrtv in (101‘ county. Extt-nsivc ilnpx‘M't-nlvnts nru tn be made this summer at the lhtrnmm plant of the Amvrirnn Sun-[ting Refining companv. A remarkable find of tungsten ore is reported tu hum burn made near Silvct'ton. It Doings at Mining Districts of the American Gold and Silver Fields ntil today, June H. George 'I‘. Blackstc mwn counsel in the 0 1d agreed with H. H lNTbRESTlNG ITEMS OF OTHER CAMPS '| Huh frnm uwmu ml H1 l! Ill I'lxt lllv Ill ystcmatic devolupmvnt \l m'vpzu'im: tn mntimxc mmm 3"." “r ”1’9 PM“ m :m extvnsivv $01110. Quartz lihvr: I grade gold ore is heinuahuulâ€" gmld has Inn-n m the Duuunsno mine. sow-n or low] of tin northwest of Miami, proparm nurthvrn Sicrx ll HI! itt no mor mvlt H M had ('HU'RAIN} ARIYJ ).\'.\ luipmv'nt HUM ( ”121;! n \' [)H'sv ' at M If m IN! I] \' ll 0f ll H n .pmcm ls houw Southern lllinuis m I IN Pulpit») Amulv Ill 106k nt depth at tho thl' sump. dept! vrmtimxc mwra Mill H (m (if {“0 “Id 1’” » 2,150.00” Hrs NSC 1t fl' Ht Inspiration prum-cdinu w 1t nintvd {or 'l‘umwlim: v in Houl- shaft m R ll! Ht um] i m ll 0n 31'0” w i l l UH m H The losses by the last tire in Co- balt so far as reported, aggregate $100,000, with insurance amounting to not more than $30,000. Had the wind been hlowini‘r nothing could Hiave saved the balance of the busi- fness section in the. vicinity of the ihurned area. The Town Hall and Nipissing store blocks had very narâ€" j row escapes. a! merchants, $550.00 men’s furnishings, $15 Black, jcwollcr, $3,! utrc, Hart 6; Wallavc Abbot, barber shop, ship of Coleman 0mm. toms offices, $3500; building, $31M”): (7 The heaviest 1050 Hotel, John Martin, $00,000; Milton Cur: Heavy Losers in Cobalt Fire 'l‘lw ('ulifnrnin l'prlnrntinn com- panv has arranged to install tvm (*lot'tl'ic pumps at the 1,040 foot [mi-m in tlu- shalt uf the Plymouth ('unsulidutwl mim- at Plymouth. H'L' tory t0 shippimr to the smelter. The Kinney hill. providing that. «mlv Enclish speaking workmen man he employed in mines and smeltors in Arizona. has passed the senate. Sewn men are 0mplm‘ml under cmuml h)“ the Friwo .‘linos l‘ow- Conditions at, the Bunker Hill minv. whivh paid its regular mnnth- ly dividend 0! H vents per sham on May 15. are reported pm'ticulnrlv satisfaflory. The Trinity Hydraulic Mining com- mmv in whit-ii Minm-sntn mun am Iurm'ly inn-rush-d, in arranging for a rmumptinn uf wnrh un its hnldings. (’HHSisiiliL' uf snnw 2H“ :u'rc-s mem- Mim-rmilh». ain 'l‘ho 'l‘rinitv Riwr Mining cmnpanv has m'l'anuml fur invroaM-d actiVitim at its gravel dopnsits near Lewis- tun. Sinking: has lwvn rosnmvd on Um 1.400400! shaft cm thv Keystone mine in Ammlm' munty. now owned by tho Now Koystulw Mind-s com- pany. l'nv crawl. yivldim: lwttvr than $2" at \‘tml. has twmt struck an tho l°‘:tir\'ivw t'latim in tho mtlrlt thrco and a half milvs lwluw Manhattan. Mic-h L'rzulv urv has [won exposed at a nvw point on tho pruportv of the ltiattvtmtfiold‘Hlm'k Butte (mm- pztny, (Midfield. ll IL in'cn'nwnwnn (Imirnml in in 1-1140 tho mpm'itv and the oflivitm .' nf thr- plant. Quartz liberal!» spiinkli-d with fru .ld has hmm (enmuntorcd in a law chwl of the l‘mn Hill's mine 1.: \\ H The 'l'h H I] 'l‘rinit V wmpum mine :1' Ill 34H} I) 1(11)( m It ('.\l.ll"1'll{\'l.\ ‘vstml. in arranging: for a uf wnrh un its holding-s. pf sump 2300 news nuar I‘l'il M (H! \I \ I'IV .\ l I.â€"\ )f lose] M 'Ulll‘ (-nunt _\' \l \limw‘ (-nmpuny amnnximntv pr: mm H: H. Ihc urs arc: Cobalt . proprietur, 10m; 1' 6: Sons, gamerâ€" )00; Len ('ovnc, £15,000; A. H 1,000; Lyrit '1‘)":- ?°(:, $13 300; qut, , $1.200; town- (183', 551,01)“; (fus- .\l Mi m Um n U natv. prmluo HI and mum- $1.900. {Lon ll In R H amplet to in ofl'icitm I! It v rmv r ('nli "I! Ho .\| OUBQ 1akun (-ksnn “In“ hill ['85 wlm HM mm m am 1U "1V at [fl Ll’ N

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