Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 7 Jun 1912, 1, p. 1

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TURNBULL HAS NOW COME INTO LIMELIGHT Samples From Benson Claims Have Created Sensation By Free Gold Shown Sewn was just received in SouLh Porcupine this week which would in- dicate that at an early date some busy work will be going on in the Turnbull and Godfrey Townships. Pearl Lake Re-Opened From reliable information whieh’bourse, “The Advance" received and from Last Monday morning. iollowi what “'38 aetuallv 500“ in the WM” up recent discoveries and acting of samples at Porcupine. taken from reports received. Mrs. Flower l. the 891180” properties in the (“8“ 'I‘immins for her claims in the 'I‘m tricts named. there is every reasonibull Township and arranged for for such a prediction. “rank of men to R0 on With ”I"?! Over one hundred pmmds oi rich| tions at her properties. Mrs. Plov ore was shown and it is learnedghas had some splendid Showings a that free gold has been observed over’ it is anticipated that further str an inCh and a half in width. These ping will reveal astonishing values sent to mm University Where lest Will Be laden-Estim- ated 520 to the Inn flflSI BIB llf flflf As a test shipment the McEnaney mines of Porcupine have sent. out a 30-ton car of $20 ore to Dr. Porter, professor of geology at McGill l'ni- versity, Montreal. The ore left. the camp this week and was billed out in the Jobalt ore shipments from the Crown Reserve mine. 'Dhe shipment. which is the tirst that the McEnaney has made. from the Porcupine camp, cuntained (31,978 pounds of gold bearing: quartz and schist. 'I‘his ore will easily average, $.30 tn the tan in gold value, mak- im: the shipment worth in the neiL'h- hurhuml of $6,000. It mntains a reprewntatiw shipment uf the “re from «me of .the main Veins nf the property whieh is to he tested at Mctiill. Will Be Guests of Col. Stevenson T 0-m0rr0w---Local Problems In Papers to Be Read Provincial Ollicer Dick Smith was summoned to Mattaganii Landing last Sunday and was in a dilemma just how to deal with a young squaw there who was thought to be insane. While not violent the unfor- tunate creature behaved strangely, but before remOVing her the officer returned to consult with the proper authorities. Vu-r‘â€"- The local b‘ranch of the C. M. I. are fortunate in haVim: many good friends in the district. The. Moore Townsite. A. E. Osler Co., and the Holling‘er have all shown court- esy to the branch and now Col. Ste- venson is acting as host. At'the kind invitation of Col. R. W. L. Stevenson a meeting of the Porcupine branch of the Canadian branch of the Canadian Mining In- stitute will be held at the Pearl Lake Gold Mines bungalow on Sat- urday. June 8th, 1912. at 8 p.m. Messrs. SkaVlin and Hatch promise papers on interestingr subjects. :1 T INSTITUTE MEMBERS AT PEARL LAKE Vol. I. fflllM McENANEV No. 11 excellent showings were practically similar in two claims which lav at least half a mile apart. We Vein ran in a northerly and southerly di- rection. while that on the other property took an east and west course. Grand Celebration Dominion Day Last Monday morning. following up recent discoveries and acting on ropurts received. Mrs. Flower left 'I‘immins for her claims in the Turn- bull Township and urranml for a g'ang of men to [to on with opera- tions at her properties. Mrs. Flower has had some splendid showing"; and it is anticipated that further strip- After the successful celebration which the South Porcupine Baseball Club carried out on Monday last it will be interesting to all those who participated to learn that for July lst a proa'ram is being outlined which will be far ahead of last Mon- day's schedule in varietv and gener- al attractiveness. Saturday's mee exceedingly intere presented will de ! Icms. an early date to arramw for 3 ohms- en commxttce in ('arryim: out the detaxls. In the :iftm‘nmm two hull games will he played and it i< expected that tho Mathomn uml Cnvhmno teams will jmirm-v nn special train to takv part in those. ln :uhlitinn various athletic sports will take hlum on the ball ground. .lllfit in what wav to have a mml tinulv fur the (luv has Hut yet ram-n (lot'idml. hut it will probably be either a first-class ball or a moon- light water regatta with lirewnrks. In anv event there is time enough on hand for a really good program to be fixed up anal hence a tvpical “red letter" (lav should he recorded “in the sporting annals of local clubs. The matter has been gone careful- ly into. so far as the preliminaries are concerned by President A. C. Brown and Secretary-'l‘rcasurer .I. M. McGill. and a meeting of mem- hers and supporters will ho valley! at As suggested at present, aquatic sports will be arranged for the morning. including: canon and motor lmnt raring: and such ut'hor items as mutt-stunts turn up to make matters interesting. ."s meeting promises to be r interesting. as the papers will deal with local prob- SOUTH PORCUPINE, ONTARIO. CANADA. FRIDAY. JI'NE ~ I th. EIGHTHN MflNTHS fflfl I]. B. IHUMSUN former Manager ..at Prospect But Commencement llllll Be Hotel in llntlalt Sentenced Made lln llrrival at later for Burglary last in lransit Douglas ll. Thomson. who pleaded guilty to the robbery of the Curtisâ€" Defoe company's store on the morn- ing of May 17. was sentenced to lb‘ months in Central prison at hard labor by Magistrate Atkinson in po- lice court at llaileybury Tuesday at- ternoon. The court house was pack- ed when the sentence was passed. The case had been adjourned since last 'l‘hursday without the prisoner electing or pleading. and when he faced the magistrate Tuesday after- noon he pleaded guilty and elected to be tried by the magistrate. J. W. Mahon oi Cobalt represented the prisoner and made a strong plea for lwieney for him. He spoke of his previous good character and the fact that he was not a criminal hut in a moment of weakness had committed the crime. Before sentencing the prisoner Mai:- istrate Atkinson addressed a few words to him. He stated that he would not send him to Kingston to mingle with criminals but instead would place him in Central and at the prison farm at. Guelph where con- ditions would be much better. The prisoner showed no change when the sentence was passed. Chief of Police Collins took him south Tuesday night on 46 to North Bay where he was met by a North Bay officer and taken to Toronto to commence his year and.a half term. 011 the night of the robbery. as it: came out in Lawyer Mahon's plea for the prisoner Tuesday afternoon. Thomson kept track of Night Con- stable Fleming and before attempt- ing to enter the premises found out inst where the constable was at. that time. COBALT OPERA BLOCK DESTROYED BY FIRE Also Cobalt Hotel and Bank of Commerce--- Telegraph News Cannot Be Secured as Wirés Down Much etmstei'nation and quite a lot of anxiety was created round South Porcupine Thursday morning when news was receiVed which at first stated that “ .‘Iohalt had again been burned out,” and for some time no actual facts could be ascer- tained as to how far the rumor was correCt or any details as to origin. In order to ascertain the very fullâ€" est, and reliable details possible “The Advance” placed in a wire at 9 am. for Cobalt, but was informed that it would in all probability be noon or after before it could be sent, as the wi res were down. 'I‘he meagre message which had brought the first intimation of afire was from New Liskeard. and it statâ€" ed that a great blaze had taken place, having originated in the Lyric Theatre, which is situated on the Square. that the whole of the Opera House Block was destroyed, together with the Cobalt Hotel, which was immediately in the rear, and C. Reekin's flour and feed store. still further at the south. It gradually transpired that with the above demolished there were also the store of Len Coyne, 'l‘. H. Black, ieweller. and the Milton Carr store. all ml which are in one block. com- nrising the opera house block. The Bank of Pi_-imniei‘ee was stated to hax'e been entirely burned up and building's at the rear which include a mam‘ Congratuuuuu on the arrEVal of a the early hours of Max 31.130th Mrs. babv are doing well ostmaster Chas'. Carr received nv congratulations last week end the arriVal of a healthy son in early hours of Friday morning. v 21 Bath Mrs. Carr and the arr received I Dome Ship $22,000 Bullion HEW IN SIABTINB Mlll AT VIPIINIJ An unfortunate delay in the arriv. al of one motor which went. astray in shipping has caused a delay in the commencement of the Vipomd mill. The motor is the one for the con- veyors and feeder and its absence preVents the filling of the bins. The crusher is lined up and set and the plate tables are being finished while the linings are in the pebble mills. As soon as the missing motor is in position the mill will be ready ,fur the commencement of operations. the otther small things that remain to be done around the building being pos- sible of performance during the run- ing of the mill. It is the intention of the Vipund management to retain a considerable :esche of broken ore in the mino owing to the varying values, so that it will be possible to grade up the ore and run it through the mill at a consistent value. Phe raise from the 200 to the lOO-foot level was put through Saturday night and stoning will be commenced on the 200 of the high grade ore than will be used to even up the grade of ore being led to the mill. Ore is beiimr amped (anii and stacked for the. present in the drifts. This ore is running between $123 and $105 a ten, but when the timbers are in and the stoping is being confined more closely to the pay streak the ore will run a little big-her than this. At present considerable waste rock is being broken down to provide footing. I'l‘ioward Barton went home to Cm balt last week end to pay a. visit for a few days. The fire started at 8 o'clock on Wednesday night and it was not un- til four o'clock Thursday murning that the tire deparbment. of whom the man in command is Chief Kap- pel. managed to Bet control. That the demolition bv the flames ceased when the Bank 01 Commerce went up seems to be surmisa-blc and if such is the case the Nipissing block must have been saved. 0n the other hand no telegraphic communi- cation can be made with the Cobalt office. which is in the McDonald Drug Store of the Nipissing' block, nuol room. Mrs. Harrington's murant and the Galoska block and if the structure has not been iost probably the cause of non-00m- munication is the burning of tne wires outside. On several occasions before going to press Thursday “The Advance” endeavored to get some definite mes- sage from its Cobalt or Hailevbury representatives, but the only answer was that nothing more could be learned than the details related above. Mr. Chas. Carr. post-master of South Porcupine was naturally in a very anxious state and the suspense Lhrouzrh 'not being able to receixe anything tangible “as very twine. According-1y Mr. Carr left .on the af- ternoon train for Cobalt and will reâ€" turn Fridav. W. Harmer. who is well known in vamp through his connnr'tion with the J. C. McNabb C0,. is in Cobalt. for a few days and will leave short- 1)’ for the west to take.up his per» manent residence there. I LL AND GOHFEY res- l'mler Col. Stex'enson quite a num- ber of miners are to be seen working at the various buildings and also in the shaft. Mtieh will he deWntered. The electrical plant is to be set in motion and in the. meantime the new emergency power house will he rush- ed to completion and the tWO heau'v boilers connected up. Free Gold On Tough Claims That there will soon be a Very aspect of affairs at the Pearl bake Mines is apparent by the prepara- tions now being made to proceed with active work in developing the property and on which a quarter of a million will be expended. Almost every day now reliable re- ports are being receivoed of cxnellcut discoveries allover the Porcupine gold district and it is interestingto note that in many cases local men are often connected with the finds. Another rich strike. has been re- ported from the Tough claims at Kirkland lake in the Swastika dis- trict. While trenching on the proper- ties the Tough Syndicate discovered BUSY SCENES AT a new vein of exceptionally rich quartz containing free gold for the distance of several hundred feet. At places through the vein the gold is very prominent and is streaked alum: the Vein for a width of about six inches. It is said that 100 samples have been taken from this Vein. :1]! of whivh (-nntain free gnld and the tak- im: of which has not impaired the shnwinus in plat-e to any extent. New Plant For Dome Lake Mines 'l‘wU (H) horsepower boilers. pro- perty of the Home Lake Mining ("nmpany. have reached the Home siding: to be taken to the company's holdings. 'l‘he compressor is on the way and should he delivered at the. siding in a few days. The base for holdings. 'l‘he compressor is (in the way and should be delivered at the siding in a few days. The base for the compressor plant] is prepared and ready to receive the heavy ma- chinery. Ifndergrouml development has pro- ceeded to an extent where it is now necessary to have heavy machinery for further work and the power plant, which is capable of working to the ROG-foot depth. should he in mo. tion by June 1:3. Showings are ex- ceedingly good in the underground bodies, free gold showing all through the pay streaks. $22,000 In Bullion Sent Out-Value of Gold Now Shipped Approach- ing Six Figures FOURTH SHIPMENT For the fourth occasion the Big Dome Mine have sent out a shipment, of bullion and thxxs assisted in a large measure to sustain confidence in the whole of the Porcupine gold camp. It was on Friday last that over 105 pounds of the rich goods \alued at $22,000 “as despatched from the I912 THE PEARL LAKE FROM BIG DOME The No. 1 main shaft will be fur-- ther sunk to the 900 foot. leVel as previouxlv planned out bv Engineer Lamb under the control of the Curt- wrizht people. A station had been oartly cut at the 400 level befhre work on the Pearl Lake was ceased and in order to utilize this for a storage point for tools it will be completed. AMERICAN I’llflfllll'lll Ill fllAMflflflfifllll In the further sinkim: rvlvrrul to above a station will be also mit at. the (‘00 19%| and when HBO feet in reached crosscutting will be promoti- ('(l with to intercept the ore bodies north and south. f. 5. lion]. Secretary Manager Arrives to Proceed With Work --i:o. ilare Booo location 'l‘he Anmrican Porcupine (.lold'hlin- ing Company. I.t(l., who have claims located in the northeast of Ogden and southeast of Mountjoy, are com- mencing at once with diamond drill- innr operations. In order to proceed with this work Mr. F. S. Hurd, Sec- N'lzll‘V‘Milnllfll‘l'. arrived at the King (loome Wmlnestlay and left, for Tim- mins 'l‘hursday. As the properties of the American Porcupine are pravtically in close touch with the good things which the llollinger revelations have made to the mining: Wul‘ltl it is antieipab ml that the diamond drilling: opera- tions will result in exvellent showw iota. 'l‘hv ufliwrs nf thv Porcupine (30M Mining: (70. are: President, H. W. Barley, New York; Vice-l’resivunt, R. V. .\lv(3'rmuly; 'I‘rcusurcr, “I. R. l5. (’ustroe. both of Bulston, N'. Y.. and Secret.ary-Managcr, Mr. I). '5‘. Hum]. Elks to Have An “At Home” (in Friday eVenim.r next the Porcuâ€" pine Lodge of The Elks will holkl an “At Home." in the Elks Hall at Pi'ireupine. As the function is anti) ('ipated to he one of the most enjoy- able. and successful eVer yet held in the north end wnd those present will be by invitation, quite a large gath- ering is looked for. There will be outsiders as well as members of the Lodge invited. mine, this being the heavimt cun- sismmcnt, yet in Value which they have turned nut. The award of the Home nnw stands. fur the four ship- ments at a figure round $83,500, and as each shipment, sees; an ad- vance on previous ones it may “211‘ urally be concluded that future ship- ments will be even further ahead. 81mm: (Xmas 5 Cards.

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