Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 17 May 1912, 1, p. 8

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'l‘he Porcupine Book and Station- ery Company have received a num- ber of excellent and attractive souve- nirs of Porcupine and vicinity. The book of views is splendidly gotten up and the production is really a work of art. It is filled with half- tone reproductions of interesting scenes throughout the camp and will lundoubtedly meet with a ready sale. It is exclusively in the hands of the company, and those who would wish to forward friends an illustrated souvenir of Porcupine could not find anything more suitable. Vi. lontgomry. of Haileybury,“ spending a lav days in camp, when he has a large number of (fiends. Charles See bu returned from I trip to Toronto on business connect- ed with his Porcupine enterprises. Marshall-Bevlcstun. the big hard- ware firm n! the North End. report. a busy season ahead it trade indica- tions can be relied on. Their vol- ume of basineas is increasing every day. That's what we like to hear. W. Carnwnrth. 0! Montreal,“ now associated with Engineers Morrow and Hattie in the completion of the power plant at Wawaitan Falls. |.. T. Slack. acting manager of the Imperial Bank. is enjoying a well- earned holiday for a couple 9! John Tripp. oi Cobalt. one of the deservedly esteemed pioneers of the North. has been visiting his daugh- ter. Mrs. John West. and his son. Wm. Tripp. the well-known livery- man. weeks. During- his absence '1‘. E. “rcpt. of the North End branch, is m charge in South Porcupine. Rev. Mr. McLellan closed a most instructive ‘and clever series of dis- courses last Sunday evening in the Presbyterian church. the subject be- ing based on Old Testament teach- ing. The rev. gentleman displayed a keen grasp of his text and delivered the addresses with attractiveness and intellectual skill. It is to be hoped Mr. Mclsellan will continue these helpful deliveries at closer intervals. Already there is A vast improve- mont in the condition of the various streets in town since the Council haw. placed a large gang of men at wurk to make repairs. InVilalions have been received in Porcupine to. the marriage of Miss Hrpha Prim. a popular young lady of Cobalt. and Harry Leon Traver. so well known to many in the North (‘uuntry The wedding will be 301- emnizcd in Cobalt on June 4 next. Rev. Mr. Wakefield held his first service in the Church of England, South Porcupine, last Sunday morn- ing. The new rector was well and heartily received, evidence on every hand indicating that the progress of church work will receive a great im- petus through his efforts. ‘He is nsim- ply a plain, godly man, an ap~ proachable man, and his everylword and act reveals sincerity from the mere fact of the modest and cheerful manner in which he goes about his work and mingles with the people. He will succeed here. 'l‘hc Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- pet“ will be celebrated in the Presby- terian church. South Porcupine. next Sunday morning. An invitation is cordially extended to members of all other denominations to assemble with the l’resbytcrians onithis occa- sion. Milton Carr, of Cobalt. one of the most popular and best known men of the North. has been a welcome guest in camp during the past few days. Indeed. he is just as welcome at any home in Porcupine as he is in that of his respected son. Postmaster Carr. and we will always be glad to announce his presence amongst us. Ismay Landed At Southampton The White Star liner Adriatic ar- rived at Southampton from New York at 1.45 o 'clock last Friday af- ternoon. .\"o reporters were permitted to go on board. The passengers report that J. Bruce Ismay, managing director of the White Star line. is in good health. He kept to his own state- room nearly all the 'timc throughout the voyage, very seldom appearing on deck. Mrs. Ismay went out on the ten- der to join him. Mr. Ismay receiVed an ovation from the large crowd assembled to meet the steamer. LOCAL ITEMS Miss McCoy, of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. Manson, north end. Township Clerk Gallagher. of Pat. cupine. north end, is spending a few days at his old home in New Lis- heard. Andrew (lrierson went to Cobalt. on Tiwsday to meet Mrs. Grieruon and family. who will in future reside here and will be very welcome amongst its. And again. what about that bar ball team 9 This corner-lot two-old. out. should dwelop into something more substantial in baseball. B. 'I‘. Hailey. who has been con- nected with the staff of the Bank of Toronto here for some time, is re- moved to another appointment with the same institution, and took his departure Wednesday. His position\ in the local bank is now occupied by H. W. Hooker, formerly of Galt. Be- fore leaving town a number of Mr. llafiey’e friends tendered him a fare- well assembly in the form of a dance held in the King George hotel, and the enthusiasm and pleasure of the event will long remain a deliuhtful memory with the guest of honor, whose going is wry much regretted by a large number of friends. The shareholders of the Royal Bank of Canada have received notifi- ! cation of a special meeting to be held ion July 3rd, at which authority will 'be asked to inflame the capital of the bank from $10,000,000 to 9%,- Welcome to ”Dutch" Holland. for- mq-rly of the Trethewey mine, Co. halt. who has arrived in camp to take a position on the vlerical stnfl of (hr Dnnm Lake mine. .l. H. Black . manngtr of the SOP thern Ontario Light and Power com- pany. M. A. Vielc and F. 0. Black- well of the famous New York con- sulting firm 0! electrical engineers of that name. have been inspecting the various water powers 0! the Porcu- pine and were very much pleased with their ohservatiom. .1 number of WWII folk engaged in an impromptu dauw. The little Gathering was arranged by Mrs. Puller. Mrs. Todd. Mrs. Ennis and Mrs. iiihsnn. and thaw who were prc-svnt thoroughly enjoyed the func- tion. which. from beginning to end. was filled with pleasure and appre- Nation. Moran's harp orchestra con- tributing much in this respect. .\ wry pleasant owning was spent m the spavious dining hall of the King George hotel last Monday when Thor. Warner. well-known in the north country. and the engineer for the Leighton-Warner syndicate. has left for the west. after spending sev- en years in Northern Ontario mining camps. The Leighton-Warner syndiâ€" cate held several very promising claims on which work was done last year. Several of the properties have been sold. including the surface rights on the Dunn claim to Maj. Bickford, and in all Mr. Warner has been very successful in his mining and real estate operations. He car- ries with him the friendship of hun- dreds whom he has met in a busiâ€" ness way, and in these good wishes The Porcupine Advance heartily joins. The .\'nrthern (‘anada Supply Co.. whose advertisemc-nt will be found in another column. are making a novel offer to the public in the form of a mingle nail guessing contest. Read the particulars in the advt. rvlcrred .to in this issue. This firm has also received a large and complete assort- ment of the celebrated Roach sport- ing goods. These are now on exhi- bition. and you should inspect them. The Gordon-Davies (.‘u.. extensive dealers in meat and produce. have. found their present premises too emall for their increasing trade and lime now possesaion of the entire huildim: on the. t-orner nr Railway street and Golden avenue. The pre- mises are being handsomelv and con- veniently fitted up with all. the lat.- est fixtures to keep and display their various lines o! goods, and when fully completed will be thorough in every respect. Huge Capital of Royal Bank 000,000. by the issue of 150,000 shares of the par value of $100 each. This will make three banks in Canada to have a capital of $25.- 000000, viz., the Royal Bank of Canada. the Canadian Bank of Comâ€" Inerce and the Bank of Montreal. A portion of the increased capital will be used to take over the shares of the Traders Bank of Canada. and the balance will be held, to be is- sued as required. i A meeting ol the Porcupine Board to! Trade was held on Saturday last l at. the Mulligan Hutu, with D. Moro lrison, iiwpres. ., in the chair. 5 A communication from the Hailey- {bury Board of Trade was read by tfiecretary Williams asking the as- ésistame of the. Porcupine Board in petitioning that Gillies limit be :upt‘flt‘d to prospectors. IIIBIH [Ill BESIIIEIIS lflf BHIIIB BUSY Board of trade Holds Important leeting---Buildioq Boer- ations Commenced Alter snme discussion it was re- sowed to notify the Haileybury hnm‘d that the defilt'ml t‘u-iperguion, i« freely e‘tcnded. .-\ lengthx diseimsion followed on lllt‘ by-lzms Of the tuwnsnip ul “htl‘ nex, whieh Were lmidl) explrinell at some length h} Mr. Gauthier. late Reeve. He also called the .ittnntion nl the ratepayers to the great dim-s eulty experienced by the council in improving the town. owing to the arrears in taxes. 0“.»- 0... .. - L -r ~_..-. '4. - The question of numinuting a can- didate for new: next came up. who it. was reached to call .1 public meeting on Thursday. May 33rd. at King's Hall. to sole“ 8 nandidate (or that position. Mr. Peacock. Methodist. .ninistcr. appeared before the board asking for assistance in clearing up the burial ground. pointing out that practice!- ly nothing had been done to it since the burial of the unlortunate vic- tims of the tire last July. 'l‘he question was fully gone into and the location particularly dis- ('Uh‘sed. several members taking part in a lengthy debate when it was re- solved to appeal to the citizens of l'orcupine for their assistance in clearing up and ditching the burial place, and that a memorial aerViee would be held on July llth in the burial ground in commemoration of the sad event. after which Volunteers would be called for to help in clear- Mr. J. W. Solloway arrived here «m Tuesday from Ottawa. Beattie Nesbitt Is In Toronto Capt. John Bartlett left on Satur- day for a. three months' sojourn at his home in Quebec. Walter Louckes is rebuilding for Martin Walsh :1 new store, an the site of the old building that was de- stroyed by the fire last December. Ur. Beattie Nesbitt reached Toron- to Sunday morning in charge of In- spector Boyd. and after spending a short time at the home of J. J. Rogers, superintendent of the provin- cial police, was taken to jail where he remained over night. At 10 o’clock Monday morning he was formerly handed over by the at- torney general's department to the city police. He will be arraigned on four charges of fraud upon which he was extradited and remand will be asked for and bail probably granted. ing up and somewhat beautifying the place. W. F. Munro and R. W. Gibson. of Pembroke. left for their claims at Mattaga'mi Heights on Friday. Ammg the members present be- side the vice-president and secretary Were Magistrate Gauthier. Messrs. Foster. King and Bannerman, Dr. Mclnnis, Messrs. Doberty, Munroe. Finder, Barns. Evans, Campbell. Baxter and Summers. Inspector Boyd and the prisoner cleverly outwitted the army of news- paper men and photographers at the I’arkdale station getting off the train from the opposite side from the platform and getting into a taxicab while the reporters boarded the train and came into the union station with it. Dr. Nesbitt appeared in police court Monday charged with fraud. He was remanded for a week with- out pleading, was released on $15,- 000 bail in two sureties furnished by Wallace Ncsbitt, K. C.. and Dr. Wal- ter McKeown, who put up $7,500 each. Dr. Nesbitt had shaved his beard and presented about the same ap- pearance he did before he left the city a year and a half ago. HUI'SE TO RENTâ€"ON BLOOR; Avenue, six 'rooms and kitchen and bath room. Also store on Bruce Avenue, 60x20. L. E. Morton, Box 14, South Porcupine. fitf THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE 0.0 0:. 0?. O. O. O. .0” O O .0 O O N O O O. O .0 4.. O O O o '0 wwwwmw’www ”:0 STORE T0 RENT -- IN KING George Hotel Block. Apply Hugh Mulberon. FOR SALE-POOL AND BAR SIGN, all wired. Cost $40, sell for $10. New Wall Tent 10x12, 10 oz. duck. THE RAND CIGAR STORE, So. WANTEDâ€"AN OFFER FOR EIGHT surveyed claims. Ninety days’ work done on each. Group of eight in Shaw and four adjoining Dixie synâ€" dicate in Deloro and Adams. For further particulars address Box 310, South Porcupine. «#4..sz ' W‘W «KWWM «:«:~: Porcupine. Bruce Avenue The first carload of Refrigerators and Screen Doors has arrived. We have another car booked, which will be along about the 5th Of June. This placcs us in aposition to sell you these goods at city prices, plus the freight Classfied Ads. Marshal|= Ecclestone Limited Paints and Fittings /ues and WAttention I Screen Doors. all sizes. complete with Spring Hinges, Hooks, and Pulls .............................................................. $1.25 to $2.75 Refrigerators ......................................................... 9.00 to 30.00 \Vindow Screens ..................................................... H186 to 50¢ Poultry Netting, Lawn Fencing, Lawn Gates, Garden Fencing Toronto Parks Lawn Grass Seed, per lo, .............................. 50c Oldtown Canoes, 16 feet ................................................. $42.00 and Furnish your home from J. C. McNabb Co’s complete stock of House Furnishings, most complete stock in the Nor- thern Country. 4t 6‘ Branches Also at Cobalt and Timmins. ‘( (6 Mine Supp/[es a Specialty Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hardware and furniture PORCUPINE | You are cordially invited'to call 3and examine one of the most select ‘stocks of ladies’ wear and general gdry goods ever shown in South Por- fcupine. These are going at city 'prices. Mrs. L. F. Christie, Bruce {Avenue opposite King George Hotel. 17 feet 18 feet FOR SALEâ€" AT THE PEARL Lake Gold Mine, lot of hogs, con- sisting principally of brood sows, weighing from 150 to 300 lbs. Al- so thrce heaVy drallght horses, two wagons, two sets of aloighs, two sets harness. All to be sold at a bargain if purchased at. once. LADIES ! South Porcupine 'Campbell Block, Aberdeen, Scotland, wishes to in- form the public that this is not {02" tune telling. 11 reading is not eat- isfactory, no fee accepted. Gentle- men'a hands read as well as ladies'. (‘onsultation hours from 10 a.m. till 0 p.m., Golden Ave, over Bank of Ottawa, 80. Porcupine. Pinaforte Lessons Madame Campbell Rutherford from MRS. LINDSAY MORTON Graduate Trinity Col’oge, London. Eng. ........ $42.00 ....... $44.00 ........ $46.00 and Pack/n93 Rubber Hose Mattresses Beds and PA'LMIS'I‘RY. Bruce Ave.

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