Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 17 May 1912, 1, p. 4

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The Porcupine Advance When do the dollars accumulate dirt? Con it be lrom Kim: street. Toronto 7 The Toronto Star reports that six- tyotwo men slept in five small rootm on King street, and quotes Inspector Scholcs as saying:. “Tho roonfl can lw mnsich-rod nu- thing,but pig-pens. I can hardly do- scrihe it." FADHNB 0R I'lLTlI 7 "The day of the dirty dollar is passing." says a despatch from ()t‘ tun. "Altcr July 1," say. a city paper, “then- will .ho no mot! tan. and p. m: in France. Th0 hours will he reckoned from 1 to ‘34, Mid til the public (‘lOt‘kS in Hip (‘mmtry will ap- pear with altered dials. It is one thins: to alter the lam of a clock and another thing to mnkv a nation abandon the habits nl mntnrios.” Nonsense Habits of centuriva are Mm abandoned every day and but few Nmnin. Tho. only real vile habit that lingorasooms to lw the Toronto Globe's; habit. of “knocking" Porcuâ€" pi no Sn, we will celebrate the “Queen's Birthday." in defiance of the propos- ed statutury declaration that the 31th of May is no longer a publiv hoHday. This is to notify all concerned that The Porcupine Advance will cole- bratc that grand old holiday. the Queen's Birthday, illth of May. It. is the dearest of all to our hearts, and if we Wt'l‘c called on to choose hotwoml it and the blessed Sabbath. we mmt needs hesitate. (lladly would We combine the two, for tho personal mvmorivs of tho writer carry him back to the godly life! and saintly rharaCtur of his la- mented Qucon. and to forget the day of her birth Would be to forgot the bvauty and inllUcm-c for good of the noble life she lived. In our dt'fom'o uf Porcupine. thv hig..cranky. sOlIHm-m city daily may swallow The Porcupine Advamw in «)m- gulp. but the Glnlm will be a rvul “sick woman"~ when the prncms u! . digestion begins. 'l‘he Porcupine Advance desires to express its pleasure on the announce- ment that Ilaileybury has been de- elared the county seat of the new judicial district recently created in Northern Ontario. It is ditlirult to paint a word pic- ture of this beautiful town. or to COHH‘)’ to the reader its natural fit- ness for the honor bestowed upon it. (hire the visitor has viewed the sur- roundings (if this charming spot on the rising shores of grand old Lake 'Texniskaming, he has beheld a scene. of grandeur that. will ever remain within his memory. The residents of the town possess a delightful personality prettily har- monizing with the work of nature in its original generosity to {air Hail- eyhury, and it is our Jinoere wish that they will reap a rich reward by It is then- the Globe may yearn for :1 Izonuine famine in Porcupine. way uf municipal expansion and com- muri-ial progress as a result of this fitting testimonial to their thrift and intelligence. To our old and true friend, C. C. Farr. the naming of llaileybury as the judicial seat cannot fail to be re- cognized as the crowning efiort in a work dear at all times to his heart, and to him especially is our earnest congratulations extended. l'urcupino prninrs (mine to filth Con-‘1 United States Advertising Rates Furnished Phone 26. Published every Friday by UNI." A I’l'IVV REMAIN (JUNO HATULA'I'IUNS SUBSCRIPNOI RAYES: GEO. LAKE. PROP. \V I LI. (1 ELI'ZIHC A'I'I'I $1.”: "or. 3 00 a year EDIIOR We were furnished with a list of those punished. but on further con- sideration we hue decided not to publish ii. The Provincid unthoritioo oi the License Department nude : noond via“. to this district within two wveku. ('hief of Police Cddbick. Lianne Inspector mackvmll and: Prosecutor Morrison comprised the dolmtion, and us a reault 0‘ their recent ot- tack on oflonders of the liquor 1". fine: to the mount of 81W were leVied tad puid. publish it. It. is doubtful if u single one ol those oomicted will spin out“! in the maxi! sale ol liquor in this camp, and The Porcupine Advsnoo is just. human ennuizh to dispel my dr «in: to add to the burdens ol even this type ul law-breaker. The tondcncy to kick a man when he ,is dawn is all too common than law. and the newspapers are all too willing to nuke a mountain out of a mule hill. 'l‘hv l'nrcupinv Advance is opposed in blind pitta -is t)"p()9(‘d to the ll~ I'IIOI' traffic in any form (only. of mum", what we ourselves drink, like many nther tomimrance cranks) but we are convinced that the illegal «Mr 0! drum: drink in NW l’m't'upinv camp is almost a thing ml the past. .\'u individual or government, can mpprcss this M'il in a day. hut the Whitney governmoni. amide from pu- litical mam-s untirvl). is. certainly making it warm for the hliml-piggel, and it is only a matter of a very shnrt timv until lu- will ln- forced tn giw up thv przu'tive. 'l'he Whitney sleuth» are sum- hut (m the trail of the hliml-piggvr. and when ('uldbick goes fur a man. hr ire-ts him. So dues lllackwnll. A future generation may sue at thv rivvr's mouth a metropolirxivalling 'l‘umntn, Montreal and Winnipeg. History is being made in the mak- ing: nf the new boundary. Sutisluutiun will lm exprcssml at lllt' news that .l. l3. Tyree“ has hm-n requested by the Ontario (luv- vmmont tn sum-Wise the task nt‘ do- tm'mininLr tlw Ontario-Manitoba hnnndury hctwmen lslnml Lalu- ,und tln- mouth of the Nelson River. The selection of a strip of land 1:50 miles long and “W miles deep. and the choiee of two and «me-half square miles of land as a terminal point for the 'l'. A". X. (l. at, Port Nelson. are in Lliemselws responsible duties. 'l'u Llluse Canadians who have knuwledue ml the north, liuwevcr.’.\lr. 'l'yrrell's task assumes a weie'litier :ispet't. The Nelson River is «me of the largest and must numnilieent. of our watvrways The way the poor old 'l‘oronto (Hobo, is seeing things, let us all hope that Leader Rowcll will use all pos- silile haste to abolish the bars. There may not be much fresh meat in I’urvupine. but there seems to be an abundance of fresh newspaper rc- pnrters operating in1the 'listrict. A newspaper. known as "the Globe," Had a gricvanve it wanted to probe. So it started in d-amnin' 'l‘hc Porcupine famine, Hccuuso Burden swiped Laurier's robe. The cafe tar on the Cobalt Special was switCth at Temaqami Tuesday morning, owing to a break down. Look out. for another (Hobo famine in Porcupine. ' 'l‘hc Porcupine Advance takes a chance on naming Hughes and Bryan as opposing candidates in the conr ing‘ presidential election in the ITnitcd States. Who do you name 1 Canada has Gunmenced minting $5 and $10 gold-pieces at Ottawa. and presumably American gold-pieces will begin $011 to find their way back across the border. says an exchange. This announcement should please the rhampions of reciprocity. I’Ul'l'l..\ ll .\ I’I’UI 3".“ “NT \V II A'I'S T" E I'SI'I ‘.‘ , “Inesdoy will not soon be Iof‘xotten ,hy Wellmille, Ohio. Presidut Tu“. .utumping his own Stun. woo there .at 10 turn An hour Inter ouno Col. éRoosevelt. hot. on the tail of hi: successorfind three hours later came Ringling Brothcrs' Circus. All tint was lacking to make the amnion unique was the presence of the ulobe's "famine reporter." To whom it may concern: To keep‘ roosters from crowing early in the morning. put them in coop: so low that they cannot stand erect or raise their heads. A rooster is unable to crow without standing up and stretching his neck. This is the kind of a coop the Toronto Globe‘s "Porcupine famine" reporter should occupy. tlphelia. an elephant with Frank Adams' Cirrus. broke luose at. Sunris. ('olu.. on April 15. Helen: heiug recaptured she upset a number ui small buildings. cleaned out. a sa- lmm. and smashed windows and fur- niture. the damage amounting to $300. The residents thought that a ~ufiram~tte had come tn town. would like a visit. from frisky Ophelia. She might put the Globe's “lamiti'e edit.- grvat hugs ul' Who mys "hard times 7" Eight. residents of South Porcupine dugup HRSUJK) last Wednesday and contri- uutcd the same to the Provincial o-xi'hequur withuut a murmur. not- withstanding the fact that they re- voixcd nothing in return for their mutiny. 'l'hat's inure money than To- mntu ruis d for the Titanic euflerers .it a theatrical performance in the ‘iig city. And. don't forget, there mm a “famine" on here at the time. 'l‘he Hntarin Assneiateil lluartls of Trade will visit the North Country during the snming summer, and it is more than likely that the members uf this distinguished hody of busi- ness men will he somewhat interest- ed in l’urenpine camp. The Globe's famine (i) will. in all probability. have eaten itself by that time. and we can assure uur brethren of Older ()ntariu that we will at least he in a pusitian tn oil'er them an ahund- anre of hannoek and sew belly. It will he more pleasant to hear the tilohe «.rrnnt than hnwl. 'l'hat intrepid sportsman. Sir llen~ r}; Setonâ€"Kerr, has purchased a tract of land in the district of Nepigon. Unt.. where he purposes establishing a,hunting lodge. (me, of Britain's greatest hunters, he has shot ,hig game in Western America. British Columbia and Scandinavia. All the Setons are keen sportsmen, this fam- ily having given Canada the famous Ernest Thompson Seton. naturalist to the government of Manitoba. who has told us more of the wild animals of the Dominion than any other man. Recently he has been charming West End audiences in London with his quaint. Canadian sporting stories. 'I‘he blind-piggers of Porcupine might just as well understand first as last that they cannot do business in the camp. We are not entering into a discussion of the liquor traf- fic. as we have long since eliminated that seemingly popular beverage from our switch-list as a means to quench returning thirst. Our intention is merely to state. the fact that when ('hief Caldbick and Inspector Black- wall get after the booze dispensess there's going to be something doing, and the dealers will learn to their sorrow that it is more costly and dangerous to get out of the business than to get into it. It requires quite a large amount of joy water to produce $500 in the form of a fine, and after this a prolonged period in jail is not any too inViting. At this distance it would appear that the contraband liquor trade has received a rude jolt from which it will not isotm recover. to mute. 'I'hesct-Iophants do be THE PU RCUPIN E ADVANCE concern: To keep The British capitalists who are to visit Northern Ontario in the near future, who are said to represent tw“ hundred and fifty millions of dollars, should leave their money at 'ome and bring a lunch, in view of the Toronto Globe's “story" of the Porcupine famine. 'l‘he Presidential primaries to date show the following tendencies: Rapid spread of Rowsevelt Sentiment, wide- spread gains for Champ Clark, mark- ed falling off in Woodrow Wilson wzwe, 'l‘aft can. only get renomina- tion provided delegates pledged and instructed for him stand solid. 'l‘be reverend editor of the Toronto (,llobe should impress upon such minds as his reportorial stafl may possess, the scriptural teaching that the Lord batetb a liar. That Porcu- pine famine yarn of the poor old Globe has evidently developed an- other eligible member for the Annâ€" ias club. "1'qu in the good old days, when the “cat" was used freely. Pat Murphy and Joe MCLean had been breaking leave and had been or- dered to receive 10 strokes each of the “cat." When the time came for their punishment the captain, consid« ering their previous good character, said that if they wished to wear any- thing to protect their backs a little they could do so. Sceneâ€"Quarter deck of H. M. S. Hardship. 'l‘he Scotcliman replied that he would like to have a. strip of canvas on his back. The request was grant/- ed. and then l’at. on being asked what he would like. exclaimed, “Sbure, sir, if it is all the same to you. I would like to have the Scotch- mun on my back." “I stopped over here," said the tourist, “to enjoy the simple life." “Hush," warned the Georgia moon- shiner. “not so loud. Put your mon- ey on the stump yonder, an' turn :m' back an' shut yo’ eyes. Quart or gallon, sir1"â€"Atlanta Constitu- E STARTING MONDAY. MAY 20th. 1912. WE “ 'N'iii' Gmssing‘ Thirty-Two Dollar Steel Range Everyone has an equal chance. Remember that with every 50c Cash purchase you get a ticket. Our prices are always as low as or lower than the lowest. Northern Canada Supply Co., Ltd. “If It’s Hardware, we Have It” Bruce Ave., South Porcupine PAWS WIS E CHOICE. Northern Canada Supply CO.. LIMITED Nearest Estimate; ONE STEEL RANGE Subject to rules and conditions can tamed on duplicate at this ticket KEEP THIS PORTION OF TICKET My estimate M the number of Nails is Bruce Ave.. South Porcupine on exhibition in our window. Under the Following Conditions- nonmenu CANADA sumv co.. Ltd. Shingle Nail Contest For What ? Why, for that Ihe House If fligh-Class Photo Plays Matinee Ind. and Sat. at 2.50pm. 5! m M AJ ESTIC THEATRE PRICES COMEâ€"Bur Pictures are Hickerless Fin! Run at the Mott Up-to-date MOVING PICTURES Illustrated Songs Good Music To the peraon estimating the correct or neareat to the correct number at nail. in the sealed iar we have in the window ol our store. we will aell lor the eurn ol Ten Cents Ona flaw .taal Ianga. made by the Gurney Foundry Company ol Toronto. and lully guaranteed in ayary way. The regular price ol which II Thirty-two Oottara Three prominent citizens will impect the ticketa. which willbe placed in a aealed tin box in our store. The coupon boner will be opened by the iudaea on TuerdayJuly 2nd. Conteat clom Saturday. June 29th. at IO p.rn.. The deciaion ol the judges in linal and accepted as such by all conteatanta. A ticket with every 50c. caah purchaae. No employe ol the lirrn allowed to contest. Deposit thia part ul ticket in sealed box. My osflmato of thc Number of "all: I: Five Claims located in Timmins' Township, second years work completed. Re- markable Free gold showings Exceptional opportunity. Can be seen anytime. Small Pay- ment down. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Box 532 SOUTH PORCUPINE Two Show: Every Eventng “if it's Hardwatc. we have It" SHINGLE NAIL CONTEST 100 and 150 ADDRESS: 0......0..0.00.00..0.. DANCING LESSONS Iues., mil-3., and Satur. Ev’gs. Wilson’s Hall Party lessons Evenlftmm 51.00 CLASS LESSONS 766. PUIUC DANCING SOC. 0. E. mm, Dancing Mast" From 8 (010 p m.

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