Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 10 May 1912, 1, p. 5

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is one of the oldest and most beautiful towns in Northern Ontario line of the Strangest Characters in Public life of Canada Passes away u ml The nvt «establishing tho m~w dis- trict. and defining its limits Was .pasw ml at the last sominn of Uw Louie“ luturv. and will hr hrmurht intn furn- hy proclamation M the Liv-utonnnt- Governor in Council. Announcement Received With Much Enthusiasm By Residents of Beautiful Haileybury HEATH [If JUDGE MABEE UBERSIHNS MUCH REGRET There has been km‘n rompctition by the towns alom: the linn 0f the Tom- "aknminz 5: Northern Ontario Rail. kg." to secure this distinrtion. and thrrc is nn dnuht the decision of tlw (hn'rrnmont will brim: disappoint- mo-nt in sumo mlnrters. After an agitation extending over several years to capture the county seat for the new district of Temis- knminga the choice. has fallen to Haileybury. The final decision was announced by "on. W. H. Hearst. Minister of Lands. Forests and Mines. HAILEYBURY IS MADE NEW COUNTY SEAT nml lls‘l l‘it't Sumv little time will he require-«l , mmplou- tlw distric-t urmmizzuiun ul semu'o a transfer of docunwnts HI clot-«ls .al‘lm'timr lands in tlw new Strivt. J'urtain appointments will The . New Seat of the Mighty .\| Mubm- was tho third ('hllit'lllill] u!" (hv vummission. fulluwin: Killzun when thv t‘hilil'nlunship was again mudv \‘zu'am htv tho latter's death. .\.~ chairman nf this Ruihx'uys. Judge .1 udgv imp: wt '.1 H! a ””10 huwhull‘smlsnn is already well qunved. but, we have yet to learn ”I any ('finl't lwim: made to organize :1 “mm fur Knuth l’nrt'llpine. What's 1hr matte-r .’ man uf the Railway ('mnnnssion.. a pusitlnn ri'i'kunmi as nm' Uf prime illllhil'lilllt‘t‘ in ('anaila.. ranking. it has been said. next. to the pusition nf a (‘ahinet Minister. and involving respunsihililii-s and duties almost as hi'aVy as those of the Premier. The Railway ('ummissmn was cre- ated by Art of Parliament in 1903. the lirst rhairmgn being the. late An- ‘ll'('\\' Blair, afterwards Minister of Railways. Judge Mabee was the 'l‘lu- citizens celebrated the an- nuum'vmvnt in a littim: manner, over Litm n-siclunls' taking part. A large lmnlin- was built. while a band nmrvhml throngh the streets, and 1mm the versuulah of the Mataban- irk Hutvl spl-c't'lws WN‘e made by tho \luynr. altlo-rmc-n. and others. months he prawtised law in Toronto (In a memher of the firm of Beatty, Blacks-“wk and ('0.. during which period he salt as chairman of the ('amudiun seetiun uf the Waterways ('ummissiun. In HUS .lillllt‘h Muhee was appoint- ed judge, ut' the High ('uurt. During: um years ut' his. term an the bench Judge Main-e was a member ut’ the eummissinn delegated tn revise the Hnturiu stzttlltt‘h. 'l'he estinmtea for the present year mntain no apprnprintions for district buildings. which indicates that tem- porary oilim-s will he used at first. "The time of bringing the Act in- In furce has nut been considered by lllt‘; ('ahin‘tf' said HOD. W. 1‘. Hearst. "The selection of Hailey- lmry as the district town-.wns an- nounved at. this stage in order to put an end to uncertainty." The citivens celebrated the an- have to he made to fill the legal of- flees. The act calls for a District Judge, District and. Surrogate Court ('lcrk. License Commissioners, etc., and all this will take some time. No awprnpriminn has yet. been made for (:m'crnmcnt buildings. rary olltvvs “ ‘le time of force has no 3: ('uhin-‘tf' «\l \l’l.l“. LEA!" “UTE! ul’ .ludgv Ix'illum ummintml vhuir- .‘ vrjufi~ a. ‘o‘m‘O;-‘9..‘n, _ n 9 fi' . ,..1 . J h n \I n slt‘tlsv t'utnpltvntmn. \ch at power nvnt'vr nkin tn nhsnlntiun than any- thing vlsv in (“0 Lruvvrning system of thismntntt'y. (‘hnirmnn Mabec. the dutninnnt pvrsnnnlity of the ('nna- 'linn Railway ('untmission. cxcrciml :l wisdmn and n furcefnlness, a y‘ mi- et'utiun and n mmnton sense, that vn- titled him to a (inscription often us- .~-' ‘ [ hr hiquest THE PURCYPINF. ADVANCE man in Canada." The new line cuts off 120 miles of rail haul between «the lakes and ocean navigation at Montreal,. and '30 miles between the lakes and Toronto, while the improvement in the reduced «grades on the road will more than double the carrying capacity of each train. MR. INQUGEBINES Pflfli' Mcfllfiflll BiflViflé Sailing of first Boat from ilew Port---Specia| Irain Service in flperation Coincident, with the opening of this new route was the running,r of spe- rial expresses, which leave Toronto everv day in the week except Fri- (la\ and Sundav at 1.3. ~15 p. m. Simi- [:11 spec1 ials a1e run f1om Port M11- Nivholl on the arrival of the com- pany's steamers from the west. This is a-marked advance on the (rain arrangements of previous years, when specials were run only duringr the season of heavy tourist The great lakes si-I‘Vlt'u I)! the ('unudian l’zu'ilii' for 19123 With inauâ€" unrated last Saturday when the steamship Assinihoiu lel’t Port-Mr- Nichol port at .3 p.111. for the Soo. Port Arthur and l‘-‘ort William. This was also the inungurution of the new route from Port McNicholl, where the company has erected the most complete and extensive termin- als on the eastern portion of the great lakes. This will he the leading grain and This will he the loading grain and package route lwtwvcn eastern and western Canada. In addition to the steamship scr- vive by Port McXicholl, there will be a sailing eVeI‘y Wednesday from Owen Sound on the arrival of the Cana~ dian Pacific afternoon train from Tor'onto. traVe (‘hurley Boyce, of I-Iaileybury, has accepted the position as clerk at the Hotel Kingston. I’l‘IHHl‘SHX .\\'l"..\'l'l'3 Canadian Pacific Immense Wealth Through Siberia of Cobalt Mines I’ulluwim: ('Ius runuouwms thv Huilway mud.- v HOVN'IIIIN'HL fur t nim: uhwrmtion 'l‘hv whnlv timt- wquirml fur the enâ€" Lire trip from Vladivostock or Dar- icn to Moscow or St. Petersburg, il hctwwn ninv and {MI days. That dis- Lzmcv bvlwven Vladivustmtk and Mosvuw is ulmut 5.43:3 milvs, and hetwwn \'lzuli\‘u~tuck and St. l’t-t- ersburg about 5,000. The journey is through must in- teresting country. Siberia is a land uf great fertiiity, well wooded and watered. and alum: thv routes. are many impm'tzml tuwns and cities which are Imuml tn uttmm the :11- u-miun nf the tuurist. Him: um lim-s. the 'l‘hv traveller taking: this. roun- may makv mum-Minn with “10 rail~ way lny ”10 Canadian l’aviliv Hail- wav 'l'rzmspac'itiv«trams-hips at Yu- knhama. Kulw. Nagasaki and Shang- hai, and thence by variety of routes in cunmectiml with the Trans-Siber- l"u3ln\\'ilu.' I'lnfivly mum thv ar- ranct-lnvms tlw ('anadian l’avihv Railway mauh- mm the Austrian (iuwrmm'nt fur the priVilege of run- nim: uhwrmtiun 'ars upon their lines. the (.'. l'. IL has also made pl'u\'i.~inn fur "zu‘nund-thc-world" livkcts to be good over the Trans- Hiherian Railway. 'I‘hv. traveller taking this route The arrangement came into opera- tion-on May I. um H. C. “UNBAR'S PLANING MILL HAILEYBURY RESIDENCES. error is ma: tion. A (lance will be held in the Miners' l'niun hull South Porcupine, next Saturday awning, May 11. Refresh- mqnts will lw served. good music prdvidcd and a real pleasant time is promised all who nth-ml. Gentlemen, 15], latlivs free. heen extravtml from the known veins, representing a value of $05,000,000, but the total output of the camp is not confined to future production from the present veins and those un- discoverm, as the possibilities are for :1 process that will make exceed- ingly lcm‘ value» puyuhlv. Fifty-sh per «mm nu mlm-s have

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