Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 26 Apr 1916, 1, p. 1

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THE POCUPINE ADVANCE It, 5?; readily r-nneeclei] in ennui that this [Iruperly is ellieiently run and eunsei'vatively managed. By earel'nl enquiries made [iiissiillt' tliruugli uni' t‘lUM' eumleeliuns in NW ('ulmit eanip we learn the l‘epurt is 0Y0" luul‘e eun- iywrx'ative than ever. The stuck based {.0 ~t|ie annual 1'0”!” and the ailx'ane- ' . ilriee 01' silver. ahunt lmuk valne .ul' 80 eenls per share and is an a regular cii\iiii‘nii ims‘is‘ H1. 1'3 per .l't'lli paid quarterly. H'I'II‘P‘HIHII III HIII III'I-IIII IIIIII IIIIII III a [II-I'IIIII IIIII II IIIsII IIIIII'IHIS IIIII'II III“ lug IIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIII III IIII' IIIIIIIIIIII- IIII' gIIII-rIIIIII-III I-IIsIIIII; III. IIIIII IIIIIII. XII IIIIIIIII IIII III‘III‘I‘IIIII' IIIIIIIII' \I‘IIIIIII IIIII'II rIIIIIIIII-II IIIIII II van LIIIIII‘II I'IIr- III‘I‘ IIIsI \II‘I‘k IIIIII IIIII: slaw-IIII III- IrIIIIIIIIII IIII-I I‘IIrIIIIIIIIIIIIII. IIIII I’IIIIIIII' IIIIIIrgIIIIIII III' .‘I'IIrIII IIIII Is In IIII IIIIII- gnIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIII-I IIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIz- III}: IIIIII IIUIIIN' III 'IIIIIIIIIIIs. 'I’IIII IIIIIIIII‘I IIIII'II IIIIIIIII IIS IIIIIIIIIIIIIII. IIIII IIIIII' II. II II IIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIII nIIIIIIIIIII III‘I II'IIII'II IIIIIIIII III-II IIII IIII- \II‘II III uIIIIII' III ”III sn-IIIIIIIIII II'uIII- ' “I0 IIIIIIIrI-I \I‘IIII IIIH‘I' IIIIIIII "IIIII'II- 'O‘TIIIIIIKH IIIII IIIII'III IIIIIIIIII‘I' III IIIII [‘IIIIII. II II'IIIIIII III- IIIII'IIII' III IIIIIIII II' “'1' WW" III IlIII‘IIIIII II I'IIIII'IIII'ISUII 'II'IIII .IIIIIIIII III IIIII III;.'II sIIIIIIII-II IIIII.-I.II II'IIII Illllu'IIl' III IIIII IIII1I_'III° IIIIIIIII. II aIIII hIM'I'IIII IIIIIIIIIIIII I-I III III! IIIIIIIII It IIIIISI gm III Mr. IAIIIIa I'IIIIPIIII'IIII. II'IIII -IIII.IIIIIIIII IIIII rIIIII III II'IIIIIII III‘IIIIIIIInIII. IIII .IIIIIIIIIIII (II’IIIIIIIIII' sIIIII IIIIII IIIIII-III III IIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIHSIgIII‘II III him; but III a IIerIIIIII cxIIIIII IIIIs IIIsII :III- pIII's III the IIIIII-r IIIIIIIIIIIII's III' IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII'. Squiw hnIIIII-IIV . . . . . . I)IIIIIII".:IIII .\IIII;.:M.. his dilllgllh'l. .‘llllolliml QIIIIIII o’llh'. H l-Iim, ('Ull\i(‘.. lIu-k Murphy smut AINUUNBEMENI fll’fllflfl Ill-ll“ M McKlNlEV MEETING - film onll'H‘ night. M! Mn and ”I Innc'lut \ .\ mun! Sillt‘cl “mm-m company. but Ilu- first a What clidnrlml luy turd) kept drifting in us In!" Thu Mar) ul' ”w pin: in Irvluml clurinz: ”w h wlwn n-lu-llum mu rm “Min-94mm In tlw Uri-m a periml “'lu'n Irish pm imz Inmlml mul o-xilml In puqumm I Kivly, Smith 61' .\l|lu~; primh- win-v to ho lu-hl tu-tlay lllltl iu wvll-int’urui-l ml quarti-rs an iunmrtant. aunnnnqu nwnt. is antivipatml. They are nuw vruxs-vutting at the ~ltNLt'uut lvvvl cast. at tho now l'ainuus “('uhalt Lake t’ault" wlu-re suvh t'ahuluus rivlws haw lawn animal by the Xipissiug and t’uhalt. l.:ll\'t' Mint-s adjoining. 'l‘lw. rungluuwratu t'ui'inatiun on thu Mr- :Linlcy in this lm-ality is a pleasant tu'pnsv in that it was at no pnint oxpvvtml lu he tlt‘t‘lu'l' than 350 t'wt. hut. rmwnt tlcvvlupnn'nts have illus- tratml that at sunu- puint .Vvt tu lu- lll‘lt'l'llllllt'il tho waatiu takvs a Sharp clip and tln-y al'v tluw «lawn -ltltl l'vvt anal still in tln- vunglunuu'atc. [t is well in l't‘ltl‘fllllk‘l' that. Eighty pm' emu ut‘ the nilwr ntinral iu the camp minim from this t'oi'niatinn. It is. tln-rvt'nrv sat'v tn assume that Mr- Kinli'y has a new life and a muster- vativc t'h‘lllllillt‘ plan-vs tlw pussihlc hTO'lu‘luW the letl-l'iml level as lwlllg' mlnal tn that prmlut-ml almw. .\n- uthvt' t'ai't Wurtliy ut' unto is that tlwy am- installing the nvw nil t'lutatiuu prinviplv \\'lllt'll will givv them an ex- irartiun lu lw i-uviml and rvsult in a net. saxing ut' almut $150.00 par «lay liasml ulmn their mill l'ocel l'ui‘ t'n; ‘Dilhl )‘ 'tlt‘. Dramatic Presentation Given By North Bay Amateurs Vol 2. No 25 'le surface h'mnway {rum lhv Jupiter-.\lvlut.\'rv tn Mrlntyrc .\'n. 5 :shaft. is being mslwd. ”wing; 1.. .1.» 'luys in shipuwnts ut' some» “1' Liu- 3111‘- few equipuwnt fur the 1H slum. un- mum! operations at the .lupiu-r- redg McIntyre lame been delayed in start- ing. It. is hum-«l. however, that this will be remedied shortly and a start made on thv milling of McIntyre- Underground Work Delayed at Jupiter PROCEEDS WERE IN AID OF SOLDIERS FUNDS -â€" APPROPRIATE STAGE SETTINGS NOT AVAILABLE IN CAMP â€"â€" PLAYERS MAKE GOOD IMPRESSION IN SPITE OF HANDICAP-RE~ CRUITING SPEECHES FOLLOW THE SHOW AND MEETING IS PROLONGED UNTIL AFTER MIDNIGHT. The MvKinlvy-l)urruzh uwvting is‘ upitcr 01‘0- rv Then"? an H . Mum Hwy 1mm Jay entitled “A .‘I ”It‘ IOWN’I‘M‘! Hf will he dvvulml ufl first «I' ('Imravtvr trmnway fmm Klu- “I'NN' gractml the rst av! was sumo» aroly arrivals wlm Ialv 31-: 1| u'c'lm'k. play was m'llll‘ml u- Iruuhluus film-s rampant against Srm'a lab and at patrinta m-rv lw- It mm inumwihlo- tn m-vun- umwn- printv setting» fur thv umuntuiu mul I'm-mt m't-Iwry whirl; slmulcl m-mmm- (my tlw t'ullmving nvts. um! "Wing tn tlw lmrriml trip uucl tlu- c-xlu-nsv whirl: It wmtlal hmv vntmlml Hwy wvrc- mmlalc- tn brim: tlmw :u-m-smric-s t'mm Nurth Italy. but a ramp tin. was impruvisml. tlu- rm! uluw ut' whirl: mldml an hour}: ut' roulidu tn the awn-1w. It was 10.2!” Inm. \slu-n tlw vm'tniu was t'tttt’.’ ohm" om Ilw lust m-t. mnl n grout many Mm hm! littlv rhiMrmt with tlu-m \wrv uhliuml In Imu'v tlu- tlu-utrc- lwt'mw tlu- I't-o-ruiting tum-ting vuIIIIIN-twmt. Huwc-w'r. 3: fair sizvtl tllldit'llt't' rc-uminml um! ttu- Inn-«ting was ulwtlml by o-vvt'yum' rising: In sing the nutimml uutlwm. nt tlw r0- gm'st 0f ”10 t‘lmirwmmm. Mrs. Dr. .l. A. .‘lt'lllltis, wlm ulttviutccl in lieu HI. .“l's‘. \V. H. “.Us‘cm. Wlm t'uuml it mumssury In n-nmin with lu-r lms- lmml, Hu- Mnyur. wlm was mkm smi- dt‘lll)’ I”. .\ numlwr ul' vxvvllvnt I'd-c-ruiting: slum-vlws t'nllmvml. whivll wvrv ilm'r- sm'rsml will: mugs by Mrs. J. K. Muurv, Mr. .lm-k (’mlv and Mr. (Evils. .‘lulluy wlm lm! lmlh c-ym durum: Hu- Sumln .U'rivn mummmu. um! Mn. is now I'l'VfllillL' his om-mivs lummls rv- c-ruitinx in ('unmlu. 'l'lw Iumcl nf tlw Nurtlu-rn Fusilic-rs will nlw um'um- puny then: «m Hu-ir visit In 'l'immins. ANIIIHEB SHIPMENT MADE BY IHE Bflflffillfl MINE EW'LVN lluym Sultry. film wilrh . Irt'm- Quinn "Mm-on Hm lint uml mmml m-ts .‘lajur lanvo "I. ”W .Vnrtlwm Fusilq iu-m mmmuwml that Pal. l-Znn-lmmn io-rs nmmmwml that GM. l-anvlmmn' was mva in M phi-sent. lmt \mnlcl \‘ixit Timmim in album a wm-k wlwn lm mmlcl lmu- with him 'l'nmln'r Mulluy wlm lml hull: «yo-4 charm: Hu- 'l'lu- t‘rnvsus (lnlcl .\lim-. Willt‘ll is lumitml in Mum-u 'l‘uwnsliip. nvur .‘lutltvsun. Imulc utmtlwr sltipIm-ut uf lmllinn nu .‘Iumluy lust. ultlm tlu- mnnunt ut' sumo was nut t'nrtlu-uuiiug it is. prvsnmml tu lm mnsidc‘ulilc. This wine is intending lu build a mill in tlw muting summit-r. lmt this will «lopeml entirely till the untmuw ul' thv pmpnscd \mr tax. as this mm- puny is capitalized at tun low it ligm'v tu warrant the lllllltlltlg‘ ut' a mill un- til tlu: tux questiun is settled. HfllllNGEfl PBIIHIS fllfl WEB-WEEK” SflMEWHM lflWEfl GROSS PROFITS FOR PERIOD ENDING MARCH 24th OVER 818,000 LOWER THAN PRE- CEDING PERIOD AND $59,000 BELOW DECEMBER FIGURES. paws with 43,679 tons treated during tho prcviuus pcriud, 01' which 30,658 tons wu- t'rum tlw llullingm'. The average \ulmr ut' the are treated was 39.0%, cmupau‘od with $9.01 for the proviuus wriml. 'l'hv milling rusts \wrv $0.921 per tun. c-uumm'ml \i‘ith proviuus wriml. 'l'hv milling rusts m-rv $0.921 per tun. c-uutpau'ml with $0.515 fur the [n't-viuns period. The groan-r part ut' the are came from the 1,250-fuut Iovel, the deepest point in the mine. The tonnage of waste rook huiated was 1.950 mmparcd with ,750 the previous period. nmilml to s‘uu'k- l Maumsrcr 1’. A. .gcr Mines iur tlw :‘h 24th. the gross D2433, as mmpm'vd fur the previuus m H223 per cent of ANN" ”firtlo- 1's? I'vru-y MM TIMMINS, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 26th.. 1916. m-nwm: M urphy 8| 80‘ \‘ V I But t‘mm llttltt'ttlthH tlwn- “ill lu- t" L't'mttm' iwtivity this minim-r fll’nlllltl l’nrc'tipiiw tlmii lust. \\°lu-re it \miilol lw itii|mssililv tn htlw in «undies in Nllllllllt'r they m-rv limilml m Inst Jviiitvr. Fur inutxum- tlw 'l'ummy illllrlN t‘umlmny luau ltllu'lt in «ittlhw‘ lt'lll m'iiiptm-ut tn in pruimrtivs in Slmw 'l’uwmliip tu mrry nu "In-ru- tiniis «luring tlw summit-r inmitlu. 'l‘lu- lutll). in Kiunislmtiii. gut tlll itq sup- plies in lwl'nri- tln- lurc-uk-iip. Where- ‘llu' l'ltislinliti l'iit'lmt'ulinn l.itnilml is "pi-ruling in Ktltttiskutitt nti tlu- .ltim- ii-mm mul Xiivnrro- vlziims lllt'l‘t' is 8! gmul thll'l‘ rmtlv. i 'l'lw l’urc-upiiw ltttlt'lu'ltilt'ltvt' Min- 6 ling: ('n. will 3mm shirt hiking in sup- flilIi-s lu ri-stttm‘ titN'l'tlllHlH Hll its lit‘u- iwrtivs in Jumivsun 'l‘uwiisliip utt tlw Kitiniskuiiu rivvr. It is htlltl that ii strum: symlivnti- is living t'urmml tn olvwlup utlu-t' I‘Izlttiiskuliii pi‘qu-rtii's. llvluru 'l‘mviisliip will lu- giwti n tlmrmigli ti'iul this minim-r. Two) t'u- lmlt i-niiipiiiiiv-'. tlu- lulliusv mul tlw t‘utiiiimts ut'v «loi'vlunitlu tlu' .‘liiiili'tt- l'utiiuuzi-z ut'v duvvlnpitt: lllt' .‘luidvtt- .‘lt‘lluttttltl :Itul .\twlmt'ttc~ lnrutu'rtii-s t'tN'u'vtiH'l}; l'ni: diumund drill run-t trm-H hmv lu-vn lot and vxtvnaivr surt'm-t- \x-url; \xill ail-m In! mnrriml mi. .‘tljtlllllllg tln- .hwlmrito. 'l'lw I'm- mivr Mining" H... mutmllt-al by Bustun intvrt-sts is dwvlnping tlw Standard. Ste-um ant't' is living: used and de- wlulnm-ut. \mrk is uuw living vurriod till all at tlt'|tllt «if 100 “wt. It is likvl)’ that more diutmmd drilling will lw dutw nu tlw I’nrvupim- llllllt‘l'ltll prulu'rty in llvlum. 'l'lm nu uummnvmuvnt. has been made by the mmmgmnvnt, it. is umlemtmul that. the plains fun“ this sunnuor’s "peru- tiutts will include diamond drilling. 'l‘lu- wm'k mtrried on last your was sutist'm-tury and sow-ml veins were ttlplwd. -_‘ __ o I 0 I ‘II WET WEATHER HA8 ALMOST STOPPED SURFACE WORKâ€"- GREAT ACTIVITY EXPECTED DURIKO MINER-ALL SEC- TIONS WILL BE AFFECTED. “All HINMBS Vlflfll III "II flllIlAVllG ["81le [If CAMP Xmu' 'l'lu- I’urvupinv lmlwrinl. (‘h- islmlm's (‘urpumtiun Limited [ms lot lzn'gv «lizmmml drilling: (-uutrnvts and mm six drills nn- in upvmtiun. It. is pul'pnsml tn Hmruly test nut, the ('llis- lmlm Y0! in this way. T All the minvs in l’urvupino :m- lins- ilv vngzlgml in ln'mlm'in" 01' (10\' Map- ing' mul it all Hue \mrk in mmcmpla- tinn is ('HIHIiQ'ti nut, this summer there will he a smirvity ut' mun. SlllW MlWEflV [If SUPPUES HANIIICM’ PflflBUPINE MINES Like 1\111\ ntlwr mine in 1’111'11111i1111 the Dome Mim- is living I111111li1z1ppe1l by pnul' delivmy 111 supplies. U. rrrrrr ‘ ‘ . 7_' [110 huists 111311 1111119 lieen 1111 111'1le1 for some time 1111\e not been 111-111 mm! \et 111111 onnséqnemh the stmting 11f hoisting 11111 t"11n11 the new ventral Shaft has been delayed indefinitely. The central shaft. has been tinished 11) the 71m {1111! leu-l 111111 the ere1ti1m 111 the steel l1e1111111111e is Mine rush- ed. Sm mal (hanges me being: made in the will. A \Hltt‘l' tank has been zul- ded to the plant to allow the use 01 a thickener. “Won the new central Shaft is in operation the ('alpzu'ily ut' the “Univ will will he illt‘l't‘ilh‘tftl. 'l‘hc grinding mmuoity is ahead 01' shining and more shining ct‘qnipnient, will he installed. The first, llurdingu mill is running a little under four hundred tons a day. usut'n, h,n erL .nnnnUu ud,cn,t'-"',g rgt- The installatinn of the scmnd tube mill W111 be rushed, and ten stumps have been removed to make mom I'ul‘ if. [XEElSIflfl PflflPlflTV MAY BHAIBE HAIIIE BVMIIIE MIT IHIIEII l! is 11111101'stuud that 11 deal of some kind is about oompleted 1111 the an!» In the EXcelsiur Mining 1‘ (1111111111): 01 the 'lumun Burns properties 111 5111111 “101111511111 {(1 _'L11itcd States 1111019519. 'I‘lw Fxmlsiur (‘11 had a 11m 511111111 :1111alz1<run1z1tiu11 mill in (11111111111111 on the propertv but it prmml unsatis- Ian-tury 011 the ore, nut. getung more than a twenty 1191' «fem extrm-tin11. 'It Ehé pfobérty is taken mm the new nwners will probably instal a rumble plant. *anunutn snwltas UESBRIBE commons All” Hu- n-gulnr slmw M tlw lim- pirv last night llw llwnlrv “as drum ml In a rm‘rniling meeting in ln-lmlf ul‘ llll' lélllll llaltnlicm. 'l.\\'n sulclit'l’s mfivml. .‘Inrtin mul 80ml. linralm- -â€" wlm lmw ham m llw :‘rmn. and am- gu'mg lmrk wlwn medically m. \H'l‘v the rlIiM' «Iran-mg mnl. The mulivnm- smug llu- Nulimml AMIn-m. mul tlwn l'h'. 'l'ml Whin- "3' H10 lblltli. gm'o- n muplv nl' gmhwuu- rlmrudor mugs whirl: lmmglal «lawn ”to llcmw. l’lv. \Vllih' in :m vxm-llo-Ill elm-rlnim-r nml will lm cluulnt lu'lp greatly in rvlic-viug Ilw Immutuny nl' vamp life wlwn Hm buys get In Hu- l'runt. ttgn. He threw euttstclet'nhle light tilt the way in wliieh snhliers gu tttlu hztttle in mmlertt wnrt'ztre ttltti HIM! cieWt'ihecl the t'uttl' clays light at St. .luliett. in “’ilit'il he was WHIIINiPti three times mul was him "missed.” .\nnther reel ut' pit-titres mu! twu mere mugs hy I’te. 't'etl White t'ul- hm'eti Martin's disemtl‘se ttltti Htt'tt Sergt. Dttrimt "1' the t'mmcliun High- htmiet's, whn was itlsn in the meumr- :Ihle fight, tank the plutt'ut'm. He began by relating it t'cw humumus in- eidents tn get his auulienee in gum! htmmr. its the length «if the pram-um might he int-lined to make his heitt'ers restless. But. his free and easy style kept. up interest in wlmt he haul tn say in regard tn the urgent. need «if men. 1‘" A VERY SUCCESSFUL MEETING HELD LAST NIGHT IN EMP- IRE THEATREâ€"â€" SONGS AND WAR PICTURES DELIGHT AND INTEREST CROWD. (iuml results almuld ulnuin l'rum last night's meeting as apparently lmlh slwnkvrs made at gum! impres- sinn ulmn their hearers. BUWMAN IflWNSHII’ I5 NIIW AHHMITIIG THE Pflflfil'fflfllflfi tiolcl clisvoveries are now bemuulng an almost everyday oeem'renee in Northern Ontario. Little attention is paid the finding ot' the previous metal outside the «letinml gold areas. The latest seetion is about six miles southwest of )latlleson, in Bowman 'l‘oaaslnip Some spectacular t'x'ee wold salnples lune been l)l'ol|"llt out to )Iatlleson 1m entlv tmm the \\ar llagle elaims. Smeral (laims lune been staked there in the last few «lays and a small rush started. Troops promptly suppress the ris- ing in Dublin. 200,000 recruits or conscription. Premier Asquith's ult- imatum to Britain's slackers. Ofli- cial announcement regarding its de- liberations specifies number of re- cruits, lacking which will bring gen- eral conscription. A4 Rioting is congned to Dublin; Gov- ernment troops in control. About a dozen are killed during disturbances in Irish capital. Telegraphic lines are interrupted. No trouble in Cork, Tralee or ridings of Tipperary. German fleet forced to run. A re- markable engagement fought off Lowestoft. Bnemy’s stay is brief. Engaged by local naval forces and return to Germany in about 20 min- utesâ€"two British light cruisers and destroyer hit but not sunk. WAR NEWS (Kiely, Smith 8: Amos private wire) - BerlinZâ€"Chancellor von Bethmann William at army headquarters condiv tions on which United States will be willing to maintain diplomatic rela- tions with Germany. Chancellor re- ceived this information in recent con- ferences with Ambassador Gerard. O V. v-uvvâ€" Dr. Von Bethmann Hollweg also took to the Emperor a preliminary draft of reply to latest American note on submarine warfare. It is ex- pected several changes will be made in this before final draft is completed. To-day's conference between Emper- or William and Chancellor on sub- uâ€"vwâ€" Ear'ihe issuerâ€"i; expected to be their last before German reply goes for- ward. II THE IBEIBHES lwrty lust summvr. whvt'v quart: \‘c-in ltt tn 2.! inc-hm “ich' \ms t'rvo quvntly ttllml with grunt splnshvs at [N'lh'ts ut' t’rm- gum. vrvutml arm" «"9- vito-Im-ut all thmuuh Munm tmvushm. 'I'lw sphinho‘s c'mm' vn-ry tc'u nr mnrc I'm-t. mnl who-n thv qmlrtr. was hmkml intu thvy lmvkml just llkv n sphwh nt‘ gulch-n whitvwnsh that. might I»- mmh- with a \wt. \x'hitkush hrnsh swung at. arm's lvugth uml mulch-My stumwcl m M tn thmw n “wlnsh” till ”W “1|". 'l‘lu- [)nhtt'. nt' t'rmmms mim- m it is nmv mllml. was what the ull NW “1!". Th" Haiti". nl' ('rmmun mim- m it is mm' c-ullml. mm wlmt the 'l'mlm-asm' uvgm mmlcl llm‘v Iikml tn hv t'muiliur with. Tim judgv haul tub ml llu- mlnrml lmly wlm mu up l'nr “vjm-ticm” I'm' Hut paying: lu-r rvnt. \vlwn- lur lmslmml \mrkml mul s'lt' muwvrml: "Why. .imlxv. uh «lumm. WIH'I'I' III I‘ IIII~IIIIIIII \I'III‘kI-II IIIIII sIII- IIIIMII-I'I-II: "Why. _im|::v. IIII IIIIIIIIH. IIIII I II” think It's III II I'III‘IIIIIIIIC'.N 'I'III- I'I'III-sus mm m I‘II'II IlIIII “UNI- IIIIII wuss IIIkI-II "III. III sinking IIIII I'm-I. IIIIII Is III'IIIx III-\I'IIIIII-II IIy IIIII'III-s IIII‘IIIIIII'II WIIII IIII‘ IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III-IIIII'- IIUII I'm. III' I'IIII.III IIIIII \'I~\\ YIIIk. I Illlllk) gIIIII IIIIIII'I/o IIIN IN'I'H *IIIP'N'II IIIIIIIIIIIIIII: In .I I‘HIIDII‘ III IIIIIIIIH'II IIIIIINIIIII IIIIIIIII's‘ HI‘ IIIHI'I'. IIIIII IIIIIy Ul't‘ I'I'uIII .sIIIII'I sI'IIIIiIIg IIIIII III'II'IIIIg I2II-I III-I-II IIIkt'II IIIII. II is s“ III II IlI.II III [WW III IIIL’II fJIIIIIIIl" IIII' III'II pants II IIH‘ win III'I' I-IusI-II in In ;_'H'III IiIIIIII-m IIIIII svulml up us if it was IIII "IIIII IIUIIIII’S IIISII'IIII III' lwiug III-I- 'HII IIIIIV IIIIII SUIIII gold in ~|NII~I. IIII- III ”In mine is I-IIIIIIIIII-Il “III! II IIIIII lmnmg mm nlmul Hm (Nimriu: 'l'lu- arm III'II t‘I'IIIII ~hIIIt ~I'IIlIiIII: :IlHl IlI'I"tIIII." HS III-IIII tIIlIIIII IIIIt. It is m I'iI-h that M IIIIIIIIIIII high ul'illllll‘.’ thII IIiIIh park II' ”III IIIIiII III'II IIlIIsII-Il in ".V :III-III tiIIIlII-IIII IIIIIl sIIIIlIIII up as it' it II'II-' IIll "Ultl IlIIIhIII~z iIIstIIIIIl III III-in: :Ih- IIIt IIIIlI lIIIlt suliIl mild in xlmts. un- til thII IIIiIIII i~I IIIIIIiIIIIIIIl IIith II mill and tho (”'0 IIIIII lIII saIt'IIly tIIIIIItI-Il. 'l'lIII gIIIIIIt liIIIls IIt' ”In full IIt' t-IIII SOIHIIII III. 19].") \I’III'II Ilt. I’IIIstIIII III'IIIIk first. and lIIlIII' ”mm m le lllllt‘s‘ sIIIItlI iII l’IIIIIIIIIl tIIIIIIIshiII. 'I'IIII rapidity II'ith IIIlIiIIlI this IIIIIIIIlIIIIt'IIl IlistIIiIIt IrIIIIII's is iIIIlIIIIIs'siIII III II IIIIIII I'Hlllt‘r.‘ IIII IIIIlv will illIIstIIIItII the “av man I'ill lIIIilIl tor the III II IIIIIIII g-IIlIl IIt thII “IiIIIls ’ in this IIIIIIIItJ'y Ul III-II- IchIIIIIIIIt. I’IIIIIIlII. IIIIIII ask what IlIIIIIIIII IIIII’ at those sIIIIIll syIIIlliIIIItI-s IIII III II IIIiII- :iIIg III'IIIIIIls lIIIIII III. IlIIIIIlIIIIiIIg .II Inw- iIIg gIIlIl IIIiIIII, hut mIIllI it ls IlitllIIIIlt to 590 IIIIII tliIIv IlII IIIIt lIIII II inst us IIIIIIIlI IIIIIIiIIIII as the big; I ‘IIIIIIII IIIiIIII. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIenN IIIIIII IIIIII tlIIIImIIlI'IIs gu- iIII.r into the gum IlistIIiI-t. \II illus~ tI IItiIIII In the great 5"!“ III paws that are lIIIiIIIII made in this IlistriIIt at. this I'IIIIV time is 3l|0\\ll III-t IIIIlI' hv the minus I'ilIIIl IIlIIII II but lake the 'l‘IIIIglI~()IIkcs .\liIIII zit. KiIIklIIIIIl LIIkII. 'l‘IIIII yours IIgII thII gIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIt IIII- \\' U. S. Mining Man Writes Favorably on Northern Ont. SHAH M TRIUMPH I’fllll’lm Wlll BE flfllIlNllEll Tl] fillll H. The shaft an the Silt't‘l‘fifi pnmei'ty. being: sunk by the Triumph Mining ('0. Limited, is now (luwn 20” feet. The. erusseut tn the vein, Willt'll (lip- ped nut, nt.’ the shaft. has been stnrtml and it is expected that. the. vein will be. tapped in nnutliei' Iit'teen l'eet. Malcolm Muelml'cu, 31.15., l"..\7..\'., is («insulting engineer an the prul'wrt)’ and expressed himself as well pleased with «levelupnients. fll’fflMllllS SUSPENIIHI [IN JflMIESflN All] NAVAHHE [MIME The shaft. will lw. vulltillm't] to 300 foot. and u vrussvut ul.‘ almut 2n” fuel run lu tap Hm knuwn \‘oin In Hm south. HE SAYS: "IN THIS SWIRLINO STREAM OI‘ MINE MAKING IT IS EASY TO SEE THAT MANY SUBSTANTIAL MINES OI‘ EXOEEDING VALUE WILL DEVELOP"â€"~ALSO RETERS TO NORTHERN ONTARIO AS COUNTRY OF WONDERMENT «~- COBALT COMPANIES GOING INTO THE GOLD DISTRICTS. “11111-1111 (‘hishnlni and his associ- ntus have been farmed (1» 51151112111! 11p- 191'ziti1111s 1111 the ('hishnlni 111111 Navarre vlailns in Huhh 'l‘uwnship, Kauniskutizi district, [1001111519 111' water. (M112 shut't has been sunk furty 1'1-1-t 11111! about thirty feet 111' drifting. dune. Two other test pits “1111- nllllk 1m 1111' win “hich 1'u1ri1-1l Slwvtm'lli‘dl‘ \aluvs in gold \1itl1 "111111 10511115. It is thunght that 111: main win has not been encountered and 3111111131: tr1b111h111g \\ .1» started 51111112 tinw 11;:11. 1min" tu th1- not vumlitiun ut the gruund this \mrk was stumwd but will he mntinncd “11111 conditions ; ilnprnvv. There are now two men nu the pro- pelh hmkmg :Il'tur Hm l'l‘cc gum hmxings. In an nrlic-h L: and Hugh . "annual. n rm! "gum 1...! till: \\~ ulnlislml in l rim: Wurlcl. rll Mum-n A nmm I‘nllcm "WI" huhil ll‘fl' I in NW .‘lin Kurt lmrn ur mnrc m Imukvn n splnnh mgm lw smmwl m‘rian qmmx mad “1"?” ritvd that the rlainu lon'l lwvn talwn up h) t'lvnwnt Fmto r and thv 'l'nnle'nLv-s .‘lmm-g t'u. turnwl 'l‘u-olm tlu-_\ arr mums: m-ml dnid» wads nu iZiJNMJlIi (’tlplkiltltlllvtt. l invt sou-ml Ill Valium tomne v gthiu l0" indm ut‘ tlw innw alm manual atm-k uhiv-h thaw \alnvd at Hum A Irv. M-lih lwlnw In 3 tr“ N‘llh e'lmh' tho- par vahw. l aunt mtu tlw Iniiw. and all thrmich it. «an thi- \mn thn‘. 'il‘oulllrt‘ll tho-aw \ahns in thv din-lint. dt'w'luptm-ttt wt "in t'm-t. l \tzllttc‘d tn mh against tlm win nntd l how vanw tlmruly anmaiutvd. m l flayed a tow days at this nmw. that had L’rnwn am that that. m Hm yram it. had uruan train a vlann int" n mim, haying m mvll that thv pnhlw wan \Vllltlt'.’ tn my mun~ thim par t'ur it~z sllslrtw. This is proud. ul' tlu' rapidity \uth which a new imm- will gruw. w van-s ut' sarcasm"; cll‘\‘¢'ln||ll|f.: thmm t'li'll pl‘uhlwv‘s 01' Mt rftllml ”lltltlst.” ls tl any tnndm' that aan snrh rh-h tlndn that the varniarhs t'ur an amvruauhim: minim; Imam :u‘v Silt'lv in: nut ltlu' a .um- tlnnnh awry wlwrv! 'l'he :rvat unld mini-s at l’n:«- ravine are mt murv than 5" mil”: t'nrtho-i' nurth. and tin- arc-at silvc" nnnvs "1' 034m" almnt tlw sanw di~- tanm- tu- tln- smith. t‘uhalt i4 an uldv" mining; mmmnnit)‘. lm\lll'_' sltlt'lt'tl limit “NH. and its “'Hlltlt‘l'l‘lll Pl'tnillt'* than has given its mini-s a substantial ranting. In ”It“ npininn ut‘ thc- '.'.vlt~ int’urmvd mining im-n tlu- ininw. m‘ t'uhalt stand t'nl' a sti-ady pt'mlm'tiun ut' divido-mha amounting in 9.457.411,- TSTJNF. and with 9 ltllllt'rt that. haw: paid uwr ltltl per wait at tlwii' rapi- tal sim'ks in dividends; ultt! mim- that; has paid «war 7.") per rant and thrm that havu paid «war 3')” pm' «mat. in divide-ads. Yun will imtv this por- m'ntagv is cm the tntal par value! (if stowk raliitalizaliun. Whvt’u vlsv can yun tind a mining distrivt. with sum» it rat-0rd! And l’urvnpiiw. Wlltt‘ll in thv hahy at six years sign, is ,in-tt. got- ‘ting into its stride mm with it.~= hag” lmdios of $10 and $15 gold um"; it avtnally prodnvml $18.0tltiJNlU last; yvar; tho. Hallingvr will pay 5% Pt!" cent per annnin an the par value oi? its (-apital atm-k this yvar. Add tho McIntyre and many nihvrs. iavlading; the Dunno. ctr. The l'lt'll area m’ tho Kirkland Lake, Bustun t‘lwk, Smut- tika and ather distrh-ts haw a gum! start at. 'l‘ungh-tlakos Mines and oth- ers. in this swirling sin-am ut' mint: making it. is easy to sea that many snhstantial mines of “needing vahm will develop from the prosviit. stat“ of teaming activity that pervades the entire Nurth ()atariu mining con». inanitics. NEBESSARV Tl] INSIM NEW SURFACE PM!" AT THE WESI IlflME II. is :illug‘i-llim‘ lilwly tlml. lllof \le; Dunno will lw l'nrrml in install a new surl'nvo plant when lllt' iiwlim- ehal't i'mwlws tlu- :mn l’imt lovvl. lt i~2 0301'- Hilltfl'ml that this will In: ll(’('(‘+;;u'y t'i carry on ilvvolupuwnl. \\'(H'l{ 3b; the [H'PSPHL plant was loft in wry bail repair and it lunk musiilvraiblc: time In lix it up lwl'uru ulwi'utimm would he resumed. 'I‘hv im-lim- slml't fullqu a vain. 'l'wu utlu-r \‘L‘HH lmvv hwn lumiml one nnrth and nne south of tho ubafi. As little ”1' nu rcmnl nl' llu' value ul' tlwsv veins \\'m'(.- left. by Um ultl manugmueut tlu-y will have to» be szunplecl thoruuglnly lwl'm'c any ultra ”1' their value mm lw lxuol. Diamond drilling- lms hum gram: '. It. is prupusvd tn tn]: iwluw Hm prr~ svnt slml'l, at a depth nI' TU” HM. and tlw lmlv has been :m-urdiuuly sun-{ml on an angle. 'l‘hvrv lms hven little. Wurk done? by the “ulm'. Mines in the x'ivinity of the West Umnv lino. uprmlinns being; steadily vau'rivd «m inwards the Dome Extension. ('nnsuquemly the West; Dunne will haw tn varry nu an 6‘3- tensiw vxplul'atiull pmzmm indepen- dent of any great ussishume from its meighlmr. Oddfellows Church Parade May 7th 'llw' annual l lmrvh l’flratll’ 01 1’0)- «Iupime LudgtI .\n 45.5, 1.0.0.“, will be held on Sundav mmning,1lay 7th. at Ll”: lmllr Ul 11 8.111.. In llHI Angli- can ('lnurch. All brother-s are Hugues- tml m make this a recur-«l tumuut and to meet at the 1.1» :‘II mum-4 not. lum- llmu 10.32" mm. Single Copies 5 Cents

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