Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 26 Apr 1912, 1, p. 1

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THREE NATIONS HAS WONDERFUL GOLD SAMPLE. Another Month Will Witness Great Activity Throughout the Camp--Echoes of Titanic --New Capital Assumes wallberg Interests at Waiwaitan Falls. flflME MAKES [ARISE “SHIPMENT llf filllll Accurate figures Have Not Been Given nut, But Will he Made Puhtic later day. Big Dome mine ‘was made last Tues- The exact figures have not yet been made public as to amount and val- ue, but they are known to be large and will be given in due time. It, may also be stated that. there is 0 still on hand a large quantity of gold from the recm‘ery, which has been exceedingly high. Meagre as are these details they cannot but prove pleasant reading to those. whose faith in Porcupine has never wavered. Five' Years for Acid Throwing 'l‘orunto, April iiiâ€"A young wo- man named Madeline La Lamonde was'given a five year term by Mag- istrate lkrnnisun- for throwing car- bolio acid in a man's face. Following axe results in .119 \ .ui- ous leagues. Games played \pril 24. AMERICAN. lllIENSE i5 GRflNTEfl TWfl BflBfllT HflTfl Subject to Approval of flntario license Uepartment at Ioronto. 'At a meeting of the license com- missioners here yesterday it “'23 de- cided to grant beer and wine licenses to the Cobalt and Prospect Hotels, Cobalt. There were seventeen appli- cants for licenses in Cobalt, and others will be considered by the com- missioners this week. Haileybury was granted‘a shop li- cense, and Cochrane two more tav- ern licenses. Licenses in Elk bake, Matheson, and Earlton were, deferred for a few days. All the old licenses in the district were renewed. These recommendations. along with others, will be forwarded to the de- partment in Toronto, whichxhas the power" to veto the granting of new licenses or renewals. The first shipment. of gold from the Vol. I. "I. Chicago 6, Cleveland 1. Philadelphia 7, New York Washington 5, Boston 2. St. Louis 9, Detroit 5'). Rain ' others. Toronto 9, Newark 8. Rochester 8, Jersey City 1. Buffalo 5, Baltimore 3. Montreal at Providenceâ€"rain. Boston 3, Brooklyn 1. New York 11, Philadelphia 4. INTERNATIO N A 1-. Baseball NATIONAL. NEW HUSPIIM fflfl PUBEUPINE fllSTfllfJ Mine Managers of West End of team (In-operate With Dr. Moore Messrs. Chas. A. Richardson. (.i. A. Bagshaw, Arthur Ferland and W. C. 1 Young, all of Haileybury, arrived in !camp Wednesday afternoon and yes- terday paid a visit to Dome Lake imine. in which they are. the principal ! ownere. The mine managers oi the western end of the camp feeling the need of immediate action have abandoned their negotiations with the various committees for one large'general hos- pital and have arranged with Dr. Moore of Sehumaeher to open a hos- pital at Pearl Lake. The doctor has secured the Bewiek- Moreing club house and will tit it up immediately, opening it as a hospi- tal on May lat. The Porcupine district longer without hospital There is no place 'in the whole dis- trict which is more ideally situated or arranged for hospital purposes, and the doctor and the mine manag- ers are to be congratulated on their happy choice. Situated on a high ground over- looking the who,e of Pearl Lake, the long, wide verandah, which runs the full length of the club house, and so situated that it will get the sun for the greater part of the day, will make an ideal resting place for con- valescent patients. The club house consists of six large rooms on the ground floor, each twenty by twenty, three on each side, divided by a long. wide hall, and several. smaller rooms which can be used for private oases. From each room French windows open on to a wide verandah on either side of the house. Then there is a large attic which, with but little alteration, could be made into a long ward to accommo- date a large number of patients. The house is titted with running water, baths, water closets and the sewers empty into a septic tank sit- uated on the property. The water supply is pumped by a gasoline plant into a large reservoir, and in this way its purity can be as- sured at all times. As a hospital it will be fully equip- ped with all the necessary instru- ments and paraphernalia for all class- es of medical and surgical work and nothing \vfll he kit undone to {wake it as complete an institution :8 pos- sible. Mill is Planned For Dome Lake In addition to its being a .nines hospital, arrangements are )eing made. for the care of private and semi-private cases. The present condition of the pro- perty was found to be most satisfac- tory. and while a ten-stamp mill has been decided upon the process it) be adopted will not be singled out until results are obtained from the test run at Kingston, although nt is prob- able that it will follow the lattern oi the McIntyre mill. The management claims that they have enough ore in sight to pay for the mill, and if the property then makes a. mine they will know ex. et- 1) what ore they have got 1m! vliat profit they can make “ith further work. is to be no facilities. the western the need of SOUTH PORCUPINE. ONTARIO, CANADA. FRIDAY. APRIL 26th. 1912. abandoned lhv xxufiuus general hos- with Dr. upon a hus- London, April 24.â€"Justin McCar- thy, the famous novelist. and histor- iian,(fied atlfis honusifi London to- 'day. Montreal Capitalists Take Over Wall- berg interests and Discharge Many Liabilities Messrs. I). Lorne McUihhon, presi-1 in this way. dent of the Larose mines. Cobalt.’i For the past three months lack ul and Mr. llolgate, two well-known capital shit neuthing dmm, and Montreal capitalists, haxc arranged: hundreds of men have been idle. while to (“RC met the \Vallbcrg interests much of the machinery has lain on in the Waiwaitan I’omer Company. :railaay ears until freight and de- This is one of the greatest waterfmirragc charges had been paid. NEW CAPITAL SECURED FOR WAIWAITAN POWER This is one of the greatest water: puwets in the 501th Country and is] located on the \lattagami ri\er, tho' plant 0f the Wallberg company being. capable of furnishing 8, 000 horsepow- ‘ er with a head of about 1'25 feet. The company will shortly com- mence teaming its stores and provi- sions and plant that is now loaded on the cars, from 'l‘immins to the river where they will he loaded on scows and taken down to the com- pany's plant at the falls. 'l‘he~whole .\'o. 1 vamp outfit that is at present in South l’orcupine is to be. moved MHNEV BV-lAW RlMflST UNANIMUUSH Eflfiflflfiffl [July Iwe Ballots Against the Movement to improve local The by-law for the purpose of bor- rowing a certain sum of money from the Government to carry on the Work of municipal improvement with- in the township of Tisdale was sub- mitted to the qualified ratepayers last Friday and received almost their unanimous endorsation. Justin McCarthy Dead in London Only two ballots were marked against the by-law, and it is thought that these two were intended to fav- or the measure, though the mark was placed within the wrong margin. It is gratifying to note that the sentiment of the people is so over- whelmingly in liaVor of municipal im- provement. Those in authority, and who will be charged with the expen- diture of the amount raised, should see to it that no time is lost in be- ginning and completing much needed improvements throughout the town- ship. This is the growing age, and sure- ly it will not be allowed to be said of South Porcupine that she is be- hind her sister towns in the line of energy and :confidence. There is much work to be doneâ€" now is the time to do it. Deceased was for many years a member of the British House of Commons» and one of the ablest fighters for Home Rule for :rela 1d. "U He was an author of undoubted ability, publishing many volumes, in- cluding that valuable literary work, "History of Our Own Times." The new company have paid off $100,000 indebtedness, including over- due salaries, and are now in passes- sion of a power plant sufficient to supply all the requiremznts of the As the roads have now broken up, this will have to be floated down the river on scows. The foundations of the data at the plant are in; so are the pcnstocks, and half a mile of canal has been excavated, but le puwvrllouw has to he built right away. camp. PflTIfiVIllE BIIIZENS RISE IN SERIUUS PHflTESI Not Satisfied With Treatment Extended By Council of Whit- ney finuncfl The citizens of Pottsville have un- dertaken to secure what they claim is nothing more. than their due from the townghip council. At a meeting of the property hold- ers held last Tuesday evening the Pottsville people made it very clear that they would make a strong .bid for recognition in the way of muni- cipal improvement. It was contended that of the $20,- 000 to be loaned the township Potts- ville would not receive the benefit of one cent of the amount. It was also shown that the expenditure of the sum referred to would. be divided as follows: $5,000 for Lakeview; $4,000 to pay ofi present labilities of Porcu- pine and $11,000 for municipal im- provement in Porcupine, thus cutting Pottsville off without a shilling. Pottsville residents claim that they have repeatedly asked for a side- walk between Porcupine and their town, and have as often failed in getting it. They claim it is impos- sible for children to attend school for the reason that they cannot trav- el the road in its present condition, and that at least forty children are at this moment being deprived of the school privileges. A committee will wait on the For- cupine Board of Trade Saturday night and lay before thatvbody the absolute requirements of Pottsville. 1n the event of failure the Pottsville people will petition the government to erect a school building ior their own use. It seems a simple matter to ad- just, and it is to be hoped that an amicable arrangement will be reach' ed without delay, whereby all feeling in the question will be dispelled. ‘ The local board of health has post‘ ed notices regarding the usual spring clean-up rules. Now, just see to it that. the commands of these notices are promptly obeyed. GflfiflUNl-[lffilfllfi EAR l5 MARINE llf CAMP Unlimited Possibilities Await iiniy Coming oi fast frequent irain Service Rumor has it that the gasoline electric motor 'ar is soon to make its appearance on the l’oreupine to 'l'immins division. The Canadian Northern Railway him: had a car on their Toronto to Trenton line and in a trial trip the other day demonstrated that it was the ear par excellence for short runs. It is dillicult to conceive the possi- bilities oi the gasoline motor car on the l’orcupine-Timmins division. lts operation here should revolutionize the development of this country, giv- ing, as it would, a last. frugaent ser- vice between the various towns, in- eluding the Dome. The first possibility is,that of of-i ore located heretofore in the camp, fering to every man employed in, the: but it can be truly said that this district the opportunity of establish-‘ sample from Three Nations' is won- ing himself in a home and bringingderfully rich, perhaps the finest over his family to live with him. it mat-l brought into the camp. tcrs little where he is employed and} It was taken at the 10040“ leveli whether his employment is likely to? The shaft had reached a depth 0(113 be permanent or not, so long as lici feet on a Vein about six foot, wide, feels that he‘will be employed in the ‘ which maintained excellent free gold camp somewhere, this car offers him: showings to a depth of 4:; feet, when an opportunity 0t getting to and? it dipped about 70 degrees. At 90 from his work in less time than he ? feet other Veins came into thaghm’ could by a street car in the city. land down to the 10040“ level all lt allows him to choose where he’carried free gold. will build his home, and will makcE At 113 feet, the full depth d the the COlllPt'titiUH among tUWDl'iitc PI‘U'ishal't, excellent ore bodies were en- nioters keener to offer him more in ‘» countered, when the v,‘.-_uugcf :lqttided the way 0t sanitation, water supply f to return to the IOU-foot level am! and all that goes to make a realicut a station, from which drifting 1‘0"”: than they likely would it they I; was commenced north and south. At. realized that he had to have some ‘ 32 feet in the south drift a prom place near his place of employment. ling vein of sulphides, schist and 1t practically throws the whole dis-i quartz, about five wide, was picked trict, nearly ten miles in length,open 5 up, while several veins were caught. (“1- his choosing. and will do more l in.thc north drift. it allows him to choose where he will build his home, and will make the competition among townsite pro- moters keenei‘ to offer him more in the way of sanitation, water supply and all that goes to make a real home, than they likely would if they realized that he had to have some place near his place of employment. 1t broadens the field of recreation and amusement for him. Tied in a camp as he now is, it offers him and his family an opportunity to take an occasional trip into town to the theatre or to other forms of enter- tainment. 1t practically throws the whole “dis- trict, nearly ten miles in length,open {or his choosing, and will do more to eliminate slum conditions than anything else could possibly \do. It opens the \vay for sports of a”; kinds. With rapid, frequent servicei between the various towns, large! crowds could be carried from town to , town to witness contests of various. descriptions and, drawing from the! whole district, would encourage thei establishment of suitable grounds atf some point for all kinds of outdoor! sports. 3 The social life of the district will be broadened with interurban travel“ made as comfortable and convenient as it will be by this service. And in doing all these things the motor car will increase its own effi- ciency because as fast as it creates its own bUsiness, just so fast will the railroad increase the service to take care. of this business. It will encourage the establishment. of bigger and better stores and the carrying‘ of better stocks by the mer- chants, because it will bring to their very doors the population of the en- tire district. ' The hospital problem is solved with the advent of the motor car, because with this fast and frequent: service to and from the various towns it matters Little where the hospital is situated, and there ought to be little difficulty in bringing all concerned to an early decision in the site. Let us hope that this rumor is founded on truth and that 2W8 may soon have the motor car, with all its advantages, at our disposal. ‘TRREE NRIIRRS SPRIRRS RIB SURPRISE IR RAMP Huge Nugget from Hundred- level Best Exposed to View Here The township of Whitney is aroun- ed to a point of genuine exaitement. And well 'it may be. 'l‘hree Nations mine hnn' produced a sample of ore which is :\ .: mlymtâ€" tracting the attention at \Kimneyitea but also that of many eminent min- ing men. The exhibit. is at present in the llnnk llustnnrnnt l'oreupine, being brought into town Wednesday morn- ing by the manager of the mine, J. .\': Angriganon. and is one of many smaller samples which were exposed to view a day previously. Metaphors have nearly been on huusted in describing samples of gold ore located heretofore in the camp, but it. can be truly said that. this sample from Three Nutions'is won- derfully rich, perhaps the finest ever brought into the camp. Timmins Branch Being Ballasted The T. 6: N. U. realizing the urg- ency of the situation, built a large portion of this extension while the frost was in the ground and conse- quently it has been necessary to wait for spring before the road could be ballasted. It was in the north drift at 25 feet that the sample referred to was so- cured from one of seVen veins en- countered. Those who have an opportunity should view this sample of ore, which will relieve their mind of any doubt as to the values in sight at the Three Nations. The work of ballasting the road bed from here In 'l‘immins is already under way. Crosscutting is now in [WW and.the manager asserts that. sufli- cient ore is obtainable to supply a Wâ€"stamp mill. Steam drills are now in use, but these will give place to air drills, which will be installed at once. At present. now that the frost is coming out the ground the track is in Very bad shape and trains have to proceed with the utmost caution. ’ 'l‘he roadbcd is ballmtml with war cl and not only will the cost. of main- taining this section be largely redne- cd but the trains will be able to make better time. A force of mm is at work all the time keeping the track in as good shape as possible. This work bears the earmarks of preparation for the operating of the- new gas-electric motor car at an ear- ly date. Slxmaz ('nrnzs 5 Cents. Wreck

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