References on Appï¬cation. 1120 GREENE AVE. Phone 3965 Westmount OOOOOOQOOOOOQOOOOO. >“OOOOOWOOOOO VIAS THE PORCUPIN E ADVANCE mumps Blfll SWEEP ll flflIIISII lilllllflflll Not a'jingle liberal Elected In Provincial Contest-tendin- ates lose Deposit Not a single Liberal was elected in! the l‘rotincial ClOCtltfl in British Co»? lumbia. Out of a House of torn-Hm l‘remier McBride will have at least forty supporters, including, of course, himself. Most of the defeated Lilier- als in the country districts lost their deposits. Two Socialists were elect- ed; Jack Place in the Socialist stronghold of Nanaimo. and Parker Williams. in Newcastle. A late re- turn, however, places Diet in the lead in Newcastle by four votes, so it is more than likely that only one Opposition seat will be. occupied by a lone Socialist in the next Legisla- tum. It was probably the moat apathe- tic election ever held in British C0< lumhia. All along it had been con- ceded that the Conservatives would win. and no less than nine followers of McBride were returned by accla- mation. In VancouVer Ellis was the only Liberal to lose his deposit. while the men on the Liberal ticket with him had very narrow shaves lrom the same fate. Gamey in Charge of Exploration The Conservatives voted the ticket in wonderful shape. Maguire led the poll and all other Conservatives were within one hundred votes of him. it. It. (inmoy. mvmhcr fur Muni- tuuhn in the chhdnturu.luui hcen chusvn as the government's vommis- :dunvr to take charge of a party to vxplore the new areas added to the l’rovim'e in Xorthcrn Ontario, and sch-ct :1 location for the iiveamilo strips to Port Nelson. The Prime Minister remarked that special provision would have to be made in order that the member should retain his standing in the House. The new position to which Mr. iamey has been appointed in not what is popularly known as the “$5,000,000 joh"â€"â€"overseeing the ex- penditure of that sum in the devel- opment of Northern Ontario. Renewed Energy On Green-Meeban Fifteen teams are now employed hauling- ore from the W. S. \I. K. Min- ing: mnxp:xn_x's"p10petty to the .\'ipisâ€" sing: Reduction. 'l‘hc W.S.M.K. is the name of the mmpany which has been reorganized to take m'cr the holdings of the GroomMcohan in North Cobalt. Work at this property is heint,r act- ively pursued underground, the presi- dent of the Company haVing been a visitor from Toronto on. Saturday and perfected the arrangement where- by the development of the mines can he proceeded with. Work on the vein which was dis- closed just previous to the closing down of the mine is proving very encouraging. This vein is running from two and a half to four inches wide and carrying values as high as 2M? ounces while about four feet of milling rock assays 128 01111008. It is expected that the mine will be able to ship a car of high-grade are within six weeks. In a letter rereived at this oliice Mr. It. Dunbar, secretary-treasurer of the National Sanitarium Associa- tion, desires that The Advance should make public the receipt of a contribution of $10 from a friend in South Porcupine to the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives. This we gladly do, and trust that many more such contributions will go for- ward from the camp for such a noble purpose. W Mrs. H. Chapman has resign (1 her position as teacher in the publii- school, and with Mr. Chapman will shortly leave for Calgary, where they will in future reside. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman are most. hizrhly esteemed by a large circle of friends, who have but the best of good wishes for their future success. Mrs. Hegth will ï¬ll the vacancy caused on the teaching staff until such time as a permanent appointment is made. Mrs. E. J. Holland, of Haileybury, vas a visitor to the camp during: the m: home demonstration. rooo++ooooo¢o¢¢ooo¢o+o+90¢ wo+¢¢ov+oo0ooooo+§oo+¢¢ott :Ozcw wcrr (lass I\ Strain. F A. Walsh tier. ll. 'l'tï¬rrancv. :5. M hed)‘, .~\. SUddy. Class IL-M. Starr, 1 Bovine, A. Williams, E McFarlcnc. O ('unduvh-k. Deacon. 1'3. McDonâ€" ough. B. I’clleticr, L. Crawford. 88. IL Brinton. I“. Brinton. 8. Strain. E. l‘vllvtior. V. Olton. 86, E. Brin- tun. l. McFarlcnc. A! Deï¬ne, A. Suddy. P. Crawford. M. Woods. 80, M. Ulton. M. Crawford. 75, D. Brin- ton. S. Miller. 65, J. Williams, A. Walsh. 1.. Millvr. 58. L. Lossard. 51. I. Torrance, II. Torranm, 51. 0. Wheeler. 50. ll.â€"-â€";\llan l’cau'cc, Bcckcy Pearce, Myrtle Campbell, Gladys Saunders, Boatricc Lukas. Ernie S:mndcrs,Alicc Cassidy. Class Sr. I.-â€".-\. Bailey. M. Muc- l)ougnll, R. llurtubruiso, M. Adams. Class Jr. I.â€":\. Sollors. .l. Aman- ton, M. 'l‘rnclw, L. Hamilton. Class Sr. Primerâ€"P. Lcssnnl. C. Lossnrd, ll. Starr. 1.. Bradley. ('lass Jr. Primer-«A. 'l‘rm‘lw. M. llovino. 8. Oliver. F. Jay. Class ll-â€"l. Wilson. 1‘}. llomwt. M. Hoyle. I“. 01011th For l’urcupinc school fur mouth of March: Sr. I.---El'nie Jones, Etta Barker, Jennie .larbeuu, Margaret Cassidy. lll.~l)«)l':t Buissono, \Iccil \"cst. Edna Barker, l’curl Russell, ('lv'm-m Baby. Maurie linker, Stephen Jones, Henry Larrct. .lr. l.â€".Iean Watt, Jack Saunders, Margaret Robbins. (’lass Aâ€"-.\I. Lnrnso. W. Miller Judi, M. McDougall. Sr. I’r.-~Muric .Iarbcuu, WilLBx‘is- sun. Van Feldmzm, Edln Sims, Lion- el Hoissono. Bertha Baker, John Report South Porcupine Public chool' for March: Class \l Enrolled, 6:). Average attendance, Pullman fSpecial In Good Hands and .I. H: conductor. One of the Pullman specials which carried a large number of guests to the Big Home demonstration consist- ed of the Belgium, I’lstor, Signet. Ideal and the Ontario Government private car, Sir James. I'l‘he special was certainly in good hands, three popular cmuluctrn's hamllim,r the train, namely, R. .l. llrown, Pullman conductor, “Paddy" .lessop, '1‘. S: N. 0. train conductor, and J. Morning, Grand Trunk train All three were most courteous, the careful attention given the passen- gers being the subject of favorable comment. Quebec Province Accepts Ungava The Province of Quebec is a good deal bigger this week than it was last, at least as in as the House of Commons can make it, for it gave third reading to the hill annexing I'ngava. There was no amendment. Premier Borden said that he had decided not to consult with the Pro- vincial Government on the question of representation. I. 0. Bonnie. Teacher. .\l E. Wuillomv, Teacher ll The Schools Ill (‘lmpmzun 'l‘onvhvr Sr. Dopartmvnt Jr. Department. -â€"K. lira Hrinton, 300“ otier. . Minot B. Brinton MOI )onough Miller. Brinton Km ll W Ilpper Chamber Sits Hard or four Government treasures-- nn'tario the loser. SHAH Klllï¬ Blll fflfl [Ml]. SUBSIIIV '1‘ he. ï¬rst. session of the twelfth Parliament came to an and Monday last under unusual and almost un‘ precedentcd conditions. No loss than four government bills, two of them at the ï¬rst importance to all Canada were killed by the two of to all Senate These were. the hill granting Fed- eral aid to the provinces fur the im- provement of highways, the hill es- tablishing a permanent tarifl enm- mission. the granting a subsidy to the Temiskaming and Northern Un- tario Railway. and a hill amending the Inspection and Sale Act. The Senate. acting under instruc- tions from the Liberal leaders‘in the .\lr. llullinshead. who appeared at the Mir: Home smoker and banquet. is acclaimed by all critics as Can- ada's greatest. tenor. He leaves To- ronto this summer for a sojourn in Europe, where he will study Grand Opera with the most eminent Italian coaches, preparatory to following a career in grand opera. Mr. Hollinshcad gives a grand farc- wcll revital in Forestcrs' Hall. To- ronto, April 213, under the patronage of H. R. H. the Duke and Duchess of (.‘unnuught and Sir John and Lady (iibmm. Hollinshead Is Great Tenor He will be assisted on this occa- sion by the most brilliant. array of local talent over appearing together in Toronto. ' Wallace A. Sault, renowned Eng- lish entertainer and humorist. now residim,r in Toronto, who also took part in the. program, was well re- ceived by the large audiences at both smoker and eoneert. and Well sus- tained the reputation which preceded him. New Plant For Whitney Township The plant consists of a five-drill compressor, drills, hoist, electric lighting plant, etc., and it is the in- tention of the management to start active development work as soon as the plant can be put in shape. The Gold Crest claims are located east. and north of the Davidson claims, of the (frown Chartered Com- pany, the Hobie and the Scottish On- tario. Several shear zones traverse the [)l‘np(-l'i_\' from east to west and the prospecting work so far «lune has (list'loswl values. 'I‘he (lold ('rcst Mines Company, Limited, which has taken over the Clark claims in north central Whit- ney, has purchased a complete min- int,r plant and we understand that it. is to he delivered on the property within a few days. 'l‘wo shafts haVe been sunk to a depth of 30 feet each and the results have warranted the management in securing the plant and preparing to do permanent deVelopment work. Government Aid For New Railway The Government has decided to subsidize a line from the Transcon- tinental north to Nottaway River, on James Bay. “This is a new one," said Hon. Frank Covhrane, “and it is a second string to our how in con- nection with the Hudson Ba} Rail- load. If the scheme is not successful ,of navigating the Straits, this lins: would help out to a great extent. It is understood that Clcrgue is behind :1 Quebec charter which has been ob. tained. The present subsidy has not been voted to any company. the the the the