Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 29 Mar 1916, 1, p. 1

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('Ullll'lll )wttml Quito m “Mu"!rv up and this gu-r tln'ungh 500,1 Sn “'35 “ll“ mmntu All»; very kindly r ultlmugh nuw [mfiitiun [H'I'Vi' 'i The line up HMlEVBUfiV BEME TiMMINS ”HMS. WEB?! 6.11M ffliflflV I“ mmw km N \ that mmum laud; l’uim I‘Zdith Mrl’u Dimplos Snmx'. The Huilvyhury girls are In a wtum game in 'l'iuuuins m: l-‘ night. and the Im-ul 1mm and an “fixillels aw z'u'umgiug tn niw an eniuvublv limo nu thvir \isit H [MW 0 rs all hit 'Tixn:n1in~.~- (in Mrs. M. Umnhly Lvt'l Wing. Um Wing. .lwsiv .\l lmttum: lhmplos The I Inn-.- by 1'. 31.4». or NH- I'ullh'nlnnl \‘nls nt' tiw mum! A tiuu-Jumrcl I: “(‘0 MW lmm-I'ml ll AIM; Mas; '\\'. u. mum i.- props to onlvrtmn the nsnnm all a “ sm-ial m’t‘mr at her lmuw. and 'l'iuunins girls are gain}: to pruvidlt their guests mth ('ulllfill‘talhic urmur mudntlun during their stay. .\3 3.1.3 "Inc-rs tank nuts prawn unfurlunm mmsuh-m luw 'riml uml tlw \‘amu 2N aha-ml II||IllI’ mam c-lu-r. 5'. Mr“ Mel )unm nilnl I mmclm for Hm-t when m to Willa!" Hemmm almrhuul matrix I»: "w lmlwr mml. up 1“"1'5 (HM “Ir al‘. H r BEVO'I‘I I I!!! ‘ THE OCUIN E ADVANCE Vol 2. No 21 Dog Race Over Bad Roads Results in Win for Brisson 10 girls H \‘2Ulh'. \\‘ ml le H til Mimro: l'r Unilavhury .\l H m ht «UV H 1” NH (M DSSUSS $0 H INNS I‘lcu It Ulll W \Hl only mu lwvllt HI W t I! :t. 1.111: 'n 'm‘lauul ; mkt )lo ! '0“ "IN. \\' Imlc H 'I‘Ifl 'l'ixun Hm'il tllrm Imll “mu mh I’ll v0 Um m rt u n H'! I" 17V lltlt IN tn pi“ lvw GHQ“ W .\l . ll H 1|: l \\‘ M ll lts‘ thi Mc'Kilfi'Z 0H \Vil 1h Ill It UH \\' ll \‘Ul H mm (3 min (”a ,3 mm .5 mm 8 Inn: Huh'l‘ H‘Ut will "HI HI way (lqu at llu- like! proparn HI .\l H nwsuu ('HHPI‘ («mus '0“! r0 \H'l‘s Right Uliw littl( (Nu H 1! l‘ IN I! H lV ‘Iullvr “mu-HI “is! N mmlv h as In“ “"20!” (”WT l'nl ultvmpl 0 King 5 HM‘ stulmu ls ht DOC“ stall'tm dmblh "1' 1'3. P03 l'l "It'll. Hollinger Cost Dept. Lose to Advance Mi! dull Hoilinger Veins Persist at Depth UH ch: dn Hut persist in own it is prugxmed tu start mntimmtinu ut' the mni other haulage level at l thv surt'nm‘. \WI H 1H '(n' HM H! n!) ll'llllt‘hiu Hollinger all vam IQVQ Irtlwl ll in LIV H um WU! H‘l IIHH \'( 1m 51ml N'ulld Hum liulll H \V I)! ll on .\'u H ,lhlx \Vt'! llllt nllv man ”up .\Hr ll '\\'i \( (an grcutrr depth. tart shul’tly u!) 8 main shaft at an- .xt 1700 {wt heluw It's‘dfl) l\'( 1| Ml “It‘ll ll ”U I! HHSIH’PI Advan ll \1l Ill H'l“ coll TIMMINS. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29th.. 1910. .\| U L “While [umhuti 111;: has “('11 over ~11 .\i‘ a i umlexgmuud un- :11» timws tn sh anlts. and H I’lll‘l‘l‘- \Q'll;‘a‘l \vo); I ”I nce Ht 3H l'zlml It l!) lim Me pt!) tlu ill H“ l\' hv Ill all IV M l {yéc} 0:90;! 009909 9 0000990000 0.. 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.. 0.. 9:. 0.0 ¢ 0.. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.. 0.0 0.0 0.9 9.0 0.. n .\|ur'_.m (”Hun-4):! .HHI time to tum-rs. 111 this chsll wnm- has Man-h earmn shuw any mr numernus do] tvndzmt new mm the prud Hinlugnmnd “(Wk ut the nnno con- tinues tn slunv mm! sntisln'mtmv re- sults. and tlw mu lmdy at 700 lect. uhhh was lmntml l)_v dinmnnd drill has nu“ been mt. and is tnllv up to it' not «war amputations lt vannut as \ot he dotinitelv determined whe- 'lur it is an ontirelv nvw ul‘t.’ lmdv. hut in any event it pimides the (‘01!!- puny with one inure level to \mrk on and adds further proof to the armin- nlatml evidence that Molntyre values mutinue in depth. The station on tho 1,000 font. level of the lentyro Extension has been completed and the (-rnss‘wut to the X0. 5 shaft is (I'll! .\l Mn "N: Sim Mullulwl l'ul Mum militia: 22bth BATTALION WILL BE WELL OFFICBRBD Ir "mums mums 'rv nuwu nus mum * mm $159,905.71 ~' “MW I! H 1h ll NIH and .\! H O O O 9 O O O O O I O I I I O O C C O O Q 0 O O 0 O ' O 0 0‘. 5. .‘O 0.. 0.0 0.. 0.. 0.. 0.0 0.. 0.. 0.. 0.. 9.. 0.. 0.. 0.. 0.. 0.. 0.. 0.. 0.. 0.. 0.. 0.. ..l ut ivil Netes, Comments and Opinions Of Interest To Mining World Hutu w nuw mill unit of .w in full upcratinn Human] and oxaqp. the April figures \\ I) mnth Mummy . mnl ts lsl I'H'l . t upun the installing ut' the nit, hut lwginning next munth mlurtiun nt' McIntyre will be \'(’1' MHUJHN) per munth. The mmml \Vut'k 0f the mine con- t” shmv must satist'z’tctury re- am] the «we Imdy at TU!) feet. III"!!! «I \\° :1 Y . Imml 1t H I“ I" Ill M v Km minus ('zumnt nuorvusc as t I) WM! "1'11 r HIT. ”My sh Rubbing! 'HIIH IIH'PI‘ ”t 11’! with ux'm Izurvlm nllulmn 1m! and Ill)‘ )ul m kmm-n in all um- ul' tlu- loinnm His military 4' “ill: tlw Nurlll v. mm! with Hm .' gl'aullmtv um I' “I. wuh- 1-H mmmmlinz Hu l't 50s] l) Mvmm HII 3|! M l \\' [I'll H. .\l he ('xpcvn'd 1' mm have heel stoppages at I)“ In olH Hm i” he fnl tho lentyru 11H 01' a serum ruhm: delays rnllts‘lt hm n'lll l'( \\ it]! I '0‘ ll wm' Hu- H U1 rim] 0 l'l ,\' llt tll l\'(‘l'il‘..'( It‘d all l‘t «mlimu "I!" D‘ l' In'll¢ ,\HI’I ilit Hf (id "Mu-r mlm HHH‘I XIH‘l \\'( (c I)‘ NH TI IIH p\\'S l'l HI U! (3 I] n! l0 0!. ll) "and. .‘Im'tinu O Q un I uvsclu ‘4 lwinL'; Hm first that. tin and «my clrilli clnu'll HI in the 'I'rotlimwv Miningr (‘ununinxz 'l'lm mine has “('1)" (lo-“'au'rml 'lw sm-nml low-l ri'ul gnml prngrv ‘4 living: maulv in Hip pumping. l the first. (if tlm wm-l; it is (‘XIHH‘H that. the mmiprossur will be sturh and «mo (lrill sot to \mrk in tho fir lvvvl. Drilling: W'IHlll have slam the lath-r 0nd ul' this week but h ”w fart Ilmt s-mm Fllglll repairs ll: [u be made to tho ('muprossnr. and \u. ‘1 run! In the fir minv a: tn the The "'ut Um quartz pm which the win'lo hm been «out Lhmuqh an grain in Hm basalt. nurtunce. Hut. unly I) the purphyry were In “w finding nf' highs deeper basalt proves tzltiuns whit-h were mnml drilling were and that llullinger ‘lw finding ut‘ higher values 111 the deeper basalt prunes tliat tlw oxpew tatiuns Wlllt‘ll were based upun (lia- mnml drilling: were entirely mrrect and that llullingvr Values will run- timw tn an alumst indeterminate depth. The establishment, of l'lollin- gar as 0110 ”Y the great “thrp” mines ul' tllv Wul'ltl is Hot uuly ut' import- ant-e tn that. m‘vmpany. but is also (if iuumrtam-c tn the ramp at large bo- vauso what is pruvcn nu llullingei' van I'easunalily he expected tn apply tn uther mines in tho «listrirt. Boy Scout Troop Formed in Timmins .\l Two New Bodies 0n Schumacher U H'Q IIH am] this : 'vl'umlml .ullivivm 303' 5mm 51m n Alt-(Tm hip, in the :ll'luml Hf NM and i um! WHS n: purgm: l‘nWll lh H" rl'. Siwulltl Inn Palm] uhll mm «m the \m dvplh nl' ulmut. ~‘n Hunk mum ul «lvvvlupmonl mutur ull. Sc llll ' x 'l'lu- unil'o \t lu- Hrs! throv I’m 0 0 O o o o o . 00:000.“..5050030. slmrl l_\‘ tl'umwl H .\l Wurk lul'il)’ :L mp ll H ()1 lill 1t spun ch<triv1 .la‘ lmw lwml «lm'u mmumi 'le mamm-I' ,- Hw JIHHlN‘ «we I rm: 1 ti lnlyn null HG HI \\‘ WI" Ilv. vm Hf. \V'H‘k nil w Hullmtzc. U and rum»: “'1“ sm. ul'gzl "17.01 “WM 'Ul m mmmh vy. nr ID' llw lm_\'.~; IH' 51H”! In “'3 V (":lil m}.~‘ ul'mf: UH lhuh-n-l’um . Hay Scull! 1 '. Mr. 1'. [MW Kim]: .‘hsih (in I'rv! t. bllt'l‘l" ”It IS 0r? luwcr. hut lure lugher valuvs 1n 'he ramp at large bo- prove!) nu Ilullinger he expected tn apply in the «listl’ivt. trninin Fridm nu~zm= of HM uwlluul \HH 1 l'(‘ll( m 5mm null pnrphyx'y th: N been sinkin and tho. vein t. This is n 51’:Il The shaft irty-tivc f mmpross ll hecam it up H HH‘IHIS J lllblh‘l all 10m in" m: the lim rt ”1' H. .mwm laiwcl I'l't'! Ill (‘UHHIK Ill 'Irh H H '3” 1'0 will 'l'immin m ll( ynur)‘ tho I In ll INU\'I'III ntl)‘ in ('4 DUI” n] W! H IN s' 0! 1m- \'ulues m PM U thmu mmslsls U "mm N" millin trail U't H um . hr (‘illle 'l'hinl ~uh m HM "III ugh has list! I m HI‘ “id m ll] 'un‘ UH U (H‘ m ll \I flHflMlflNS SHRED fifd SUBNS MIME shut drill and .\'n sulphide u'n-q um I'rum t'nmmu HM lull “c In' M! \'Q‘ I" .\.~' stated m pn-vmus Advzlm-o, :m ()(Mt'vlluw be starlvd in 'l'innuins fut un- 1C ll ma the nwesszu'y papers am from the Grand Ludm the formation m' a 10417.,“ m'ucecdcd with. .‘llmw Dome Area of Porcupine Camp ls Very Important 1211]“ mm ikvly prlu hmugh whirl: it i4 c-xlwrtml ml! mpm-Ity mll lu- Ilwn-am H'uxllmm-Iy IUUJNNI tuns :1 mr llw iummliule- it has wmnm-«l that tln- :ulclntmn HI('( I'UIIIN 11m lupuu t'm't ll mntn smut Ill nmw mmh mu m ll pli m n Zulw m 50” {PM with lu- l'nhm- nl' _\' Imus u!' i prulwl't H quart that hut \ “an!" 'upe will llu (‘ll l'l'PI'H')' column] that just H]! ('h .\‘ lvl'l Hull m ill ll Win mm. Mnul't 1H llull'iiy ' LIHC'I’ "I vim-Ills n ft will ill H. 110 [ml pl'ulncl'l)‘ «HIH' ntzl ll mm in “l“m ”NW I'lllflul‘ H nlu In )l' n'ml uvl H “'2! V If H mach “Ill In :llljuill tho I‘I “ll H H H wits ,Il to mfm Ill! I! ll mum )um. In ll .5... i: 1: 12:: _...I.._:.:_ .r._ 2 .A .3: 12:12â€"45 .1 l 2:: .5... .2... a 1::â€" 2::..:...... 2 .5 :3, >.:..:._:.. :3. ._: 5.22;. -2: :9... .5:â€" .2 wmxlc uh llflit mum mm IIIHH pr. ulllm H'h md ch'ill {1101' an in In“; Will: Ii rl't IV ll in 'l'urnntu n'tlu-umm mmlc 10S ll I] 1H (I I" m rvnt l_\' In the 5mm ‘lll 5'3”"! In up mumll II W‘ ill be ll l\'(’l' \V will H will tl ll It 'U‘ H H drilliu mt-nt . FBflNBE PHEPflflES H18 “JURIST BUSH l'lllllll“ Ill qnnrtvrs 01' Frmrh hotels .\llt('l'lt‘u, Wltlt‘ll has sm' vial interests in Frzmm substantially vnxwemcd ln'nspcrity. Sinus tlu- war began untlmriticn’ throughout rvquisitimml nearly fin tuls. lamp and small, 1H ll .mmm «mind “'1'! V. Ilt It I W mu lllil H ll H \\' ll ll! H lzull H't Single Copies 5 Cents ll writ aml 01' |\‘ than rwzml Ill Dome Lake Progressing. Several IN Mn I'Ullllc 'l'vnuskmmn n'kml .Imil “ulm'. ('n: I! ill' Starting West. \\' l In NH l't‘llt‘ V \V ”H w‘ llw mu II In ll Dome Extension VI ll Iln North Dome 1H lhmu HIM lu- ('hmnwl In HM purists shuuld lin- ~y are sight-swing. w vulmniva Hf h ' preparing for Hip .s by training stun Herman and Ans! waiters nt' tho pro 11;: Minimum, I‘t‘p: wing. and in purm vlll Veins ll ult lrvntin “mm: on; “H raw! In plump m H :mmn )H'IS. H'UIIHM tl rt 5' 11V It iclvl'zl'! ml mo (oil! \ll ll bed; o'xistin ? {ll'i‘ at, 1va 1h 011 1H I'll 'ull HHI .Il Dome. m ll )lll‘ m-utr H \V l'l It Ap Hm sanitary ”mum,- have: hmulrml hu- mmihe throw Hun 1»: than, m 13ml «luwn Ihxmudc tn ‘ ‘ 'l‘hv Huly '('m'!l lmh'l met-lwllum Iw mutiny- 1i1111. This nypliml by aer'e finan- 001113.". ”1' lmfrl 01' ”H: Rd 3H4 up From 3 ”math UH mom (hr :3 Hmughl might. hr purphyry ll 01' Mt Ill!“ mlm om. Impuri- [mun-rt) n' mrm'i- iulh‘ it“ '1\ A ustri Ii 1. wares. mu his 11' Shem Wu: H.“ H'IIUF' U lul' E. l)‘ ""0“. plant larm; ’0 1H 'l’ll hill 1H up w. O’II hu ill 0'" I H ll 1H H‘ ll! H

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