Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 15 Mar 1916, 1, p. 3

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tt‘ontinunt from last week) ten-m common interests. - The plan provides a ehanael thru which tint unly may the men cantor aim. in outline. i! this Industrigt with the Wlfllml. hat thru which t‘omtitutiun. Sum? have spake“ "I. ”'9" u" "mm“ may by their lmr’ it as establishing a llepuhlir of La. P09". Im’l’l'm-‘v and dimt‘ulties be. hot. l'ofllln it is that the pl." g“... . ("fit lhl‘ "filth-[W's It PfiWidm . every emplny- llp'lnfluni'y tn “4... medium at adjustment, my Mum his mmpltiats and aspiratinns. and ""l'h-‘fl' '"d "ml'l"-""" of "'1‘- PM." it neglects nu ueeuiun tn tiring the kn" Whirh "’"Sl‘mllfi’ 8ft!!! in the m" and the managers tmther tn mndnet ut' business. while in retard talk m."- ”n.1,. mmmnn imam”. tn the relatinns ut‘ huth it remgaim ' that the \‘utfl' ’ut' pnhlie opiaiun is MW" """"l.“""'"g employm.” entitled tn he heard. The arts «if til!!! i" ll"? nun-mt: 0f “‘3' "l" fanned luulies nt' men in their relatinns with grievanem arising nnt nt‘ the dain ether men slmnld alwaps he illumin- relntiuas between the uni-kmen and ated by publicity. t'nr when the pen- "... petty In”, Sneh grievaneea ple see elearly what. the t'aeta are, should reeeiw attentinn at "are. and they will. in the him: run, enmnrtme this plat! [init‘iclvs that they shall. What is gmul ntIIl t‘ttlltlt'lllll what. is Just a! in the ease 0f hmlily wounds. seltlsh. I0 Wllll llltlllfill’lfll Wiltlflllt‘. ll ls "l' Son". may think ”ll“ the l‘tll'lll prime impurtaneetfv eslqltlbh ‘1 me. l whieh the timinizatinn nt' lahnt' takes "1"“ nt’ l'l‘f'ml'i dmateetmn. I?!“ u'c'lttltsl itemsarily he nriginated and ”m” f”. 'll‘lr'l‘l in"! hatred hm“ "l" ileveln'ieil h)‘ ldlhut'. ll', ltim‘ew't‘. a lmnlmll.‘ l" "mum.” Wurliahle melhml ul' euHiperatitm he- Thin plan is nut lam-tile to labor tween managers and men is aetnally organizatiunuz there i-i nnthing in il. clevelutn'il, \tllielt is sullist'netnry tn either ”\ltl‘t'SN'tl ul' implied, whieh hath. is its anthnmhip ut' mmsu'qttetwe eaa rightly he an monstrnml; neither prm'ided nnl)‘ its pmt'isiutis are ade- memhership III a Itttintt ttut' ititlepett- t'ttlllt‘ and just and it ”rarest tot he denee at a Itltlutt still hriag a man an e-‘meetive instrument thrn \i‘liieh either prel'ert'tiee nr reprnaeh, so far t‘ettl tletllnet'ttt'y may have free play? as the attitude ut’ the eatnpmty is! The t'nlnradu plan has heen alt-Vis- entteerned. 'l'he t'aet is that the ('ul- ed t'nr the emplnyest at the t'ulurmln nradn Fuel and Iran t'mnpany enn-ll-‘uel and Iran t'umpgmy, and “Mann atitntiua dues nut rmtriet ttt any Way ret'erenee tn the empluyes, nr urgan- the right «if the I'tttttlu.\t'§ tn regulate izatimm ut' emplmes. in other enm- their mm live-t. nur dues it ahridm‘ patties. Same people will maintain their right tu juin any urgaaizatiua that the men's interest-t eatttmt he they pleas}. .\t the aatne little it mlequately pruteeted nr their rights does insure the men fair treatment at all times ent'nreed/«ithunt the sap- aad an ummrtnnity tu make their purl at their t'elhm-t Ill wimilar in- vaiee heard in determining the eun- dnntries. This may he trne where ditium ander \x-hieh they shall Work lanhur and t'apital dn ant generally and ”VP. rec-inmate that. their interests are «me. P? 'l‘hv plmn «1mm amt «loony to the re- prosvnhmws tlw right In «wt in mm- NEH; it. I'IH'!‘ lml Ill'n)‘ In thv NW" NW right in oomph-y mmm-lurs ur mlvis- «rs in mm Hu-m m l'urmulnting their \‘ist as in may aitlmtiun. lu- doml. tho duor is 101'! wide upon for tlw natural c-xvrv' v "1' my right ur privilegu to \xlnivfi llw mm :me vu- titled. 'l‘lwrc- is nutlniug in tlu- plan In mun-m tlu- mm: lmlcling upon nr sme- rc-l tum-tings us ul'h-II us ”my likv, villn-r m llu- svpzu'nlv ramps. tlu- dis- trims, or us rvpresvming the whole industry. Stu-l: lllm'llllge; are nut spv- cillvully pruviclml l'ur lm-uusc all Him-w wlm un' c-uunwtml will! llu.’ vnrpnl'zlliun uro- HHhillN'Nl tn In» par- tm-r“ in lluv vntvrprizv. and tlu-ir in- "mtihfliufl. 9 H as uhhlislmi Ivor. I'main n every Mind")!- his mmplainh i! twink [m c m“ and lhv i! talk owr Hwh' .‘lurh um"! Eggfifigfigfiggmflmfifimmfimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmm ESE? Get The Porcupine Advance Price before you give out your Printing EEEEEfiEfiEEEfiBEBEEfiEEEEEfiEfiEEEEfifiEfi BEEREEEEWESEEEEEEHfiSEEEEHfi m a Ilepuhlir of La- is that thv plan gin-s "pp-Hunily ln win-e and aspirations. and wanton to bring the ltflflfl'lt‘fl hummer tn. rc-gul'ds thvit‘ rights will Im pc-I'mzm- vutl)’ snvcvsst'ul. 'l'lu- intvrvsts of capital mm nu umrv m- nvglmotml tlmn ”mm- at Lulmr. .\l ”In 53th tune I fun] that at lornmic-unsulvrutmn Ill tlu- mtrrymg nu ut' tmlustry slnmltl lu- tlu- \wll-lwmg ut' tlzv mun mu! \Vuuwn vu- clm'nluln'il. “Mall is satist'notury In hath. is its aatlmrship ut' c-unwipwnvo pruniclml naly its pmi-isiuna urn mlv- cpmtv and just nml it pmvvs tn ht' an t'r'gt‘t‘tiVl' inatrnnwnt thru “lllt'll real clvtnm-ravy may haw from play? 'l'ln- t'uluraclu plan has lmvn ill-vis- ml t‘nt' tlli' t‘tttltlnyo‘t ul' lln' t'ulurmln I’m-l anal Iran ('unipany. ancl \sitlmat t‘vl'i-t'i'tu'n tn llw c‘ltipluyvs, nr "runn- izntiutm ul' clnplnfiim. ttt utltvr t'fllll- panii-a. Sumo pmva nill maintain that tho tnvn's inti-ri-at-i c-antmt he mlmpltlli'ly llriilm°tml nr tlwir rights at all tinws vnt'nri-mlfivithunt tlu- sap- pm't ut' tln-ir t'vllmw in ~iniilar in- clnutrivs. This may lw lt‘ttt' wln'rc lanlmr aml t'apital «tn nut gum-rally rm-ngni/m that. tlu-ir inti-rvsts mm mm. ltnt wlwn nwn and inanagc-rs grasp that \‘ital puint, as l ln-livw this plan will hvlp thma tn «la. and arv ri-ally awaka lu tlw t'avt. that whvn t'llllt‘l' taluw an unfair minimum. “1' the "NW!“ NW ttllttmtti' itttvl’i-SH (Di. lmllt are lmnml to suffer. they will have an inm-ntiw to fair clvali g, ut' the lttual mmipclling kind. It is «hair that a plan ut' this kiml mast. nut th't‘lcmk tlu- interests at tlLa stucklmhlvrs. t'ur ttn plan Wltlt'll «lis- Sumo may think that tho I‘urm whirl: the urgmnimlinn nl‘ labor Iukvs must lwmsarily hr nriginntml and dc-vvln'ml by Ln'mr. If, hum-“'3‘. n wurknhlv metlmd ul' quwmlinn bo- twecn mmmgvm and won is «finally illwr the hull! have ' Hu- l in it. a that the «modest to "drill [Juli _. is that’whieh has constantly in mind the wolf." of thc. employ»: a wrll u the making hf W*3Mvwhkh.swhn themm lily arises. salumlinfles profits to “its". In curator to lit». the ma . urn"- mnst w" hi. lahnr [mm y in day. Fnlms he an do this. thv earnings uf that day's Iahnr arr gum» forever. C'qvital ran defer its re- turns tempvnrily in tlw cxlwtntiun 0f future pmflls, hut labor rannot. If. therefore, flit wages and )an- QM? living mulltlitiufls t'llflnnl "Ht??- uiw he prm-idml. dividends mast he. «let'vrral ur tho industry nbumhmml. ”n thv «tho-r hand. a lmsinm. tn hu- surwssful, must hut unly pmvich' In thnr n-mum-ratiw mnpluymvnt um. def pmlmr wut’king mnditium. but it must alm rvndot' Ilscl'ui son-ion tn thv "Immunity and earn a fair n'turn cm the money inn-sled. The adoptiun uf any policy toward thm'. lumen-r fmymnhh' it may mm. which result; in thv hnnkruptry of tho mnmmtiun and tho' dismntimmncc of N8 \wrk. is us injuriuus (0 Labor whit-h is thrum'n nut ut’ vmplnymont. as it h In the puhliv, which luau-st the svrvim-s 01' NW c-ntc-rprisv. and to tlw stm'k- 'tth‘rs whusv I'tlpiml is impnin-d. ln- pm mum Hm 1 ur failure will In- hy Ihv spirit. in at". This plan is nut a panam-a; it is "ac-t-Mnrily far I'mm [n-rfm’l. and yet I bola-w it in In. a stun in ”w right din‘vtinn. ('arvt'nlly as it has been Wurkml um. vxpvrivm'v will mnluubt- mlLv «hex-plan ways ul' inmmving it. Whilv Ilw plan prm‘iclm elnhnrnw nuwlnnc-ry whirl: u!’ Elsa-If ungln in make nnlmssihlc- many alum-s and in- trmlnm- Innvh that. is unmlrnc-tivvl.\' lwlm‘ul, nm strung o-Inpllasis vannut ln- pm ulmn Hm far! that its «ma-ms ur failure will la- largvly clan-runnml hv Ihv slviril in ".hivll it H o-nrriml PRINTING is by no means all a matter of mere price. Cut prices most otten mean cut quality. What you should require is a fair price with high-class qu ality and workmanship. Whether we get your work or not, you ought to see what we will do for you before giving it out. That is common-sense business. A good bit of business goes from this town to outside points=-=far too much of it. For fields look fair, not only in printing but in other lines. How do you expect workmen to hold their jobs here If you help to keep men in Tor= onto and elsewhere employed with your money, money vou make here. This getting=things=better=away=from=home idea is a superstition, whether its in let= terheads or millinery. We are interested first and most in printing, naturally, but what we say applies to jewelery, dress goods, millinery and other things, just as much. 4. Some people send their money out of town and then grouch because things are quiet here. Keep your money working in the hon e places. THE PORCUPINE ADVANC B "f industry may hr {mm time to time allow «lust-l3 adapt“! h) 'flw needs. the dosing, and the. Mfitions of m". Address of John D. Rockefefler. Jr. wat tlwir iiiti-rvsts m tlu- morlmra- tinti. “'0 have. svvnmll)’, ”It! dirt-v- tnr-'. whnsv husitu-ss it is In rim- that tlw t-hic-t' i-xwativa utlivors ut' tlw ruiapaay arv c-arut'all)’ aial wisely m-lwtml. ta plan out, its larger aml imm- iiapnrtaat [Nillt‘lt‘5, particularly its tiaaavial lmlivias, and gviiorally ta 500 in it that, tha vumpaay is wisely tltlltlllllhlt'l't'tl. .\acl, thirdly, me haw the ultim'l's‘ ut' tlw (antipathy, wlmsv duty it is In t-uiulart the rarrvat up- rratiua ul' tlw business. While last, TO THE EXPLOYBS. THE PORCUPIN E ADVANCE matter of mere price. Cut prices most often «attribute that skull and that rut-k. Nu! the intomt nt’ thew t'nur hulk tic-s is n «mama one. .\n «kart to mtt'lm'e one ink-mt at thv Myrna!- of any nthrr. hwam tn.“ In all. and n‘hvn any mm 0‘." ”W {our martin it! this mrlmrntiun arm-ht} mushh‘rs his "In intmst alnnv. althl is diarr- gnhtfllt uf tho‘ interwt- 07' thv uthrr thfi‘t‘ Patti”. 900M? Hf Intrt‘ disaster hunt fulhvw. Thi< htth' tnhh‘ illns. trntm my mam-Minn ut' thv mnmm. tin-n; amt thrrr an? «wt-at twink in man! tn the tahh- “‘tttrtt I want tn mll ymlr attvntiun tn. First. ya“ see that it would Nut ”0 n-ml-h tr "0th it hmt all four Shh". Hac'h .iotv is nvmmry; moh sich- has its mm ”part tu May. .Vuw, it' )1le inmguw this “thin rut intu quarter‘. and mvh quarter separated t‘rum tho' nthvrs. what. mmht happen! All ut' tlwm “1mm t‘nll dawn. for "0 «1w mntht stnmt nhmc, amt yuu “‘ultltt hnvv no tnhle. that when 5"“ put thv t'nur shim tngvther. you haw a useful 'Dtt‘t‘t' ut' t'umitun'; you haw n tnhh'. Thvn. scmndly. l ml! yuur atteno tinn tn the t'm't that. threw t'uur sides nn' all [wrt‘ectly juinmt tugvthc-r: that is why we have n wrt‘evt tnhh-. Like- wise. it' the pnrtivs inn-ra-stml in n mrlmmtion an: tmt tu-rt'c-vtly juitmt tnm'ther. hnmmtthmsty \u-rkitlg t0- uvthcr, yam haw a dim-urdnht and an. snvvossful mnmmtiun. Again, )‘nll will tmtimv that this tnhh: is square. Amt nor} o'ut‘put'n- thm tn he mm-mat'ul 1mm hr uh the mmnreunhmlutvly u sqtttlt‘o' «h-nl t‘nr every mm ut' tht.‘ t'mtt‘ patrtiow. mu! t'nt‘ every man in t'm'h nl‘ thv :‘uur pur- tivs. but by no menu just as well haw mainâ€"tr mine h! nontributr their 9 I N!" your uttvminn in mm nmrv thing-«Hu- mble is lc-u-l. Han-II part summrtml by its In: is hulcllm: up its 0“" Sid". IINM' 5cm lmvv u lvvvl mhlv. Sn. mlmll l‘l'filmllslinlil)’ rc'sts nu o-m'h mu' 0" NW fem? [mt‘livs unitml in a vurlmrutiun. When yml tum. u Inn-l tuhlm ur a c'ut'|mrttltmt ”It“. is all ”In lvu'l. yutt mm lutv up t'ttt’lliltg’i «on it tlviling ruins utt tlw table-L .\'u\\'. wlm guts tlu- first. rmvk at. tlu- warning-*3 Yuu kmm' that. we in Xvw \‘urk clun’t. Hvrc- mum‘s-t alum: tlu- mnpluyc-s. and ”Mt. ut' ull thvv gvt tlueir wugvs (rc- nming mum- at tlu- mitts). om rv t\\o “co-Id like! clm'k- -'\\an, inst wlmt has won agreed cm; “my gut tlu- tirst c-lmmm nt. tlw pilv. \uu mm: mmo nlwml ut' the prosidvnt. tlw "Hit-0m. ’Iw stuvkhultlcrs and dit'c-vtut‘s. Yuu urn tlu- first tn put it. hum! intu the pile. and take out “hat is ugr l‘t'l'tl shall lu'luttg’ tn \011. Mm (lamt lmw to “am Mr \‘Mtt' share; )0" dun t haw tn talw um clmmm .muut :vttiug it. \uu kmm that ”new has m-ur been .L hm-mevks’ porimt that, you luau: mum one. An «Fart-1 to one inttmt a! ”w nun-nae vflwr. "want lawn In all. and y um‘ n? ”w Yum" mm" in Iurafiun wlfishly nmsidc'r! inlmsl Ilnnr. and is distr- uf "w intenwt- uz' Hm ner Him. 901th Ht IMM‘ disaster MW. Thi< MNQ' MM» illnso y nlflw‘oliqln uf ”‘0‘ Hunt-'11. pl then «m «w’ml [mink in 1) the tahlv whirl! I «an! tn ' aflvmhm tn. First. pm: we would hut ln- n-mplrhv unless M I'nur sick-m Earl! CMQ' is 1? mp 3""? I “light It "If MM fun? "I" (‘5'.0fl to P I‘fll‘mfl . all. and l'aflim in humid"! 3'”. “"0 sInI‘v my I'IIIIwr and I IIIvIIIIw .IIIer- vsII‘II III ”III: IIIIIIIIIIIII} IIII storm-olden. sIIIIII‘ I'IIIII‘II‘I‘II your! mm III~IIr has ”N‘I‘l‘ IN‘I‘II IIIII‘ N‘III I'IIr IIII' wmmuu sIuI'II. I'III' I‘IIIIrII‘I‘II )I‘flf‘ IIII~ mm- IIIoII sIIII-IIIIIIIIIer III“ wen your II-IIImI paid III In" \I‘III'III‘I‘H‘IIIN 92“!" your NIIIII’II“ l‘flIII In .I‘IIII I'I'II'I‘I": III“ «IIIII IIII‘ IIIn‘I‘IIII's III‘IIII‘ IIer “T?“ “In! Ims IIIII IIIIII uIII' I'I‘III III‘ rI‘IIIrII (of "Ir IIIIIIIm IIIIII III‘ IIIIII IIIII IIIIII IIII~I mIII- [IIIIII III IIrIII'r IIIIII IIIII IIII2II InIgIII IIIIrk IIIIII gI'I IIIIII' IIIIIg-II IIIIII IIIII III‘II'II. IIIIII mu)’ IIII‘II III IIII~ mum l'\'l'I' III'III‘II IIIIII I'III'I sIIIIIIII III'I'III'I'.’ III IIII‘I‘I‘ II IIIIIII IIIIIIIIII: IIIII! WI'II'. IIII'I'I' III‘I.‘ IIIIgIIIy I’I-II' IIIIIImI: IIII- IIIII'III'I‘II IIIIII IIIHI‘ III-III'II II. WIIIII IIIII IIIIH' IN‘I‘II IuIII. IIIIIII Imu bI‘III III-rIIIIImI IrnIII IIII- AIIIIIIIII- III II"- I’IIvIIIr. III IIIIII IIIINI‘ IIIII-LI'I'I'IIN‘ IIII‘I‘I III .\°I‘\I‘ Yurk. IIII' IIIgL'I'sI III'ImIIIII‘III- IIIIII var IIVI‘II. IIIHI' IIIIII‘II I. IIIIIIII-I III' IIIIIIIII-II IIIII III' IlIIs I'UIIIIIIIII} IIII III‘~ I'IIIIIII Ur IIII‘II‘ "IHIk II\\III‘I‘?‘I|II|'. IIIII‘I- IIIIIIrI'ssI‘II IIIII IIII‘II. III|\I’ IIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIII III \IIIII‘ \IIIL'IN‘. IIIIII “IIIIIII' \‘IIII III I-Ivry W0) IIII'} I.-IIIIIII I'II.II III ”II- IIIIIII III° “IIIIlw” )‘IIII IIIII‘I' III-I‘II gm- IIIIg, IIIIII IIIIII. IS II'II:II. IIII~' III2I'II IIIm-IIII IIII "\I'I' IIII- I'IIIIIIII'\. .\IIII “III'II IIIIII kIIIII III IIIIII IIIIv-I p‘III: IIII. IIII2rI- “I‘I’I'. IIIsIIII'lIIIIII-I's III IIII~ IIIIrI III' IIII! I'IIIIIIIry III'I'IIIIIII- IIII' I'IIIII' IIIIII-s of Ibis IIIIDII‘ WI'I'I' IIIII IIIIIIIII'I' IIIIII IIII‘ table WIN IIIII II'\'I'I, IIII'I‘I‘ II'cI'I- IIIIIIII- WIIU III IIIII SII°I‘I'I.‘I III' NI'W Yur'u IIIIII III [IIIIIIII' gIIIIII‘l'IIIL'S \I‘I'I’I‘. IIII'IIIIII: IIII- I-meI III “IIIIIIIII. .IIIIIII II. IIHI‘IIIII'III- 191‘, .II‘., IlIIII'lI IIkI' II dug." 'I‘IIIII. III IIIc way ”my IIIIkI-II. 'I‘IIo I'IIIIIIIIIIII SIUI'kIIIIIIIO'rH Imw IIIII $31,000,000 IIIIII IIIIII I‘IIIIIIIIIII) III or- III‘I‘ In make It g", IIII IIIIII. 3U“ Ilwll WIII got your \\'II;.'I'S, I'IIII IIIIII°IIrs IIIII'I- yIIIII' SIIIIII‘II‘H, and ”Ir IIIrIII-Inm go! IIII-Ir I'I‘I‘S, II'IIIII- IIUI IIIIII I'I'III. IIII.~ over IzIIIIII2 IIIII-k III IIII'III III them- I'IIIII'IIII'II years. Mr. \\'I-IIIIIrII. am I telling the truth! Mr. \\'I-IIIIII°II: ”YIIII aw.” wuflu‘d when \-m hmm I‘ In gr! ymtr my fawn H wink-vu- Imam m «mph; is running. 30 m. Thou mine "w dimiot.‘ gel "wit difl'flnn' I'm the Mlanm M“ the wins) "wit n-urk in ”w mmlun} Ami. hall“! lem is m 4"“! 'M“ ‘hf I“ faulting mmo nln theirs; they dun‘l 5m! hau‘ mm"; "I0" 1‘“an him 1 human} Tl ll! ((Nmtilmml in lth ism. Ion the unit-en and martin H ’“g. 3"! m R 'ulumd‘! 'uf H. Nmfl": Mg tea "m “ pvt your THEN they 3“ until at!" §wmoviut mm 3M am E! 21125»: i5! {11' ,3 ,5: F13

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