Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 15 Mar 1916, 1, p. 1

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THE OPRCUPINE ADVANCE sgnnm mums II] HAVE 51mm RIDE mum nnmnunu 1-1! viiuirmztn. and Mr. W. M. \\'i1l1li- 'Iivld's mifiw was :11l1i1-1l t1» the (‘um- mittee. W. H. Smith was uppuintml S1‘1-ret a ry. ’ On a mutiuu In .\l1.ti11.1 Latw tlw Pfiecretun “its inuti'mtul t1. “ritv tho I).D.G..\l.. Hm. Mi. Siiulziii 11t' (‘1)1-h- rulw. t'ur t'ull [Htl'iit'lllilt'~ 1-11 starting lltl‘ lit-w lmigv. UV tlmsv 1111M lit at this utevtittg it “as (1111 MN! tn 1:11 31110.11! inim1-1li1t1lv. and 1-\"1~i\ ()1l1ltolluw iii th1- 1.1m!» \xlin is desiruns 11t' uttiliaiting with this Judvo “hon .n’tzmgmuotits haw h1-1n 1°1niipl1-t1-1l. and unyum» “isitill: tn Jum as m-w rumlmnm'uh' ‘V. (3. Smith Plans are mun-2‘ kind initiatiw u! hmun, fut .1 ML: guvsts to be all t tending: bath bl’ul Schools at "[‘ihmnix l11111111, 1'01 .1 I111: >l guvsts 111 be all 11} 1011111113.: b11111 él’ublh Schools at "[‘11111111115. “1' 11111110 1111111 ”to 1 about- ’ .15 11.111... .1111l 1 111 the 1111111 111111 51111 Tl11s will lie :1 111 111111111111. and all 11 :11111 11 lm 111111 delight 1111- 111 11111111111. 1111 11111111111110 with Mr. .\ Porcupine thond .\ grunt oh-ul ut' puhhvity has lute-1y been giwn tn rumors nt' :1 clisquivtin: nutme- m mum-Minn with thv nt't'nin of this mnumny. mu! m \w haw. per- sistently rwmnuu-mh-cl this ismw, m- t'wl that m- urv in duty hmmd tu pru- m’nt. tn uur t'rh-mts and I'lio-nts ”I" run! t‘m-ts m c-unm-c-tiun tho-rvwith. It. math! “'0'!" that. intontimmlly 0r uthl'rwt-w, unly tlmw lusrmms ut' .thv rvlmrt. that mmlcl 'w c'ntlsichrrc'cl unt'm-nrnhh- haw lu-vu tlsml in the- vomlm-nts that lmw hm-n hrmtght tu our attontiun. tnthc- m-hnsiun ut‘ the ”any t'wtttm-s that uru nt' n clwidedly t'nmruhh- nature, and it shall then-- t'urc- ht- unr aim in this h-tto-r tn pru- mmt u mmmmry ut' thc- rvpnrt. as a whole. «ml thus tn slltuW that tht- critic-ism lms hm'n toutin'ly unjusti- lit'tt. lflfifll flflflffllflWS Hlll’f Tl] START A NEW lflflBE SHUBHV .Tlu- gvm-rzll I'm-1mg tln'uuut tlu moctiug was uuuniumus than tlu lmlge lu- startml us smm as pussihlu and cvvry ()dqlt't-llnw In'vscm signified his intvnliun ut' (Iniug‘ his share. ln llm stalvawnt vm'vriau upm‘a- lions fur the year 1915. I'vm'lllly is- saml, Manager l’uirim‘ status that ”“IH' M ”w fart that 1: Ian!" pru- purlinu HI' _tlw urv Imllml aml (law-l- upml «luring the your vamp l'rma film was! vlul nl' MW ”11- mm- la-vall lll" Hm aml rm» l'uul la-vvls. am} and that, :«wliuu llml lu-vn laull)’ faulted, lla- graclv ut'llm ul‘l! tl'vatml anal «lowlan- ml was lam-r than usual. This ma- clltinn was mmsml by llw illvlusiun ul' massvs ul' waste rm-L. «luv In tlw .\ w-ry vathusiaslic- Inn-ling nl' Hmsv intvrvslml in fulfilling: an (Mil- l'vlfim-s lmlgv in 'l‘immins was llt‘ltl «at Friday «waning: last. in the (‘aa- aclian I'Iansin-s (3.. ullirv and was attvmlml Ivy a fair numlwr 01' (MM- i'vncw’s. as. [khsiblc Common Justice For Porcupine Vipond Mines l’nrtivulnr c-mplmsis has been laid in unnmwnts publishml. nu lwu I'm!- urcs of NW I'vlmrt, umuvl)’ Ilw itvnw of “Not. Earnings” and “Adminis- tration Expmnsv and Interval ('lmr- gee-I.” The columns Hf tlw ”Antwan" If! always upon Inr Hm cmrrm'ltutt ut' armr. nml tn the t‘ttrttwruum: «of mu. Mfl'ntise nrournry in otvnling with minim: mnttvrs 'u-rtninmg tn tho- Vlmp. Tin-re ran lu- tm «lnuht that the \‘ipnmt rcpnrt has been. in SUIIN' cases tlttfltt'imtsly, tltnturtmt by ”w pnhliv [mus in many quartrrs. and in broke-rams lottrrs. "brimva c-irculnt. ed far It [ttlt'lmsfi The fullcm‘tmt '1'!- let‘ by "ntm'r L. (tumult. t! nut uttl)‘ authurizml. but has been mweruined by the .\cl\mm- to M u vunm-n‘atiw Mulrmmtt nt' tlu- trm- farts mum-m- ing tlu- mum in qttttsltutt. Vol 2. No 19 HOMER L. GIDSON 00.. IN TEE FOLLOWING AUTHORIZED LETTER RETUTE IlIS-STATEIIENTS AND CLEAR UP MIS- UNDERSTANDINGS CONCERNING OPERATIONS-A VERY SUCCESSFUL FUTURE IN STORE FOR THE COMPANY- MANAOEHENT IS CAREFUL AND CONSERVATIVE. Mr. W. 1| :n'rangmm-nts haw hem: and :myunv wishing tn nwm'wrs. should at, unw with llu- Sm-re-tm'y, .“l'. 71:13:: 5:1 335:... 2:; .1... ’4. Z. $.33- $.21 2.5...â€" r. 1:. 75:- .. 7.5:: 55. 5.73:2... : “If: t'Vt'lll u all whu have s. ream Mull a}: thruugh the Mr. Hugh Mul- viuh ride, the tiw vhildrvn nt- aml Separate Thv start is (H m rbs aISKIPt “fields H - trip will nu? sleizhs u'mg pleas" ml tn rum for llutirt SOUR] IIMMINS flflf DEPT. MEET flNll DISCUSS MMTERS [If INTEREST l’mlmsml by ()stmssor, svmmlml by Marshall, that tho 'l‘innnins l’uhliv Svlmnl Huard make f'm‘mal demand on tho (‘urpuratiou m' the 'l‘uwn nt' 'l'immins fur the sum ul' $123,000 not, fur the purpuse nt' vrevting and equipping at new i'uhlu- School. ,, . . [he mowing: thvn mlwurnml. Sud A spvviul mvvting; ut' the I’uhliv Svhuul “mm! was held on 'l'uvsduy t'nrommn, in the l’ulivu (hurt, fur thv purpnso ui' mnsidvring umttcrs aris- ing out “1' the prupusml m-w svlmul. .\ll of tho 'l‘rustoos, oxmpting Mr. Dummy. sun] Sumâ€"'l'rvus. 'l‘. M. Wil- sun, won-v pn-sont. ”Xv! l’rnlits” means just, Hull. am! nothing vlso. 'l'lwsv t'vnlm'vs mnlw tlw slmwin}: nl' ”('nsls pm“ tun ul' nrv lrvutml“ whirl: was $5.47 for llu- your, a par- tmrulnrly creditable «mo, uspwinlly when it is (‘UllSlilCl‘Qd tlmt. this mm- puny ln-zus a smaller lummgv [wr nmmh than any utlwr rc-gulau' prmlnv- H'nntiuuml nu pugv 7) SPEEIM MEETING PUBlIE Sllllllfll Bflflflfl IUESDRV HIBENUUN Tu n III-mun nt’ I-Vlwrimvv iII prur- IiI-III IIIIIIiIIu’, IIII further ruIIIIIII-nt tlmII IIII- nlxm- paragraph, m' any {Imhvr vxplnnntury rI-Iumns fur ”I" "M I'IIrIIiIIgs bring mt mlmrtml, is III-I-I's'IIIry, as ”w ”invlusinn ut’ Illnssvs ul' wnsh- I‘Iwk. (llli‘ tn the faulting" Is nlcmv n'sImIIsilIlI' l'ur llll‘ mmumrnllu'h luw \nlm' Ill llII' rm'k «um In IIII' mill, and llll‘ rmnltum lcm prullt. per hm u! are millml. In IIrrisiIIg at am sutist'nvtur) um- vlusicm rum-owning ll"! th I-urIIiIIgs, IIIm-vwr. wlIiI-II are shown lll lllt‘ re. port In $34,135.83, it. is llm'flssnf’)‘ tn mkv M'H'flll I'm-ts Into I-IIIIsiIlvrutinII. "Ilium: Hun-Io being the I'ulluII-ing: In line IIII-llIuIl uf Inn-"Inning llM'Il by this I-IIIIIIIIIIIy, WI-ry I-lmrgc- «If what- mwwr IIaIlIIrv, is trI-Intml us purl. nl‘ faulting. wltic-ln it was imlmsdhlo tn summa- rmm (In! «my in mining. llcm-o-x-c-r. this mmliliun nmwnrs tn lw lm'al In the area nlmw described. mul future slow-lopmmt will umlmnlumlly slum nro- 0f :1 higlwr gnulv. 'uunril ('lmmlwr (m Mr. Matt Buivin is giving a ”Sumo r" tn {he members of the 159th, , Friday. Marv!) 17th. This prom- ,‘5 Iu 1“- ;x pupular affair. 'l'lw t'nllmving resolutiun was pas wllilv with 'h ”was as "prlumtiun ' ° [hoprm'ial- 4 “('zlpitul TIMMINS, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, MARCH lSth, l9lb. 'fllll ARBIIBIIEITS . Milli fill! 008 MB! i [ll smum IIXI 'l'he ('nuunittee wishes tn aeeept with thanks the nt't'er nt' Mr. (’harles llaltnn tn plnw the llntne ltnatl l’rnni l’nreupiue-t‘rnwn tn Yipnntl, the uni)! pnrtinn nt' the mad whieh is haul. atul alsn his nt'l'er tn get in tnueli with the nther liverynien and request them all tn have their drivers nt' any teams nu the ennrse the «lay nt' the raee tn tnrn nut fur the tlng teams in plenty nt' time sn as net tn hnhl them up. .-\n engraVetl shield. whieh will he an annual prize. tn he held t'nr nne year by the winner and then returned tn the trustees t'nr annual ennipeti- tinu. has heen presented by Mr. A. li. lilultt’. .\ silver enp has heen nt't'erecl hy “1'. ll. ll. Mnnre as lirst. priZe, tn he l'(‘ltllllt'tl permanently hy the winner. .\ wrist wateh has heen nl't'eretl by Mr. \\'m. l’earee, nt' Snuth l’nreupine. and a .\'n. ‘3. I'Iusignette 'ainera has heen nt't'erecl hy Mr. .las. 'l‘niltl. nt° Seluttnaelier. l'nr seenntl anti illll'tl prizes. the team which enmes in see- ttul t'I l'a\'e e Ult‘t'. 'l‘he ('nmmittee wishes tn eall atâ€" tentinn again tn the enurse tn be I‘ll) as t'nllnws: Starting at the Imperial Bank, 'l‘iuunins, tn .\lnneta. turning right angle enrner ,iust het'nre reachâ€" ing huteher shnp, tn l’nreupine (‘rnwn Mines passing nttiee and turning t’rnm there tnwartls the llnllinger, hut. nnly :ning as far as the l)nme ltnail. turn- ing iutn the Home ltnatl, tn the “nine. passing thrnugh the “nine tn nnrth .t' all t e hnihlings, nn tlt)\\'ll the read tn Snnth l’nrenpine. turning tn left ;it \Viu. l’eat'ee’s (lrug stnre t'nr nnc hlnek. turning tn left at lleamshnttnm l‘lilwartls’. nn past. the King (lenrge llntel nut the 'l‘itnniins llnaul. thrnugh Sehnmaeher atui'the .\lelnt..\'re, under the railway bridge tn 'l'immins. turn- ing tn left at the (lnltllicltls‘ “()th and finishing at Imperial Bank. The full enurse seales 12% miles nn the map. It is hnpeil that everynne in'the 'amp will take a lively interest in this event and turn nut: tn see it. 'i‘lu- t'ulluwing have (oertiticd their intentiun of entering teams, and it is expected that five ur ten more will enter tofpre entities vluse: Messrs. \Vallingt‘urd, Brissun, Darling, Kea- noy, Szuu-tun. a very satisfactory state. eludemic uf “LnUrippe” waning to the vanishing there is nothing of a co int'evtiuus nature tu distu lic mind. Dr. H. H. Moore, Medical Health 0111001. repoxts that the genexal .mm . wt 1 0 101111 and district is in Health of Town is Very Satisfactory Sa-urvrs»â€"--.\llwrt llI-ial. .lauws llvitl. 'l'lu- llam- will start t'rma the lan- lwrial Bank, 'l‘immins, tlw first team tn start at 1.0” pan. The ntlwr teams will start at. live 01' ton IIIiIIutI- inter- \als tlwu-at'tm Miners will draw luts lIIt' plaI'I' at stall. 'llIv utlivial [HUL'I'EIIIIIIH‘ lIaIlgI-s “ill “(I \Ulll lIIt tllt' m'wtstmt .tl hu'llly- live N'lllS oale, t'ui' tlII- lwnvtit ut' the l’atlt'lulit' Fund. Ih'l.ul|'.'. \. R. ”luhv, .\. J. I'Iwrvrd, (‘. .\uvr. .ludgvs of Passing» Homo-z ‘ivorgv “my. l'lam-lm- l‘lwmhmn, Wm. Rum. Sumh l’urvupinu: Nap Sermis, .l. P. Watsun. I“. W. l). Wilkins. Sc-lmmu- vhvr: .l. H. 'l‘mlql, .l. (Brunt, H. 3. Cuf- h‘V. fullnwml. 6H) Uriwr may riuh- at run With his (mm as hc- plmsvs. HI) 5mm: driver. smm- «lugs. same harm-u. mlm' o-mm'ymwv, lmlsl “ll- ish tlmt start. Lie-m. W. Xivlmlmm. ut' 'l‘immins, and Lin”. H. .\. .\lm'flmgull, of Sn. l’urt'upinv. “itll tlwir lm'n. hun- kind- ly uI'I'q-I'm! In pulim' the UV" mule: of Hip vomit-w. parlivulurly tlw turns and vrussings. (“rm-ting Hm drivvrs m the prnpm' mm! In hlkt'. 'l'lw l'ullmvim: are tlw ntlivinls for Um mm': Sturtvr um! Referee-«V. H. Wil- liums. sleigh, sled ur on muhu H) No clmngv 01' human: may be mmlv unless tlw driwr mrrim extra harm-as with him fmm Hm start. (3) In musing. tlw team “Item! must. xiu- tlu- h-nm lwlliml, alh'mpt- illL' tn puss, llw l0“ half of ”I0 mml. us) mmlv mwrsâ€"â€"l)r. Nu vlumgv of drivers may be m ruuhn 'l'lw mmrw laid nut must be U. H. Mnnru. Hluht', .\. J. I y state. The recent .irippe” is steadily wishing paint, and of a contagiuus or to disturb the pub- ‘ K. '. vl'vrd. 'l‘lu» Bnarcl derided 14: make peri- Mi '3! im'm'mzll visits to the suhuul, ‘11 order tn immune hettv' acquainted with 1110 general mvtlmds and systems cmplnyml. The; mwting than mljourm val! ul' the Chairman. 'l'lu' inc'nvsl was upi-nml cm .‘lun- «lay at 2.:m lumq by Dr. .‘lvNi-il. "l. ”w llmm' .‘lim's. us L'ctl‘itlic'l'. (lum- nusim: Ilw jury wvro 'l'. M. Wilson. .l.l’.. (l'urmmm). (‘liurlvs Spa. 'l‘lios. King. Wm. Smiili, A. H. l’lnmgli. A. int/mun mnl l’l'zmk Sluvl‘wcll. 'l‘lw first. oviclvnm- Nikon. :il'lc-r viewing Hu- limly. was by Dr. Mintlmm, wlm clvliiilml his lrmilnuent 01' the. «loud mam. llr. Ullull was m-xt rullml. mul gaiw M'iclmm- its to his I'Hlllll't'ilull with llw utlu-r causes. and l'urtlivr. at (line l‘vqm'st “l. the ('urunvr, :3le «x- pvrt. lustimuuy lmsml un his pust. mm'tvm ('Xllllllllllliflll, in it "lost vili- vivlit. limiinvl‘. 'l'lw tvslimuny ul' utlu-rs wlm liml purlukvu of the pui- smmus stuff was ails” taikvn, liy lliv illcl nl' nu inlm'prvlur. 'l‘lu- mmm-r sat. with rvvoss for snmwr, until 11.30 |l.lll.. Ill wl'iv' tiuw :uljnurmm-ut fur a week was lulwn. tn ulluw lime fur the rmmrt nn stumm-li mutants tn lm mm! from 'l'urnnlu. 'l‘lm ruse is proving: lll'll'l' 'l'urnntu. 'l‘ho ruse is priming murv than usually «litlivult, huth ('uruum' um! jury ill't' fully impressed with thee iinpurtuim- and gravity ut' iilt' v"- qniry. it “with! he manifestly int prulwr tu mnumvnt mi thv with-mm at this statgv. K00” interest is “0ng taken in tht- t'ilsv, living: tlw tirst «if its him! in tho histury at ”W tmx'n. TiH' ”mini 0f l’llblic' Srinml 'l'rus- tops [UN in rvgnlzu' sossinn «in Friday .lHN‘lell. 'li'ustvu Shmkwvll m't'il- piml the «hair, with 'l'i'uslcvs Marsh- :ill. ()stl‘nssvl'. Durwuy and lamb mm- diluting the quvn'um. Mr. T. M. \\'ilo «m. sovi'otuijv-trezism'ev ut' the Hmml. PUBlIC SEHflfll flflflfll} Hlllll MEETING ffllflAV AWARD [If Mfflfllfi 0n Thursday Inst Hw nwn drank a liqunr mmnwliun, suppllml by a ”Mimi pimrvr” and as n rvsult mw, “fluid Suknrilm is I'l‘tll', umutlwr is blind and nut vxll‘flfll In rerun-f, and Hm «Hurry have bun-n mun. ur Inns in “mm Ilw N'ft‘flS. "II Friday I’m-id Atkinmn. 0 "us- sinn .lmv. mu! knuwn "pigm-r” IM'I Timmins un Hu- murning train. .iml nflor Snkuritm's death. a rim-mn- slmm' “‘Im'll justified Ilu- .‘lngiflmh- Mr. 'I‘. .\l. Wilma in illllfn‘flfling Hu- allow-d t'ugiliw. mule-r a warrant churning manslaughter. Mkiumu was nrn-gh-ql at: ”w train M Hughe- lmrt. and un Saturday l'lnivl‘ ('uurte- mmu‘lw \u-nl erc In varnrt tlw pris- om-r lmvk. l'lllfifll IIISPEISEII BV Blllll FISHER ClllSfll IIIE BEN" ‘5 wst “as upvnml nu Mun- ” lulu, h\ Hr. .‘lc. \vil. ul' .‘linvs, us (“autumn (mn- jm'y \vvrv 'l‘. .\l. Wilmm. mam). ('lmrlvs Sue. 'l'lms. . Smith, A. (3. Hnmgh. A. 1*‘nllm\ing('upt. Young's :ullross HH‘ 1’ losidcnt thrv 'w thv mm ting upon t'°m a gamer ill and intmmnl clim-msinn and t'nr suggestinns an “IP pant, ut Im-mhm's. Sorgt. Ferris gnw some \‘anhmhlu am! inn-rusting: hints (m the mvthmls nt' swuring and distributing tish t'rv and «huh fund. he having been vngljrcd in that «11pm uh uh a mmplv ut ()H‘dn‘itlllh' on Lake 'l‘mnis- hunting. ()thcr uwmhm's made t'uv- nmhlu suggestiuns in rvgzmqu the :u'quiring nt' suitnhh- gruunds, «lay- hird traps, vluh haulgt-s, gnnw pm- tm'tiun, vtt‘. .\ rvsnluthm was passed .rvmm- ()n 'l‘hnrsdny evening Inst Mr. Mul- herun. President ut' 'l‘innnins ltml nml (inn ('lnh entertnimul the memhers and friends at dinner in the (iuhl- tiehls' Hutel. .\lmnt twenty guests were present tn «h» justiec tn the ex- "ellent l‘epnst pl'uvutett. After the dinner Mr. Hen. l’restnn, Field t'nptnin. t'nrlnnlly Intrmtneed the president «)1. the newly furlnetl elnh. and Mr. Mnlhernn responded by thanking the members fur the high hunur eunt'erretl npun hnn, and t'ul- hm'ed wuth a shunt snnnnnry ut' the prugrznnlne pmpused fur the eunnng shunting: and fishing sensnn, nncl then enllecl Him” ('npt. Yunn': I'ur Ins news nll the seennng ut' tish try and clnek t'uml t'rum the (hwernment. fur the replenishing ut' nenrhy lakes and rivers. .\ i'vsulutiun was passed ,rwum- mending thv invurpuratinn 01' the (‘hih rules in tho umulwrship c-anls, tugcther with :1 list of all «hartcr imeiuhors, so that it might ifl' }irt'-§l'r\- ed as Sull\"‘.'llil ut' limmins tiist Km] and Gun ('luh. Betuemi T.) and 100 haw (‘iUICI' iuiucd ur signitiod tlwir intvnliun of (luiiij' so heturo the first regular meetâ€" ing, “hivh is railed iur ”'ihuisdi 1V, M:1i‘cl122,$rd when the (‘hih will he 1mm 11111 humvhml on what is [IIBdiCt- lmll mills. 'l'lue twu tulw mills lmvv :u'rivml «m ”w pmpvrly and. within tlm-u umnths tlu- llunu- mill 'uluu-ity slmnlal lw. umn'uxinmtvly 45,"!ch tum 01' 'l'lIv l°‘I-lII°IIIIr\' IIrIIIIIII-Iiun III' iiII‘ ')IIIIII‘ .\|iIII-s was slightly lwluw Ilw olIIIIIIIII'y ||I'IHiIII'li|III. lIIII IlII~ IliI'I'I-r- mum is m sIIIIIll us In lw IIlIIIn-‘I III°~ I-IIIIIIII-Il I'III° by IlII- Silfll'lvl' IIIuIIIlI. l'lIe .lIIIIIIIII'y IigIIrvs I-IIIIinIIIII-Il II I'I-~ I-Iml, slIIIwiIII: $176,! IIIII; lI'th'IIIII‘)’ slmws $1623.43]. IIIIIIIiIII-Il II°IIIII 23;..IIIII Inns of mm IIIillI-Il. III' IIII II\I'l'3I_'..'I‘ \‘IIlIII! III' $3.10 va' in". Tim III'W slIIII'I III' ll"! “IIIIII' is lwing sunk III II pniIII WiII'I'I' it IIIIII lN'I'll IlIIIIIglII .III urc I’utlid he oIIvIIIIIIII'I'mI. and c I mm I'I-I-I Ilwrv were IIII \‘IIlllI's‘. At I325 I'm-I. lIIvau-I', milling: HI'I' was II .III I-(‘ I'uvk IIIIw living IIIlI'I-II IIIII. ' IIII- mew slIIII'I is gain}: I I 0 null. 'l'lu' new Hull mill is said III in! vxvm'tling‘ IIll I'xpvvlailiuns. and is IIUW II'I'IIIiIIg IIlIIIIII I'IIIII IIIIIs III' I'lnssiliml UH‘ lN‘I‘ IIIIV. ll \VIIIIH :Ip~ . .II I I! IIIIIIIIIgI-IIIcIII IUI' satis- Iiml IIIIII. IIIII lIIIll- IIIill [Irllt'lit'l‘ is the must I'I’UIIUIIIiI'Ill IIIIIl sIIIisI'III-IIII'y I'III' SI'I‘IIIIIIIII'y I-I'IIslIiIIg, IIIIIl purpnsv ru- :IIIVIIIQ’ sumo. III' the original l'IIrIy Is V it‘ll will lw I'oplalI'I'Il by lI('\\' IIIIll mills. 'l'lm twu IIIIII- mills lmvv Pal. AIM M. llny, prmidvnt "1' Hm .‘Ivllflyh‘. '9". Friday fur ”w smith. urn-r qu-mling flw days at Hm mim‘. "v rum-l4 to run": in “hunt hm Wurk lms lwvn c-mmm-nvml nu Hw Xm-nrn' vlnitm. in Huh!) 'l'ummhip. mnl rm-c-nlly uplicmml by Mr. H. "his. lmlm. TIN-aw c-Inims adjoin Iln- Jum- ic-mm [mun-fly. mm Ming «lo-wlupml by tlw smm- mvnvrultip. Tlu- \mrk m, prawn". N nu un 18 inle win. Hm quartz lu-ing ul‘ Hmt. «lurk nmwnmm-v l‘c‘sc'mhlillg llw "m M' llw Taugh- Unkus min at Kirkland ldlkc‘. PBESIHENT MHlHERflN [NTEBTAINB Bflfl BUN [IN THUBSMV lflSI GOOM§OOOOOQ§OOOOOOOOOOQQ'OO“OflwaOOQfl OOOONO‘“ .‘lr. I'Mvr .‘lrlarvn. muimml min- ing engineer, arrival in mum «hunt a week «gm. giving straight. On "w "Surms' gun-party. Mu-rv luv will romnin fur sumo time during Hm 0'0- \‘lrlumwm mvrk mm mulvr ua) by Mr. .. .llr'nlv), mmtrm‘tnr. With ro-I'vn-m-u to. flu» .lumiumn claims. llw shaft, is nuw clmm matrix :30 I'm-t. Ilu- sinking bring in gmul values. Frum tom In lmltum llu- urv is n mvmmurphisml grannih- “ill: :1 swumlnry mnrio-hmc-nt. u!” quartz atrium-rs. Nutiw gnlcl mm M New: mun-rim: In Hu- quartz. I'vlclqmr and Mark Ilurllbh-mlv. \nwk :4 z§§§00.00090900990".##0#“99909099099000 OOQOOO¢§ ’45.. §N0tes, Comments and Opinions 90000“ Mr. Frank Q'. Luring. ”N‘ “v"- kIIuIIII mining oIIgIIIwr. I!!! III ramp To this week. IIIIII \isilevl ”Iv KIIIIIis-n-IIII $4- IAIke IlIstrII-t IIII slaw-III. ”nun-'3‘. liti Mp 'I'I. wr mumh will he Slutrl. Of Interest To Mining World fable m l’residont Untrossor «wvnpii-d tliv (-liair, and Swrptai'y Sinnns perform- ed the duties ”1' his oilim- in his usual cllioivnt Illittlllt'l'. Al'tvr continuation of the ll’illlltlt's ut' the previous session sundry mnnnnnivations \w-m read. and reports rvndvrod. It is not deemâ€" ed to lw. in the public. intm't'st to pull- lisli details of the discussions whit-l: took plat-v, but it. may lw said that smwral \‘M'y important nmttrrs wort- debated, and advanced a lmtt'll or m. towards attainment. 'l‘lw Board i.~. handling questions of real moment. and signitivanve, and the success of their efforts will inure to the benefit The Must uttvmlod meeting- nt' Un- hmrd “1' Trade this your was held in the ('num-il t'lmmln-r on Friday night «emunwnviug at U u'rlurk. «Illu tu Hw provinus “Mummy ”1' Hm mum by the Fire lhqmrlnwnt in mmrting us- sclublml. uf tho. tum: and the wvll-heiug u!‘ the vitizuus. .\ mnnfm' nf’ new mnmhors worn admitted, and the meeting auguro-c! well for a period uf’ mnewvd nativit} 11ml usd‘nlnms. under)“. (Mr«_258rr'~. le rnmnr that "2.0.! hm! hm" of- Wm! lnr “HUN!" Shah's ul‘ .‘lclntyn cm «M "2' ”w Tum!!!" shwk vvhan- g?! a any «1‘ m ngu. has nut hwu mm flrmvd. Had it her" em. ll" Mtnvrim' mull-l lmw I'm-n vn‘nm! in Timmins It N ruflsick'fl‘d “1-" \HII’HI ”w prim ul' mu". SUSHI] SE "EASE IMPSSESNE BUSINESS SSS NEW MEMBERS le Tomi-“ugh” Hum .‘limw. IAIL. is making: a $501M“) .‘p-yvur 7 pvr m-m. first llmrhmgc‘ hum! inm‘, 01' which $100,000 par \‘ulm' is mm of- form! in the nlmrvlmlclo-m 'l'lw pm- comls will In» used tn o-rm'l u will and delup tlw pmpvrty. whivh is low!- ml in Hm Kirkland Lulu- distrivt. 'l'lu- "emu-only n'pnlrs in llu- N0. 5 slum m Ilw Mrlntyn- Minor-t urn t'u-d ln-ing c-mnplvlml. mul it will Hut. lw lulu; lu'l‘urv "W H living lmlslo-ol l'nml (Ins ~lml‘t. With n'mml lu llu- mill- im: ul' llleyrcul'Ixtvnsiun uml .\lv- lntyrn- .lupttm- ur'. it was mnmmwml in tlw Aclvmwc- mun! Iilm- mm than the nmnngvuwntt “as c-unsulcormg tlu~ Imulinc "1' un- hy mutur trm-l‘e. {mulâ€" ing: tlw imtullmim ul' sumo- Mutllblt- mrrivr systems. While Hu- sysh-m h- lu' mluptml lms Hut. llfl‘ll lllmll)‘ olm'icl» ml mum. it is likely tlmt sunwtlning ul' tlu- n\'vrlu~ml't_\'pe will be u-sml. II. is c-xm-vtml than the HM! l'mx clays le February '1 TmtglMMkN mim NEW”. rnh'u il "Hamlin". ”w .‘ln he muvh highnr I mill is lnm‘ rnnnin grade un‘ [I‘r day. 'l'iw Assossui', Mi“. i‘:. ii. iii", r0- ports that. the» work (if i'v-zissussing tho Tim“ is wle under way, and tin: ult'muuh an iuu- start was mmlv, it will he vumplviod within iilt' pvriml requirml by law. There will be u Humble inoroaso in ”w tutnl. but. «hue in invrt-usml build- ings ruler Ilmn in any imltvrizll ml- vunvu in tin- basis of valimtiun. NEW ASSESSMENT WEll UNSES W S llEElE BHMEL'E ml mum, it is likely that smm'tlniug ul' tlu- uwrlwml'tmm mll lm u-aml. II. is c-xlwvtml llmI the IIer l'mx (lays Will 2401- lmlll Jupiter and Ale-lulu:- l‘thc-usiuu "rm lu-ing "mm-ll m llu- EXH'Ms’iuu "I'd“ .‘lvlntyru mull. Single Copies 5 Cents 'unry pnulur'iun "3' "In N mim' is ammniumk‘b‘ nlvu impeded by pmuIing {hr .‘lnrvln “mm“ slmuld ighm‘ than usnnl. as Nu- rmmim: 120 tutu u." mod

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