Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 8 Mar 1916, 1, p. 1

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THE OPRCUPINE ADVANCE Sports and Patriotism ~ A Big Night of Events 'I'lw “my "almost rlusml uII Mun- IIIIy. MIII'le (SIII, IIHN' Il'I'm- IIIHIIHH ul' Ml't'nllnlh' rivalry by tlu- lmys :IIul "ills. The (Ebb and ”NW Ill HIP SN"!!!- illf' «If Hw \IIIimIs mutt-stunts has lwvu II snlllu.‘ u! gImt iIItvIost In III! thus-II- \xlm IIIIII littlc- IIII'IIIlsi III Hu- I'IIN'. Vol 2. No 18 'I'IIII IIrIIIIII IIIIgIIII III II~_-II IIIIIIII IIIIIIIII 7.3”, "ml III: II II (“'IN’II' IIIII rink IIIIII I-IIIIIIIII'IIIIIII IIIIIIII II :IIII-IIIIII IrIIiII IrIIIII SIIIIIII I'IIrI-IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII: INIIIIII III with II IIII‘L'I' IIIIIIIIIIIr III IIIIIIus-I "II‘ \III'IIIIIII I-II-IIIII. TIN. IIIIIIII III' 8 IIIIIIIIIII IIILII iII IIUI'IIIIIIIII'I'. IIIIIIII'IIIIII- in: IIIIIIIII III III» «III IIIIII; '24 IIIIiIIIIIIIIIII IIiIII IIIIII IIIIIeI-IinIIII III IIIIIrIiIII IIirs. III III'IIII’ IIIIIIrI'IIIII. A IIIIIIIIIIIr III‘ IIIIIIIIIIII-I III khaki, IIIIIIIIIIIIrs III' IIIII. IIIIgiIIIIIIII. IIIIIII-I' I-IIIIIIIIIIIIII III’ LII III \‘II IIIII'IIIII. II'III \BI’II'I" IIIIII I'HIHI' III IIIII I-IIII'III'. IIIIII IIIIIIgIIIIIIIr IIIII IIIrIIIIg “us I IIIIrg- «III IIIIII II I-IIrIIIIII III' IIIIIIIIIrIIII-I III- III-IIIIIIIIII . IIIIIIIII III I-rI IIIIIIII III II II'IIIII- III‘IIkII IIIII III II'IIIIIIIIIIIII" I'III‘I‘I’S "IIIII IIIriIIIIII spur“ III'I' I'HIIIIIII‘IIIQNI IIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIr rpnuv. I'\I' I'\ IIIIIII 1:0- IIIII IIII' III-II. 'I'I'IIIIII IIIIa IIIII II IIIIII IIIIIIIII-III IIII IIII‘IIIIgII IIII‘ III'I WWII". and but IIII' IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III-IIIIIIIIII In Mr. IIIIIIII-I' II. (Iibmn. IIIIII .\II'. IIIIIIIII SIIIIII‘IIII. II'IIII I-IIIIiIIIIII IIII IIII- II‘I'. IIIIII'II WWII IIIIIIIiIII' III IIIIIr IIII‘ .IIIIIII-III-Is III' IIIII mm", from IIIIIIIIIII-r IIIIgIII it may IIII \‘II‘\\'L'II. 'I'III- IiI'sI iIIIIII II'IIs II PHEH NIBfllSflN WINS THE IIIWHEII PflNV MIER Hfl'l' BUNTESI Saturday night last “as «at apart hark-)- mltnc beta-«on llollingw am“ I" in tlw l'urrapine ('lnm fur a trust 'l‘innnins . ut' apart. in aid at the Hunt at mtr could, Iltu'ntml liy .‘lt‘. l’. .\. Rulilmm Nurthvrn llagitnvnt. tln- lfitlth, hetti-r ktnmn aa tlw Algimquitt llanmfl. Thv (“cilia-am rink at Tinnnins was. tlw rhmvn [llama kindly cltmalml l‘ur tlw im‘asiun hy thi- t'nnmtian Mining and Fianna-v t'ntnpany. Tl"! affair was wally inst-inn! hy tlw 'l'inanins 'l'mm t‘unm-il. and tiw arrangements worn in ”It! hands nt’ Mr. P. A. Huh- hins. .‘lr. .\. It. Hhulw, Mr. ltalph lluhhinu. .‘layur \Vilsim. llt'. .‘ltMIl’l‘. .\lr. t'. tt. Willianu. anal utln-m. 'l'ln- I'I‘IHHI lie-gait tn nsm'tnhh- almat 7.:m. and by H It.t‘lttt’l( the rink Was o-nlnl'urlaltly llllml, a apt-vial train train Swath l'uri-apini- having: pallml in with a larm- nanitu-r tu \thlmss tlu' \‘tll'tutt! t'\'t'lll'§. 'l'lii- haml ut' B inm‘hanii-al ")1 a'tl ' ' a tannin. fur the m'mtntt. Tltt' tuwn l(‘t||ll won this awnt with tlying mlurs, hat, the aim-am! nt' “liw” mail-kwta-H minaâ€" hmv thtmi-tecl than the unlnukers' t‘lljttylllt'ltt ut' the ganw. .\t tln' PM". rlnsian at this game, tlw cap ut‘ the llta'kt‘y lamina: was pmavntml tn this soasult's winnamwthv llullinm'r *liy .\lr. I‘m-u! llic'kauti. in a llt'ii't' hut appmpriatv «pom-h. This “as thv tlrat prwvntatiun ut' the ltii-l‘mn t'nli as althnngh Smith l’nn-apinv \u-ri-l l lltt' “lllllt'N at the laugh" laxt ycar.‘ ‘ lltt.‘ trophy was nut. pmwnti-il. .\l't.i.-r lllt' removal nt' “in lttllt'ttl gunk. lllt‘ ganni ut’ hrmmi-hall was rallml. tttnl “as partii-ipntml in li)‘ a' l’t- ha .\i W l lll‘ llttlltltt‘l' ut' wall knaa'n i'itizvns. lt “3...“... mm in nth-mlniwv. c-uiitrilnit-.was an inviting: mntest. anal t'l’tPtllt'tl ()1! NW final day tlw Adulm'v ”Hive “as simply «lulugml with vutos, um! Hwy did um wusv m urriw until 1! |'.ll).. and “NW a hard days. “1.14; in mmpiling numnlnins ul' “va5, l’clvr Simplmm was clm'lurml winnvr nl' tho l’uny. with Nurumn \\'vhl» wvll up Mr Hm somml prizv. a six-umnths family iivkt'l for the I‘lmpil'v Thmltl't‘. i’t‘lvl' Ximlsnn Vurmm \Vvhh \llllllt\ (Ilulw . . MIMIHI MI “Hugh” l‘raml; lmzzvtt l'hllfl *ims . . lx'vtizl 14mm . Roget ( "mutvmum IH‘ .\l.u\ Dahvr . lhuulh} llaniugtun .\ilvml lhmnpsuu Mary .\nuu Mnswn I'lvu l’uitrus . lively" R. (‘ursun Murivl (iilkm‘ . Ht-rlwrt. ('m-kbum 'l'lmmus 1.1m ream- Huhbiv (‘lmpmzm Anthony Huivin 4 hu-tmu- “mum-s Andrvw liulwrts I rvnv I‘h vmrd Annic- Hlmh . . TIM- :mls is H222 I’unv has Hut 324 arrived 12222222 I2222222222. although 22 letter 2222222222-21 .2t 1122' .'\2l\22u2u 22112222 «22225 222222 it is 222222 Win; [222-22222222! 2222 sl2i|2222m2t 22222! 222222 lu- 2-.\|22--2t222l 222 22222222 222 [2222- MEETING llf ll.V.B.’s Bfllflflflflfi Hfllfl MflNflAV NIBHI H. Y. H. ('lul) was [mm m (Enldticlds un Muuduy “if; mvmbors being prvmnm. 'l in; “1:11; was turnml in by 43 any shirts: 7 pain”! SIN Ink?!) lmnw. 4 >llil‘t~ and 11 .w m bl. The next mc‘etinu: “ill be held at NW “0101 HI! .“ulhluy. Mam-.1: 13th. “'th the election ux' utiircrs will take place. A" mombc-N arc I’equvstcll t0 .nucud this meeting. may Iu- cxlw nuns any day TIIIIINB RINK CROWDED- SOUTH POBCUPINE AND ALL POE-i ‘I’IONS OF THE CAMP WELL EEPREBENTED~ PROCEEDS WITHOUT DEDUCTION FOR EXPENSE. IN AID OI‘ BAND} OF THE 159th ALOONQUIN RANGERSâ€"OVER 1100 SPECTAo § T038 PRESERVE-REALM}: NEARLY 87oo..oo The H.- ('lul) w lizml stumlin (ls l'nlluwsz ular weekly meeting ut' the livlcl an Hi (115.5 Hw t the Hotel .411. fit'lmn [he inlltm- \' 11w gills: .‘pks. Wurk ~§ skt‘ius ut' 1,155.48” , 955,357 . HT .5123 , 3130374 2:25.311 intimm 1m .9 HID l-Ismnh‘ ll-LEHST 112.614 »ntcst UHJ‘UH Numb -I‘.Z,‘.3-‘,ti “Linn INLSSU 26.23;“) 23.500 7.404 ('lIIInIIIII R. LIIWIIIIIIIIII, II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. IIIIIIIIIIIIIII uI' HII4IIIII. IIIII IIIIIIIII I4 IIIIIIIII that ”1' IIIII III'I .IIIIIgII I'IIIIII'II.4 I'IIIIIII IIIII I'IIHIIIIIII IIII'II4IIIII III \IIIIIIIII.4 IIIIIII4IIIIII4 IIIIIIIII: lIIIIIl.4 IIll HIIII‘I’S. Hi4 .4IIIIII- IIII III III IIIIIII I"IIllIm4: ”'I'IIII NIIIIIIIIIII HIIIIkIIII, III II IIIIIIIIIII I.4.4IIII, lllillst'h‘ IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII .4IIIIII- IIIIIIII IIIIIL IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IlIviIIIIIIIIs IIIIIII [Iv IIIII gum and .4II\II III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIs III IIIII l IIIIIIII \IIIIII4 IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII' IIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III\'IIlIIIII|4 [HIIII by all IIIII INHIIxIlIg' IIIsIIIIIIIIIIIs III' IIIII l'IIII- IIII SIIIIIIs. 'I‘IIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (“VIII- IIIIIl.4 IIIIIII In IIIII I'UIIlHBI' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIs II ”III I IIIIIIIl SIIIIIIs III'II I_IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIls [NIIII by all IIIII. IIIIIIIIIIIIII4 III the l'IIIIIIIl SIIIIIIs. IIIIIl IIIIII :32 [M'l' IIIIIII. III' IIIII I'IIIIIg‘III lIIIIIIllIIIl In IIIII.4II .4IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIls Is IIIIIIIIII “I'I' III' .4IIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII \IIIII IIIII mining and mi”- III: “I. III'I'. .\l‘l.vr lln' rclnm'al al' “In pun-m gunk. lln' gamv nl' llrmnnolmll was rallml, mnl “as partivi'mlml in by a nmnlwr «if we'll knna'n i'ilizmu. ll was an uxviting malosl, alnl «roan-«l nnwli nn-rrillwnl. Xv“. Un' Ladle-s mm. lln' PM Man in a llm'lusy vulltvsl. lln- ~‘kirh‘ gising: lln' tmusn'rs a well nn-ritml trnmn-iau’. Mr. K. llclumg was ro'l'o-I'm' ul' lllo' sauna, and slmwml his usual partiality fur the gvnllm' .w\ in main ”1' his «li-visinns. 'l‘ln-n «man a relay raw. whirl: was' qnilv i-wiling, tn “incl up ”In prnzraln. Tln- l’atrinlin Qanrlvttv, lwl by Mr. (lallaglwr, game an inspiring svlmetian aml at'lvr lla- Natinnal .\ntlnaa. Ilw vmwd «lislwmed it-i varians ways well satisfied with a duty lun‘l'm'mml in a tuna! plvasaat way. A BANKERS VIEWS flN MININE lNllllSIfllffi EflMPAflEfl WITH flTHEflS TIMMINS EflUNBIl flHilJlAB BESSIUN MHNBAV AHEBNUIIN .\|IIIII[ $1,000 H li'l'lllrfi'c! lII (‘qHIP ”I" hand. and it the mlII-r tmms in the IliatrII-l. Iln IIIIII as lel as the. PUl'I'llpilH' I IIIIIII, IIII- I'I'Ifllil'ml sum is IIlrI-Iuly assured. “'l‘n tl1i~< 51111101141211 :1511111111l111g 111111 11111 :4111111'11l|\ |111m11 1'1111, “1.111511'1-111 11111! [)1111~. 11111111111'1-111! 1121-1111115 supplv t|11~ M11111isil1g 111l1l1111l11 1111.11 I111! NS [1111' 111111 111 11]! 10911111111111 1111111111.; 111- 11-5111111115 tail. :15 against 1'13 111-101-111 111 111111111111111111 |i111-s. “Hux'm'nmmlt ligul'vs 5‘11”“ ”10 ful- luwing n-turns ull vupitul inn-51ml: Huilrmul, 2% per (-0111; Xulimml Banks 13' , pvr vent: lusurmu'e. .11 per P0111; luunlwring. 14 per cum: Mamm'zu-tur- ing. 1-1 lwr «out; Mining. 182.! per mgr. rout 'l'lw 'l‘nwn ('umu-il nwt in regular bi-nmulhly St‘sslnll nll Mnmlay alt'tvr- 11mm at 4.130, Maynl' \Vilsun in the vlmir. and all lnmulwrs pl'vsrnt, ex- cepting (‘nulu-illur McLaughlin, wlm is alm'm t'rum llu- 1mm. 'l‘lu- minutes 01' last nwcling wm'o road and mulirmml. and accounts, mmmmmg In $1.55 )All, Wore passed for puvlncnt. .\ wmnumimliun was rmul t'rum ”u. mic-rolllt‘)’ “I ll“! Svlluul l’umrcl lskilw l'ux Spvtlllltllll'ul'llulllull1'0- gunlin: the new Srlmul, and the dis- luv-iltlull ul tlu- debentures tn he ls- suml in that. ((Illllelllflll. ('muwillur (llulw was xmlrm-tccl tn giw tlw Sclmul Huanl full and vumplctc in- I'urumtnuu on all matters. l-‘vw matters, mlwr than of (1 rom- iuv nature, value up for discussion. and the meeting mlJuuruesl at the call of tlw Mayor at U p.111. mun-i! nwt in regular TIMMINS. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8th, 1916. 9 m-rs 159th [IUSIIEITS ll "WIS Sllfif MARCH "If “RSI le fulluwing fcmru‘m mm "1' Timmins have been rm'mitod by M. Nicholson 0f the 159th Ihsltnliun sinus March lat. Mr. .lus. lluuslnn. I'urnwrly mum:- gm' ul' tlw Srhulmu-Iwr .\lim-, has us- snmml his new lmsitinu as (ienvrall Superintendent 0f the Huuu- Mines. Mr. Huustuu has am (*xvvllom. roputan- tiun as u minv manager. uml his umny t'rimuls wish him “'0“ in his new [msâ€" Hiun nl' vulm'gml sculw and rospun- sihilily. 3. "nine". I". melmn. L. “mar. menu. l.. 1'. Vamps. ll. Imnwlw, H. thlv, L. Wright. I“. Manama, H. liulmia. ID. llnrm'. .hnhruw llunw. W. l'lum-nt, K. .‘Injur. and H. Kml'v“. ”I!“ A. Bflllll PASSES MY SEMI! HIEXPESIEII Mr. ('lIilal was It (‘IIIISI-I'unim iII pnlitiIIs, and II MIL-«III. ”II was III WIIH IIIIIIIIh iIItIIrIIsthl in sports III all kinds, and war PNHIV, in IIIIV \HlV that Will") In his hand, In IIIIIII, IIIIIII- t'urt III' IIIlvisIe the many lN’Ul’lt', yIIIIIII: IIIIII IIM, \I'lIII IIIIIkcIl lllmll him as II stIIIIIIIIlI fl'iIIIId. .\t “no time ”1' Hm big: lirv lw was burned out, but n-lmih, his store and SilH'l‘ that. time has Inn-n wry sur- wssl'ul. a. - ¢+¢%¢¢¢¢9¢¢¢¢¢*¢+¢¢+¢¢¢+¢+++¢++¢é¢¢¢9¢¢+¢¢fi¢¢¢¢¢*¢¢+ 'lhc 4 aulmlizm Mining: lyslitutc «Ir- «Med In a mmmunu-«l nmjmju Hm! :L Hum! (“haulvr 1n!‘ the instilutv slmllltl Hut lw uppllml Iul'. .\l1 1'. A. S. 1"11ll1-1'. 111' \. ' l‘ullv" 1Q (H11 run-khmluns. is l1»z'1\i113_; Thurs- 1l.1v 1111 .\11\\ \111k, “11511111. 11111l UllH'l' li11z1111ia1l 1111111115 111 1111.». 1 11i11-1l States. 1111 will 11111l1.1l1l_\' I111 aim-111 .1lmut 1.1m \\'110k .4. IIIIIIIII‘I'II~' u!‘ I'I'iI'IIII'I IIIIII III'I'IIIIIII- IIIIII'I" III. I"I'IIIII\' ..\ IIIIII] “III I‘IPgI’III In II'III'II III his IIIIMIIm-II-II III'IIIII, “IIII'II Inul; IIIIII-Ie IIII Sunday after- IIchI. III' “"0 )‘I-III's III' IIII~I IInI IIIII'II III I‘IIIIIIn'I. IIIPIIIIII, IIIIII I'I-II MIIIIII'IIH III IIImIII II week ago. (In SIIIIIMIIV III‘HIII'IIIIII [IIII'IIIIIIIIIIII set in IIIIII III- IIIIII-IIIV I'IIiIoII IIIIIII (II'IIIII I'IIIIII'. Mr. I him was IIIII'I\- Iiw \cIIH nI' nun. IIIIII “III“! “‘0"! IIIc SIIIIIII \IIIeII va IIIIIIIriu was IIQIIII: IIIN'III‘II up. and entered the IIIII'IIWIII'L' business III .‘IIIIIIcsIIII. LIIII-I’ III! I'IIIN‘I'II IMIP‘IIIII'SH iII I'uclII'IIIIv, when! III‘ IIII~I sinm- I'v- SIIIINI. th..fi..u.%.u2n.¢.u..V¢.u..u.¢.n2n..u.¢.n:n..v.u:v.?v.u. .u..u..¥¢.v¢¢¢¢¢¢¢.9 ¢¢9¢h2n3v¢é®¢¢h hr r. ll11‘ l.;1ll\'(ml1l .\l1111s('11.l.11l.nl' 'l111'11l111ll "luwnship. 1111- Mm” 111 111” 1111 11-11111-15 1"111 sinking: 1|111i1'.~'l1:111 1111111 11311 111 22111) l'1-1-1. 11ml alumni- 1111111'ly ."111 1001. 111' 11'11s'~;-1-11111113.: 1’1'11111 sl1211'1 111 \‘11111. Spevilicutiuns 1111' 1l10 \1'111'k will I112 :11l\1-'111.s1»1l 111 Mm .\1l- 111111.11 \111l1i11 a1 \1'1-1'k 111' 11-11 1111.114, 'l'lw Wul'k will 111- 111 11l1111'g1- 111' Mr. J. 1'. \\'11151111. 1111111111,: 0111,:111111-1'. S11111l1 in}: Institute against tho pt'npusml war tax. was \‘uivml at thv zmmml mm'ting: lu-hl in ()ttuwu on Mar. lst In 53rd, by Mr. 1’. A. Robbins. gt-uvml Imumgm' ut' the Hullingt'r, nu bubztlt' ut' tho Pun-twine Mum». and by Mr. ('ulu'r, President ”1' the Tomiskauno ing, un behalf of the ('nbalt vamp. The prvgmsml «h‘ustiv lDl'lDINDSHIS ut' the Guvvmmvnt, insut'ur as thvy af- fm-l mining; mnwanics, have been modified. and lwt'ure the final pus- sage intu law, it is believed that tho gem-ml mining ubjcvtions will bum hm-n materially :wmuwd. l’un-llpi‘m- .\ mls‘ Tho prutvst, ut' the ('zlnmliun Min- . A. I Notes, Comments and Opinions Of Interest To Mining World "'1 I ”firm“, I.. IJIIIIIrii. .\.. \VI'II. I. IIeaIIsoIivI, \\. ..\ Wright, IIIII, A. Hmmnnr, S. \\ I'.I':In'v II\ N". .III'sIIIIII -.r~ .lII \III- South Porcupine ‘ I "01' The “Ill“. "f "ih‘flnl‘d Hf Hw ”It'd "ullicm Milwa ('1... l.hl., lwl-l Hwir first mmting in Haileylmry un .‘lcms day afternoon. The fu'luwing um- nrs wvrv nppninlvd: l'l‘l'slcll'n'. V. H. 1'ulr. C'hirmm; First Vinul’n'siclcm. H. II. Swmlwn. SqulI I'nrvupinc: vamd Vimhpnwialvm. ". L. P0310". ('himgu; Swn'mr)‘. H. H. Hmulrivll. C'hirmm: Thrust. ('lnrmm' L. Ilvmh. II. II. Swnnwn. SuIIIII l'nrvupino; Swami \ifl‘°Pfl“illI‘fl'. I'. 1.. I'MIIIII. ('lifflgfl; SwnvIIIrI. I2. I). IImulrirII. IIIirIIgn Trans. (‘lnrmwv 1.. III-«III. SuIIIII I INllllIflI'. UNIII ”ul'iull made their SCI'IIIIII rtnlm‘llt lIIsI IIm-k uII Ilw "Ibrlflnl‘v IilI Imrvlmau in Ilw l'urvIIpiIIc IIII. IrII'I. Bfllll Bllllllll MINES llfllll "RSI MEHIIB IPPIIIIT flfllfifflfi Artiu' uprrutiuns “ill hcgin m Ilu.‘ pm'u-rty much-r Imummylm'm ut' VIM- NW0 '0. "Path. Vim ’Ol'nlu' cull M z'cmr in ”W llml‘u- ing nu 'l'lmrudu)‘ lust. c-mnplvwly dr- HII‘HMII}: ”Iv llnh'l M l’urqunis .lmw- tiun uwm-cl um] nmnugc-ol Ivy l’rzmk Nam“. II is lu-Iic-vml tlmt 3m uwr- lwmml siun- mm I'vslkmsiblv fur tho- Mxm-. mu! hvynml a few small piwcs of furniture. "minim: was sm-ml. 'l'lw building- wus wm'tll in tho llriglllmrllmnl M. VINO". «ml wmh'nlfl ulmm $4.00". the insummm vurriml tlu'nugln Hw ullim'. ul' Mam-:4. Sullivan N Xt-wtuu, living; $3,500, rmluving Xxuunlt’s lurks in $2.50". .‘lr. Nam". lms HM. yvt olm‘iclml Wlwtlwr "1‘ Nu! [m Wm I‘vhuilll. MR. NAP SBRVAIS WILL GIVE MILITARY DINNER .\ military chum-r will ln- given by Mr. Nap Svrvuis, ml the Kill: (ll-«Hm! llulvl. Smuh l’nrmpim-. at :m mlrly (lallv. ln llu' snlxllvrs ”1' NW lfilllll llntluliuu mm in wimp. Frivmls nl' lluv mldim'a will lm invilml. A :_ 11:7. 1.2:? _ i. :5 :1 _:_...,:. :53. 2.2.2:..â€" _: 3...... :: 32:75. :71}. 2:; 5.: _...:_.:: 5:: 7.2. 5:3... 'Hu- Umm- Minus millul .32.,(HU hms M urv. r°vasvming n lulu] gulcl pm- dmliun \nlm- M MEL-1h” m 5.4-.17‘) pvr tun, fur Fuhrmu')‘. 191“. fllflll Bflfllfi II I’llllflllfllfi Jllllflllll Ilfllflfillfl Nflfllllfi .\l llw Maidens-M(-lhmzllcl [vl'nlwr- (5' llw mn‘k nl' sinking a ~‘lml'l is “(’- ing diligently puslu-cl. mulvr the dir- w-liun ul' .\lr. llulvmzm. .\ mnlmvt l'm' «limnuml drilling: lms ulsu lm-n lvl In lw prm-vmlml un willmyt «lvlaly. \ 'lho- mm r'vntml six mummtIm-ut shaltt at tlw llulliwwr has “00]! um- cutml tn tho 4‘25 funt hml. and the rm'k has. been hl'ukt'tl nut, tn the 800 that hwvl. thnugh Hut tn :1 suflivivut vxtvut tn tum-t. the m-mls ut' tlw six t'Ualtll'llnt‘tltS. Mr. S. A. Wmdwy. t'ni'nwrh at tho llullhigm' staff, has :lhsttlllt'ti the lit!- tivs ut' manager ut' the Svhtumu'hvr (inld Miiws. Limited. flirt-ruling Mr. Jusvph ”uttstutt, wim has t‘t'sigm'd tn hwumv Assistant Manager «if the “me Mint-s. «Mr. \Vuukt')’ is nut a New mam in thv ticld. having: been idt-ttlilit'd with thv i’nl‘t-ltpillc District [or nearly t'uur yvurs; “if has served cm tho. stuff of the“ McIntyre Mine and nmn- rm-uutly utt tlw Hullingvr stair and its allied prupei'tivs in var- iuus vapm-itivs. Althuugh a younger mun. Mr. “balmy has shnwn marked ahility that rumtnvuds him as u Yaht- nhlu :Is-ut ('i this property, IS «liannnnd vulnpnny. llv trnwls by wnv “1' England. through tlw Slwz mnnl, In Luhitu Han'. thvnw by llw Hungnvln Rnilmn In lnlvhlw \l'lw' lvminfr tln- Inst nanncd puint lu- “ill haw :1 400 mile julllllt') ull hm! be t'urv lain: in urclvr In nun-l: tlu- mine. \\' lwiwr $3,500, rmluving tn. 1,500. Mr. .\':mll. has Mm! “In-Ilwr nr lIuI lw le l'urmwim' Hrmwll u" ”w l'an- «Jinn I’Mrintiv Puml mmmmm- that "w Final. Annual Dug 'l‘mm flaw. in ho hum“ as "w 1’mmcliam l’ntriutir Fuml Dug 'l‘vmn Raw. will mkv plum. on Sunday. .‘hlrvh “MI, 1916. mm. Huff lu-nuiuing, Tl"; rm quH“ in: pmximnu- Start at. Hm lmwrinl Hunk. 'l'im- mills, almvn tmull‘vls .‘lnm'hl h! Ilw mm! turning MY M ”W l'ovl‘c‘llpim' ('ruun. (u pnl‘rllpilu' I'mwu Mines, turning M Hw unrlh «iulv m' "mm M'- Ih-v Imumh tlw Hullinm-r. turning ufl' un Hu- nvw “.qu mud. In tlw "mun, Hmmgh Hu- humv hm-k mm! tn Smith Pun-"pin... turning; ummul \\'i|limu l’i0°rc't"~t drug show. must. tlw Kill}; ”vul‘gl' ”MM, UM ”Iv 'l'immins maul, thmuull Sc-lmnmvlwr "ml the .‘Ivlmyn' In Timmius, [ms-sing: mule-r tlw milruml bridu', pus! llu- Huld- HPMd "ulc'l hp finish at HIP Inuwriul Bunk. ()II 'I'IIIII'sqlzIy IIigJII, Marc-h “Jud, “1-H wlm'tml IIIIII WU” gl'mvmml rump- IIIIy ul' «war ‘30 «mmlvs Ilssvmlblml at tho Mnmnics 'l'vumlv. glli‘hIs' “1' tin- ILYJL ('III'I. This ('IIIII Is mummsml ul' :1 numlwr ul' yum”: lIIclivs 01' the 1mm, Ilvvuml In Imumtiv \x'url; III' :1 \wv puutimIl le. .llul Iln- -11' MM- ties IIIIu- IIm-II IIuIIIiIIv siIIu- HIIII' uI- cunimuliun .Ilmut. mu UHIHHH .Igu. I’lnxs “ill ln- push-cl alum: llw c-uursv m guidv Ilw cll'iwrs and u" lu-rscms driving: upcm tlu- rumh used urn rcquvsh-al in turn nut fur tlw (lug teams. giving: tlwm tlu- I'ull mm! to pass. 'l‘lu' humus: will lw stau'tml at indw- vuls clvlu-mlvnt upcm tlu- Inuulwr ut' tmlms o-utc-rml, am that Im trains will llllvl‘l'vl'l', and there slumlcl lw a team in sight. of ”w sum-taturs at all timvs. Bflllllllfl [JAMIE M MASHNII} "All BY MB. ClllB 'l'lw «lmum vmmm-nvml album. 2) pan. and mnlinuml until after ”no u'vlmok will: am intnrmissiun m I'uiclniu-ln. t'ur sumn-r, whwivh was «lalinlily m'rvml In tho mvmhvrs. The "main was 0x- wllvm. and u gvnvml lvvlin:~ uI' :mul tollmuhip gunmlul llu' “Muir, mM- in}; grvutly In its unjuyuhilil}. 'l'lu- mm- will he upvu In may luvul tmmw. tn uunsist. ut' not. mun- than I'Utll‘ «[0718, alriwu by Im'ul alriwrs. Nu Jugs whivll haw! mil. lwcu ill lllv This is pruhzlhly llw Inst. ”1' lhv univ-lomvn «lzuwvs. uulvss imlvml, it. slmuhl In: «lvviclml tn mry Ilw usual (-uslnlm uI' 1mm, ”will! tn HH' war (-nmlitiuus mm misting. Oddfellows Will Meet on Friday Dog Team Race For Benefit of Patriotic Fund liti 'l'uilnr Shnli nii Mntulaiy «writing htst. «if the hwati ()«ltlt't'llnws, t't-g‘att'd- in}: tlw starting nt' :1 lmlgn in Tim- mins. and ulthnugh it, was fairly well zittvtuhul it was thv nliininti nti thnsv present, that it \untlhl hr lwttvt’ in hnltl :mntlu-r im-vting nu Friday art-n- iug. tho 10th inst.. in iilt' t'zimulinn l'lxplnsivvs Httim', whvti it is (‘VIHWiOtl that mu'h uwmlwr. Ninth." with thnst- whn tiill tint. zittvtul this ntw. \rnuhl hriug in :1. “NW“ th'tuilmi return. It is thv illit'tllinlt tn gut stairtml zit nitm- illlti thu c-nmmittvv in rhairgo \vnuid him :1” NW (Melt'vllnws in vamp tn got in «'nmumnivutinn with W. H. Smith as tn whvthvr nr tint. tht-y \rnuhl jnin the new intlgv \thn it is stairtml. ()m- 01' tlw wry smm'tmt ”win! M'- puts 01' NW 502154”: was g'ix‘ml last night. in tlw l'wum u! :1 Militanv lin- (-hw and .‘lllsiulli‘. at Hu- huldlivhls Hotel, by Mrs. Hugh Mulhvrun. The mums were niwly «lwnl':ttc_,~l and crmnlud in 'upau-ity by Ihv Plitl‘ u! Timmims, and wa \‘isiturs 1mm nut- siclo the I’urvupiyw rump The prizes “(are won by Mr. (ilnlw, MI. and .“lrl. ‘.’.-YI"|‘H'(", 3115.319- Luughlin. and .‘h‘r. TMM. .\ meeting was [1011' m 1 lin 'l‘uilul' Shup nu Mum! MlllIMW [UEHHE M Gfllllflfllfi HflTEl TUESDAY EVENING men MAY nncomn AN ANNUAL Arumâ€"WAR 1309mm an sncunnn A8 Pamâ€"nos mm. at: 301.0 m sneâ€" mrons AND Pnocnnns nuns!) 1'0 rm: cuumm anonc rumâ€"runs mm. an smnrnn AT 1mm“ was“ sum AND rmsn IN 'mmms. '1' Will tukv [Ilm‘v mm (In. mum'. at Ilislum‘v «1' up ly thirm-u milos: t. Hm Impvrinl Hunk. Tim was ln-M in ”w thlwr- hm'nships u" Tisclah‘. .‘lmllfljny. "g- den. Shaw. lh-lum. nr Whihwy for :I. [N'riml "I. M lvnsl I'mu‘ lmilluh pnm‘ (8 «law ul' mm‘ may wmnwh‘. Any h'nm whivh starts must finish imam with sum» clriwr, 5mm. doc-s. smnv harness. and «mm mmmm m. but lln nmtrivtiun is mmlv n94 tn car- tying: vxtm harm-as, alluwing duus t... run frm» mm. M' Ilw clislmwv. m- min «m mn\°a-_\‘nllm', hut. tlw finish Inuit. .‘u- mmlv with all dugs in lmrunu £JH| «lrivvr nu tlw mm\'v_\'nm°u. Furtlu-r rulm may lu' Ih'vlnrml by ”w vmmnmvv in vlmrm- any tum- prinr m Mun-h 15m, llw smm' tn up» [war in full in ”w l'nrmmim- Rel. \‘anv u!’ that dam A" o'llh'ivs "HI". 'N' Immlml to the Sownmr} prim‘ In .‘hurvll IIHI. l'mi. am-mummiml In an c-Mrmu-v I'm: M? $1.00. “hivh “ill lw ntuiuml it ham aim-s nut. I'wmunlo', hm I‘Hc'lmnwl lu tmmns minim-ting. Tags will 'w sum '0 eqututflr-t a- lum: lllv ruuw t'm‘ hwmy-liw “-sz vall, tlw prm'm'ds in gu tn Hlt' I'm- rintiv Fund. 'l‘lu- vuuuuinm- in rlmrgv nn- .1!- clam-"rim: lu .wvurc- :1 \mr tummy, :1"- “mt prize. I'unl l.uhm~r. n nutiw nt Swuuwâ€" hlml, album. It?! yvall's nt' :Igv, h'tt Sunth l’urvupiuc on u pruspvctinu' trip 5mm! tilm- lwt'urv Xmas, mu! mu (*xlm-tmt tn l't'tut'u hy va Yrars' “any. “(9 t'uilml In almwm' and at. swam-h party was smut nut, but rmâ€" thing was lvm'm-d at his \\'lu-rvu|mut~: allthnugh trum's ut' tmnpuml'y t'lllillts' haul lN't'lt tumult-(l. It was t'mn'mt them that. he haul pvrishml, and this: i'o-m' has lwvn mntirmml. ”is hme hm; horn t'uuml in :1 shawl; nu the Worst. sich- ut' .\lv.\rthm° Lukv, by Felix lh'nuiu, :1. tmmwr cm tlw ltmtsmuu ”tum it is lmlwcl llml mumgll Nullunins-m will lu- urmmml tn vlimrv ii gnml rare mul mnlw this. in limv. an annual ull'nir Wllll'll will I"! ut' i'mll spurt": intvrvst. It. is suggested that. whvrv gun! «tugs m'o uwnwt svpumtvly, 01' in pairs, that. tho uwm-rs mmhim- tn nmkv tmuus, aunt it. is Ilupmt that. at least. twenty teams will tw vutvrmt. lflSI l’flflfil’ffllflfl fflUNll HEAD IN £an BY fflEX llflllllll Lulnwr was :1 vripplv. and his pnsi~ liun when t'unml imlic-niml that. mâ€" tmm- suflm'ing haul prmomlcd hi»; :1:- t.imt'l.\' NHL BIB PMfllflIIE TEA M Vll’llNfl MINES BY MS. I'lllfllifi Mrs. l’uil'ivl', wit]- nl' tho gmwrul mmmgvr nl' Vilmml Minus, gm‘r :m :H'tvrnmm tva un .Umnlaly, fmm txw tn six u’vlm'k. in aid ut‘ Hw Inwul l'ulriuliu Fund. The I'HUIIH “um taste-fully clm'umlml and all ch'tuils ran'riml nut. \xitll Mrs. l’uil'io-I'°~' m“ knuwn finesse. the :Ltfvudmwv 01' lb' sulcliurs J4 1591]: Battalion, when mnrvlu- (mm ”m lmrz'zu-ks an 'l'immins, mnnnmml Hf Livll'. Xivlmlmm. .\ large lunnlwr uI' glut-15 :th I'm!“ all [parts ”1' llw 1mm, :1 was mnu-mlml tn lw mm Hf llu Sm'iul fluu'liuns ”1' (hr smtsml. HEAVIEST PART flf NEW EVANIHE PM!” "W M 0le [ME Single Copies 5 CU“! wlm murvhml )p.

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