DR. MONK’S KIDNEY â€Mann. 0121.. .Ium- 15'. UNI-1, DEAR SIRp-l tau-l it my lmumlon cluty tn lot Hw mu‘ld knuw that the Mr. Mum's Kidnvj,’ :mcl Liwr I’ills zm' tlu- unly rcnml) Hm! has (war lu-lpml um. I hun- lwvn a mnstunt sum-11w sim'v tho- year 1891, with what tln- lwst lumhm! exports mllml «ilu’runiv rlwunmtism. At a grout 0x- pctlsv l luul umlorgmw llu' lwst lnml- iml trvutnwut tlmt rnuld lu- l'umul. but all tn nu IDUX’ptom‘. Hy accident l was imluvml tn try ymu' trvutmont auul pills. which has :‘m‘ultml in my rmuplvtt l'ncuvvr). l am quite well again and {flu 1mm all min: in fur! ll luu'c lwvn rural 2mm :1 lung: and painful illness. from which lvlvuso ac- rvpt. my must slum-n- thanks. Yuuts .~lm-m'vl_\'. Hu- lluspitul lu-nvï¬t. lill . Jh’. Milk-r. \‘(Ptrï¬xzzn'y .\Hl‘L’t 'i‘inunihs.'is :1 sun 01' J. .\. .\lilh will lw glint! to \‘M'ii'; Lln- :xlmu‘ muninl. Hmu 1nd Wurcle ix "age and mm! m' 1 Sum ny by a lady tor muting; ulll u now hall was mlur whim was Wm For sale by all Druggists. or by THOMAS BANK." Gen. Agent. (:0 George Preston, Timmins, Ont. ,oro :1 n- t \m Druggist - and - Stationer nun nmmnm .3. rmmms, ouuxw ‘ Phone Orders fromptly Delivercd Everything in the line We Always carry 0f Prgspectors‘ Full stock of Hard- supplies Can Be ware and Builders’ Obtained Supplies - Ago“! HUM >|wnt Uprvu all withth Price 500 only. A fim- lmrH-stâ€"nfplms'urvs and profits is l't-zapod by tlw mm: whn drives a Ford, For tlw trip to townâ€"fur at run to tlw nvighlun'sâ€"l'ur u hurry-up drive :my- wlwrt- lmsim-ss or pleasure dcnmndsâ€" then-'5 no other car which will go so well at :m.\'wlu-ru m-ur tlu- cost. The Foul Touung Car is $530; Um Coupclet $730; the Sedan 3890: the Town Car 5780; All pncu are (.0. b. Ford. Ontario. All can completely equapped. includnng elcclnc Iu-sdlighu. Equipment does not include speed- ometc' Cars on ule at Marahall-Ecclestone Ltd. Timmim TOILET PREPARATIONS to our line of quality goods Their superior quaIity is an established fact HAVE. ADDED THE CELEBRATED gut 3'0 The Ford Runabout Price $480 LIVER PILLS. u l5rvwing lulu: your: we! and fiftyâ€" l'Ingiish lung:- \wx'v used last disruvvl'cd af- Lm'h than hm" with :1 tag, (m “SEELYS†1“ i110! “MADE IN CANADA†'wluwd ~XH'L'UUII (bf Millm'. and n'm HIV. it's“- RUIN in Feb. 9.-â€"-Dome at Timmins .. Feb. 19. â€"Dome at Hollinger .. Feb. 2.3â€"Hollinger at Timmins Mar. 1.â€"-T;mmins at Dome“ booooooooooooooooooooo0000 Revised Schedule of A 'l‘.‘ A. Hockey League P.O. Box 123. BARRIS'I‘ER. NOTARY PUBLIC 9-10 Royal Exchange 81:13.. Cobalt. Phone 58. Ostrosser 31:13.. Timmins All kinds of Jewelry and Repairs on Watches. Phone 152 Avrmmtamts Latest Popular Sheet Musicâ€"â€" “National Song of the Allies" “Eileen" “We’ll Never Let the Old Flag Fall." THE L. STADELMAN CO. Near the Station - - TIMMINS CARSON, UTTLEY C0. DR. L. GAGNON l’-°id-up(‘.:1pital $7,000,000.00 llx'scrsclflllld - $7,000,000.00 1"" ’77 I """/.4.'\"), President L'. IMIY, (Jamal (Manager 9‘11 [Dr-1"". TWONV Orders and L†Lwttcrs of Credit issued. L. avulablc throughout the K. I". DaLUNG .‘Innuï¬or 'l'immiuu. Um. "9.13%.“ Interest Credited 1'13â€- " vale-Io ycady at Current Rates. Gcncrcl Banking Blaine†Trcmct 3.1 J. W. Mahon Timmins, Ontario m: A. BISCORNET Z (Elms. Pierce Veterinary Oflice HAILEYBURY. ONT. SOLICITOR. . Next Post Ofï¬ce. TIMMINS. 7'" fgï¬â€˜fm «kl. MEAN“ Dealers in Government and blunicipal Securities. Dealers in Foreign and Domain Exchange. Savings Department a? all Branches. Auditors THE PORCL'NNE AIDVAXCI'.‘ P.O. Box 458 Assignm-s I .0 nrrn'ml n mm! uI' «- up 10 â€w m in: In kw. juh. hm mm ted .nml clra 604". IN THE MAIL BAG 9 I’m the Fun! and Bantam . A _ - _ A A A A A A - 9999900909000OOOOOOO§§¢OO rmrili mutiny and its nanwimium. l have In ngmlngito for not writing in yam helium. hm the ant-iv"! tradi (inns M’ the relies fmniiy whirl) pro. rluclm hm muvh letter writing. mmt 'h‘flf KP". I Thanks fur yum' I'ltristmns ward which I rwoiuwl a day 01' MW turn. I ammvinwd it very murh as it t9- mimlml me fun-My nf Hm gum! uld MDT"! mmhtt‘)’ and its namcimium. i suppose a little «lost-ripiiun oi mmiiiinns iwn- might [omw imon'si- "rut In ya". “'0 are imusmi in NW rngniwi irvm imls. llt'flh‘ii by n QM lwv sinvv in om'h Imi. Hur lmis run- sisl ni' planks misc-ii nimut â€mm in. clws i'rum the "nor with n simw mm- irvsu mu! “w hinnkvis. wv inm- vlmu iric- huh! and em fair as the lmusing mm is mucornml m- an- wry rum- i‘nrinhlv. 'i'lw i'mui M â€w shirt WM lmm-Mniilv iu-sicli-s living swan-n. Hill "in" ii is \'ill‘)' unmi win-ilu-r i'rum lilo mum-mus mnnplnims «if from the gem-ml niimrgmiimiimn nilvmlzmi in» cm mu' minim: in. The mini Mn" .0 nrrivwl was it sc-umlnl. Wiilmni n mm! "1' c-xnggc-rniiun. Hm mml Wil up in ilw mlws ui‘ our logs and try- in: In L‘N'p c-lmm was a Hmnklw juii. imi mm- wo Imu- rumis «unstruc- tmi .mul drains made. and â€w mil. clams nni mm: us nun-h. ii verminly «luvs mm hvrv hm. W0 imvc liml \\'inc-hi-stvr ia a wry nhl wm'hl tuwn. with ttu strm-t vars ar anything likv that. atnl its t'ltltl'llt 5mm palls an aim. Sunthaniptun is unly almnt twvl‘rv miles away and is I't‘llt'llt'ti in alumt half an hunt' liy raili'mnl. It is a L'uml tuwn tan and in "info aiml- t‘l'lthllti an ahvail than \\'ini°hi'sti~r. 'l'hi- girls in this \‘ii'inity all fall far the t'anitclians. tn tln- inti-nsv «lis- gtth't nl' litt' ntlwt‘ snlclii-i‘n. Anything: 01' anyhmly t'ttlltllt'.’ t'ruia ('anada is "-lnkv' ' «war harp. 'l'lw thing that tla- hays miss most is a lain-h ('Ulllllt'l‘. hnt wv haw- (lis- mn'i-rml a hntvhi-r's shnp in 'l'wyt'm'il. a little \‘illagi' alnmt a niilv and n II little village IIlIIIIIt II mile and II III†III'IIy. wlIII sIIIIIIiIIlizes in IIIIIIkiIIg \IIIII' H\\ll selIIIItIIIl steak. t'lt‘.. l'rutn Illt' slIIIII. lit the kitIIlIIIII lIIIlIiIIIl. and SP Hill: the Mllltt' IIII “lllt IIIIIIIIIs. IItII.. t°III° IIlIIIIIt t'III'ty-eigllt IIII titty vents. It's. IIll right. two. He gets his stuff t'I'IIIII tlIII Swit't t'II.. \I'lIIIse IIIIIiII IIIIt- tit is in the States. They ltith’ made me ('IIII'IIIIIIII and I may any that I've \I'IIIIkeIl lIIIIIIl t'IIII it tun Slim llIIlliwell. lllek l'lIII\'I'II and Alex trillespie IIIIII IIll Sergeants l.eII ltIIIIstIIIIIl. .l . . . l leIIIiIII... ltIIIIItII III and myselt IIIIII (‘IIIIIIIIIIIII~:. Neil 0'- :OQOQOOO006...“..0000000005. '4'†In and m; ('uullnl‘ unit-Inu- l'alnll. :12ch mysvll‘ iH'P ('ul'lun':ll~'. Xvi! H'- ('mmnl'. Huh Slvw-n. and H. ' ('ur- Illivhm'l :II'O IAIIIPPJ'ul'lml'u‘s. ’mh Illaâ€. J. H. Mrt'hvsnvy. S. I". â€mul- mm. X. (H‘unnur and Joe Lurmlx “ish In lw rmnvmlwrml In yuu. also Svhlmnillvr. Way Husnlivld and num- cums ntlwrs. Sthlmnillvr is u sin-t- vhor lwmor. \\u\ mu! Hushh’vlcl am- "II I" \\u;.:f.'tl'.~‘. (wing in Hu- impussihility ni' nu- wriling In (‘\'('l')'lmd}'. l'cl lw nhligvd if yuu mmld ask (Evurgc- Lake to publish this lcttor in tlw Advzum- so that mmwhmh “1m kmms me many («maidm' this as :1 pmsnmll lottm'. \mus simor’vl), Frank I’vttvs. Um I‘ l)e;ir I'Lmiiee, Yuu «l.» nut knuw lmw mueli I up- lll'Ol‘lillOll ymir mml. It brought lmel; mine iiienmries ul' gnml 0141 times l)('- lure the war. l am Very Sul‘l'y l (lltl m: write lu ynu liet'ure. but I tlimtglit )‘ull had all t'urgutten me :1 year ugm. It gives me much pleasure tn think I was mistaken. Any time you enre tn write 1 will lie unly tuu pleased to .mswer. You knuw we have very lit- tle enjuyiueut, nut here. and the life :5 very tummtnnuus. believe me. We w "13’ PS I‘ 12121. 1 21111 sorry that 1 222111 11211 12211 12111 111122122 I 21111. 11122 2222115211' 11'2111121 211111 0 21522 it 521 it 11'2111121 1122 211' 1121 11522. \\ 22 1111151 1222 1"2211'22211'221',11112111 12111111. 1111211 1122 111'1122. 111 221522 52111122 211 1112 2211221111 5112111121 22221 1121121 211 11122 12211221' '11122 11'2'11 222221115 121 2221 2111 1112222552111111' 2121225 it 11211. 1’ 2221222 522221115 215 1211' 2111211' 112111 21s it 21121 211'221' 21 1'0211' 212221 11112211 I 1011'111111111115. '1111112_2.~; 1121122 2211211125 2221 5211112211'1121'1 1211' 11122. 111 those 12111;: 11121111115. ’11' H122 11:2 .122 12111 1'22222211'2 1111s 1 11111 1121122 11222211 111 11122 11"(21121108 It gives me much pleusme tn th111k 1111s 111ist11ke11. \11} time ynu mire tn write I will he nnly tnn pleased tn 111s“ e1 Ynu knn“ we haw \‘crv lit- tle 13111111110111 nut l1el'e.:1111l the lit1 5 \"e1.\ 111111111tn11n11s. he! lexe 11ie.\\1- â€â€™11 mm the t1e11el11-s 1111' 21 t"e\\ (law 1.1111 tl11-11 1-n111e nut t"n1 the same [1111’ in1l. I 11111 sn1'1") that l 1' 111 11nt tell )nu \\"l1e1e I 11111. the eensnr \\'nul1l ..ni\' muse it 511 it “Ulllll he nl 1H1 use. In the Field, January 1011). 1916 Before Buying Your Hay, Flour and Feed You should give us a call TIW 'I'Is1I11I1' II111°I\1-)‘ I.11:1u1|1' I~ in IIUIITIBIIIIIL' 1'1IIIIIIIIIIII. “‘IIII IIIII‘cIIIn ‘VIISUII. |1l'1'.~I1I1'lII. IIIIoI \V. \\.I1I1IIII1'I1I “111' Ir1-II:1. .\ HHII' 1'1111111 :1--ri1~ “IIII |I11IIIIIg1-r. IIIIIIIIIII~ 11ml “111110. is WIH'IIHINI. 'Iu 1Izm- I11III‘ g.IIII1-.~‘ II.I\'1' IIN‘II play-1| «Illll. SIII Alhmw II. Ilnlliuzvr 7. Jam IIIIII Hullixmvr 5. 'l'i112111111~ :3. Jun. 2-IIII-~ 'I‘IIIIIIIIII» H. IMIIIII- 23. F141. 21111- ~'l‘1mmins :3. llullingvr .I. All 1511111115 11111 playml nl 'I'iIIImiIIs rink. aim-1- 811111310111! I'iuk Is "III 1111. MINI. Six-mam luwlu-y is IIlzIyHI WiIII .\'.Il..\. rulvs gum'ning. ()II \VI'CIIN'Mlfl)’. l’I-lII'IIIII'y 13ml. HIH' 01‘ â€H' host mu] must illtt‘l'PL‘ill': Inw- kvy llmN‘ht‘h’ ('\'('l’ M‘Pll III-I°I- II'IIs play- I'Il III-tII'I-I-II HullingI-I' :IIIII 'l'iIIIIIIiIIs. 'I‘III- 'l'iIIIIIIiIIs SUPIMDI'H'l'S “'0!" Hillâ€- IlI'm 01' \‘iI'tIII'V IIIIIl IIIIII Ignite sumo tI-IIIII IIII lm'wl. hut tlIm t‘I'I'kHIIW‘ \Iitlmnt giIiIIg: IIIII- “right In â€W {JXHNIH‘I (“NIH'Y'it'HH' III â€Il‘ HIIIliIIL'I-I' IIIIIII-II. Whil'll lilllv “\I'I'Sigll' I-Imt â€Will IIIIitI- II IIIIIIIHv. 'I'IIIIIIgII HIP game was H(‘\'(‘l' "IIII iG’QԠHull)‘ lml game was mwvr “nu IN‘ H“ Um way. ï¬nishing: 4-.» Fur HII' ï¬nd â€In" in Hm II 'It' IIIWII Ml I'II'I'HIIII was lu'h lit“. fur I'umwi'. “1 H mt rv-I'II-I-h-I' .‘layur Ivy III-I fur â€I“ “fill I‘IIIIM'I'IIHVI' HIIII . H. HIII'II'. “I. .\Im\m~.1'. mus. Dr. MI-IIIIII-u. .\ Hm L 1’. Mrlmuglllin llH‘ [luv 1 u 'l‘lu- auuual gaau- lwtwm-a Hm Tur- uutu Yarsuy graduates aml v.\'-.\lc'- Kinlvyol)arrag‘hilvs was played Sun- day. January Ititll, rvsulliug' in au- utlwr win l'nr Varsity uith a 5mm- ut' 11: tn (5. Sandy (ilnlw playml his usual galuv iu gual as tho smu'v wauhl imlivatv. 'l'hv MvKinlvy'h‘ missed Eddiv Mt-(‘uy wry muvh frmu tlu-ir liuv-ulv. but his lu'ntlur Sid. a" raf- (no “as a bum at stuugth tn lluxu. At a farewell clinnef given in tlie iuldtleltls llntel. January 20th. it was .iggested liy \‘ietur t'iilhert that nine organized effort lie mmle to we]! the linys at the t‘nmt in tmieli itti affairs at lmme as well as the luing of lllt‘ various units in the ï¬eld. \ paper was tlmnlly settled cm as the vest medium nml t'. (3. Williams was ~leeteil eclitur. with A. ll. lllulie as mine» manager. .\lr. (lenrge Lake in behalf «if the l’ureiipine .\cl\°anee as very geiienmsly uttered tn print lie paper free «if elmrge. It will lie mlilislied. like ('. t‘. Fnrr's llniley- mrinn. â€t'mm lime to time." nml the 'lmrge \i'ill lie-«u return letter ur wen n [mastenril tellim: the News frnm 'mtr (listriel. .\ nvw “inter ruml is lwing‘ (-ul mn- nm-ting 'l‘innnins and Southern! thr- mgh tho Dunno. ll l'ullmvs alum: llw q-mml mnoessinu lino. whirl: many will rmuomlwr was. llw nl(l trail in 'lw early days. ('lmrlio Auvr is in "lmrgv “1' the wnrk uml prumisvs that '!w Hume fans um 1151- this rmul lm 'lw Dunno-'l'innnins game Ull-l“('l)l'll- ‘.l'r\' lllll. unnsters hit a trem-h there is some- thing «thing. It is nut very often they have direct hits “1' we \muhl hme ‘zr-en all killed uumtlm ugh. ()t' enurse we have the same size guns as they have. and l .shuuhl say, as mueh again mumunitinn. .\.~' tar as that Laws “1' are tltm'e than n mutvh t'ur them a†:mmnd. \\'e are in Flanders ut' Pulll'SP yun In llw 'l'mmship mes run with E. ( lw slaw. and V er. 'l'lu- Dis-k: ~IH't't'serIl ull "hm! fur fuur nmulhs. 'i‘rvnrh life. my friend. is 110 jukv holivvc luv. ()1' wm'su (-vory tinn- we 5;†in smm- pnur 'vllnw gets his. “no mwvr knmw when his turn will mum... "ate has hwn kind to mu m far. I hmo had muw mum“ kupvs hut zun still our- xy'in: mnuml u whulo hmly. 'lhv uu-lhxxg surt nt' gvts nu uno's nerves 'wrv. 'l'hvy haw shells that make 'mhw in tlw g'muml uhmxt fifty feet in dizmwtor. When (mo uf those uunstvrs hit 2! â€much there is' sumo- THE MONTH'S HAPPENINGS. "I A. R. "lull Mr. Hours? Purl‘llpim' .‘Ih‘ sly uflnrml tn 1 Warm It «4 1'. Fnrr's "I! v in tmw. MN ’ n spil‘ih'd ("uriiom 3. Mic-kw" lu-mling ’vsly Kt'lmmly lllv :«m I'm'tiun Were a: Ilw lmr. wrmumw Advanm ' «Worm! tn prim harm. It will lw ' l-‘nrr's llnilvy- tn tmw." nml tlw n-turn Irnvr «r m: Ilu- no“: frum 'l'imumh 3. “Ullw 23. Hullingvr 4. all 'l'ilmuins is III)! Ull- I'lm‘ml with y . "7.va um! 'ummllnrs. hiflury 01 M in Tim lammtinn . .‘lvssrs fl. Wil- WII sun Do You lntend to Build? If So, Get our prices on Lumber testing nuns MINI slw \\' 1UP rcpurts l imumlinhvly .10" \WW an {rum Arthur Sum-hm lms rm-vivml u lol- h-r l'rum Sgt. Um. I). Kelly. K01 is mm m :n lumpiml M Alexandria ut'u-r svrring mnlinuuusly in tlw (lullilmli lu-ninmln. 'l‘lu- m'nrvily ul' \rulvr mlclml c-uusiclvruhly In his h'uulflm in that mnupuign. .I. II. â€at cluh'cl VIII was rum“ “llivh .lm lmIs Hull A. H. (Blulu- has a mm! frum Lima. .I. ll. Hauray uI' tlu- Burch-a Hattvry. datml Flanders. January Milli. Ha was c-mmaamlvr ut' llu- platmm in “ma. .Iavk lm-aaaa awn-ml. and re- lmis that in tlu- lmmlnmlnwat whirl: mud .lavk his life tlw Harman.» put 51; high vxplusiw and shrapnel slwlls in: an arm ul' 5" yards. l'rmu ["11 curd. hm. ('lms. WIIIIIIIIIS. II'IIII. 3rd. l'IIIiIIII'-iII-(‘lIiIII'. Sir. II'IIIII-iw-Il II lI-HIII' “1' January “MI. 19115. l'I'uIII I’III. H. i\. SIIIVIIII. 23ml l’inIIIII-I' HIIHIIIIIIII. HIIZIIly Duwu I'IIIIIII. saying that IIII IIIII! IIIIIIHIIII' IIIIII lIIIIIII (‘IIUh’CH ln IIIkII II six “Pukï¬ IIuIII'sII iII InpugI'aIplIy. mapping. III-nut- iIIg. IIIII.. IIIIII In llIIIiI‘ having had smIIII PiVil IIIIgIIIIII-I'ing IprIII'iIIIIIIII. This will IIIIIIIIIII â€mm In puss IIXIIIIIiII- IIIIIIII. IIIIIl IIIIIy In turn “ill giw III: lh‘h't'h' «If iIIstI'IIII tinII. III II IIIIIIith IIIIIIII' lIII sIIIIIIl â€NH IIIIIIII \H'H' IIIII~isIIIIII llllllnlh â€III! “III HIIHIIIIIIII \IIIIIlIl IIII 51‘“! In LIV“! iII IIIII IIIIII °"’tIIlIIIII. “urn“ “MIH‘I‘. I ('nnmlum Bliginm \\ c-hh I'm-mflly mud H. .‘l. Strum rm ml l’lmulc-rs. .lnmm ml Mullah-rs. .lmv J. Mill"? Ihuwry ('lnrishmls prvsvl \u-rl' nmtl‘vvinhw m-rc‘ I'l‘ugl‘vsslllg H' Viv Emory (1011'! :10! tlw insm'ip- tinu Imulv mm: «m \\ \liv s «mmpuss, Li“ M†lw lnuk 3mm Hw hunt. In a letter reeeived by Mr. (Huhe t'rmn I'Iddie Met‘uy, written an Jan. l-tth t'runt Heading. England. Eddie states he had a very en'iuyahle trip aeruss in euinpany with .\'u. 1 Tan- neling ('uinliany. He visited the. Pin- neer Battaliun at Ham-1y Downs and saw must at the hays. Jimmy Flem- ing: and Slim llalliwell are Sergeants, Hit-k l’hayre and Hal; Steven were away taking- speeial eunrses, Martini is a ('urpural in the Red ('rnss See- tiun. .\'eil H't'unnur had just heen prnnmted and was tit-kled tu death In get the news. t'rmn hunte. yuu. 'l'lw mm! 15 \'(‘l'_\' (“'01) Iwrv. mm tlw ruins ilu-essunt. Thunl; (lml Wu have had 110 snow or l'rnsl 5m. and l tlull'l ilnuginv We will lmu- nuw. Expect to go in lmmlnn «m an l'c-w lluys leave in a muntll; wq- lmvu lwvn prmuised it, lmt mm mm mwvr lw. surv ut' anything: in a limo lilu- this. I am mnjtgving llw lwht ul' lwulth mm in spin- ol' the wonlIu-r. llulu' l will (-untimue so. as a sick HUllllPl' is nut much Ilsv tn himsvll' ul‘ unyum- ('lsc. WP .H'N' sumo grml zwruplsuw mun- (wuvm's lwrv. Hm mm 111 um- hum'h. I'Iwry up It :5 firm! at In)“ lhr lmuv ll Ma , Mullwnm lms rec-viva! I In: Smith. “0 wn ium cm January 2nd an I lwnlth. :IM or WE HEAR THATâ€"â€" Wilmm luh' rpm-ivml 1: um! .I lx'mmmg. It was some ., January HM hnvry. smtmg prvsvms hml PERSONALS Yuurs truly. H. M. Stmmn l‘l‘. ISI Mold ML. "0)?“ :inm‘m. wrote Harry and rvlmrts all Well. n rm'vivml n lvlh‘r «lat- :uumry lllln. l'rum ('nrp ry. 3mm“; tlmt llu- . um! wry we *m-viwd n loun- llr wrnlo fmm :dnn 011 a l'vw wv have been mm m'vm' lm linw lilw this. nl' lu-ultll mm an0 I will Huldim' is nut â€VS Stnckwoll Fin Hrigmlo mnï¬ning the uf the on» nrfloman did arrival and that â€Hugs II with tlwm INN Wigwam HM Huh day fulâ€" “'1‘! "I Royal