Other Features. My Ilw vnlu'lvsy “1' “r. J. Deputy .‘lunlvr. nwmhc-rs will l'nl'clvd llu- nppur'nmity nt' \ Isi Huyul Mini. Arrangvuwnm lul made Mr mus. muh-r the 3.- nt' Inmnlu-rs nt' tlu- luvul mmm 1hr ()rv Dressing: lmlmraunry I’m'l 'l'vsliug \‘taltinn «W 1hr Hunwln. u! the lh-lmnmtm uz tn the \idmia Muwum and ‘Xmimml Hullvr}. Mr. H. Murtilm-r-Lumh. Swrvlur)’ has been :mliriug.r in his ulTuNs I: make this annual Inn-ting ut‘ tlu- has Jitutu am rpm-k-n-mrdm°. and the ml uvutimml and vutm'taining urmngv uu'nls mmlv warrant :1 lau'gv :Ittmnl Emma plan. .\ Slllglv Hrs! t'lu lw purvlmsml uni mm" «lays m‘iur In Hu- ulwni: ilu'. Sunday vxm-ptml. w'l‘tiï¬vatv nt' suvh pm" uhtuinml frmu lfw livk ing tho tl'uuspurtulinn (*lldm'svd by MW Stu-I'M stituh- um! stmupml I») live nl' HH‘ Railways. \ aittmulunw all thv 8w the ('hMc-nu Laurivr l tlm-o «lays ul' thv tum-l flflSE MINES SYNDICATE " Mllflflflf 'i'flWNSHIP NEAR THE EBflESUS '.\ symlirmv i~' m tiun hn' tho {our}... ,vlnim No. 11475 in and tlw part «1m ('lu ditiunul [mun-rm ~. all [owned in mun- T110 HUI‘UHH'M n lwrtios is said in h. u" tllv ('I'm‘sus .‘l mom ut' which was by Mr. Julius ('ulu': Porcupine ('nm'u. “'5' in l'nnxnln" by lluwI-lls l'Tuvll- NIP: ““isvuvm')’ Hf I’lnmlblmh' 0!. Hum in tho Nm-ky Munntnins" by Frank IL .\clnn|.~ annl W. J. Hivl‘: “'l'lw Zinv Hwnrvnm-s nl Nulrt- lbnnv clvs .\n:..'v~°' b\' J. .\. Hnln'l'ul't: “1 'nnmlinn Hull nml \\.n' I’nmnw†by .\ \OIIIIII SIIHIH: "In-1k (‘I'IIHIIUIL' 'l'vsls nt .\lv(iill l'ninraiH b\ .l \\. HPâ€: â€Snnw t'untlitiuns \letiNL: I'Iclln'nliun in Mining: and MNanr- m" by J. (H (iwilliln: "Mining I'lcl- nmniun†by 1.. IL Hurling: â€Min- <-,rnl lit-posits ut' llw ankingbmn “i5- trivt" by Mnl'lv)‘ li. Wilmn: â€Vult- pm' Mining: in Alaska" by H. W. HnHuis: â€I’Nl'nlin Vans! and l'l't‘s- (‘III H l’." .r. SIzlllsliI-ltl. 'l'lw I'Iustvrn (‘amzuliun Assuvizltinn lms mnvml trunspurmtinn |Il‘i\ilc'f_:'vs and “WW l'ric-mls amt-min: inc. hamml nu Hw lmuwl gunman mulls IlSIIIlJIE mum; flit 18th uuuuu Program of Papers. .\ \‘c-r)’ c-Iulmmh' prugrmu "3' ml- «lrvssvs Ims hm-u urmngml. nll lwur- iug nu smmo- plmu- u" mining ul' kill- clrml industries. .\muu;_' tin-w I'“|""'-" Will 'u' â€Flo-tum." I'rm-c-sws†by 'l'. .\. Hivkurcl: â€Huhltinn all tlw .\m|- mmdu Slim." by H. l’. Mullln-wmn: .“le t'um-c-nlmlmn ut' .‘lulyhch'uitv Ins .\|||IIII'II III I'IIIIIIIIIIIII III'IIs‘" II} III‘III'V I'I. \VIIIIII; â€â€˜I‘III' I'.IIIIIIIIIIII III. HUI'IIIII' II)‘ III III\ IIIIIIIIIs‘; ..\.HIIIP I'I ITIIIIII III “III \\ III IIII IIII- .\IIIIIIII.: IIIIII .‘IQ‘I IéIIIIIgIPIII IIIIIIIsIrII-s III I 'IIIIIIIIII' IIv . QIIIIMII-III; “I'IIIIIIIIIIIII SIIIIIIIIIN III IIIIII .IIIII Sle III IIPIIIIIHII III MIIII- IIIIIIIs III \\"IIr ' IIy 'IlIm. IIIIIIII‘): “'I'III- ('IIIII â€I‘SIIIII'I‘Q‘S III' ('IIIIIIIIII II'IIII SIII'I'IIII III'I'I-I‘I'III-I' III IIII- MIIIIIIIIII‘m- I-III IIIIIIIsIIII-s†II\' .I. II. I’IIIIPIâ€. “'I‘IIIII IIIII SIIIIIIIIIIII III I'â€IIIIIIIIII II)‘ \V. .I. IIIIk: “ I'III- .‘III‘JIII‘SIIQ' IIIIIIIS- II',\' III I'IIIIIIIIII†II)’ IIIIII'I-IIII II'I'III-II- I'III': “IIISI'III'I‘I‘y III. I’IIHSPIIII'P III' IIIIIII‘ III “In IIIIIIIII‘ .\IIIIIIIIIIIIIII" IIy ll!" .\|||blu'd in Henry |".. \\‘umi Hnrnih-H h)’ â€1 “17va ul' Hm \\' Mmgtlm'gmtl II by . . Stuntslivlcl nl' Iruu and SIM “inns HI. \VlllԠl'zll't‘ l'nl' Hu plan. .\ SH ~ THE OPCUPINE ADVANCE le oixhtnmln annual mwting nf the. ('nmuiian Minn": lm-Hmlr “ill be held in the ('lmtcnu humor Hutol. Ottawa. "n \VMInMJn)‘. .‘lm’rh lat, in continuu- fur â€INN! days. the annual dinner bring all Thursday. Hw 2nd. 8mm» wry impurmm manom- will he chm" with. im‘lmhnc am muplim‘ licm fur a Rnyul Flmrtcr. Tlu- lul. lowing urntlmmm Inning ln-vn Hull!- innhwl fur "Dim nn H!" meml fur "w running torm. will lw o°|;'rhw| h) nwlnmminn : l’residmnl. .\l r. .\ rtlmr .\. ('nlv. ('ubnlt. Vimhl’rvsula'nh. Mr. "has. I’vnmn .\lulltrvnl. and Mr. T. W. Htlwm. Tatum". will he â€Ho-mum: l .\. Hivkllrcl: " 1"â€th munch! Mine.†by H. “le Vum-c-nlmlmn \- . . 05 .‘Pliill'd 3n (mu Vol 2. No 14 "Hr i~4 Sim-kph. Vulgar}. thsl umhiu. .‘Ir. 'l'huums Hrulmm turm; .‘lr. limm-r I’. Junâ€. Ivy. uml Mr. .‘I. Ii. l'urm-ll. Imul. Hnnmn. .\lr. .\'nrm Piulwr. Vulmll'. Mr. .\. H. {'umu-r Fliï¬': Mr. \V. "I. Wurfll. 'I'nl‘nlllu. am! Mr. H I'I. Smilll. 'l'ul'ulnu. Qua-hm Julm .-\. l’rt-ssc-r. .‘luIflrI-nl. .\l urns. 'cmm'illurs Transportation. rnuml trip nu '10 ï¬rst «kiss t Him. days. Nu- m: ’l‘humluy. â€I" important math ‘I. iurlmlinr am : .,. I..‘v|‘ I III-ll III-“ II‘ V‘||‘| |‘\ ‘0‘] 0 1111111111111: 111 111111111111\l;111 11.11111' 1111111111. .\ 5111111121111 \11111111 11111111} 1111 11111'111111so 11111.41 111- “111111111 111111 11111 111111111 11211111 i<>|l- 1.1.1 1’1111111s 11111111111 :11111 11111â€"1 110 112111-1111 11. (‘11 1 S1111 111111111 «11' 11W 111‘1'1'1111111114 1.:1111'1 “111-11 111 :1 11~|1111~11I111P 12111.1 511115 111"111s. 111111 11111 111- ill1\11111111 (11111111‘ angmm-nts haw lwml umh-r Ilw guidzmvc m Inm| c-numnillvv. in lmlmrmury and the "Hun "I. â€w Mines mmrtmmn uz’ Minus: .“ilh \Hu-rtu. Mr. H. "A nhu; and Mr. 'mw lgury. Hrihsla Full â€mus Hrulmm. Viv. m-r P. Jul|1"4. "m" I. H. "um-II. Huan- ., .‘lr. Nurmml I! L Mr. A. H. Milvs \' â€Hm-a. I IIIItlI-I†. 1.2-. u! ( IIIIIIIIII “III: In tlu- MI-IIIIIIIIgI- w .l. H. l’nI'tI-I'; m bllvmlwl Svm'vl all'\‘ 's rluss livkti H! I‘.\’( Hutrl W. .l. hivl‘: nl Xutl'v lhmw .\. Hmn-ml'l: War Vimumu ' ' {m-k Crushing: «of the pm- hin 19M) l‘cvt the manage- nllv xmsunwcl Incrl)‘ Hu- unnlml L‘. â€I" 200'. lunuvnl will am npplivw than till lw alf- isitillg‘ [ht hr must PM it ill uswngm' spvvml uvmlwrs mm ill hfl'uul I. Ml. iullill Illt Sm." lllll.‘ HIM pru- i tur s [Pvt 3 Wm ago- [51mm ll't‘l 'Xllfl lllt IN ll! In Ill H f Hugvr ('uul'te-mu I.\ullmny l’mix'in Hiau-lulw “mm-rs '.\l:u-y .\lll|:l .\l:l Amh'vw Hulwrts ’ lrmw I’A'urzml l.\u|n°v_\' ('zu'r “h .\. II. IIIuhv. I'IIIIII'IIIIIII. Pinmce Committee. i \\ SIIIIIIIIII'IIIIII-s. .\I::I. I'III'I'IIIIIIII‘ I“ run“ .‘IIIIIN. IIr .\ImIrI'. I'IIIIIIIIIIs. IMI‘. II.III.-II-II. .\IIII Sum†IIIIIIII- .‘IIIII‘. I \ “'0' I "II'sIIII'III. N. .I. I':\I'I‘I|I‘II. I â€'III-II~IIII~I‘. K. I III'I.IIII;:. : IIII' I'IIIIsIIIIIIIIIII \I.I.~I rI'IIII. IIIIIIIIII-II !IIIIII II'I°.:III-II III â€In I‘IIIIIIIIIIIII :IIIII \I-Iu ‘II'IIII-I. IIIIII IIIII II|I|WIII III III‘.\I IIII-ks |~SI|P III â€III .‘II\I|III'I?. . IIIIIIII' IIIIIIIIIIIII'I'S IIIIII- III-I II III- IL'IIIIIII'II IIIIIIIIII" IIII‘ \HIIIIIHI'I III~IIIIIs IIII IIII- IIIIIIII. IIIIII â€1030' III III-ml III II'III'I. HI III-Imus IIIm III III III IIIII III IIII'I'II, IIII- II-IkI'II III II'I'-'II In â€In IIIIII- X’IIIIIII'IN. :Is‘ I'HIIIHVS: I Timmins. i gallium ‘i II II"- rc-lio-l. ' Iwml. 'mmmu 'l'lw l’uny ('nnlvst is lwvummg umrv kwa vavh «lay as it draws mum-r tn llu- ï¬nish. 'l'lw Imys and girl.» are Working hard. as. inclivalml by tho matiaaal shining: nt' tlu- pusilimns uf (’UHH‘SHIIHS. and MW I'm-v i< gvtling (‘IUSP and v.\‘vilill;_". Friends “1' â€av man-datum slnualcl law an timv in swm'ing \‘ntt's t'nl‘ llwir l'ayuritvs. as tlw \‘utvs uhtainml amv may awan tiaal \‘ivtury fur yum' clinic? in NW vulllvst. Hm- m' the must prmlavtiw â€walls “1' gvtling' \‘(ntos is by swarm}; sab- M-l'ihcl's In HIP .\cl\':lllm’. Hot busy right away. It may bring the puny ymu' way “1hr“ 11w wall]! is Imulv knnwn. l"nl|m\'iw_r is dldutvs this “1%. )lihlrvd Alvlhtu I’l'um; 1.0;:ng Stanley (“HIM “Mia Lewis .\l:u'_\' Hallwr Ma ttagami. R lllll 1' .u\ KIIBHENER CUNIEST PflNV Wlll BE IN TIMMINS NEXT WEEK .\ilm'n Hul'ntll)‘ tn lw treated I in thv way an! Friday and Sat and 12th. when will he lu'vsumc musical uuvelly â€Suulhlund." This should brim; â€mom. Tim fund is «mania HI Imclvr nullmrfly nf law, and is suhjm'! In the wrmiu) of "w Hun-m tun-m lkpnrtment. 'l'lw funuwing HMI‘N'! WI-rv vh'rlm' Murivl Hilkm Pflflï¬lll’llf BRANCH I’Mflllfllfl flllll HlllllS MINING ll Dr H. Reece Brothers Coming to Empire Hum-s l'vrl'j .\mm- ï¬lm!» l't HI'HHHI m M'ha nhlm .. .‘lr. l’xmvrum. Anglican: ('ll .. FMhu-r lerhullt. Ruumn ' ulw c‘lmrc-h. !. ('«mpcr. SuM.’Jupih-r Min- .\°. o'u)‘, MO'I'I'thIII. Huuflnll. Mgr. Svhlllllm'lwr 1 .\m-r. ('ulflrm‘tur. .‘Ic-Xc-il. Ikmw Mine-s. I'I. .‘luntgmm-ry. 'l'mun ('Ivrk. "NIH Ill iHl'UHS meeting "1' Hw l’urmw u- (‘anatliun I'Mriutiv- nn Tlmmlay M H2 Mm. a rrpro-wmmin Huwmg uu-lude .ure rho: Xivnls‘ull 1.92:0“ ('lmpmam (‘ulll'lvlllallu HHS Hi. tlw treated In Iltl UV H mmpsun 1'21 rd :1 rr nv Haw HM‘ ll. H. â€In... J. ernnl. Vn-v-l'rmnlvm I". Ih'lmllg. 'l'n'nsurrr. . "vi-L Sq'u'ri'lnry. Relief Committee ucklmrn \. H. (ilnlw \‘i‘\. .‘ll. I’Sllh'l'sull \‘M‘. I’zlthm' 'I'lwrinult I. H. .‘lumguuwl'y South Porcupine .l. lluushm Dr. M Schumacher l\\ l'Ullt‘l a l'l‘lllg'hm h'ut \\'( nn|_\' Mu lammng. 11ml captivate tl mur and m- Sulm' l'sull 'Ill ('(‘upcl‘ M) HM all SUI] wrl'urmzum- vntitlml ! He bvlieves' that _ jlhut famltml in - “'9“ wth St-vmgHSU that level. a Hmpirv Thmurv mm a mmplelv nuwlty vutm'mimuom next day. February UH! {WW '5 .\ t'rimnclers tn thv publiv in n l'( Pr: |‘_ ' c r I Anglican: Plum-ll Ilt. Human G'MII shun ’urmmim' Ilrnnrll In :1 u put {tum val. “Iv lull nun-hie: in II the dmkies the audienves kaumvu ub- lin TIMMINS. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 9th. 1910. lh'. .\lr.\'vil i‘ 1 14.9157 sumo 59,50!) uml was “mm-II lHu'l'ifl â€1' ram ;:'_’u;,mr_'s “Hm“ -3.'_":‘â€"".’1. 5 ["iilh's â€"‘ -~ 'H'" HM]. '_’.‘-).-)..-)HH : 177.50.") in 167,135†3 9.10;"; 1.313.505 ’ .:. Slum ‘ 'm H ".).),.)H!! 17750.â€, -. -‘-.- -_ - " t 1‘“ J D D“ 1 *4. 9:0 0:0 9:0 0:0 0:0 9:. oz. 9:. .z. .z, ,z. 1.;‘;.I’!'l) ‘:0 1m.†1†L: RInfno 513.1231 «HD3318 4.3.853; 14.0““ 423,138“ MUM†i] ,SHU 31.131“ 37.4â€! “b.5515 â€.755 5.000 5,000 3,! NH] Mil" 'l'im O 01 “NW | the MANY IMPORTANT MATTERS TAKEN UP BY CITY FATHERS. AND PROGRESS MADEâ€"MCLAUGHLIN SECURES NUMBERS AND SIGNS I’OR STREETSâ€"~MCINNES I‘IGHTS FOR THE PIREMEN AND HAS EXTRA LIGHTS ORDERED â€"â€" WATER RATES. WATER METERS. AND WIRE INSPECTION. i'IIlwl by Mrlnnm. sllmml'tml by ('uIIIIc-Illui' "rim-nu. IIIIII ulsu In)“ {'mnwillur Gluin- IIIIII ulllvr-t. If I’ulllui In lw I'I'IIsIIIlI' IIIIIl «I'IIIIHIIIII'II‘. .‘ll‘ (ilulm. \Ilm IIIIIII'm'iIIH-s HII' IIIIIIIIIIII ul' \mI'L illVHlVI't'. sIIial IIIIII II Hiur- uIleI rawhimi «of lle \\'|IH'I' hy-IIIW L'Inl'l‘llillg \HIH'I'WIII‘kS was III-I'Iossilry. 'I'III- iflllliilll‘lfl IIIIIIgI-I‘s I'I‘um III-I'I'I'tivv wiring. and IIvm-ssily I'uI' tlII- IImmiIIl- IIWIII ul' IIII iIIslu-I-Iur, \H'I'I' IIlsn IIHIIglIt I‘uI'WIII‘Il, slImviII: that tho- smIIII-I' Ilw 1mm IIIlan-I II IIIIilIliII" lw- IIIw \Iliivli Nlll II-gIIIIIII- IIll sule IIIIIIII I°~'. IIII- III-Hvr it mmlil M. It “as II hm). liIIsiIII-u-likv “N‘siutl :IIIcl slimwd IIIIII tlu- IIIo-IIIIII-rs IIIIII seltlvil Iluwu in â€w task «If guvm'll- IIII-Iil. iII IIII ('ul'lu‘sl spirit. In III'I'UIH- plish gmul fur IIII- pvuplv. 'l'lu' l'nl- liming III'I' HII' principal I'vsulutiulls piIssml IIIII'iII: Iliv sitting: . Hy (iluhv IIIIII MIMII'I'. - That. IIII‘ lllillllit's as rmul IN! IIIIIIIIH'IIâ€M(‘lll'l'iml. My Munro IIIIII (,ilulw.-â€"'I‘IIIII. â€I0 Ill)- IIIII-aItiuIN l'uI' WllH'!‘ IIII-h-I's 'H' I'I't'I-Iu Iml In the water \I'uI'ks I-uIIIIIIiIlI-v.â€"~ ('II I'I'ivil. ’ Timmins Council Held Regular Meeting Monday ['n'cinlml I! ulikv. ('mm: the lum-lmhl and "Ian. un was mndv h Hy (â€u'u' :uul \\'illimn.<.â€"~'l‘lmt tlu- ('Ivl'k val†[HI‘ h'mlvl's NW 7"†('nl‘cln' â€1' “mm! fur usv at tho pumping: stu- tiun. MH'II {Huh-rs m hr in m-mml- mum with spm-itivutiuns auluptmlr' ('urriml. (lnlmlinll u! :r'... ’0 lw griwn In tho. Mus- kuku llnalrilul lur v'nnsulupti\us.â€"- ('zl rriml. “V .\I( |.:|u;_-l|liu iuul Bruzvuum'l'lmi, tlu- 'lm-lsm'vr lw :mlhm'izod In pay c-vrlzun :uwunnts whirl: mug. unumvr- NHLâ€"4 ('urliml. Hy “illizlms and Hmzwm.-â€"- llmt the qlll'hiinll M H‘\ isiuu nt' \ultvr wnrks systmn 01' rating lw rol'vl'rod In Wilh‘l' \mrks mmnnittw.â€"~('m'riml. Hy (ilulw mu! \\'illiauus.â€"-'l'hm tlw (‘nnm-il prnmml In pun-haw mum-- flaws and numlwrs fur strvéts.~«(';u'- 'l‘lu- (iux'vruuwut have just issuwl :1, MW and up-tn-«lult- map m' the Pur- (‘lllbllw Uistrlyt. which will prove mus! useful tn unmy. .‘lr. ('ulu-n. manager ut' tho ('nwsas Minv in ‘Mum'n 'l'uwnship. mhl llw Advaum- _\'cstonla.\' that tlw big: nine drill mlaprcssur purrhasml l'rum Ila- izulum' Mine in (‘uhalt is nll the pru- nm-tv and will he mania: in Mar 01‘ }wrl)‘ and will be running in l'm tiw \vvvks. At present Mr is l piped from tlw Auwrivan Eagle p The main shaft is nuw «luwn illm uzul lwtmwn .85 and 1‘)“ men am- in rc-gulm‘ :- mum. .‘lnyur nll mmnlwm Huhiulv ul' Almmgm' lsruwn that it was at nit-1 averaging lwlweon width. and lmssihl)‘ Hy an'e mu! Mel.“ughlin.â€"~-'l‘|un the â€Inner Hf ll'llzllll â€Hive!“ he refer- real in the l’uliee mu! ('umingenl ('um mi'teer4 'zl I'I'iecl. Hy (â€MW and \\'il|i:lm.~'.~ That the ('mmeil pay half expenses in emmee- linu will! burial expenses HI. (°. 'l'ny- lnr.~â€"- ( 'm‘t'iml. ln1°.-i--(‘an'ruul. Hy Hluzmm and )lvluuis.â€"â€"'l'lmt the ('Mk mlwrtisv fur applivaltinns fur ussvssm' l'm' 1916. stating: salary uml qualilivutiuns. if may. 'l'vmlm's tn In- in by I’vln'uzn'y lï¬tlls-vt'nrriml. Hy leum-c. and Hun/mm. â€"~'.l‘h:|t :1 «lnnminn MY 7"...) lw gum: In tllv Mtls- '0 9.0.0009 9"O'."'."O'O.."' ..0 0.. 0.. 0.. O“ 0.0 0.. 0.. "~ 0.0 0.. 0.0 0.. 0.. 0.. 0.. 0.. 0.. 0.. 0’ 0.. 0.. 0’ 0.. 0.. 0.. ..9 O“ O .1 .\l suit-t'ahlv ul'v \Va sampling: was In the result of H1 tn the (lil‘m'tnl's. “N ha UV! 'l'lw m Tl m H nlmg tn [tD-(lzl (‘l't m." new H-m n'ukvn lntu Puss-Nil at at (-in nu [hum ‘mu ‘3.†fun 0 at the 4â€" «mm stated made yesterday and tlw assay will be sent '5. The (cyanide equipâ€" Suuth l’un-upine. and mine will he mnnuunv- 1! th l the and as t: i H and U _\' 1†fort i1 his win is w \mrking: d {ruin wh taken. .\1 11m \'(‘.~t (Jl'tlaly in plan Iivll thm 1d «Ill HI mug dam. H'H . 0mâ€" 1H ll H‘ Tum-0| in â€w Fin- and Light mil '01-. m! ‘nrriml. "y Mrlmws nml \\'i|limm.~~ Hu- muipnwm ash-«l far by Ilw flriumle- Iu- rrh-rrml In Ilu- Fin Light I‘cmnnim-v.- ('nrriml. My Williams and Hlnlm ~â€"'|‘|mt sillglc- mm: M [Iurc-Imwcl l'ur Ilu - -(°nrriml. H} Mrlunmhlin uml HInlw.» Tlmt II. I‘Z. .‘Icvllmulm-r} h:- nmmmh-al Work am! A. (3. liruugh mvmlu-r ul' lumll "mm. ul' â€I'llllll.~- C'Hrl'iml. Ih Muurv mul .‘lc-lmnghliu. . 'l'lml llu- male in â€Humans lw a-wmm Imm tnxrs Iur Ilw wuls 191s) and NHL- ('urriml. Hy .‘lvlulu-s ulul “rum-3m. 'l‘hni iii \‘iv\\' nl' â€W chmm'i' vlmiih'cl hy llu' chlrkvilml c'cllliiiiiim ul' tlw I'mul h0- lwm-n tlu- tuwn ul‘ 'l'immim mul Svlmmm-lu-r. :m mh'qimlv numlwr ul' lights hv Ilismllml "him: this mud and llm â€11‘ WW ulnl high! ('ummit- tm- hiLi- ihv uuitlo-i' up.» ('m‘riml. "3' (iluhv iiml Munrin 'l'hxii llw vhnlh-nav fur n hm'iu-y mun-Ii l'rum lhi' 'l'imhih- ('umu'il hv m-m-piml um! u :huv nri'mim-cl h)" H. K. .“UIHL'HIII- i-ry. i‘m'riml. Hy .‘lvlnm-s umi \\°il|imu.~. 'l‘lml thi' â€Iii-Minn HI' n i'mhwliuu in iill' light flllii Ivh'phuiu- mic-s fur the MM: ui’ 'i'immins' lw itlki'll up with the X. H. l4. l'. ('u. and I’urvnpim- 'l't-valmm- him-s, mnl than llw ImIHt-r lw I'vl'vl'rmi tu thv Fire and Light ('nmmiilm'. ('urriml. Hy Williams and (ilulu-.-~ That â€30 Tux i'ullm-lur lw insiruvic-«l in tulw immisml'y mmmurvs in illl\’(' 8|†ch-liu- quvnls [my ali'rmirs.-~-(':iri'iml. Hu- qmv Hum I'm 'l'lu- Admin-v is :ulllmrizwl by Mr. Hmwv l’ivlesun. «If 'l‘isclallv 'l'uwuship, spt'uking‘ nu lwlmh' Hf HIP ('nllm'il un-r whit-h lu- su ably prvsiclvï¬. lu Mr. J. ('. “'1!!an I'vtm'nml l'rum Huhh 'l'mmship. and n-pnrls mmlit- inns prugrossing \vnmlm't'ully in than St'vliull. 'l‘hv 'lhnm- Mim-s New Yurk â€Him «lmmtml $1,000 in the ('znuuliun I’m- l'imit- Fund at :1 meeting rm'mnly hold in Hm! city. 'l'lw Triumph Mining c-mtm: the Suc't'vss p1 awarded H10 «nlltl'mt shaft. '1) In." . .anlvv. at um-v. L'llllNBllS TU [HASH IN HflEKEV [SAME 0N TIMMINS RINK vlmllvngv llw ('uum'il ut' Hu- It will he at pity if thv 'l'uttfzh-Hatkt-s Minv. Kirkhuul Luke, is tn he shut «lawn “wing tn internal squuhhh-s mul .inrkt‘yill‘; fur mmtrul. There is al- wuys u way nut nt' sttt'h ditth-ultivs. ’mth t’avtiuns shnultl withdraw. and :t“n\\' tho mut't tn atmmint an admin- istmmr nl' rwwiver until suvh mm- as thv dispute is svttled In the r'utttts. Bx that tinw :tn "ontoutv mmhulo’ man haw ht-on mtuhlishcd. It not lot the \tiltttttt;r sithl take hnhl. Hut pusv. It, will mmlilv ('lllfl‘lls ml the mum In pass a pleasant. mul lln (luulit amusing llUlH'. and at llw saunv time assist an grout mul wm'lliy mmsv. It is :issuim-«l that tho 'l'immins (’uun- vil will :u-vopl tho «lvlium-v :su during:- ly lmrlml zit llwm. :uul 'il'vlml'v with- out delay In lil llwmsvlvvs l'ni' llw l'my. 'l‘lw claim will lw duly :lllHnllllv- ml. uml i! is Impml llml tlw lizimlsmnv rink will he ri'mwlml l'ul' llw “rennin“. 'l'lw .\«l\'mim- is :ulvisml that llw (inlclvn ('ily ('uum-il inlmul lu chall- lvnuv tlw wiimvi's nu tlu- sumv u-rms. 'l'lw Svhumavlu-r milw maulu liuu shipment «m Friday. al’ln'c Iv $7.4M!!! m unmunt. alluw istmh as the By lh may I ' .00.... D.O O$40000.0 9......O‘OOO0.0 0“ 9.. 0.... {I 0‘. 0.. 0.0 9.0 0.. 0.0 9.0 lh ur in 1110 lu'nl Hm! l'hls game “'1“ serv 5v. It, Will mmhlv « v .‘Ic'l mm clmwt iun ul' Hnl‘ nl' I'H'PIVC‘I' “I he dispute is svtlled that time an â€on“ haw been e-stnlpli the winning sidv tn nporatiuns mntintn Ils the gnld. ‘U H“ II II 'num-il nl' llu- 'l'nwn ni' mnulml in u ganm- ui' ('ulia'vmll rink. «laltv In In, lwtwwn Hu- rlmllvu- anlv)‘. \vurk In um! “mummy 'l’lmt win- and “w illsln'c" sn "2' Tilnlnins In: n.» "in- and Light C'um. prupfll‘l)‘. l} I'ur sinkm maulu a lml upprnfwmm 'l‘lw Wurld IIHW n.0- \'. haw lu' Fit? in- and Thu. "IHII‘ ‘illil. ll] "WINS WEB PURE SAYS WEST BEPflflI â€WM 1080!"! W")! gal allh'lnml lwim- n llr. .‘lmvl‘v Grimm. whirl: Inn! in rump. Humgll Hue-W 3' «IN h'l'utuwnt. sulh-cl t'rum pl luuirimw. DR. MOORE. MEDICAL HEALTH OFFICER. IS WELL PLEASED THAT WATER CONTINUES PURE â€"~ LAORIPPE IS NOW ON THE DECLINE. Mmulny HI l‘rmn â€w I ~ 0 m Formula (‘1' supply “‘lmlo'sulm'. trm DUNCAN CHISHOLM. OF THE MATTAGAMI PULP COMPANY TAKES OPTION ON CLAIM IN VICINITY OF THE JAMIBSON CLAIMS OPTIONBD BY HIM. Hn Mumluy last a gum-lum- â€min" was sigma! lwtm-vu Wm. \zn'urrv mu! lhmmm ('hiahulm. c-nlu-vl'niu: tlu- .\'u\'m'rv c-lmm, mluulml c-lusv In llu- Jmnm-snn m'ulwrtu-s, nuw umlvr up- lum Ivst. lay tho 5mm. purvlmsvr. 'l'lu- chum mmxmm an mm m' nlmul ~30 m'rvs. um! Is MI“! in Ilm'v u \‘vill uhum 3 We! m \Hcllll. slmwmg mm- NAVABRE BlAIMS IN 8088 IUWNSHIP NflW llNllEH flPTlflN nmv wurkmg‘ nu thv .lumivsun. pro- snnmhly, lwing :u'uiluhlv t'm' Ilu- pur- puma All ~igu< puilll In illnl’o' Hull! mulimn'y imvrvst. mu] :u-tix'ily in this sm-licm ul‘ llw minim: ï¬eld. during Ilu- minim: spring. In Huhh. Jauniv- sun mu! 'l'urnlmll 'l'mvnships. right Hp :11ch in!†Knmismtiu lullw. lllt'll am~ “uprising in lu'rlmraniun fur a stir in clM'vlupnwnl. m'l'vs'. mu! Is alum! X 211*! sitlvl'uhlv Mir: linll [H'im' is Inning lu-o-n u luw in :m J") «lvwlupuwm \villmul ult‘hi)‘ nmv \mrkmg snmnhly, lwill HH‘ l’l'illg‘lv alml Ht-zlsmiln Mcwl mnuplvlvly gultml axlsu, and St ullwr building's hzully «lalllmm'tl. vau SII’PUHIS wvl'v Naming: 0 01:17.0 fur svvm'nl lmurs. sun! [In mun «lid smm- hard ï¬ghting. :1 her «0' snlclivrs nlsn assisting. 'l‘lw I'nHmving' is :1 partial Ii vstiumtml 10550:. and tlw insur .l. H. H'Hrivn. lms‘ $7,000. insu $3,000; l'nitml Sulnngc ('u., loss 00â€. insm'zmm' $10,400: â€Purge hum, drug'uisl. inmramw un slm'l tixturvs $3.00“: W. A. l’ring-lv. i mm- «m building #700, an ï¬xture lmusvhnlcl vffm-Is $500; \\'. H. e-tt. jewellvr. iusm'uuw nn ï¬nd 500: Frank Hmmmzm, grmmr, 5 un building, $3.500 un stm'k, and cm tixturvs: lutnl $0.500. Hum Express ('u.. Lauly Mum! Mining and H. H. lull. insurum'v nut kl l‘lxdusivo nt' slm-ks and “Hunt damn «new HHE HEMHN EflllEETS TIME IN llï¬KEflfll] 0N ffllflflV HIST .\Ir. IEUIN‘H I’ullmsun, I). IN}. .\I. (In. I.().().I'. u! Hus “Hunt. mmIv am ufliciul \‘ist in I’un'vupino Lmlgc nu Mummy lust. Mr. I’ultormm ulsu ml- lcd on lIw. Adxmm- this nmrninu’. stating that lw “as Iunking nwr the situation In: 11w 5! nrting H! u Imlgc in 'I'inuuins in 1va â€our I'uturv. «luy. m .\m\' l.l~'|\wll'tl. l' lwm'y In»; It urigimltml i (NI Sulmgv ('u. «lry gumls : ()‘Ih'ivu him-k, and in a â€I" whulv umwr Hm was Harm's, mum-1y lu-ynmi tlu D.D.G.M. Patterson Visits Gold Camp Iiw Iirvlnvn “I“. .‘lmvl‘t NIINII "9. MIN \‘M‘y sm‘iuus ï¬l’o m-(‘lll‘l'vd un ["11- in New l.i~‘|w;ll'¢l. l'vsulling‘ in X In»; It urigitmtml in NW l'nil- ulmgv ('u. «lry gmnls siurv in HM 'ivn him-k. am! in n IH'RPI' linu ~th "0'“ 8 . Salim-ll mm" h. 1': tn lmiMin 20.0“â€. vll mm mt llu mm Ullsld tum \ll [‘ $1U,-HH); ($0011.50 'l'at- . inaul’um'v ull slm'k allul I; W. .\. l’ringlv. insur- “g- 57â€â€, all ï¬xtures um! «'15 $.30“; \V. H. ’ka- insm'uuvv nll aim-k 7‘1- .\l« IH' ll'vv guhl. Ilw up. 2.1mm. u “J's! ImyIm-nl “'0'. sun] unullu-r In ful- ll is Illldt'l'h‘luml tlmt \x'un'k will vnmuwnm' Ilw ~mm~ game; ul' Im-n llm n-purta Hm! Ln! Inn Inn-n H'ry Inn-Hr ix nuw aim-lining. M 'v still nanny NL-vs nn 'l'wn dumb-x lmw n» 'Illuullifl. l'nllmnn: Iln H No v upstairs nhlv "um. um tlw l'n nrv um! I am Mllviul . :1 partial list ‘ ml Hu- msumnm ; $7.00â€. msuraun 3 7.5.2255. l .r. i: 19:27.: 7:: .2323â€" ...2 9.2:... 5.. xiiâ€"z. 1::7. 2:13:52 5:93.. 'l‘inmnins Iv mm aunagml. playing: «m HM . 21ml HH- ï¬ru :hlinu'. :1 nuln- “S C [um pm'liun n! ('unll‘ul u: \ "Hm lllh’lll'a’lllt II "‘1‘. mrhm H “MISS ulnrly rl “'3! 3m 3m» HI I lwvn mm-in ulul Alumni- :1 unly kiml m in C'ammlu i~ nn‘ 'Iim'rvnl Hm". I mu PRIVATE BUSHflflfl' sums BHAUY mm Ill HUME ffllflllï¬ "NH wlu‘n Mun mm â€Ii-t Inh- lmw lml m vu I ha: wlu'l'v \H' 2...... 3:. 52:7. :2. r5...â€" :3: 2.3. 5.3... :5. 2:. 3.7.. 3.5. 5.2;? 2...... :3... .z: s... 2.7....â€" = a...“ .2. LE. 2:; 2:5. 1:}. 2.... 2.7.. >2 “'t'l‘t' lwrv. Iml wv rmsml :1 RIM; 0'\'°I clay mul nuw Hwy am. H.|\'. All 'I tuwns :ll'numl lu-n- mu! 'mlltlul! zd~ arc in darkness ull :IN'HIIIH ul' 7mm~ III mm]. tut-nigh! all uur wiuduv haul lu lw c-mm'wl wiIh hlzmkvts as mum's an air mid is (*xpm-lml any 4;; how. I saw my In'ullu-r m‘vr hr. how. I saw my In'uuwr uwr um! was with him an mmplv â€1' ¢ llv is all lh'umslmtl ('umlv. l mu ting; nu prvtly fair in â€w signal all vm-vpt‘ llw lmzzvr (that! is Mursv cm lhv lugv) and that is In ;.:M. 'l‘lwrv :ll'l' 5i.\' “1' us slit nu than and tho rvst urv ulwmlu il mum-s WIS)’ In Himâ€. 'l'lwrv I'vlluw in mgr Hm'liun t’mm l’. IH'iclgv. His lumw is Stun Hit-Riv Timmins-Dome Road Nearly Completed rn prawn! °lulv mku \\'\‘ early lllthl'.\'. â€1' is a lllg. gemcl: ul'ml l'vllmv aml in U.l\. “v i: :l gnml glint: ul. lmyh' in 0111' Slaw! aml “'0 sum llax'v a guml tinw. arv lumwn tln'nugln the whale ha: inn as \w arv always pulling â€If m stunt ul' nllll'l’. ()ur Svrgoam is ri with us all llw time anal has. gull. nul ul' :1 lnl nl‘ M'l'allu-s. All lllt' l ('llpllw lm_\'s that were in l) ('u. swalh'rt-cl all mm mm as swam in tlu- Signal Svrtiun. Mavlninv 1 Sm-linn and l) ('0. “'0“ I ha: lumw what In Illink ul' this lil'v. \‘ lll’, lm'ausv manvtinws l'cl :1in a thilu: ln :4! lnuk again, and Ila-n ullwn than I \multl nut tradv it, an.\'ll|in_2'. .lust after “'0 lamlml M'M'y um- wantml tn g1» hark. hat 2 I am luvllng gram! aml lilu- ii. are uvllinf." luts ul llaynm-t lll'lll l)ll_\'hl¢'2ll «ll'lll an I am in grant ~31 ilH’ ph)’ HHW ul'ml I'vllmv and is ¢ :1 gmth gun}: u" buys and “'0 surv hun- a: 3 2111' knuwn thmugh tl lumw \\' ll-r, lwr thing: h utlwr ti :mvtlnin skillv stun“ 5.2.7. 2n... :1 ,5 5.1â€". _ :27.» 1.... 2:; 37.5.3. 2:: :1 1.3. â€3... .EL 'l'lu- .\«l\';mm'. m vunvvrsunuu \th ('lms. Amer. wim has Mun-«.50 u!‘ I}... nmv Timmins-Unuw maul. \s'im-h Is nearly mmplelccl, was infurmm! that, although it. was to have hm: Hn'uugl: fur h'zllï¬v. tu-dzl)’. will nut. lw ï¬nished until the and 0f the wwk ur gumsihly Mn! until the rurly purl “1' mm mu-L‘. vupnw swalllvn in the SD"! in“ Iilllf.’ n“ lul'lzllblt Weâ€, Walt, what is «luinu' up in Mu l tmmwâ€"nm' Inm-kvy up Ilwru new :10“. I'd likv In Imw- u l'l'fll gum :Itv. Huw’mw all llw buys in 1?“ we. anwmlwr mo tn llwm all. tlu- micl l'l um rvsmll Is M Alclm‘slm' ur Shun.â€" ' Inkling a «mum m lmmh llmm 9m I mn lmhlim: Hu' l'inyvl‘s I'M“ Ii" lu- url'iH-s lmrk m Hm mu] n" anh. Ymn' lmrwl urrivml tun fur Vlu'lslmns and ya" mm sm- lum: H Nuke-s um um†In vault“. |'\1‘N II' II was lulv it didn't Inn'- Iw I'Itldiv Mc \\ Single Copies 5 Cent: UH! \«IV Ml mu m NDIIINI 2m zn'm'ugv ul' M'vry fix “'0 lmw all kimk ul' m'; ulwuys lurking. Iml llu- milk 1- fur \mrm- and Ulll‘rs‘ is‘ m: :nml. “'0 :ll't' in guml mm huts Ilmt IIUIII "hunt :m mo “3‘ mvuls urv gum! mm, to; â€is \H‘“ mm-l I‘PN'H'WI ull mt‘vly lkmn Vamp. Wilwhmh‘r. "mus .Immnn' '..'. mm. Just imalgiuv. hm" «llv of January and mm \H' vullltl drill in MH‘ 5“; it wasn't fur llu- mm, m .wnwl Inn-s O'iIIlH‘ )‘I'Ill‘ m nrh'll W0 lllt' H's! :Il'v ulwl'altul y In tlwm. 'l'lwre- {gr Sortinn I'mm H! nunw is Stun l’ic-kiv :qunuinlml with . â€1‘ IS :1 lbig‘. gum! NIII KN HIM I'layc'l‘s and ‘ m llw c-limn just wishim: IF! likn [my I-Invmbvl‘ 'lm thunk II'S Hill Hushiit-ltl “()W “I“! ullul leSor aalvv ;m with ulmut NM ail. t'lcflll \Vo-to- szk Munrw o . 3. s'la|| c.| ll|.' o‘.- Hm! Hwy 90 "I" vu'n â€u "ll l'( lam-«Hy I‘m H NH"! l'( \ N‘V lw tinishml ul' 'mï¬râ€"ilhly nvxt ww-k “'0' Sulllt’ :ll'u llilw (hm ur 9mm- 4. Slim I‘ S'Inl‘lo- 1w any tlwn u 10 it. I'm "I it“ I"! h nfl'm't-t \\' Il'l