Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 26 Jan 1916, 1, p. 7

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| 390999009999904b¢¢+¢409§9§ Ito-yer M‘l'lfl,In that tune. \\ 1' v-otr mat up tn the t’ruat lino trmwh the ' III th'nrt' I was ~Imt. I “as ulI II)’ “II night. II'c' So‘rgt‘unt “I". was ‘WIIII I"? “[1qu In t! t IIN‘ "I'JIII IIIII)’ and I was In taLv rhatm' durum: thv day. “'Iwn IIII' attntu rattw up ”I" flight hot‘nn' \Vt‘ t’mmd that tlu- larvad IN! and Isugar l‘nr tlu- tht ‘.’I Izmir! was tniastttu. no I :Ixrt'rtl In tlnd it first thing: tn the murmur. 9m Just In» I'uro daylight I ~«tartml ut't' “IIll ma- privatv In a trvm-h ah-mt 15" yarda ill mtr t't-ar ulwrc- llw rltItuttN worn N‘III t‘mm IIlt' night IM'l'nrt'. I Wm; WM thcrv that tlw HIIIHIH m-n- aunt and aunt hr in tlw t'rnat hm- ammo. when. so mywlt‘ and III!‘ private tank ! a gamlim- mm I'all ut driakm: \\III('I‘ varh and ~tartml utl' hark. by this time It was daylight and Wu had In rIImh nyc-r tlw pat-amt. in full view «If thv th-rmatn. and ruyvr If)" yds. all stt \n- mnld. \yo Inn-w. what it meant hat still :lu- awn had tn have Iu‘t‘akt'ast and I intvudt-d In tlad it far thrm. Wt- Im mum-r gut urvr "It In]! IN'I'Ht‘t' IItl' Haas stttrlt'd [mt- ting at as. and m- mmld ran a t'ow yards and llwa (Irup t'ur want at l-roath. ynu t-aa't run many yards at amm- with fall t-qaipnwnt. nwrcuat. rill! and a can ut' WllIt'l‘ tu rarry. ant cumming the old harh wirv. shell ‘ImIoa, \HIIQ'I‘. and that awl'nl Ilvlgian mad. ,Wt' had trawllod almut I50 yards. as I thuaght. “la-n tla- private \ylm was almat l5 yards in l't‘:ll' ut' tm- ralh-d nut that I was gt-tting tun far t9 tho lvl't and was aIrt-ady in fruttt nt' nttr mm trt-nvh. and sure mmugh WIH'II I Itmka ttt‘nlmd I mald are that l was lwadiau t'ur tlu- trvnrh «m uar Ivt't WIIIt'Il is tinitv a t'c-w yards in adram-c- at‘ aar tram-h and all open ”flaunt-zit) fact what is -allvd, n0 man’s land. in hetwm'n. and “a had 0" to go hat-k almat .0 yards arunnd {alluring hum-«ting lrttet MN. “5‘ “r. ”outm- Prado!) "If"!!! in In ”w .Mwmm- for W iufloil 90 HM 3523 man} friends «rum. Jark "HI may 2mm: some all}!!! oxperirnru- H-rmm'n Whit“! he i‘ Whig Whih- om son‘ifl' fur “It The lulu: prnmr ] Iii“! had [In mm as Ilium Nm'. :um I’fllllldfll. so I!!! m" wfiltenmw Mr "M. all)!!! flvv wwkfi a gain: in “rite I'H Dear (In-fur. find time. “'1? ram! lim- trrm Wm- .dmt. I u; lu- mm had in I'm" inn-mind tn find i lm smmvr gut "“0 v ”mm sturh-cl put my Mum mine mum whip! he ate-nice fur the w am "If! ’1‘?“ in mm It Hut. pm just he. I! "IT “I“: mm um! 15” yards {- rntium were lwt'nro. I was inns wc-ro sent um Nu- lw 'dny m if 5': cm )1 u H ( 'mnp. We N" I!!!“ Pa 3'! 1vtllc Her I WIS “\P I amhd my eluthim: and had the tan huh-s dreamed. yttttttittt! up and helping the ehatu tu d» it. as we had ttn stt‘etehet‘ heat'er “ith m- attd mtt‘ ehaps did tint ktiuw mueh ahnnt it. By the time it “as" tttii~hed I felt pretty sic-k and “an sweating mine. and jnlly glad tn lie chmn. and telt a Int hettei' at‘tet' getting a drink fruit] the Sergeant. whu a'mtld tmt believe that I mu hit. when the t'el- luw whu \mke him up tnld him ahuut it. I stayed there t'rnm 7.30 a.m. un- til dark. when l was earried ant by the men. whn I am sure stitt'et‘ed mare than I did. its awt'al wark ear- viag a man nut «m-r thuse uld trea- ches. shell holes. ett'.. ttt piteh ttttt'k- aess. up tn year knees in mud in plat-es. its had and m» mistake. Well. (ii-urge. I am nearly (LK. again. a bit stiff and sure. yet. The lmltet was heading: right fur the kidney but it atruek the hit» built! and brake a pieee nut, hat that turned the ballet and saved my haenn. the man who shut me was about 80 yards away an I eunsider it rotten shunting. l hae already made three attempts did It dnl nut knmv he “ad. in find hc-mulcl have given mo lmlf n duzmn hol’nro l gut Inn-k. but I guess he Mapped m look Mm! was wrung with his sights. mold a year ago. As soon as l gut in l Imvk at! my equipment. m-ermat and ride. and after gutting my wind I started 0" again tn reach a tnnrh an mtr right" about 100 yards away. I'stoppod out and was plane-inn ar‘ nnnd fur the best gmnnd to run owr when I saw about S or 10 nt' nnr men rlitnh up «wet the mtapet I had rar- flad the water ham. and the Get- mans saw them Itm and started tiring furiously. I knew they were bound to pvt amm- uttt «If that htlnt‘h. 90 I turned and shunted hark to my chaps tn 0|th up rapid tire. whivh mmld stnp the Ilans' firing and pmlmhly save tlmae rhaps getting killed. I ltn sooner had the Wards nut ut‘ my mouth than I felt a Mam I‘ka a smas’: from a hammar and know that I had got me in tiw left hip. I turned ar. uund and walked Itllt'Ii and our fal- qu’s did HUI knua‘ I had bean It". and the t't-Ihm‘s in tho trenah that I mm gum; tv. \t‘Im wort' “Malling nu- dd It»! k3. M II. so I have the pleas- ..c- d I. win; that the swine whu did It tIuI nut knuw ho ..ad. in that amm- hnrhrd wire and then to our right quite a rim [shouted tn the priute that was mm hut it was my fault and hack we went and he. live an. 0mm. n- hnd a of a time doing it. Ire were nearly deaf and mu- ears were ringing {mm the ruck nf the bullets long hefon- we fit hack. and we were “III in when we gut hack tn our trench. how we ell-332d I dnn' t knmr. but I came tn the mnrlusinn that the Germans can‘t shunt for mm mm. but that amid a year ago. As soon as l gut lmrmi intn n mm-k mnrringo by n gambit-r. am imim-ont girl bmmmm tbv lira-y tn :1 gambler's pussiun. Huw slu- oxtrivntvs Iii-rsvlt' t'r'ru tt $00!"- ingly bupolvss sitimtiim t'urms tlw tin-Im- nt' “Judgi- Nut." emu ut' tbv must gripping plmtmlmums yvt pru- «bm-«l un Mmmlwuy. wbic-b mum-s tn tbi- I‘Impin- 'l'lwutrv (m Mummy and 'l'm-stbiy next». with Julia “mm in tlw loading t'vmininv rulv. Miss “mm. wlm is nnw being t't'uturml nu tlu- rum! in “The lmw nt' tlw Land." is summrtml by Hurry I). t‘nroy. stair nt' tlu- l'niwrsul Hrmul\\'uy prudur- tiun. "Just Jim.” “.lmlgv Nut" was tltitllbit'ti tn tlw films in tiw :ivts by ”urn-y (bites ut' the l'nivvrsnI's wvst must stuff t'rnm tbv ui'igimil stm'x by l’vtt-I' H. Kylie. Rubi-rt 7.. Lvmmrcl. vu-stilr with I'Illu, Hall in aim] dirm-tur ut' “'l‘lu- Muster Iii-y” pbntupluy st-rinl, prmliwml tlw piv- im'v. “'0". 0mm. MW in" in Dr. mu! Mrs. Moi: Gauthier and family. friends in Golden ('ii swim Purgiipiiigiiml to get bun-x but am unul l um were for a week or 90 yel. \Vho slmnld l meet in lmlfllon last film-day hnl lhe one and nnly l’qdo dyllowe. he was pleased hi see me in landnn of all Mares. and we were will: each nlher until Sunday evening .When‘ he lefl fur l’uflsmmllh and l lefl for eamp. Paddy Wis lookiml and feeling ml. and anxious to get In the front where we hope in meet min soon. I will try and send ya“ a few fitting in a day «it so, and marl: enrh one so ymi will know whnl they are. just a few small things. I mnld nnl earry anything large as lhe ILA. .‘H'. elmps in the hmpilals mh all lhe wounded. its rnllen. and I Would nnl have believed it [kissihle lml l was rnhhed twice in hm different hmpilnls. and evorylmdy's (rented the same. ' and a happy Attractions at the Empire Theatre 8'0“ f netting TIM. Wilmn l’icn‘)‘. Dirk Smith. Iors. Hman’v. "v n (i I'Ulll (bl! 'md M «I mldn K‘ back mt"! Jack H. llill W WM . ‘ lIanlinn. (' ,‘. 'o‘UN' ' vnr m poncam ADVANCE ih‘ m1 {‘0’ ml 'fl‘ "‘23! U: ml "I 'l'lu-w are all the "arms I malcl “ml in this must lilu-ral lmx. lmt lHl‘H' \u-ro- ulnar snmll pavkagvs Wlllt'll luul nu aaaw «m. I alsm N'N‘lVNl a Imx with an aamv nr mltlrws. lmt lmslumrkml lam-h- t'nrcl. Alan mw marked l'rnm tlw laulics' la-agav. Elk Lake. .\ wry palatahlv part-0| vana- l'rum Mr. and Mrs. llwnn‘nl' llailcylmry. as wall as hm l'rnm lrmmnis Falls. Almtlwr value frum Miss .‘lllt'llt’ll. whilst ulll- vrs vaaw l'rma Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. l'Ible. am! Mr. and Mrs. llivhard Mallaa ut' 'l‘immias. l was also kind- Iv rmamn‘-0rml by Mr. Yorke ul' (‘m-hraav. to all M those I am very thankful imloml. Bvsidvs all tlwsv l have luul imman- vrablo ranls and lottors frum variuas pmplv ul' yuur clistrivt, l'ur whirl: I am very grateful. and which I will au'kauwlmlgo at tho earliest mmaoat. I will Write tu NW1! nm' 01' tlw olulml's 01' ”w [turn-ls and, rzu'ds us 5mm :15 pussihlv. tors and ‘m'idafi. Ward 21. BJM'. "mpila'. Kelley. ling. ‘Mit-vr. " ‘rmpine Aclvam‘o. Timmins. (Int. ('anmln. Dear Sin-«Thrumgh the medium nt‘ v-w ~ 2an papt'l‘ and Man II"- Nuggfl. I desire tn «spam! my mm! . mor- .- ~ hulo tn a number nf pm» lo I‘ 0 North ('uuntry whu Yum! mv with mfils. l!"- mum 3th mass Ifl um ffllFlflS ll Pflflfilll’llf CAMP ‘3' ' M]. Mr. H. E. Mcmtgunwry Mr. 'l'um King. Mr. I'Mlivr. van! mnmsmo Lanna; mom THE NORTH comm 137's wan. Known rAv- 0mm now IN HOSPITALâ€"g cannnrm. IN surname. ' sum. “it“ rnmrihutiuns I‘mm Ihc "specially \‘ariuus gifls ""8 {ulwrt (‘lmpmnn ll has H aim nnk Tmhl .‘lulhvmn alll( I'lll Chll'lll fl mumsw N kmmn In Hm "I Niel. arc Mr. :4 me". Frank ('11! on. all «if Turn: The vicar! I r it "my lw iult'l'oslin.’ ln sumo ul' yum' rmulvrs tn kuuw what sort nl' plum' I mu in. 'l'lw llrilisll Hml ('russ lluspitul is lm-mml «m u hill n\'0l'-lnmklng tlw Ruyul Vivtm'in llns- pitul at Nollvy. uml ulmut l'mu' miles -’ I wish to stall! it now takn it» several hum:- tn write one letter with my lrl‘t hnml. so “3" nml nut ox. poet a "1wa fur a lung time. It may Ills" ink-mt the pmplp of lho North l‘mthlfy tn hunt I have lit-en kindly nine-unheard with art-nor. «ms parrvh by Mr. and Mrs. W. (l. 'l'rvthewvy. wlm nmr live in Kent. England. .Um by l’ltttlkell. “use. Vim t'utmn ('0... «I' kinda". inter- ested in same t‘cvlmlt pmpvrtin. who have horn wry laiml ever sinm' l at. rived here. Alan Mr: J. ll. Kingilun turmerly «f lafllt‘ltffll’tl. tmw ul' St. Thomas. tint. "thus wlm have m momlwml mo. wlm, will be “I‘ll- kmmn tn tlw ulclJinwu nt‘ )‘cmr ilis. trirt. arr Mr. and Mrs. J. H. llmu- le cigars l root-Wu] ":erv Hu- talk nf the lml as I passed them nmnnd nn ('hristmns mun-hing. and tnld all the mmndml boys Hm! it want u ('hrishnna greeting {mm ”mm". The Indian slippers sent by Dnytun ’hh‘nssor oxrihwl a gram deal 02' mmnwnt. lwim: a sun 02' rnrin in 'H'I‘H‘Nl Jns brush was H3 mm u-tnhlo m! 'H I‘_\' wvlfi‘ llnvur. l smukml HI and (‘xpn-ssml a main fa \th cm'h lmfl'. nll Hu- cil'ls m-ru am mm I I'm um. llw rnurnml vs sum lw ('luu. S-m nrr I mmlitinu umhwvro w 'm'intml. Tum King's s: ks and shirt is wry Im'f v mwks nf mmh 30m 'nrmlhv. ll‘ ,ur son! by Mm nrtirln I‘nr mv 1 shnvv with m Hm lmlhmhr s ‘ wry handy - hm. The Pit: mt hv Hum. 80 mliliml and NW and Mrs. J. 'E. H Irrio and Mike "I II M are wry mind 3' t‘ I. in“ MM a" have horn 90M M “'9 “HM. h!" l “ it “1“ fl sham? with them v\°or\'llning Hm! I ”N“ "“8“" «mid «lhide in turn. and mouthing P!" ‘W I’mhm l Wm! glml In giu- Hmm I '21:“. WI “I NM dml "I Eu" has! “hhm n" "n dear Prminn- H 0’. ""10 m and ”made “hiph t'vpv n“ nnprm‘lflb ("‘1‘ \‘Pl’\' (‘fllh'ml vprv "‘“ri' I s mud 3 9 "" We law] as “wk '9 ('hrwhzms Iwrv 1' ""‘t"!"“'d“r ns lwwsilnle H'H'M' ' “ 05"" ~"mnfl'9' M m." h'vth- l haw hm! mv In" mwmlinn "" ll thinned 021'. Mm an. nf "unnlnlwr- I was mnlvr r0 ('hrés-t'm! ry Hm- Hm- . "I“ ”w U' 'h \H-rv «'rl‘ 9"!"ka H" :1 wish I": mmml 0 Marshall W I “null"l 'llld I“ '30"? “1“ 3' Ski." "'lhll‘ifl. rank] I’nytun l w" dml "I Eup | mm. 7 hm"! lilmi'v hml mv lml niwmlimi nn Iml ""l.l”ip m3. nl‘ llm'omhvr. I was mulm' mhnll i-‘mllmr l‘mm 9 am. until -l p.m. Tlu-y n m “Vlriml tn i‘unm‘vl lho m‘rvvs mul l'rm' n nrilin- mp I‘mm llw srnr nf' tlw lmllvi nml “‘"l 'W ill!" n'liow lhi' pain in my arm. this. iml'mlil am sun-y in any. lhoy llfl\’|' hm‘ll ‘nt‘nlnll‘s “Hump tn (In. as HIV arm is slill l0!" ’1‘ nrriv- s rihly painful. especially «hirim: hvm-y ‘TP “"1" wvi weather. and us England's won- ':°% L'il'l llmr is always lwnvy at this limp ul‘ V "-‘N‘flll- llw ymir I am slurry In any lil'v is nut 81'?” l\_\°.\-nr\' swm'l l'ur mv l'ww «lays. .‘ly m’l‘flhll'i'iglil arm is Mill usvli-ssx. mnl llll' ' "V 'qlm-Iurs my “my ilu iml kimw il' llw WWW“!iromnwm l rm'viyml HI' llu- "pom- "P ”0‘“ (inns llwy lmw lu-rl'nrmml will hv u ll!" l). Slll'l't‘fifl l'nr six mumhs nr murv. uml N‘" WI“ it is m almrl :0 limv aim-.- my his! '6'.“ "fl" upurzilinn that I aim mmhh- lu any ”*1! l"? huw my arm will i'im- huh-r nu. 'l‘himking all my kiml l‘rivmls again in mm" nml wishing tho [M'UPIP M" ”W Xurlll ’ l" lhul ('mmiry ll wrv prosperous Ni-w Your Nlllkl'lll- and limping: that this time next your {onerous we will he volvhrnling a glorious vic- All I (my at lmmo. “PK this In“. l'h. ll real. Amiomm "main of (Mn lately mmmlnl. gifls. if they In have lm‘n 90M sham? with the «“HIM dividg in .l mu ulml in g mt thousand cuts. The British fled t‘mss Hmpital is mun-mt nt’ shunt 50 huts. ('It‘tt hold- ing ‘10 patients with it nah-rhea. ‘2 sisters and l hum tn ouch hut. They have attmtt thv best when. men and sun ms in England at this plum. am I am fortunate tn haw horn sent hon. Them is no dunbt that it‘ my arm will not minor they will he aMo to bring it about hvre. Thorn are only three t‘nmldinns in this but. l‘tr. lliggintmttvn. ut‘ .‘tnnt- real. Andorsun nt‘ Netmn. “11. and ltmnin nf Uttnwn. They wen all lately wmmdml. and their t'hristtnm gifts. if they had any caning. must have twnn srnt tn the front. but I slrnmt" with Mom N'rrything that t mnhl divide in twn. nnd m-orythinsx l was glad tn give thorn l 'znvo with ”'1‘ lwst wishm at my dvnr t‘rnvmm' and “nude “hivh t'w'y all azvpt‘m'int- Watch for the Special Vote Cou~ pens for the Pony Contest in each week's issue of “The Advance." [1' 3m: yuur shelves \muld firm of Mark. .\'nr loch yuur 311108 In vlmm-c, Yam'll mlvortimu wiilwut doluy. In The l’urvupiuc Advmmn t'mm Snuthamptnn. The Rural \‘ir- toria llnspitat is a lawn Military Ilusppital. a huge Imilding about it utmt‘trr hf it mik- Iong and thm etude! high. with a can‘t-fly 0f MW. "at "mm-and cuts. The British Red (‘mss Hospita! is mutt-mt nt‘ ahmtt 50 huts. carh hold- (Signed) l’tv. J.\('I( Ml'NHH. REYES I" hr at 'I'v. am! my lust

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