Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 26 Jan 1916, 1, p. 4

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mt mncunut Anvuucr m chu~floadinc nnlim c-f cntortainmcnts. otra When- a 1‘!!!ng in in be made. “'1" be “If“!!! in The Porcupine Advance fl «’0 r9" ulnl' I‘Mr nf 5 cents per lino {or new} type or 7 rom- pvr Iinr for Mack {Irv typo, mm»! when ”no juh work is dull. at ”w .\c 'nnN‘ Priming ”use... «in; "Mir-n wil be insertml fru- of and FudndmvflflML Fur SHIP. To Rent, Mm: mw mrh ur lms.’ 2-") Wins per [inset-hem. Aflwrfiwmmnts ins-«fled willumt written instnlrlinm u'iil appear until “Tint" urch-rs fur Hwir dismm'iml- 3mm nlmll Imu- lwen rum-Nod. To insurv insofliun. rupivs ut' ml- \vrhsonwm-t slumld be in tlu- lmnols ul’ the prinh-r h}- 'l'uv«!n.\‘ nmm u" mach week. FurHu-r ram-s um] lu- hml un moplivutiun '35 “I"! par inn-flint! at $12 per your Lodge Curd: or Notices. -» f-H ,u-M'. 00nd.” ""Advmiumenu.« and P'mmd. VMHNI. Fur Sal ”Hes ring for a rung“ aaol Iamlm- "gm nith [athliv Ullttltult is Im-tty sarv. vvcntaally tu ho “ham-km! nut." Sucic-ty is a Brian-us. and aim hat a madman wmthl think ut' mwmmtt-riag With a Mazda pair «of hands. a han- dful-arawd t't-lluw'.’ “t'NI'l‘ shake tho multitadimms ham! ut' tlao giant gum] natarmlly. than aaam-msarily pru- uwko his wrath. “vspisv the World if it so pII-asv yuu-«thuugh tn du an is- pruut' ut' arrugam-v. vum'eit and .«giotismwlmt. its ymi have tu liw in the \\'.t)l°ltl tn It‘fli on ”H' wuriti. it is inst its \wll tu trout it rixih. Slim-ml mot), \slm lttttil‘t'sitlttti tlu-it ltltt‘. um- m" seek it qmmvl with mu-iet}. 'llug understand that it is pumihlv t'ur am individual tu lit‘t’Stltttil‘. loud and quietly mmtrul u mnummity, but not tu tight it «luwit. lt' ynu desire tn ro'form sm-iul (Wils‘ ur tn disulmso your t'vlltm' tut-n ut' tlwit' projudiws. the surest may nut tn Sllt't'm'ti is tn t'O‘sm't tn llt'llllllt‘illiiflll tltttl ltitllht‘. Kindness. t‘ttllt'iiitliittlt. tho ititltwm'v ut' gum! t'thlltltit"-'-iilt‘rt' im- tin- trim and t-tt'm-tix'v mourn :uui npplinm-os I if l‘vtbt‘ttt. LOOKING FOR OPPORTUNITIES. Ounda . .United States - I00" puvkvts up tn tr” mg mgau'th-s. I'm-ling: uur Imnu- 1mm has for them. It is u szul vumge and 1mm mu WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 26th. small and pa rvnl s (n'v mum praetiea! ahilny in he happy and (in something amine and menu. It Is all "ful-clP-rul“ 10 he ever- lastiugly hankering In live in a large any ueeause ”1' larger ummrmnitles. 01' course a man wine has really nut. grown ms native Village “as -a mural raga! tn seek larger uppurtunity else- where, but that’ man as as rare as a man an an «wster. 'l‘huusands of our Uf cuursv 2| mam wlm grown ins native \‘illa' mm! In $00k lnrgvr n where, but (half man Dun't try In bully tlw \mrld. It ms nu! flay. Whm-wr mum's tlu- ng fur a rough uml HIIH'DII' fight ith publiv «minim: is llfl'H)’ sure. pearl in am nystvr. 'l hullsanus nr our youth, hum-wr. are ammmu? rusuing to our larger cities believing them- selves tn lw talvntml and capable h. become hummus and financially suc- cessful in the midst 01' Inc large and dazzling ummrtumtws m {no ('1!)'. Alas: only tu be ("uan'HKN‘ tu tum Lue gumlstmie t'nr smxrpening the tools of ullwrs. If mu yuung men are wise mnl truly have great ability. they will remain at home. at least. for a seam." longer until their wis- dom teeth are out. It is more satis- Published "cry Friday by VOL'R Geo. Lake. Pabltshet Subscription lx'mnmuhor. nu \‘magc ls su qnu-t. but is large and av- :h lul‘ every inmost mam uf ability tn lw happy and «In CIVILITY Thane 26 lmrIic-ulnrs may 32.00 a yeax’ $3.00 a year Rah-s: nu upportumty Ian-1. nut M'vr)‘ ’ur Sal». T" MINI OMARIO $15.0" St’l'luuh' {aviary M be a pmmimn! and res. ran-ted citizen M“ a villa“ than tn he an imm‘ strung". jam!!! and clll‘it igmnrwi, hy N19 hurrying mm of In» manity in a meta-yolk. We mmld canal linn in a managerio. "y ”w misuse 0? :1 Ward. 03' it WpIIM ho hotter ho my by the use of a wrong word. we mnwyml nn emiroly “rum: improssiun In "M readers In“ Week. regarding Hm mu truders lac-l wot-k. regarding Im' ar- Iiun ul‘ ila- 'l'mm “mac“. “'1' Quid: It is all wry well in lirag lliat mil“ Tmyn is in lwm'r financial shapi- than any nllwr hum of its age and aim in the runniry. and Um: pmm‘mi'tn ro- l’asw in publish the figures. What will tlw nilwr l't'llnw any? We- almnlcl have said “mail" in- malady Charlie Ant-r is superintending Hm Sou“: Road to the Mom! ut‘ “rvt‘mtofl'. Tl nut n-t'uw tn publish stun-mom. and then- why they shun”. h is Inc-m. um! um- tn lw p «h-m in “In l'mmv.’ Mr. T. M. \Vil- sun. .l.l'.. is kept very busy. and there nmu-uru tn lw nu was»? why his lmw- 0N slumlal nut lu- ”Harm-d tn run-r all c-nw- sumo-rt tn nmgistpriul juris- divtiun. I! \muhl "lam hp :1 m-Il mvritml I'vmgnitinn nf Mr. Wilsun's administrmicm “1' his "flit-v. tn nmmint fJan. 29.â€"â€"Hollinger at Dome . .. fI‘eb. 2.-â€"â€"Timmins at Hollinger “Feb. 9.â€"Dome at Timmins 'l'lu- m-w Srltuul lluut'ql. .mulvr llw ('ltttit'lltzmsliilt «if Mr. Stavkwvll. us- summl u wry littsitmsslikv ximwuriltil'o at the iuitiul meeting an \Vocltflmlu)’ lust. .\|i|wurmwvs did not lwlic tlwm, oitlwr. 'l'lu-y mmmt lmsim-ss. and it is lmpml they will vunlimu' "lung tlw same lines. throughout the SUI! l'. (‘hirt' ut' l’uliw A. J. ('uurtc-nmm-ho issmul u lmhliv nntivo nu Saturday, railing Ilw nttvntiuu of all uwm-rs, tmmnts and “Williams 01' real limp- vrty in tlw 'l‘uwn. tn sm-tium‘s of the street hy-luw n-guluting tlw renuwal ul‘ smm' I'rum tlw sulkulks. and pen- ultivs "Hm-hm! [Inert-tn. fur tum-uh- svrmnw. 'l'lw untim' comes appur- sm'vmm» lmwly. Revised Schedule of T. A. Hockey Leauge Feb. ISLâ€"Dome at Hollinger .. Feb. 23.â€"-Hollinger at Timmins Mar. 1.-â€"â€"Timmins at Dome... “[,a(}ri'.lw°' is \Vlwn alm" \\' I Paid-up Cap'tal Reserve FunJ - $7,000,000.00 I"? FC I'A'VLAND, Praidmt L. HAY, (Juu‘ldl Alanagcr .25.. D'J'S. Mpncy Qrdgrs an}! EDITORIAL COMMENT WP}: “iifik NE Dealers in Government and Municipal Securities. Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Savinis Department at all Branc es. Interest Credited H alf- ycarly at Current Rates. General Banking Basin!” Tmmm 1.1 K. F. l)ll.0;\ G .‘Innagcr Timmina. Ont. fur ”mac K‘rfurlll fl tlw (inn-rmm-m ism-ml l’nlim- Magistrate n-si- Later; ‘0? Cried“ issued, av1tl;b_lc throughout the W'orld. a wry mm'mniont said "unlit" in- . le ('uum-il «lid plish tlu- flmIm-inl mo is [In rmmm I! is :l gum] Huh-- w prmul ul'. wlm have public W! I‘ [hum but; these days (m Nu- new mmommoonoomoooouoomonmooooouuom Th? 93% hf Mining Shu-‘ks' m: “w Standard Stun-k \K' Mining: Excha‘mgv 3n!“ \rm-k mohnu Fatmdn}. .hw'mvy 2.3m}. .\llI|lIIII'. . IIIIilIIy llenu-r . ( 'lIIIIIIhIIIs-l 'I;l‘lllml. . . . . ('IIIIiIIgIIs . . IrIIIIII lIIIsI-I‘II- VIII-IIIII‘ . . Hill'nrcl. . .....'.......... lIIIIIlIl. . ............'I..;‘.‘. lit“ III .\IIIIlIIIIn llIII'ngIIIIs . . KIII’I‘ I’IIILI- lAIllIIsII . . .............. I‘lIleiIIth .\i|IiI~.~IiIII.: . . HIIlIII‘. . ............... l’IIIIIrsIIII Lulu: ........... liighI III' \\'II}' ............ SI-IIIII-II SIIIIIII'iOI'. . . . . . . . . . SIIIIIIIrIIIIk . . SilI‘III‘ lIIIIIt' 'l'IIIIIiskIIIniII: . . 'l'I'IIIhIIWIIy . . \VI-IIIIIIII'III' . . YIII'k-UIII. . . Mullu‘l lI'IlI'I‘ (ll llIIIIII'I‘, lI. (iilIsIIII (0.. lIIIIIIUIlH, lII l’III‘QlIIIIIIP .-\Il \‘fllII‘I'. fur nook IIIIIliIII: lIIIIllIII‘\ 2(Ith. 'lhII hIIIIrs hIIIII hIIIl IIII inning: in tho Inining InIIrkIII km NW II'IIIIk. 'IUIIl priI-IIs in gIIIIIII'IIl lIIII'II shown II IlOC’lllfi IIIl IIIIIIlI-IIIIy III I'('-II('l. This is IIIII'II)‘ IlUII III II shII-kI-ning in ”II' hnying than the AmeriIInII side III' the “HP. whiI-h. in turn has hIIIIn IlIl(" III II sIIInIIII'hIII IIIII'I'IIns (‘UlIIllllUll in IhII big: market, which hIIs slIUIWII'II Ilis- pIIsitiIIII to mark time until thII IIIIt- (’Ullll' III' tlIII InIIIIIiIIg III' ”III l'IIitI-Il SIIIIIIs SII-IIl IlirIIctIII's. \\'lIlI‘lI was held III-Ilav, was known. .\Il{'iIIIIs inst hIItIII'c this lIItIIII' is II'IitIIIII. IIIIIII.IIIII° llIlllPIIlt’ tlIIII II°IIIlIIrs \Iill IIII sIIIiinIIIl with the result IIt' this meet- ing. sII IIIIII IhII IllNH’I' llllllll’lll‘v is .IIIIIIII'IIIItly IlispIIsoIl III' us far as “III New Yurk market is I'IIIIH‘I'IH'Il. 'l‘hII (‘IIIIIIIliIIn lllllIllI' III'II IIIsII IIIIIIIII'IIIIIly .IIII III' the mining IIIIII'kIII fur the IiIIIII lIIIinL'. IIIIIl thLI selling by II I'IIII' I'I'ighIIInIIIl IIIIlIlIII's hIIs ('IlIlh‘I‘Il II Illlllt‘ IIIIIIIrIII pl'lI'I' l't‘tfl‘rLs‘lIIII. \\'IIll iII-! I'III'IIIIIIl IIIIIhIII'itiIIs in llH‘.\ IIw YIIl'lC‘ IIIIIIkIIt IIIIIIIIIIII'. [Il'i‘llll'i that ”10 PM“ L .IIIIt is IIIIl\ II lt‘llllNIliIl) hII'I. IIIIIl E..hIIt IhII ll|I\\Ill'Il swing will sIIIIII lIII- :iII. .\ lIIIllish I'III-IIII' in IhII lllIIl’lit‘i I'III' IIIOiIhl SlIH'kS shIIIIlIl nut hII ignnr- :‘Il is the sIIIIsIIIiIIIIIII rise in IIIII [Il'lI'O 1 II' IIlIIlIIIIII' llH‘lIll. l'III' whirh 'NIII IICI' IIIIIIIIII is lIiIl lUI' iInnIIIIliIIIII IlIIliIIIrI, IIIIIl .ZIH‘ Ul' lIIIttIII' IIII Il('ll\"'(‘l.\ six :IIIIIIIIIs III' IIIIII'II hIIIII-II. 'I‘his lII'ioII ' :IIIII'I-IIIIIIIs' llll]II'OI'UIlI‘IIl'OIl earnings IIII IlIII [IIIHlllH’l'S IIt' IlIII I'IIIl metal. Watch for the Special Vote Cou- lpons for the Pony Contest in each week's issue of “The Advance." Pompincs Ape! . o 00...... mme "'0". o o ..... 1 Dome Extension . . n'me ldlkl‘ c o ..... Dollie Mim-s . ..... Eldnrmln . . . . . . . Fulvy (Vl‘rirn . . . . “NM “(‘01 ........ I lmnodnLv . ..... Hollingcr . . ’ . . . . . Vupitcr. . Hrlnb‘rt‘ . . .: «fit-lawn. Exwmiun Mom“. . . . . \VPM Dmhv ....¢_ “'03! Dom:- Hm? Cubans. O 0...... 00.0000 -‘. . Nt'svlu- . ..... . . . . .............. ISM") . o o O O 0.. 0.0 o 2".m| o 0000 o. ...:‘.P. .2.""(, um . . . . . 23') [bulw ......... .0 . . o O O O o O I O O O . ‘ lm . . . . . . 1.000! m: . . . . . 25" ........... . 7.23m. m Lulu: .. 59.80" :1 “fly .......... 9,400 Smwrior. . . . . . . . . . 5.90" wk . . 2.500 Loaf 3.101! :muing . . 58.600 WM . . ........... 1,70" uh-r . . ...... 5,000 hu. . . 4.2m» f “mm-r“ 1.. Gibson Mnrkv m IORCUPINB ADVANCE Ilium-ml ('_\'. and ' lwcll mutuly. Hivivnl - vuluvs sum-unr! itvs «on "inn. is we will I sixty market in take mum-m1 grvr and ml. and (-lntyro. I0 a lit- 1, prur- pstmxlinl :lsml 41! h I ' . om 90 N om 9” 09 99 99 99 99 09”” O” ”099” O” O. O” W m N m 60 O. .m m 9 _ m 99‘ Sales Murkvt lt-Hvr M' A. S. Fuller ('u. Tilmnins. in The l’urrupilw .\d\':lm-t°. for “'00k ending Jnmmry 26m. 'l'lu- Imu'km still mnhmu-a walk. but Hume :m- sums that tlu- lmltmn has been rcnvlwd. 3mm" 123.500 The mines of tho I’ux'cupixw ('zunp m-wr lnukml hotter than thov ch» .11 this mitiug and uvntliin: [mints tn invrmsml pimhutinn and us a rvsnlt higher mlin for the SitH'ks in tho inmu'dintv future. 090:0.z003329900900:90.39339003309929020009309 0:30:62929.” 'l'lw dm-linv nt' the ('ulmlt stm'ks this wwk in tho t'zu-v nt' tlw turn-used prim- of silver nwtul is very puzzling. 'l‘lw unly t‘nlmlt Mark to mnkt- any The Great-West Life Assurance Co. T. MOSELEY WILLIAMS From Toronto “Saturday Night” “The agents of the Grout-West Lifv M- surzmcv ("n., 2111- tn luv ('(mgmtulutcd (m Inn - ing for tho NINTH Sll('(_'(':4.~'i\’t‘ yum written more lmsainvss in ('zmzu‘lzl than tlu- agency {nice of any other company. High a 0 05 Hi 16 11', The Merchants Casualty C0. “A Good. Combination” Both Companies represented in .23 0 lfi' Full information upon request. The Teak-Hughes 'l‘o Issue Bonds 'l'vok-llughos slmrohnltlvrs at :1 rem-zit meeting in 'l'uruntn passed It rvsulutiun nuthurizin: tho «lirm-turs to issue $500,000 in lmmls for tho purpnsv ut' vim-ting n milling: plant and fur the «lvvvlulmwnt ut' tlw pru- pvrty. ln tlt't'ul'tltlltt‘t' with tho resu- lutiun tlw «lirvvtm-s :m- imw uttering $100,000 in lmmls t'm' sulv tu mm-t tlw oxpmuliturv us utitliuml in tho i'osu- lutiun. When a mum is lust in lqu 110 mm gmwrully Iu- fuund by svxulxng u INN“ after N": It is sad tn we the family relics sold at zuu-tiun. lml llw must painful- llling mulm' tlw hummer is. generally your tllmull-uuil. SPECIALS for Pony Conteét at Jaeger Overcoat: 840.00. good for 20.000 votes. Jaeger Overcoat: 835.00. good for 17.000 votes. Tailored Overcoat: 320.00 to 83000â€"10000 to 15.000 Votes. Men's Sweater Ooat: 84.50 to 89.00 -- 2.250 to 4.500 V tes. Peabody': Overall: 31.50. goodfor 750 Votes. ' Peabody's Glove: 81.50. good for 750 Votes. Ladles' Mantle: 810 to 812. good for 5.000 to 6.000 Votes. Ladlee' Jaeger Sweater Ooats 86.50 to 88â€"3250 to 4.000 ’Votes. Boys' Sweater Coat: 32.90. good {or 1.450 Votes. 1.3 [hrs Comfort SIIIIII 55v. guml for .175 \‘UH‘S 4 Btls. GlaISschs asst. JIIIIIs 'JSI'. " 475. “ 2‘. Tins Liptm‘. I’lulltutiun T ‘:| 1.35 " “75 “ Strictly NI-II' LIIiIl Eggs. Iloz. “Sc. “ 3325' “ Suil'ts l’IIIIIiIIIII BHI‘HII. lII~I llI‘}5.v “ 175 CIIIIIIIIiIlgv BIIIIIkfiI-III IIIIIl QIInlih Ilt‘nc iIIIIslI ‘pivml l’IIII- Pmk SzIIlsngI'. pm “I 27'." guml (III 135 \IItI-s (Sickness and Accident) Pony Contest Specials in the Grocery Department McLAUGHLIN’S ...AND... ’. McLaughlin The House of Quality Timmins and District by Also, In Answer to Subscriber: ~‘ “The Merchants Casualty Company is working under a Dominion License and is safe to insure With.” Box 288, TIMMINS, ONT. “ifiEfiEfiEEEEEEEEEEBEESEEEfi Phone 73 Picture Frames Made to Order at Tomkinson’s Photo Studio South Poroumine Phone 73

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