Ontario Community Newspapers

Porcupine Advance, 26 Jan 1916, 1, p. 2

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all Squth Porcupine m fer-rm "I '0 fr H 1| 0f 1" 8': It III in .1 "I m Ill it {I (’ Iii n‘ I? I "do in? "'vmtinn ropn the duck “I“ lllldullhlt'tuy gu cl ' u s .' time. In lw p." 1r \\' prc «H u M! .\I If‘il in WP {.114 a w “'1 fax Wu it . hr- 111(; _\ :‘h-vnd .\§ 'u‘t‘mh‘ Hall. given by :9» S mt? i nuine Patrintit- Su- viot\. was lu-h" ' thv King: George [hm-6. nu Wm! whiy. January 19th. ah-mt smvut; I .- guests ill'illg pra- 3011'. Many :2 ~mtutnes were \mrn hy thv lathe-s. (i vspcvinlly tho La- iapatlala t'luh. lh their pretty red qlre<sos and :- ‘ :11: initial an the t'mnt of their mists. so that when the whale ('i. '. ~tnmi in a straight tine, tho uauu- Lalapallala muld be msily rvad. .‘tv oxcvlleut lunch was served at Init’uz-ght. The fox trut was a t'oatun- the (lance. (‘ulum- hu's Urchcstrn Furnished a sperial program ut' at! the latest musiv for the um-asiuu. \luoh credit is due tn tmt’ty Farr fur the way in Wilit'il lu- handled tln- drums. and t-wryhmiy in the {flaw t‘t-markmi ahuut the great ilnpruveuwut in the music. The titlllPt' hrnkt' up at ‘3 sun. 'i'hc- trnwtl sewn:â€" ui anxiuus tn stay longer, hut (Ming: tu thv t'avt that the hntrl was full m' guests. the art-hestra mu nhligcd tn grlay ”ilnint- Sweet Hanna” . n. I). "lanrlmtd. of Tomnlo t \‘isilur in «map this week. 1 ramp H and Mn. lit-Soil Ion camp on readily. January mm, to spend 8 lays in Tumn'". but ml't .~|w|| Inst wovk gnw umny (- Smuh l'hulvrx' u Mmm-v tn get iclkullua rlmluml and it is Imp- «- prawn! ('mmvil will lmn- no ’vs In umkv with ”1050 whu. Sn 'H‘ (lulw their hit. “TN P" "W Kn“ Ornnm- Lucian nru- giving a in tlu- m-w Urnmn- Ilnll. Snutll Mun somu- time in NW m-ur fu- .\ «law will 'w w! Inter. ‘I‘pm'i we. nuw tl' ~haw, urn .\ l‘t'Ul‘dl .m!‘ munplc n-= tH-rv l n c Nu imlnvst that was sturtml an .1)’ "turning: ut tun sun. was mm! until 2.:m in the :It'tvrmmn mmnt ut' tlw jury having: tn gu . tlu' mines tn inspm't tlw slmt't 30h tlu- :u-vidont tuul; plm'v. WIN :1 “.0 I". W. [{utz has moved from '1'; (in-urgv Huh-l. his rem-m .I' uhmlv. and is at present 2 with Mrs. Miller at the Slim-s. We must aulmit then- ing :41an nlmm Ruiz. “Tight. lor was t‘ ”'01". am! '1 tlw I‘m ‘1‘“. MIMI"! minim: 14 0f the prns|uwlnrs returning Inn-haul: :uul 'l'nslmtn. N'lml‘! 0r as n \‘vry prmnising 801'. \‘v will. tm dnuht. hear more new mmnh'y in tlw spring. H null: H. N. .luy, wlm lms hvon l'vid ‘ ' I! I m lmuw In luruntu. tur the mm m t'nm' WOOkS with u so- 'm-k nt' orysnpilis. is rovnvvring vxpm-tml hack in camp with next t'vw «lays. pm; wrti II" ”It HH‘L’ "unl I. 401'. WI: ur. has nok amt] 5.1:... T. r. 2.5:. E... z r. :12. f. £22 «5:... ..3......... .1? 1.2.7.. 3: 2:. 3.5:. 1.7.- .53.... m.....r::_.r.7. 5...: .n._.. :1 3:233: 12...... 2:: wnvd In try but. mul elem 1313' Jun hi mum-st «m mm .‘Irlh'n I1 'uish'rm ('hnho‘. Auditor of the 'iulnlv. arrived in camp 'urrnmm up «gum 'jullmcd. hmm)‘ “1‘ Mill" :Ihmlny 3.9» (’11 v wit“ U bk ‘. wlm is mnneded ' (‘nlnmcrflu was -k t'mm 'l'immimt 'il|l‘ Branch. “(f 1m]! w . 1'0 'W”! k“ v\\" s sumo claims in 1 missing: fur the ' holivvod "0 99114 my of hi< friend" i find sump {mum {"0 H‘PSP'W Halo 3'0“" \V' "”8111 "t. V, H” M Min" :9 fl Hw Nutm- llw Kim: 0 out". 2...- “'lwrlvr': "h S!“ [If as a run roman-m "~‘1‘3l ‘l Im tn um‘ 9TH”! \\'.)'.\ Items of Interest mu accmm M mm mm. "mum nnumw bury. :11 cardiac dm'lur .3 Nonditiu hi ”w h Ilmnuln n! um amn- flux and im: Nu (m Saturday murninu. :Ilmm tln'ov U't‘luvlg u must unfurtmum- nm'iclvnt wrurrml M ”w Ihmu- Mimm. by whivh “mm mm ln-t tlu-ir li\'vsâ€"â€"-J. H. Sam-liner and Miriam! ('uhill. lmth shil'l Imssvs. and u ymmz: l’n-m-Immn WIIUN' mmu- lms lwvn aim-rminml (H be J. Hum-ll. Thl‘ muffins 0f Ht? ”.393“? Then. in- slmuld he \‘i'ry thankful to James Fem fur his. ofl'nris in securing the cry hos! «T M0130" Pirhlm fur their ammwal. .\ svrini tuned "w Black Box is a luig fmmm- awry Manda}- and Tuesday. Fulumlm and Sonny \"i‘mn Ann‘ nnnthcr musiml nume- li .‘l n. \V "I" .l. H. Sim-ltm-r. was ul' “('l'lllllll ox- tnwtinn. hum an Guelph. Huhu'iu, hum furty years ugn. 110 \ms Wo-ll mnwu in the Pump. halving live-d fur :1 mum at llw King (Evurgu llutol. with hi~ “it'v. who mmv I'rmn (Emu-n- hu‘sl. Nit-haw! "uhill was allsn well knmm in mum. Wu: nhuul 4|! yvm's “1' mg». and munurriml. .l. (‘lmroll nd :1 hruthor who was vmlvlnyml at tho 'l'ungh-(mkes Mim- nt Kirkhmd ‘Allko. MUN Mmoh synumthy is full fur Hm lw- rmn'ml wife. and it is mulvrstuml that 1w (iuwrmnvnl Minv lnslnwtur has ulrmuly bran un Ilw sm-lw. mu] nu duuht a rigid iuvvstigutiun has lwuu uuulv iutn llw ramm- ut' tlw mwidom. South Porcupine Patriotic Society “311111111'41111' ladies 11'1-11- 1111-50111 111 .111 11-3.:111111 1111-1111111: 111 the S111tl1 ”111111111110 l’utriutiv \11111-11. Mid 1111 .1111111111'1' "MI. ihv 11111111105 111 Mm |1111111111s 11111111- 111; 11'1'-11- 1'1-111l 111111 1111111111111. ||11*'l"1'1‘11s1111'1' 1'-'11m1t1*1l 115 1"ullu11s: "1'111'1-1-115 111 ”111110 .... . . . . . .1925. 00 “111111111 subs. 111 1111111 ....... 72.50 Supply Scrrctul'y‘s rvlmrt : \Vurk tukt-n in.--â€"l‘_’ (luz. lltllltllit‘l'- vliiofs: 40 pilluw slips: 1 suit pyja- iuzis; 2 shirts: '2. pairs suvks; (it) tinn- tlugos: :33 spnngvs. Wurk given unt.- ~7 pivvvs chm-so- 'l'illl'. 4 wvlis ('HtlUll'. H suits liyju- inns: 2 shirts: I ski-in yarn; l-l hulls knitting: mttun. le nwvting was :uljuurnml until January 27th. Sillist'l’iptinns.â€"â€"-(°. .\. Mulrulln. ”Fl: \\'. l). l’onrvv. $1; t'. A. ('ullwrt. $1: Hurry Wilson. 50v; Gen. (,‘muil. $1: l). l'utturolln. 509: Miss Starling. 54H". Mr. \\'i.\'un. 5th". Mrs. GI‘flltflllL ;5ttv: Mr. Humvetsliy. 50v; .1. I'll t‘uuk. $13: .lno Smith. $le J. Brown 50v; .I. ll. Nowell. :fl; W. ll. \Vilsun $1: ll. Warren. $1: H. A. 1). Murray ~l'. U. liornmn. 5th". Mr. Lovinsun 7mm Sum Wm». 22%: Mr. Fruuipkin .‘5v; Mrs. (tray. $1: lid Galliu, $1 Miss (ilt‘tlSUll. $2: S. \Vlieclcr. $3. ‘hiltun lli'usu $1 l'rml l.efurcst. $1 S \V- SW“. 541; tonsun Brush. .‘2: .l 1 -_‘ M “’0“! '(mk. $2; Jiw Smith. $le J. Brown} 30v; .1. ll. Nowell. :51; W. l’». Wilsun.l El: ll. Warren. #31: (i. A. l). Mnrrny.‘ ~l'. (l. llvrnmn. 5w; Mr. Lovinenn.l 3w; Sum Wm», 225v: Mr. Frnmpkiim no; Mrs. Gray. $1: lid Gallizi. $1: Miss- (lh-nsun. $2: S. Wheeler. $2; ‘lnltun llrns” $1: Frml Lef'urcst. $1: W. Scoli. $1: Sivnsun Brush. $2: J. ilihlmns‘. $1: l’urvnpinv Herald. SI: Frishy llrus” $2: l'. ll. Morgan. S2: l‘. A. Hull. 25¢; Ilnrry llencun. 5W: \\'ni. .lmu'lo. 5hr: lh-n ('l‘usker)’. $1: lmsicr llrnwn. $1: M. Levine. 5UP: Miss XiL'h, 500‘. ('. ('nrr. 50(‘2 Miss Strain. 50v: A. Stevmsun. $1: (loci. .\IUUY'(‘. $2: I‘lr. lemri-n. $1: Remus- lmttnni and Edwards. 955: E. J. Rap- soy. Tim-z ('hns. Jnoks‘ch. 50v: 0. Her- r)’. 2.3m B. llnrrisnn. $1: Mr. .luhno stun. 530v; Mr. 'l'nrm-r. $1; E. L. Ac- tun. :51: F. A. anlvs. 50v: ll. Van- ghnn. 300: Mr. Bhu-kwell, 50c: 11. liirlumlsun. 50v: W. M. Shepherd. $12 Miss Skinner. 5UP: Ralph (‘usmh $1: llup Sing. 2.50: K. G. Dickson. 7‘52: \V. W. \Vilsun. $1: Dr. 'l‘lmnurs. $1: 5. Sky. $1: H. X. Juy, i3]: A. 'l'mnpkinsnn. 50v: llngh Buylo. $2; Hill lilnvk. 500; Mrs. W. E. Dunn. $1; (1 (i. .lvnnnetl. 500; A. (i‘. Brawn. $1: Mr. ('ussetlu. $1: A. Mollununzh. 15M: l'. V. Gallagher. 500: H. L. (lih~ sun. 3‘23: ll. Quinn. 5500. iiiulnl. $74.7)“. i.“ Edi”! “.ilks. hf Sim”! Pnffll‘ . rrwii-ml n tvlvgrmn frum Hail)“. . nmmmwing wry sml iwws re‘ ling Iwr mullwr. Mm. mick-r the ur's mh'im‘. was ri-purtod in good litiun and M prmnl. is wry ill. . Wilks hml ii wry luml I‘nll. duro Hm Imliilnys. rwriving injuries w hip, whirh M Hu- Iimv \wn- nut .gh' u-r)’ sc'riims. II is rvpnriml \i‘iil Inn-(- in swciulist attend her 103 H. (3. hit-km". of Tisdllc. is ale!) laid up will: LnUfimvo. I"! HI‘OIH‘L‘ I. 32.35:. .43“ .x. .532... in Sc... :22... WT .2211.“ H .12. $33.... :4. 93..“ ._. T. H H' l" (Uh-i Watch for the Special Vote Cou- ipcns for the Pony Contest in each I’»hu-1g.sw. Lweck's issue of “The Advance." I Hu- NHIIH' ruck. t'ull)‘ m6§¢%%¢+¢+%¢*fi+¢¢$+¢¢é+¢i¢é¢éé駢é¢+¢¢¢é颢¢¢++é¢é¢fi O. O. DBSIROUS OF AVOIDING ERROR l'mlor ordinary cmulitiuns he was a mun of pruminvnvvwhut as [no as- «ended the steps of his residonvc, wry early in the “turning. it was (widvnt that he desired to he as muvh utlwrwisc us ymssiblc. The ouhhy \\';|.~ fingering near tn see that his (-izm-gt- was safely disposed of for the night. The (1001' opened het'urv the 1mm an the steps muld got his kcy tn wtu‘k. and he was nwt with the qnvstmn: "Juhn. whore oltavo yuu lx-on’f" "\csh. 1m dear. I 11111. From 111\' 111-13 1131 knmsledge I (11111 1:110 the desired i111 111111111111. '11 l 111 guing: 111 ask the 1111111 that drives 1111: hank." (Silos? e.) “Juhn. where have ynu been?" Hv turned to descend the stops. " Arc _\nu going tn answer my «lulnstiOD; When in Need of a SUIT or Pressing, Cleaning and Dyeing Done Get our Pressing Prices by the Month Ladies and Gents’ Customs Tailor NEXT DOOR TO CANADIAN CLUB CAFE HOBBERLIN TAILORING THE PORCUPINB ADVANCE l‘I 111:1]{11 :1 spvcialt)’ 01'1-l1-1111111" and [111's- 51111.: 11l 1-11-11111-s12ril1t- 11111â€"81111111115 Ll11tl1111“ :1111l ll1111s1~l111l1l (11111115. Drup 11s :1 ':11'1l 111' better still 3:1” and 51-11 11s and “'1‘ will glaully 111.1k11 :111:1111r1*111c11ts t11 2:1ll 1'11 and 1101: V0! \"11111 «11111113. Ladies and Mons 1:l(1tl|lll"’ 111:11lc-t11-:111c1.~'11r1-. Service-Try us OVERCOAT TRY Hugh tsoyle. Soc TELEPHONE 62 ASH) SURVEY OF HOLES [URNISHED If REQUIRED Dominion Diamond Drilling Company The best and most-up-tn- (lute Livery 01' its kind in South Pm‘cupinu Livery and Transfer Automobilee for Hireo Open Day and Night« Phone 3| S. WHEELER South Porcupine CORE BORING SOUNDINGS CONTRACTORS LIMITED South Porcupine Jas. E. 30310. Mar 80X 506 SUBSCRIBE NOW TIMMINS Phone 64 P.0. Box 186 Hotel Connaught RATES : .SIMMS, All Inmlvrn (-Onvvniom'vs. American 1"]: Special Sunday Dinners Real Estate and Insurance TIMMINS and SOUTH PORCUPINE . G. DICKSON Geo. 8. Perry, Manager SOUTH PORCUPINE I HAVE THE SOLE AGENCY FOR Call and See Sample: and Styles A City Serico \leth is llw Only 01w Ev tvmling: Try-MI South Porcupine. Ben Croskery nf'rm‘mltu in ”w (30M Camp fur tlu-il‘ WM. 1!. LEISHMAN Highest Class Tailoring Tlmmlns Representative CO. LIMITED SOUTH PORCUPINE $2.50 to $3.00 Phone 30 P.0. Box 319 'Phone 18 :lll. THE PORCUI’INB ADVANCE Items of Interest 101“! W' Fogg FOR - -.-. . , 2 Dressed and Rough Lumber '"0 Snuth Porcupine .â€" I HAVE THE SOLE AGENCY FOR WM. II. II I‘ I 1 I 1 r I'.. I 0. II. .-1‘. u" T;~,1;;I_ -: . «f 1 ~ 1 ':' 1"1'_ 1I1.3 "' ‘3 I,.1I1:1;11~1", BUildlng materials . 1 1 . - “" .1 I mm 511 1' I ' 1 " I 11‘11“-' 1 1 :1'1-‘1 [‘2- l '1 l' 1'1 11 1 ‘»' ~ 1' I'- \1 ‘\ I “.1..: III-«I51Y1t.t‘~' 2 pp 'es LEISHMAN l . l . .',I‘I. f. " I1»... ..... . . Coal, Coke, Lime. Roofing Papers. agents for .. . 1‘ .. .. ‘1 1 "W" I""""' “DI," the Colonial DrlllSteel. l I I CO LIMITED 1 \I. \. ,1 " 1 I1, 1 I1.-.- ..I.? \ ~1 “:1 1;'llr1’ I: 1 l‘vi: 1 '1 . 1 H I l :' ' .I 111 II'.-' . .- ‘1:_ '11::1'1- . .1 1'. \l11111I;1\' “II!"IMIIIIIIIEIIHIIHI{.\1II111K1111111:11.:1-I1'4(1f1111r F'BRE :u ". 1» ,. 1.." "v1I111 ;.1.'1 \...11\ BOARD III! \\ .1I1‘ 111l111'1111g:_ (111.311. {1111.11‘1:.; 1 1 $ “:1“. .~ 1 .' I. 1 1~. -'1 5.14., I ”.111 1.11-1. . ..1... .111” “'1." I‘nmr-l. 1111111111 111 III! (1"1II “\ “2 'x' I '- ' 1 "Old "III"- ancl and “Run-hon"- I 'II'II‘ I"" II" 3‘ '5 . .. 1 ,. .. 1 rIMMINs SCHUMACHER . 1 . . 1 . 1. " is“; ” . 111...... 10 Phone 9 Highest Class 1. ., 1 1 1. ' - ‘ T1il0rin 1 1I1~1II~I1\1lII ‘ g I\ 111 :.II11\1 \ ‘1. .I. '1”: I I ‘I I\|l_' 1' I ,11\ 1 m 11"11~1 ‘I . . . | I: ll \ .I.1 '_' I1.' . . . 1. .1.-1 .\ L1H .\1'1‘\11'1- \\l111-11 , . ' I - 1. . 1 't - 1 ' 1 . . \ 1 II. -. ...-....-....." ,I . .1 .....1'v1 W' "II“‘III‘I.‘ H111~I~.\ . . wn ' N 11 1 sun ~ :1 1 en In ee 0 a or ..1.”.-. Im-u 1.. \,1 1‘1111'I1:!.1 11 1 1 1 â€" I ""_‘ I 1 11.... .- .IfAIAl AEEIBENT 1 OVERCOAT Call and See Samples and Styles 1', 1,7 1 '1\\ I":111_'1 H11": .-1.'I11 1 I 11 1111111111111: ' \ -‘..II1 fill-11.14. IIIII 1‘ â€"-â€"â€" I . , .. 111 111111 1111111111111 TRY Ben Croskel y 'r K11“ .. .znl I1.~-11II ll111u9' II .1 I'!\ 1Il1vll11-l.1'_' ~01 . . '1\'1 ““1. 1.11 1l11:1l11_ l11'111 1111111 ‘1 ' ' .1 south Porcupine. Phone 18 1. ._,.1 111111.111 11 111' ~I1r111' .1111 “"‘IMM """"‘""" .11..11 " "' 1 ‘ 1 . .' '111~~I 1111’I-I'l1111.ll1' :11-111l1'I1I I l'-.1I?l1-13. |11~111v.-1..1'111111111.“ 111-"11111.1; 1-1 11.1l '1"'1'I"'.1-'\'1'1""' I111 11-11 \.1I..11l.1\. -l.111li:11\ .32'111II“”‘ ' "" """' 'h "'. . I" ' 'I o 9 1 1:11.11- ; l‘ llqu ‘ ., 11.....1'... 111115.11....1.].11111‘ .‘.'1~'."'..'»....'.ii' Ladies and Gents Customs ’I‘zulor “mums scum Poxcufnu: I '.' 1"1. .111-11l11l1I '11 11 . “”11““ ~l1 1 ~-1- ~I: 1 1 ._ 1 1 .1 1 \ .1. '1 ‘ 1. “.”'" .1 “1...... 1_-”11. 11"1‘ l11111 :“I‘I'IIIIIII"II I" 1 Phone 64 Phone” , . l I.' .111». l11-.It i. ”“11 1 NEXT DOOR T0 CANADIAN CLUB CAFE P.0.BOX ‘86 P.0.BOX 3‘9 1 1' \\ 11.11/ 1,”- 1111111-1l 11...“ ..11111. 1.. 111-1-11-1-11l1~111 1:111 ~111111~ I. 1 -_' 1111.1;1- ll1-l-'l. l11~ 11"1111! “III'I'I I"” 'I ""I'“ 1-111'111111 "II" 1l111 E G DICKSON I 1 >7 :IIv-IIIII'“ :1111I\]ll~l III 111‘1'~11"‘III1 l1\'1l l’ll[lIH'\\ll“|le‘l‘l‘ ::"'1'1'!”1"1_'H' :‘111: Pressing, Cleaning and Dyeing Done . O . . \\ll1 . l~. I 11:11 11 l \ 1'1- 11' 11 -, - 11", I \l1111--. \\1-11111~I :ultml ll11'11"III‘I| II'”I I”""'”I" ‘Il’ImIZWI‘ III I“ n o 1 Real Estate and Insurance .. 1 1...... 1......1 ""‘1 ‘;“'~‘1 Get our Pressmg Prices by the Month 1 - ._ 111111-111 tl11~ 1:111:1-1' ~111'1'1111111 111'; ' ‘ ...11 .1...” l:1\l \\1~1'll.'_.1\1-111.111\ 111-I111 1.111\\1! l1~l: '21111l1l1 \\l11'l1 MM 1 TAMM’HS and SOUTH PORCUPINE 111' '8111115 l'.111I1'1\ :1 1'! 1. '11111 11121-11 "1I1111I In \\ll‘ll IIIIHIII I" I'" II'I‘IrI l I 11......11....1.-.11...1 1111.; I' 1. I"!';1.11. 'I' .1. 1 | F. c. H. SIMMS, - TImmIns Representative 1-1 . 111'1-~1-11I t 1111l11'1l '1'.Iil l1:1\1- 111-1 .I. ll. .\1111-l1n-1', \\:1~ 111' Hvl'lnzm t'\<l I 'I I“ In Ill-Ilu' \\IIll IlIII~I' \\1111, >“III'JH'IIIIII. IIHI'II :11 (}11..l1.|1. IIIIIZII'IH.I l 1l1-111- tin-11' Int. ' b.1111 11-1'1} _\1-:11'~ :1211. “v \' :1‘ \\1 HIMWWM ' '”' 1 .1111\\11 in ll11~t':111111.l1:1\in'_' |1\1-1I 1111 . - 11111111-~1 llmt \1.1~ >I:11'11-1l "III” 111,“. 1,1 111.. Km: 111...,“ llUlIl.I .\' '.‘1 II111l‘IIIII: ill It‘ll H.111. \\:|,~1“111z 11. 1111'” “11.. 11:11”:- 11'11111 (1111\1111 1 0| cuplne 0‘ S 1' 1'11'1l 111111l '_.'..2H111 tlu- HIM-1111111111 ,111'.â€"|. .\l11'l1:11-I I'ulnll \\:1.~ :1l~11 “I” I ..1 1-:111111 1-1 1111- 1111') l1:1\'111-.' 111 :11 1.111.11- ;=1 11111111. \\m :1l11111l III \1-:11< 1 o e onnaug “' III" “Hm" I" III‘I"‘I'I IIII' ~‘IINII 111 .11 --1 :1111l 1111111:'111111l. .l. t 11:11'1'll1 'l'ln'nugh 11111' 'lui'unlu 11ll'111- :1111l 11111'1111111|11H1~l1i1111n tl11 SI: ':1111l1r1l 111 ml: 111.1 :11-1-11l1-111 11ml. 11l:11'1-. :111'1 1.1.,11..1-“11.. \\1~ :-11111l11\11I :11 51111-1. l').\1-l1zinf_'1-. \\‘1- 1m: able in 11111-1'V1111 :111 1'x1-1-11Ii1111ul .w'nim l SOUTH PORCUPINE 'â€"â€"‘ 1111.'1'...11_.111:-1k1. \I1111- :11 l\'11l I: -‘1111l 1111 111'1l1-1's :1111l i:11111':111 1111111 1 . H \..l11_\.\\l111 ll:l~' I‘1III l'Itl .11“. 1 ' 1 11 . 1...“... 11 '1..1.111... 1 .1 111. \111 1 “mm,” 1~ 11-11 1... 1:1. 1. WI” Write or Phone “3‘" Orders 1 Geo. 11. Perry. Manager . . . . ., . . ' ‘ 1 1 l. ."'“ "I I "" 111-Mg ‘ I" .“ i“ '11'1~:-1\11l \\II'I'. 11ml 1! 1~ 11111l1w1~111111l 1l1:111 Homer L. Gibson and company . . .1 ' ' ""'\ Ul "I"'\l\"'l""' H "'21“ 1221.1: '1 I' 1111\I'I‘111111'HI .\lllll' lll>|>1"'1I111 llzl~1 Member- .‘itund-rd Stork Fin-hum!» All IIIUIII‘I'II (‘OIIVI'IIH‘III'UK [\Illt'I'H‘IllI I III“. ‘I "\I""',"' 1111'. ”I WW“ "'I' 1l1'1-11111 IN'III 1111 il11 ‘1'1-111. and ”III v ‘ " .' ‘ I ' 11 11.111 11'\\ 1111.1... 11.111111 :1 112111 11111.11 .11.... 1111. 1...“! TIMMIB’S and 10110310 Specml Sunday Dinners ; 111ml: 111111 ll11-1:111.~1-111 ll11:'11111l1-.11I I -_ . ., .- 5' \1111I...1 ' 111 14111111. and it is 1 . _ $ $ ; l1? 1-11111111 '11 4:111 .\111111' 1l1'\'1Il111- """ "”“"‘ R.ATES o - 2150 to 3000 ' ” "'I" "" "II“ "” I"" I"""“ "I“ I*ée-z‘e-z-e-M-I-a-a.1:»:-1H-ee-I-e-z-e-t-a-ee+1:-4-111M-vzo-zua-a-e-z-ee-z-e-ewn-reeee ' " I1: '. .\l:111\' >1111~l\I111l1l1'1‘~. \\l-1. south Porcupine 1:; 1.1.1.... 5...... “ CLEAN E D ” 1' I .. --â€"- '3: E I PHONE "\\1-zil\'-1~111' l:11IiI'\ \\‘I'1'1' 111'1'.~1'1.I :11 1 O 1' ' '1'111l \11'-~ "'\'.1."I I'1111'1' 1'1'11I‘ "'l 1. 1-1'L1lilzll‘ 1111~1'1111'.' 111' Ilu-I fulfil}: I‘. Ill: ll\( :1 SIIWIulH .5. I I 1. 1-11‘ 1 111'11- 1 '111-1'. II: 11111411111“, 111.11.1“11‘. 5111.11.11; H'.1l 11!) . 1 6 11 . ..1. 1,: 1~........1,-“ :11 .1, 1:111:111131 31,11]. 1 OI ('l(:lIIIIl" :11111 11115- : 1‘ ++¢++¢fi+§¢§++++++++§+++9§4¢+¢++¢¢¢¢ sing 11l' 1-2-1'1111 1l1-x1r111t- 11'1' " H.111, ' ".V I‘ll-'HI“ I 1'11:'.I1_' 1‘1”. 111'lIIIIIt's 111' NW 1Il‘t'\'inll.~‘ lilt't'l- a ". 11.1.1111 "" I " '1“; .. 11': 1\--111-1---.1111:1111l.11l.11.1...1 i1111â€"S\\1:1tt'1>, (‘ l11tl1it1g :11111 11 111-1: 1l :1 11 ..., 1'1... '1‘1-1 “.111“. 1..-11111'111l :1. 1"11ll..1\'\; “(Illfit'llhltl (it')l)tl>. A. S. FULLER C0,, BROKERS V .-1- “=1: " “'I' 1.1. ' . 111.1- .......... $311.1 1 \ ' ' HWH'S " l) "' l)l‘()[) US {I (‘Ill'll (II‘ IM‘III'I' Still NEXT lMPERIAL BANK TIMMINS, ONT. '” "'I" "" "I" " " I " \l11111l1l_\ sul». 111 1l:111 ....... 1‘..-1|| 11.- 1 1111-11. ::1ll :11111 .~'1-1-11.< 11ml 11'1- will <1111111W1 - 11111.11 "““”‘ ““I'“ “"““”“”"‘""“ I" BRANCH OFFICEzâ€"GONNAUGHT 1101151., South Porcupine ""”' I' " 1. " "'H " ' ':1ll lot and (luli \"t‘I \"(111111'1)(11l~' 1} 1o- 1:- 1111 e ‘0 (a 1:- 11- o e 16- Inulits and 311-115 1l11tl1ing :- 1|- 1o» o 4. o 1. O 1o- e V 4. 9 q. 1: '11‘.11111.I\111.'.111I3111-; Hugh Huylm $3; :lsli “11' 111.111 Illut tlIH'ta‘ 1111: l1.11'1\." 1 South Porcupine IIRIIIIIII'tI IIII‘ «II‘HIIS. IIIIII I:'\tr\l)1|lI \ I' ' ‘ 1 II“- 1Il:11"1 11-:111'11'l\1'1I :1I11" 1!” Ln ..1 l‘1illI I l'1-.1l\ .1H(': .\Irs. \\. In. “111111. :1; ITELEPHUNE 62 ' ' ' BOX 506 | 1m ...1.,,»_ ..1 . 11" $1,111.. ..1111111‘. 1“ ‘I\111l; 1:1k111 in.- l'_’ 1I11/.. l1-:1111ll;14-1'â€" .\l 111'. 11:1- '- 1-11 IIIl\\lII‘..' 1'111' ('11- "MN": I“ l‘IIII’“ ”III": I 5”” 1111.1 1 11: .1. .1111 - 111-11mm: 1- '11: ""1”": 2311111.;3 I'm' """“ "" l1.111 Inndc-tn-n1cus111'1'. I1 \\11'1l '1'\' 111' I11< I'I'II'IIII ""'\J\':>'I\_" "lmn-II'T _ . ‘ - j; .1. 1-1 . I1. 1 2, 1, 1.; 1-1- 111' 1111011 1111. 1 1|It'l‘t‘..\' (unnatu- 1:! l1I11" 1' 1'” 111111;: 1,‘I‘ 'l Illl'. I \\’t‘l1.~ ('11111111'. 5 SIIII‘ l’.\'.l“ serVIce-Try us . ,1 . '..1\' 1 -... .. 1,. 11 ‘1 ,1- 111:15'. 2 >|111't,-; l slain _\':11'11'. ll lmll B RIBE NO ' 1.11 K111111112 1'11111111. 1 . . 'l‘lu' 1111'1'1111: 11:1~ :11l_11~111'111-1l 111:lil HOBBERLIN TA‘LORING 1 Innum‘)‘ 271l1. '1 .-1...- 1' " "1:1" lI-I:11~‘ .\‘11I1_~1-1'l11111111>.- 4'. .\. .\l:1l1'11lm. $l'.= . . 1-l:1i1 <. 1111“ I" 1'1'l<111r “'11 11:" W. l). l’1-:11'1'1-. SI: 1'. .\. ('ulln'rl. $121 . u N ‘Z 111 ' :1\1'. an 1!.111: ('\'1'1-111'1111 I\' ll:1n'_\' \Yilsun, 301'; (31-11. (311:111. $131 NeXt Imperlal Bank " " Tlmmlns g ‘-\'1- \I.,...:'1I ~~1I111I11l'l'l' \1111' III I'HIIHI'UIIII. ..1II1". .\llnr‘ SI:|I'lIIIu‘.:“ IIII'IIIII! IIIIIIII 11 1 1} IIIIâ€"I :‘I‘ " “II" ' 1' 1'. e 1. 11-1 511:: Mr. Wimm. 71W: .\Irs. (I1':1l1:1111.1 III- I' 1-1'.- -I ' "' II I' t' l:HII'I’ 311p; .\ll‘. [’1111'11\'111~'l._\'. 501" 1 .I. l'“: III- W": I ' I""'1- ”111 1-1111111'11- I‘uuk, $2; .l111- 51111111. :13; I.l31".;11\111 "" "' I”: ' I ‘ ”I'll“: "" 1‘ 1,1111". .I. ll. .\'1'\\'('ll. Sl'. ll.\\il511l1.lDESIROUS OP AVOIDING ERROR. I'“ "‘ " " :"-1"1~1I ." II“I "ISI'. ll. Warren. #1: ll. .\. l. .\l11111_\. I .1.... . :1111l-111111! 111111!:11Il(1'> ~l; (I. 111-rum“. .301". .\II'. l.1-\'111~1111.'1 "â€"â€" ‘ 11 . 1'l1';11 1~11111111 I--:l11 hit '111..; .\':1111 “'11”. 2.3.1; .\11'. I"1'1111111l(111.1 l"1 _ . - . I _ I liliui~ 1“ \\’:1.<1 . 11. . .. .1...1111.111 :.3.-; 111-... 111111. >1; 11:11 (11111111. >1. "I” ,““'_”"'.‘-‘ “’“1 I“. . 1- 1 South Porcupine 2111 . 111111111“ 1_ ;.- ‘-1-'-1111 .\li» (il1-:1.~'1111.$". S. “.“‘“le 53:1:1 1111111 111 111111111111'111-1-â€"-‘1111 .13 '11 ...». 1 _ 11111.,“ 1”... 3-‘1 1‘1-...1 ln'l'm‘vsl. s];11-1-:11l1-1I tlu- steps 111' his" 1'1-x11l1-111'1'.l . â€""‘_ \\'. Su-li. $1: >1111~1111 “1115.. $23: .l.1\'1~1'I\' early in ll11- warning. it 11:15 Livery and Transfer I" 111l 11 11-1':11I1' i"1:1ll. gin-11 lIl-1l11111s. $1; 1’111'1-11111111' ”I'mI‘I' "'1111-211'11111 IIIIII 111'1I1'>in'1l In In- ns 111111411 ' I 1,). .. 5' .111 1 1111,“. 1111111111.. S... l':1'1.~\l1.\11111115..)f‘2111 . H. 1'\)"""J'I""'I\IJ'"""""w"" 11s pussihlt'. 'I'ln- 1':1l1l1.\‘; flit: IIWSI :lIIII‘IIIOSt-IIP-IO- N 5' 1'10: . 11.1- I- '1 1"1- {111: Inn-1;:- ' . . . :1 . ‘...)1-'. :11'1'_\' 0:11'111. .) 1'2. . ;...,..' w .1 <1» ‘ .<1 (tltt' .in'l'V (1 . I S '. ‘ . “1 I ll1'~ . 11": \\'~ 19:11. Junuzu'v mm. \\'111. .l1':11'l1-. 501': lh'n I'I'nslu-i‘)‘- “21“” """""" 111.1r‘t11 "( 2"" "L ' ' y t lelll Ill . e CVCT 66" .111, I .1.-1.1111 Quests l11-11'11_r 111'11-1l.1-~11-1' lh'mxn. H: .\l. l.1-\'i111I. 711111: 1"1: 14:.- “1:15 sulfely 1l1511115111l1111'1111' 'IH'; South I (11‘1'111H11t' 1 .2 .\‘1'1 .\l:111'. 141111115 \\'t‘I't' \\'11r11l .\11» \11111, 5111'; 1'. (':11'1'. 501': .\I:_\.~'1111_'11.1o 11111r 11110-1111 )1-11111-1 1 1: 1 A H {kl-Ii ..M I 1 . _ I .. _ . . . 1. 1 . 1 1 1. < . I", ‘ 1“).lulomc 1ee or up Open Day and . 1“ 111-l:11l11'~ 1 1-<111-1-1:1ll) 1111.1“1_.\11.1111.1111'.\ .\11-11'11N111. 3'1. (1111,,111:11 11 1l11- $1111 1-1111ll 1'! I11. 1 N' ht- Ph 3| . . . 111.9111” (111:, .1 11...” 1.11.1111 “I“ _\I11111~-_. \'__" I11- \I I :'.11111 ~71: lIt'unh 1111' .'."111k. and l11- Wil.‘ 1111-. \\itl1 tl11 '3 °" I Aut0m0b|IeS and leery RIgS at 1l1'1".~'1'< :1111l : :1: initial 1111 tlu- II’IIII“ ~11: ”III l1l\\.111l\.‘1.l".. 'I' I"‘II"I""""""'Z - I . .‘~ "mm 111' rim Ms. 511 tlm! “In-111"“) ”’1 . 111.:15 .'l111k~'1:.l1 .101- “- IIW-I “.lulln. whore 11:1\'1' you l:--11:1.‘ 'Iu- \\'l111l1- 11 :111111 in :1 struight‘l). ".3711". l'». ll:1'1'1'1.~1-11. $412311. .lullILI’SiIvnrvL '“ ' 1 any Hour Of the Day or nght 11111:. 1‘111- 111:: ‘.:1l:111nllul:1 01111111“. .1111-2‘1.\lr. IIITW'I': $93 I"- l..'.\1'-1 "John. where have _\'1111 I)'~‘"II-I11111:11iwy11- ‘1.... ' J“. 1- 1111111131 rl .:1.\'1I\' 1'1-:'11‘.. . I'X1‘l'llt'lif llIIIt'll Wu: 11111. >1: I'- -\- AI‘II‘II'N 0““? II- \“II'i . . . . " " " ' ‘ z: ‘ ' . . . â€" . . ,â€" lllv 1111'111-11 tn destoml 1l11 ~11-11.-. 1 "”"""I ”I “I“ --'I'I- III“ I“\' II"I 2'5”“ "W" M“ 1"”""""'l" ')""‘ H I '.'~\11 Inn 11111 1 '11"\\'or nn' Dominion Diamond I 11:1.“ :1 t't'ulIirI' - lln- «lmi1'1-,t'â€"11l11n1 l1111'l1:ir1l.~1111. 5U1': \\'. .\I. Sl11'11l11'1‘1l.1 _' KI {-1 ” ‘ "‘ . 1 lm's Ul‘t'llt'~II': urnislinl :1 ~I~11111l1 .\l1\~ Sl‘xinm-l‘; 311.3: l1'ul11l1 it'lm-u.’ I‘l'" ‘1I‘II1 1 I 11‘ 1 Drilling C 1 EXPRESS AND FREIGHT DELIVERED program 111 :il ‘lu' luh>t 1111‘1111"II”I' '\III‘-'- 2")“: l'.. II- “Wk-"U“ I I" “I3 (Mir. "1” “II” ““1 0m an . " .111. ......Il,1..11I .111..1l 1r1-1i11 ‘1‘ .111.1.'.I:’_’: \\. \\'. \\'il.~1111. 31: hr. 'l‘l111111:1\_‘111-'1<'nul l\II(>\\'l(II‘_’t‘ I 1-. 111 t L'IVt [In 1 LIMITED p y 1 ON RECEIPT OF ORDER '8' Imi'ty 1":11'1' 111: Il11' 11:11 :1: 1'1l111l1 l. #1: .\. .\Iu. 51'. II. N. .luy. +1; .\..1l1 ‘1111l i111 1~111:1111.11.11 l 111 g-1i111: 111' 1 i 1 1 r . I - ' . l o o ' 11111-111\11111111 1111l11-111n-1 "1H. 1. ~11111- I l1-111111111. 1101'. A. I . BrIMH. .71. ....____. . «.___. , . I1rnlx1 1111 :11 11:1..111 'll1~ \\1l \.--'~11_.1.\l".1'11551-1111. $1: .\. .\I1-II111111'11'JI1. I COR! BORING 1 Tlmmlns and south Porcuplne HI :111\’11111~' [11 51:1) l1- -!I'_'1' .. II: 11 1111\1 ._'I'_'1>1". 1'. \'. Hullug'm'r. 501': Il. l.. (lil1- 3 _1 SOUNDINGS m :1..- 11111: that 1111. 1...”: “m 1 1” 1 1w“. ~'_’-. 1,. 131111111. 5““ 1 Watch for the Special Vote 0011 CQNTKACTORS 1 Phone 39 at Beth Towns. 1;1u~-1~. 1111- ..1.-110411;. .....- 13.11:...1 1. 1 ‘1‘..1;.1, 51.7111. :pcns for the Pony Contest in each 1 ,I'lr.) " '.l 11:;-.' <\\-'1-: li 1:' l"l111'1':11"c I’. “lain-1.. ‘11-. IWCck 5 issue of “The Advance 1Au10 SHIV“ OI HOLIS fURII. SHED IF BEQUIRED1 WOWW.. THE PORCUI’INB ADVANCE Items of Interest 101“! W' Fogg FOR - -.-. . , 2 Dressed and Rough Lumber '"0 Snuth Porcupine .â€" I HAVE THE SOLE AGENCY FOR WM. II. II I‘ I 1 I 1 r I'.. I 0. II. .-1‘. u" T;~,1;;I_ -: . «f 1 ~ 1 ':' 1"1'_ 1I1.3 "' ‘3 I,.1I1:1;11~1", BUildlng materials . 1 1 . - “" .1 I mm 511 1' I ' 1 " I 11‘11“-' 1 1 :1'1-‘1 [‘2- l '1 l' 1'1 11 1 ‘»' ~ 1' I'- \1 ‘\ I “.1..: III-«I51Y1t.t‘~' 2 pp 'es LEISHMAN l . l . .',I‘I. f. " I1»... ..... . . Coal, Coke, Lime. Roofing Papers. agents for .. . 1‘ .. .. ‘1 1 "W" I""""' “DI," the Colonial DrlllSteel. l I I CO LIMITED 1 \I. \. ,1 " 1 I1, 1 I1.-.- ..I.? \ ~1 “:1 1;'llr1’ I: 1 l‘vi: 1 '1 . 1 H I l :' ' .I 111 II'.-' . .- ‘1:_ '11::1'1- . .1 1'. \l11111I;1\' “II!"IMIIIIIIIEIIHIIHI{.\1II111K1111111:11.:1-I1'4(1f1111r F'BRE :u ". 1» ,. 1.." "v1I111 ;.1.'1 \...11\ BOARD III! \\ .1I1‘ 111l111'1111g:_ (111.311. {1111.11‘1:.; 1 1 $ “:1“. .~ 1 .' I. 1 1~. -'1 5.14., I ”.111 1.11-1. . ..1... .111” “'1." I‘nmr-l. 1111111111 111 III! (1"1II “\ “2 'x' I '- ' 1 "Old "III"- ancl and “Run-hon"- I 'II'II‘ I"" II" 3‘ '5 . .. 1 ,. .. 1 rIMMINs SCHUMACHER . 1 . . 1 . 1. " is“; ” . 111...... 10 Phone 9 Highest Class 1. ., 1 1 1. ' - ‘ T1il0rin 1 1I1~1II~I1\1lII ‘ g I\ 111 :.II11\1 \ ‘1. .I. '1”: I I ‘I I\|l_' 1' I ,11\ 1 m 11"11~1 ‘I . . . | I: ll \ .I.1 '_' I1.' . . . 1. .1.-1 .\ L1H .\1'1‘\11'1- \\l111-11 , . ' I - 1. . 1 't - 1 ' 1 . . \ 1 II. -. ...-....-....." ,I . .1 .....1'v1 W' "II“‘III‘I.‘ H111~I~.\ . . wn ' N 11 1 sun ~ :1 1 en In ee 0 a or ..1.”.-. Im-u 1.. \,1 1‘1111'I1:!.1 11 1 1 1 â€" I ""_‘ I 1 11.... .- .IfAIAl AEEIBENT 1 OVERCOAT Call and See Samples and Styles 1', 1,7 1 '1\\ I":111_'1 H11": .-1.'I11 1 I 11 1111111111111: ' \ -‘..II1 fill-11.14. IIIII 1‘ â€"-â€"â€" I . , .. 111 111111 1111111111111 TRY Ben Croskel y 'r K11“ .. .znl I1.~-11II ll111u9' II .1 I'!\ 1Il1vll11-l.1'_' ~01 . . '1\'1 ““1. 1.11 1l11:1l11_ l11'111 1111111 ‘1 ' ' .1 south Porcupine. Phone 18 1. ._,.1 111111.111 11 111' ~I1r111' .1111 “"‘IMM """"‘""" .11..11 " "' 1 ‘ 1 . .' '111~~I 1111’I-I'l1111.ll1' :11-111l1'I1I I l'-.1I?l1-13. |11~111v.-1..1'111111111.“ 111-"11111.1; 1-1 11.1l '1"'1'I"'.1-'\'1'1""' I111 11-11 \.1I..11l.1\. -l.111li:11\ .32'111II“”‘ ' "" """' 'h "'. . I" ' 'I o 9 1 1:11.11- ; l‘ llqu ‘ ., 11.....1'... 111115.11....1.].11111‘ .‘.'1~'."'..'»....'.ii' Ladies and Gents Customs ’I‘zulor “mums scum Poxcufnu: I '.' 1"1. .111-11l11l1I '11 11 . “”11““ ~l1 1 ~-1- ~I: 1 1 ._ 1 1 .1 1 \ .1. '1 ‘ 1. “.”'" .1 “1...... 1_-”11. 11"1‘ l11111 :“I‘I'IIIIIII"II I" 1 Phone 64 Phone” , . l I.' .111». l11-.It i. ”“11 1 NEXT DOOR T0 CANADIAN CLUB CAFE P.0.BOX ‘86 P.0.BOX 3‘9 1 1' \\ 11.11/ 1,”- 1111111-1l 11...“ ..11111. 1.. 111-1-11-1-11l1~111 1:111 ~111111~ I. 1 -_' 1111.1;1- ll1-l-'l. l11~ 11"1111! “III'I'I I"” 'I ""I'“ 1-111'111111 "II" 1l111 E G DICKSON I 1 >7 :IIv-IIIII'“ :1111I\]ll~l III 111‘1'~11"‘III1 l1\'1l l’ll[lIH'\\ll“|le‘l‘l‘ ::"'1'1'!”1"1_'H' :‘111: Pressing, Cleaning and Dyeing Done . O . . \\ll1 . l~. I 11:11 11 l \ 1'1- 11' 11 -, - 11", I \l1111--. \\1-11111~I :ultml ll11'11"III‘I| II'”I I”""'”I" ‘Il’ImIZWI‘ III I“ n o 1 Real Estate and Insurance .. 1 1...... 1......1 ""‘1 ‘;“'~‘1 Get our Pressmg Prices by the Month 1 - ._ 111111-111 tl11~ 1:111:1-1' ~111'1'1111111 111'; ' ‘ ...11 .1...” l:1\l \\1~1'll.'_.1\1-111.111\ 111-I111 1.111\\1! l1~l: '21111l1l1 \\l11'l1 MM 1 TAMM’HS and SOUTH PORCUPINE 111' '8111115 l'.111I1'1\ :1 1'! 1. '11111 11121-11 "1I1111I In \\ll‘ll IIIIHIII I" I'" II'I‘IrI l I 11......11....1.-.11...1 1111.; I' 1. I"!';1.11. 'I' .1. 1 | F. c. H. SIMMS, - TImmIns Representative 1-1 . 111'1-~1-11I t 1111l11'1l '1'.Iil l1:1\1- 111-1 .I. ll. .\1111-l1n-1', \\:1~ 111' Hvl'lnzm t'\<l I 'I I“ In Ill-Ilu' \\IIll IlIII~I' \\1111, >“III'JH'IIIIII. IIHI'II :11 (}11..l1.|1. IIIIIZII'IH.I l 1l1-111- tin-11' Int. ' b.1111 11-1'1} _\1-:11'~ :1211. “v \' :1‘ \\1 HIMWWM ' '”' 1 .1111\\11 in ll11~t':111111.l1:1\in'_' |1\1-1I 1111 . - 11111111-~1 llmt \1.1~ >I:11'11-1l "III” 111,“. 1,1 111.. Km: 111...,“ llUlIl.I .\' '.‘1 II111l‘IIIII: ill It‘ll H.111. \\:|,~1“111z 11. 1111'” “11.. 11:11”:- 11'11111 (1111\1111 1 0| cuplne 0‘ S 1' 1'11'1l 111111l '_.'..2H111 tlu- HIM-1111111111 ,111'.â€"|. .\l11'l1:11-I I'ulnll \\:1.~ :1l~11 “I” I ..1 1-:111111 1-1 1111- 1111') l1:1\'111-.' 111 :11 1.111.11- ;=1 11111111. \\m :1l11111l III \1-:11< 1 o e onnaug “' III" “Hm" I" III‘I"‘I'I IIII' ~‘IINII 111 .11 --1 :1111l 1111111:'111111l. .l. t 11:11'1'll1 'l'ln'nugh 11111' 'lui'unlu 11ll'111- :1111l 11111'1111111|11H1~l1i1111n tl11 SI: ':1111l1r1l 111 ml: 111.1 :11-1-11l1-111 11ml. 11l:11'1-. :111'1 1.1.,11..1-“11.. \\1~ :-11111l11\11I :11 51111-1. l').\1-l1zinf_'1-. \\‘1- 1m: able in 11111-1'V1111 :111 1'x1-1-11Ii1111ul .w'nim l SOUTH PORCUPINE 'â€"â€"‘ 1111.'1'...11_.111:-1k1. \I1111- :11 l\'11l I: -‘1111l 1111 111'1l1-1's :1111l i:11111':111 1111111 1 . H \..l11_\.\\l111 ll:l~' I‘1III l'Itl .11“. 1 ' 1 11 . 1...“... 11 '1..1.111... 1 .1 111. \111 1 “mm,” 1~ 11-11 1... 1:1. 1. WI” Write or Phone “3‘" Orders 1 Geo. 11. Perry. Manager . . . . ., . . ' ‘ 1 1 l. ."'“ "I I "" 111-Mg ‘ I" .“ i“ '11'1~:-1\11l \\II'I'. 11ml 1! 1~ 11111l1w1~111111l 1l1:111 Homer L. Gibson and company . . .1 ' ' ""'\ Ul "I"'\l\"'l""' H "'21“ 1221.1: '1 I' 1111\I'I‘111111'HI .\lllll' lll>|>1"'1I111 llzl~1 Member- .‘itund-rd Stork Fin-hum!» All IIIUIII‘I'II (‘OIIVI'IIH‘III'UK [\Illt'I'H‘IllI I III“. ‘I "\I""',"' 1111'. ”I WW“ "'I' 1l1'1-11111 IN'III 1111 il11 ‘1'1-111. and ”III v ‘ " .' ‘ I ' 11 11.111 11'\\ 1111.1... 11.111111 :1 112111 11111.11 .11.... 1111. 1...“! TIMMIB’S and 10110310 Specml Sunday Dinners ; 111ml: 111111 ll11-1:111.~1-111 ll11:'11111l1-.11I I -_ . ., .- 5' \1111I...1 ' 111 14111111. and it is 1 . _ $ $ ; l1? 1-11111111 '11 4:111 .\111111' 1l1'\'1Il111- """ "”“"‘ R.ATES o - 2150 to 3000 ' ” "'I" "" "II“ "” I"" I"""“ "I“ I*ée-z‘e-z-e-M-I-a-a.1:»:-1H-ee-I-e-z-e-t-a-ee+1:-4-111M-vzo-zua-a-e-z-ee-z-e-ewn-reeee ' " I1: '. .\l:111\' >1111~l\I111l1l1'1‘~. \\l-1. south Porcupine 1:; 1.1.1.... 5...... “ CLEAN E D ” 1' I .. --â€"- '3: E I PHONE "\\1-zil\'-1~111' l:11IiI'\ \\‘I'1'1' 111'1'.~1'1.I :11 1 O 1' ' '1'111l \11'-~ "'\'.1."I I'1111'1' 1'1'11I‘ "'l 1. 1-1'L1lilzll‘ 1111~1'1111'.' 111' Ilu-I fulfil}: I‘. Ill: ll\( :1 SIIWIulH .5. I I 1. 1-11‘ 1 111'11- 1 '111-1'. II: 11111411111“, 111.11.1“11‘. 5111.11.11; H'.1l 11!) . 1 6 11 . ..1. 1,: 1~........1,-“ :11 .1, 1:111:111131 31,11]. 1 OI ('l(:lIIIIl" :11111 11115- : 1‘ ++¢++¢fi+§¢§++++++++§+++9§4¢+¢++¢¢¢¢ sing 11l' 1-2-1'1111 1l1-x1r111t- 11'1' " H.111, ' ".V I‘ll-'HI“ I 1'11:'.I1_' 1‘1”. 111'lIIIIIt's 111' NW 1Il‘t'\'inll.~‘ lilt't'l- a ". 11.1.1111 "" I " '1“; .. 11': 1\--111-1---.1111:1111l.11l.11.1...1 i1111â€"S\\1:1tt'1>, (‘ l11tl1it1g :11111 11 111-1: 1l :1 11 ..., 1'1... '1‘1-1 “.111“. 1..-11111'111l :1. 1"11ll..1\'\; “(Illfit'llhltl (it')l)tl>. A. S. FULLER C0,, BROKERS V .-1- “=1: " “'I' 1.1. ' . 111.1- .......... $311.1 1 \ ' ' HWH'S " l) "' l)l‘()[) US {I (‘Ill'll (II‘ IM‘III'I' Still NEXT lMPERIAL BANK TIMMINS, ONT. '” "'I" "" "I" " " I " \l11111l1l_\ sul». 111 1l:111 ....... 1‘..-1|| 11.- 1 1111-11. ::1ll :11111 .~'1-1-11.< 11ml 11'1- will <1111111W1 - 11111.11 "““”‘ ““I'“ “"““”“”"‘""“ I" BRANCH OFFICEzâ€"GONNAUGHT 1101151., South Porcupine ""”' I' " 1. " "'H " ' ':1ll lot and (luli \"t‘I \"(111111'1)(11l~' 1} 1o- 1:- 1111 e ‘0 (a 1:- 11- o e 16- Inulits and 311-115 1l11tl1ing :- 1|- 1o» o 4. o 1. O 1o- e V 4. 9 q. 1: '11‘.11111.I\111.'.111I3111-; Hugh Huylm $3; :lsli “11' 111.111 Illut tlIH'ta‘ 1111: l1.11'1\." 1 South Porcupine IIRIIIIIII'tI IIII‘ «II‘HIIS. IIIIII I:'\tr\l)1|lI \ I' ' ‘ 1 II“- 1Il:11"1 11-:111'11'l\1'1I :1I11" 1!” Ln ..1 l‘1illI I l'1-.1l\ .1H(': .\Irs. \\. In. “111111. :1; ITELEPHUNE 62 ' ' ' BOX 506 | 1m ...1.,,»_ ..1 . 11" $1,111.. ..1111111‘. 1“ ‘I\111l; 1:1k111 in.- l'_’ 1I11/.. l1-:1111ll;14-1'â€" .\l 111'. 11:1- '- 1-11 IIIl\\lII‘..' 1'111' ('11- "MN": I“ l‘IIII’“ ”III": I 5”” 1111.1 1 11: .1. .1111 - 111-11mm: 1- '11: ""1”": 2311111.;3 I'm' """“ "" l1.111 Inndc-tn-n1cus111'1'. I1 \\11'1l '1'\' 111' I11< I'I'II'IIII ""'\J\':>'I\_" "lmn-II'T _ . ‘ - j; .1. 1-1 . I1. 1 2, 1, 1.; 1-1- 111' 1111011 1111. 1 1|It'l‘t‘..\' (unnatu- 1:! l1I11" 1' 1'” 111111;: 1,‘I‘ 'l Illl'. I \\’t‘l1.~ ('11111111'. 5 SIIII‘ l’.\'.l“ serVIce-Try us . ,1 . '..1\' 1 -... .. 1,. 11 ‘1 ,1- 111:15'. 2 >|111't,-; l slain _\':11'11'. ll lmll B RIBE NO ' 1.11 K111111112 1'11111111. 1 . . 'l‘lu' 1111'1'1111: 11:1~ :11l_11~111'111-1l 111:lil HOBBERLIN TA‘LORING 1 Innum‘)‘ 271l1. '1 .-1...- 1' " "1:1" lI-I:11~‘ .\‘11I1_~1-1'l11111111>.- 4'. .\. .\l:1l1'11lm. $l'.= . . 1-l:1i1 <. 1111“ I" 1'1'l<111r “'11 11:" W. l). l’1-:11'1'1-. SI: 1'. .\. ('ulln'rl. $121 . u N ‘Z 111 ' :1\1'. an 1!.111: ('\'1'1-111'1111 I\' ll:1n'_\' \Yilsun, 301'; (31-11. (311:111. $131 NeXt Imperlal Bank " " Tlmmlns g ‘-\'1- \I.,...:'1I ~~1I111I11l'l'l' \1111' III I'HIIHI'UIIII. ..1II1". .\llnr‘ SI:|I'lIIIu‘.:“ IIII'IIIII! IIIIIIII 11 1 1} IIIIâ€"I :‘I‘ " “II" ' 1' 1'. e 1. 11-1 511:: Mr. Wimm. 71W: .\Irs. (I1':1l1:1111.1 III- I' 1-1'.- -I ' "' II I' t' l:HII'I’ 311p; .\ll‘. [’1111'11\'111~'l._\'. 501" 1 .I. l'“: III- W": I ' I""'1- ”111 1-1111111'11- I‘uuk, $2; .l111- 51111111. :13; I.l31".;11\111 "" "' I”: ' I ‘ ”I'll“: "" 1‘ 1,1111". .I. ll. .\'1'\\'('ll. Sl'. ll.\\il511l1.lDESIROUS OP AVOIDING ERROR. I'“ "‘ " " :"-1"1~1I ." II“I "ISI'. ll. Warren. #1: ll. .\. l. .\l11111_\. I .1.... . :1111l-111111! 111111!:11Il(1'> ~l; (I. 111-rum“. .301". .\II'. l.1-\'111~1111.'1 "â€"â€" ‘ 11 . 1'l1';11 1~11111111 I--:l11 hit '111..; .\':1111 “'11”. 2.3.1; .\11'. I"1'1111111l(111.1 l"1 _ . - . I _ I liliui~ 1“ \\’:1.<1 . 11. . .. .1...1111.111 :.3.-; 111-... 111111. >1; 11:11 (11111111. >1. "I” ,““'_”"'.‘-‘ “’“1 I“. . 1- 1 South Porcupine 2111 . 111111111“ 1_ ;.- ‘-1-'-1111 .\li» (il1-:1.~'1111.$". S. “.“‘“le 53:1:1 1111111 111 111111111111'111-1-â€"-‘1111 .13 '11 ...». 1 _ 11111.,“ 1”... 3-‘1 1‘1-...1 ln'l'm‘vsl. s];11-1-:11l1-1I tlu- steps 111' his" 1'1-x11l1-111'1'.l . â€""‘_ \\'. Su-li. $1: >1111~1111 “1115.. $23: .l.1\'1~1'I\' early in ll11- warning. it 11:15 Livery and Transfer I" 111l 11 11-1':11I1' i"1:1ll. gin-11 lIl-1l11111s. $1; 1’111'1-11111111' ”I'mI‘I' "'1111-211'11111 IIIIII 111'1I1'>in'1l In In- ns 111111411 ' I 1,). .. 5' .111 1 1111,“. 1111111111.. S... l':1'1.~\l1.\11111115..)f‘2111 . H. 1'\)"""J'I""'I\IJ'"""""w"" 11s pussihlt'. 'I'ln- 1':1l1l1.\‘; flit: IIWSI :lIIII‘IIIOSt-IIP-IO- N 5' 1'10: . 11.1- I- '1 1"1- {111: Inn-1;:- ' . . . :1 . ‘...)1-'. :11'1'_\' 0:11'111. .) 1'2. . ;...,..' w .1 <1» ‘ .<1 (tltt' .in'l'V (1 . I S '. ‘ . “1 I ll1'~ . 11": \\'~ 19:11. Junuzu'v mm. \\'111. .l1':11'l1-. 501': lh'n I'I'nslu-i‘)‘- “21“” """""" 111.1r‘t11 "( 2"" "L ' ' y t lelll Ill . e CVCT 66" .111, I .1.-1.1111 Quests l11-11'11_r 111'11-1l.1-~11-1' lh'mxn. H: .\l. l.1-\'i111I. 711111: 1"1: 14:.- “1:15 sulfely 1l1511115111l1111'1111' 'IH'; South I (11‘1'111H11t' 1 .2 .\‘1'1 .\l:111'. 141111115 \\'t‘I't' \\'11r11l .\11» \11111, 5111'; 1'. (':11'1'. 501': .\I:_\.~'1111_'11.1o 11111r 11110-1111 )1-11111-1 1 1: 1 A H {kl-Ii ..M I 1 . _ I .. _ . . . 1. 1 . 1 1 1. < . I", ‘ 1“).lulomc 1ee or up Open Day and . 1“ 111-l:11l11'~ 1 1-<111-1-1:1ll) 1111.1“1_.\11.1111.1111'.\ .\11-11'11N111. 3'1. (1111,,111:11 11 1l11- $1111 1-1111ll 1'! I11. 1 N' ht- Ph 3| . . . 111.9111” (111:, .1 11...” 1.11.1111 “I“ _\I11111~-_. \'__" I11- \I I :'.11111 ~71: lIt'unh 1111' .'."111k. and l11- Wil.‘ 1111-. \\itl1 tl11 '3 °" I Aut0m0b|IeS and leery RIgS at 1l1'1".~'1'< :1111l : :1: initial 1111 tlu- II’IIII“ ~11: ”III l1l\\.111l\.‘1.l".. 'I' I"‘II"I""""""'Z - I . .‘~ "mm 111' rim Ms. 511 tlm! “In-111"“) ”’1 . 111.:15 .'l111k~'1:.l1 .101- “- IIW-I “.lulln. whore 11:1\'1' you l:--11:1.‘ 'Iu- \\'l111l1- 11 :111111 in :1 struight‘l). ".3711". l'». ll:1'1'1'1.~1-11. $412311. .lullILI’SiIvnrvL '“ ' 1 any Hour Of the Day or nght 11111:. 1‘111- 111:: ‘.:1l:111nllul:1 01111111“. .1111-2‘1.\lr. IIITW'I': $93 I"- l..'.\1'-1 "John. where have _\'1111 I)'~‘"II-I11111:11iwy11- ‘1.... ' J“. 1- 1111111131 rl .:1.\'1I\' 1'1-:'11‘.. . I'X1‘l'llt'lif llIIIt'll Wu: 11111. >1: I'- -\- AI‘II‘II'N 0““? II- \“II'i . . . . " " " ' ‘ z: ‘ ' . . . â€" . . ,â€" lllv 1111'111-11 tn destoml 1l11 ~11-11.-. 1 "”"""I ”I “I“ --'I'I- III“ I“\' II"I 2'5”“ "W" M“ 1"”""""'l" ')""‘ H I '.'~\11 Inn 11111 1 '11"\\'or nn' Dominion Diamond I 11:1.“ :1 t't'ulIirI' - lln- «lmi1'1-,t'â€"11l11n1 l1111'l1:ir1l.~1111. 5U1': \\'. .\I. Sl11'11l11'1‘1l.1 _' KI {-1 ” ‘ "‘ . 1 lm's Ul‘t'llt'~II': urnislinl :1 ~I~11111l1 .\l1\~ Sl‘xinm-l‘; 311.3: l1'ul11l1 it'lm-u.’ I‘l'" ‘1I‘II1 1 I 11‘ 1 Drilling C 1 EXPRESS AND FREIGHT DELIVERED program 111 :il ‘lu' luh>t 1111‘1111"II”I' '\III‘-'- 2")“: l'.. II- “Wk-"U“ I I" “I3 (Mir. "1” “II” ““1 0m an . " .111. ......Il,1..11I .111..1l 1r1-1i11 ‘1‘ .111.1.'.I:’_’: \\. \\'. \\'il.~1111. 31: hr. 'l‘l111111:1\_‘111-'1<'nul l\II(>\\'l(II‘_’t‘ I 1-. 111 t L'IVt [In 1 LIMITED p y 1 ON RECEIPT OF ORDER '8' Imi'ty 1":11'1' 111: Il11' 11:11 :1: 1'1l111l1 l. #1: .\. .\Iu. 51'. II. N. .luy. +1; .\..1l1 ‘1111l i111 1~111:1111.11.11 l 111 g-1i111: 111' 1 i 1 1 r . I - ' . l o o ' 11111-111\11111111 1111l11-111n-1 "1H. 1. ~11111- I l1-111111111. 1101'. A. I . BrIMH. .71. ....____. . «.___. , . I1rnlx1 1111 :11 11:1..111 'll1~ \\1l \.--'~11_.1.\l".1'11551-1111. $1: .\. .\I1-II111111'11'JI1. I COR! BORING 1 Tlmmlns and south Porcuplne HI :111\’11111~' [11 51:1) l1- -!I'_'1' .. II: 11 1111\1 ._'I'_'1>1". 1'. \'. Hullug'm'r. 501': Il. l.. (lil1- 3 _1 SOUNDINGS m :1..- 11111: that 1111. 1...”: “m 1 1” 1 1w“. ~'_’-. 1,. 131111111. 5““ 1 Watch for the Special Vote 0011 CQNTKACTORS 1 Phone 39 at Beth Towns. 1;1u~-1~. 1111- ..1.-110411;. .....- 13.11:...1 1. 1 ‘1‘..1;.1, 51.7111. :pcns for the Pony Contest in each 1 ,I'lr.) " '.l 11:;-.' <\\-'1-: li 1:' l"l111'1':11"c I’. “lain-1.. ‘11-. IWCck 5 issue of “The Advance 1Au10 SHIV“ OI HOLIS fURII. SHED IF BEQUIRED1 WOWW..

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