Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 20 Oct 2017, p. 6

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C £ > h H O C N EDITORIAL | OPINION ABOUT US O .a C N C D o ts O T5 Nominate a youth for their work W e say this every year, and every year it's true -- you don't have to look far to hnd the leaders of tom orrow. LU They are at local schools, ch urch groups and youth clubs, already m aking a difference by contributing to co com m unity life. LU They are on sports team s and volunteering for organizations. < They are collecting donations and supporting area o charities. £ o And they are excelling in sch ool, m aintaining top q d level grade point averages. o -i--* They are extraordinary, and it's tim e to recognize (D JZ (D them . g 'c/) E ach year, the O ntario C om m u n ity New spapers A ssociation (O CN A ) -- of w hich the Oakville Beaver is a m em ber -- co-ordinates the Ontario Junior Citizen Awards program as a way to h on ou r and encourage youths who are involved in com m unity life. People are asked to nom inate a you th they believe is deserving of such recognition. It's time to m ove quickly, too, as the deadline for nom inations is Thursday, Nov. 3 0 . Any O ntario resident betw een the ages of six and 17 years is eligible to be chosen as one of the final recipients of the award. How can you get involved? By nom inating a youth in one of fv e categories: · A person involved in w orthw hile com m unity service; · A special young person contributing to his or her com m unity while living with a physical or psychological lim itation; · An individual who has perform ed an act of heroism in the past year; · E xcellen ce in achievem ent, such as the arts or athletics; · Good kids who show a com m itm en t to m aking life b etter for others and do m ore than is norm ally exp ected of som eone their age. Up to 12 nom inees will be chosen as the fn a l recipients of the award who will be invited to a cerem ony n ext spring in Toronto. E ach young person who is nom inated will be presented with a c e rtifca te of recognition, and their contributions will be highlighted with an article in the Beaver. Help us pay tribute to our leaders of today and tom orrow. Again, the n om ination deadline for the Ontario Ju n io r Citizen Awards is Nov. 3 0 . Visit w w w .ocna.org/juniorcitizen for m ore inform ation and to access the nom ination forms. These young people are excep tion al, w ith limitless p oten tial and the OCNA w ants to recognize their accom plishm ents. Help us celebrate the young people in our com m unity who are m aking a difference. cr The Oakville Beaver, published every Thursday and Friday, is a division of the Metroland Media Group Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Torstar Corporation. The Metroland family of newspapers is comprised of more than 100 community publications across Ontario. View our digital edition online at: Insidehalton.com under Print Editions found in the footer. · *metrolandmedia · * Connected to your community® The Oakville Beaver is a member of the National NewsMedia Council. Complainants are urged to bring their concerns to the attention of the newspaper and, if not satisfied, write The National NewsMedia Council, Suite 200, 890 Yonge St., Toronto, ON M4W 2H2. Phone: 416-340-1981 Web: www.mediacouncil.ca N a tio n a l. Z aa nnc Qp C n a NewsMedia Council M N e w sM ed iaC an ad a ^ M ed iasd 'ln foC an ad a Local Media association tead editor@oakvillebeaver.com E @OakvilleBeav @oakvillebeaver ffPh insidehalton.com My View How a fairer tax system helps all Canadians A s promised during the 2 0 1 5 fed eral election campaign, the Liber al Party of Canada is committed to making our taxation system fairer for all Canadians. Currently, with two-thirds of Canadi ans in the top 0.01 per cent using private corporations as tax avoidance strategies, the system is not fair. Tax credits and loopholes are taking an increasingly larger bite out of govern ment revenue. So while we are all paying to provide these preferential tax treatments, the richest among us benef t most from them. It is time to restore tax fairness for Canadians at all income levels. It is important that we take your feed back into account when making changes to our tax system. This is why I invited the Minister of Fi nance to Oakville to address your ques tions. I appreciate all of the feedback we have received and I assure you that we are listening to your concerns. It is essential that we move forward John Oliver Oakville MP with effective tax reform to level the playing held for all Canadians. W hy is tax fairness an important ob jective for the government? see Hard-working on p.10 Pud by Steve Nease WHO WE ARE CONTACT US The Oakville Beaver 5046 Mainway, Unit 2, Burlington ON L7L 5Z1 Phone 905-845-3824 / Fax 905-337-5568 Classified 1-800-263-6480 Digital/Flyers/Retail Advertising 289-293-0624 Real Estate/Homefinder.ca Advertising Suzanne Trickey / 289-293-0677 / strickey@oakvillebeaver.com Letters to the editor All letters must be fewer than 200 words and include your name and telephone number for verification purposes. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject letters. ablackburn@oakvillebeaver.com Delivery For all delivery inquiries, please call 1-866-838-8960 or email Customerservice@metroland.com Vice-President and Group Publisher of Metroland West Neil Oliver Advertising Director Daniel Baird / dbaird@metroland.com / 289-293-0624 Managing Editor Angela Blackburn / ablackburn@oakvillebeaver.com / 289-293-0617 Regional General Manager Kelly Montague kmontague@metroland.com / 289-293-0614 Director of Distribution Charlene Hall / chall@metroland.com / 905-631-6095

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