www.insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, October 13, 2017 112 Every w e e k w e s h o w c a se to p ic s a b o u t lo c a l y o u th s. SEND US YOUR NEWS: If you are a youth and you have a story or photo to share, we'll do our best to publish it on this page. Em ail it to ablackburn@ oakvillebeaver. com, along with your nam e and a brief paragraph about why you w ant to share it with our readers. A day in the life of a page at Queen's Park Oakville'sAlessandro De Simone, 13, took part in the Ontario Legislature's Page program, interning at Queen's Park from Sept. 11 through Oct. 5. At left, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne meets with the pages for a chat. At right, below, De Simone is pictured with Ontario La bour Minister and Oakville MPP Kevin Flynn; at right, he stands with the Mace and Sergeant at Arms Jackie Gordon (retired from Halton Regional Police). p-- -- ·tT"-- -- tc -- - For full story, seep. 13. |submitted photos | HAXELL LAW Buying? Selling? Re Call u s fo r a q u o t e a t ` SAVE N O W *Cut out this ad and save 10% on your food bill 10 % 905-845-0767 ext. 223 This coupon is only valid at 1011 Uppermiddle Rd E &217 CrossAve in Oakville ON. This coupon entitles you to 10% off your food bill before tax. Only one coupon per table. Taxes extra. No cash value. Expires on Tues. O ct., 31, 2017. DINE IN ONLY VAILD AT 1011 Uppermiddle Rd East & 217 Cross Ave Oakville(DINE IN ONLY) 1276 Cornwall Road, Unit C, Oakville Ontario, L6J 7W5 T:905-845-0767· F:905-845-5552 · w w w .h a x e llla w .c o m · la w y e rs @ h a x e llla w .c o m