11 | Friday O ctober 1 3, 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insidehalton.com Community Update Forward announcements o f non-profit local events fo r Community Update to the Oakville Beaver, 5046 Mainway, Unit 2, Burlington, ON, L7L 5Z1; email mmarychuk@oakvillebeaver.com or call 289-293-0661. Free. FRIDAY, O C T O B E R 13 Branch 114 Royal Canadian Legion, 36 Up per Middle Rd., Oakville, serves fish and chips, $10 with bread and coleslaw at 4:30 p.m. Branch 486 Royal Canadian Legion, 79 Jones St., Bronte serves fish fry on Fridays, 5-8 p.m. Karaoke is free 7:30-11:30 p.m. All wel come. SATURDAY, O C T O B E R 14 M O N D A Y , O C T O B E R 16 Support group fo r spouses o f persons with dementia held every other Monday, 1:30-3:30 p.m. at St. Paul's United Church, 454 Rebecca St. Call Acclaim Health Alzheimer Services at 905-847-9559 for more information. Dr. Bridget Stutchbury author o f Silence o f Songbirds and The Bird Detective talks about a new controversial approach to conservation when the Hamilton Naturalists Club meets at 7:30 p.m., Royal Botanical Gardens, 680 Plains Rd. W , Burlington. All welcome. Free. Call 905-637-7136, brontreg@cogeco.ca or http:// hamiltonnature.org for more information. Je ff West hypnosis comedy show, Church o f Incarnation , 1240 Old Abbey Lane. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. with the show going 8-9:30 p.m. Tickets are $35 and includes appetizers. Beer and wine available for sale. Bronte V illage Stakeholders coat drive is still accepting donations of gently used, clean winter outerwear, all sizes, men's , women's and children's. Cutoff date for donations is Oct. 13. Drop off donations to Bronte Fire Station, Rebecca/Bronte Road intersection (front foyer). Acclaim Health begins a bereavement peer support volunteer training program today. For more information visit www.acclaimhealth. ca. Anyone interested in volunteering contact Carole La Tour at 905-827-8800 ext. 2313 or clatour@acclaimhealth.ca. Glenn Abbey caregiver support group fo r caregivers o f people with dementia, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Oakville Public Library 1415 Third Line. Call Acclaim Health Alzheimer Services at 905-847-9559 for more information. Tots and Us Program is free for preschool ers, babies and their caregivers at St. Paul's United Church, 454 Rebecca St., Oakville, 10 11 a.m. Playtime, singing, stories and snacks. For information call 905-847-5308. KITCHENS OF O AKVILLE AyA KITCHENS OF OAKVILLE 1195 NORTH SERVICE ROAD WEST Lions Foundation o f Canada Dog Guides will hold its annual fa ll open house, 9:30 a.m.3 p.m., 152 Wilson St., Oakville, with train ing demonstrations, family-friendly activities, future dog guide puppies to visit with and a silent auction. 905 .847.1522 AYAOAKVILLE.COM a dven tur e a w a it s . BUT O UR R E M A IN IN G 2017s W O N 'T . SU BA RU C o n f i d e n c e in M o t i o n 2.5 TOURING WITH TECH FROM $ 2 9 , 0 1 5 + ht 2017 L E G A C Y GREAT RATES FROM LEASE PAYMENT OF 0 .5 % * TM BI-WEEKLY FOR 48 MONTHS $ 1 7 4 MODELS EQUIPPED WITH EYESIGHT® A N D STEERING RESPONSIVE HEADLIGHTS T h efam at ilybusinessth B udd b u d !. 2474 SOUTH SERVICE ROAD W., OAKVILLE, ON L6L 5M 9 · 905.845.2800 VISIT www.BuddsSubaru.com "P ric e s a d ve rtise d on 2017 S ubaru L egacy 2.5 Touring w ith Te chn o log y packa ge . V e h ic le in clu d e s S ym m e trica l A W D , EyeSight®: P re -c o llis io n b ra k in g , p re -c o llis io n bra ke a ssist, p re -c o llis io n th ro ttle m anagem ent, a da ptive c ru is e c o n tro l, lane dep arture w a rn in g , lane sw a y w a rn in g , lane keep a ssist and lead v e h ic le sta rt a lert, S ubaru Rear/Side V e h icle D e tectio n S ystem (SRVD): B lin d sp ot d e te ctio n , lane change a ssist, re a r cro ss tra ffic a le rt, 7 -in ch In fo ta in m e n tS y s te m :A M /F M /C D /M P 3 /W M A a u d io s y s te m w ith h ig h -re s o lu tio n c a p a c itiv e to u c h -s c re e n d is p la y ,S T A R L IN K TM s m a rtp h o n e in te g ra tio n , Bluetooth®. "Price includes delivery and destination, fees, levies, charges and all applicable taxes (Excluding HST). Licence and registration extra. See dealer for complete details. All incentives have been included (Alternate Cash Credit Applied to quote of $2500). Based on New 2017Subaru Legacy Touring w ith Technology Package 2.5 CVT HA2TPE. ""Lease based on 48 month lease w ith 20,000km per year, $0.10/ km for excess mileage. $2899.99 Due at delivery. Stakable credit of $750 applied to quote. Price includes delivery and destination, fees, levies, charges and all applicable taxes (Excluding HST). Licence and registration extra. See dealer for complete d e ta ils . Offer available OAC. Cost of borrowing is $2337.42. APR 3.12% Based on New 2017 Subaru Legacy Touring w ith Technology Package 2.5 CVT HA2TPE. Prices valid on Date of publication and are subject to change without notice/' f Ratings are awarded by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IlHS). Please visit w w w iihs.org for testing methods. o EyeSight is a driver-assist system which may not operate optim ally under all driving conditions. The driver is always responsible for safe and attentive driving.