Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 6 Oct 2017, p. 19

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Luciani Bowl just one event honouring memory of `Coach Luc' | By Kevin Nagel Beaver sports editor Jo e Luciani was a teacher, coach, principal, chaplain and pasta cooker galore for 4 4 years before a heart attack in August took his life at age 68. In his memory, the first Luciani Bowl senior football game will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 11 featuring two of the high schools where Luciani was employed -- St. Thomas and Notre Dame. It's one of a number of tributes to the popular Hamilton native and Oakville resi dent who spent decades in Burlington and Oakville guiding young minor football and high school athletes. One of those was Vanier Cup-winning university defensive star Dave Montoya, now the phys-ed head at Notre Dame but in 1 997 a rookie on the Irish junior team's bench. "He recruited us and we spent, as Grade 9s, a year falling in love with the game. He taught us to appreciate the camaraderie and give our services to the team ," said Montoya. "He was the same then as he always w as," added Montoya. "He's the motivator, the A heart attack took the life of longtime Halton football coach Joe Luciani (above) in August. Two high schools he served as a coach and administrator, St. Thomas Aquinas and Notre Dame, will play the first Luciani Bowl senior football game at Notre Dame on Oct. 11. | photo submitted inspirer, he'd cook pasta dinners for us the nights before the game. (He knew) the game would have more meaning if we were all friends. And he made sure of it." Luciani' s family, including his wife and children Dante, Vincent and Alena, has been invited by players and coaches to a private pasta dinner the night before the game at the school. There's a junior football game scheduled for 3 :3 0 p.m. Wednesday, with a memorial service and chapel service following at 5 :3 0 p.m. on the Notre Dame field. Admission to the service and senior game costs $5 for adults and $3 for high school students. It's free for those 14 and under. Both teams will be on the field as well as representatives of the Knights of Columbus. Luciani was a proud member of the K of C and a fourth-degree knight. The senior game between the Raiders and Fighting Irish follows at approximately 6 p.m. After the game, the official presentation of the Luciani Memorial Bowl will be made to the winning team, with possession of the trophy up for grabs each year with the lo cation rotating between Notre Dame and St. Thomas Aquinas. The Knights of Columbus is holding a so cial Wednesday from 8 :3 0 p.m. to midnight honouring the memory of Luciani. It' s for those 19 and older at Columbus Hall at 1494 Wallace Rd. in Oakville. Proceeds from the event and the social will go to fund the Joe Luciani Memorial Schol arship and the Knights of Columbus Jo e Luciani Pay It Forward Award. Everyone is welcome, including all the players, coaches, co-workers and team members of Luciani over the years. Montoya expects to see many good friends who were on the opposing sidelines from Luciani as well. "There were a lot of rivalries built up throughout his career and his opponents know the class that he showed," said Mon toya. Luciani taught at Notre Dame and was an assistant principal for one year before becoming principal at St. Thomas Aquinas. After he retired, Luciani lent his teaching expertise to Brock University and helped Bishop Reding, Notre Dame and St. Thomas Aquinas with their football programs. OSSC in Calgary and Ottawa Oakville Speed Skating Club members fared well in a pair of recent meets in Calgary and Ottawa. At the Western Elite Circuit No. 1 Oktoberfest meet held Sept. 29-O ct. 1 at the Olympic Oval in Calgary, Jaden Lo broke the 50-second barrier in the 500-m etre race with a time of 4 9 .0 0 3 seconds while competing against some of the top skaters in the world. OSSC teammate Dania El Sammak finished the com petition ranked 21st among 4 4 skaters in her division. At the Ottawa Pre-Season Meet at the same time, the OSSC trio of Sherise Gratton, Alexander Giannotti and Charlie Cotton competed. Cotton took home a first-place ribbon while Gratton broke the three-minute mark in the 1,500m with a time of 2 :5 8.05. Blue Devils clinch first place The Oakville Blue Devils and the Woodbridge Strikers, who needed only a point eachin Wednes day night' s clash at Bronte Ath letic Field to clinch first-place finishes in their respective divi sions, did just that by playing to a scoreless tie. The Blue Devils won the League 1 Ontario's men's West Division title while the Strikers took the East Divi sion crown. Oakville' s Matt George and Woodbridge's Quillan Roberts recorded the shutouts. The two teams will face each other on a date to be announced for the League1 championship. From left, Dania El Sammak, Jaden Lo and Nicole Vrazinovski of the Oakville Speed Skating Club competed in the Ottawa Pre-Season Meet last weekend. | photo by Emma O'Donnell C O N C R E T E Irimmings Ltd. EXPOSED AGGREGATE (Pebble) Nature Shop ANNUAL FA] SEED SALE u U lM D R IVEW A YS FRENCH CURBS P A T IO S S TEP S W ALKW AYS GARAGE FLO O R S ENDS October 23rd uality At Its Best! C all F e rn a n d o F R E E E S T IM A T E S ~ r ~ ream Ask about our Daily Savings Club! 3 3 5 0 FA IR V IEW STREET, BURLINGTON 9 0 5 -6 3 4 -7 7 0 0 · EM A IL: w b u 1 @ b e lln e t.ca W E BRiNG PEOPLE & NATURE TOGETHER 905- 844-5518 1 - 888- 944-5518 ........ ..................... ........

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