Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 22 Sep 2017, p. 16

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www.insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, Septem ber 22, 2 0 1 7 | 1 6 Adem olu com es to the rescue to salvage point lo r Le a g u e l Blue Devils M en' s W est Division leaders Oakville Blue Devils h ost F C L on don on Sunday, Sept. 2 4 after com in g b ack to tie Toronto F C III last Sunday. The m atch is scheduled for Bronte A thletic Field at 4 p.m . The Blue Devils earned a valuable p oin t in the stand ings thanks to a pair of late goals by Stephen A dem olu. The secon d -h alf sub scored ju st m inutes before regula tion play ended and forced a late ow n goal in the sec ond m in u te of e xtra time. "W e signed him last year and he didn't k ick a ball for us because of his A chilles tendon injury, so h e's just com e in the last few w eeks and he gives us a little m ore firepower w h en w e need it and it' s great to h av e," said Oakville head co ach D u ncan W ilde. Blue Devils w ere playing w ithou t tw o of its centrebacks and goalie. "W e struggled to get any gam e rh y th m ," said W ilde. Felipe Vilela opened the scorin g for Oakville in the seventh m in u te w ith a penalty shot, b u t then it w as all T F C as it scored three unansw ered goals 19, 2 1 and 55 m inutes in. The result puts Oakville six points ahead of Sigma F C w ith Sigm a holding one gam e in hand on the lead ers. National spotlight will be on Oakville Rogers Hometown Hockey will make one of its 24 stops here on Nov. 25-26 Oakville is one of 2 4 com m un ities across the co u n try th at will h ost Rogers H om etow n H ock ey during its fourth season in 2 0 1 7 -1 8 . T h e tow n will be the site of the event Nov. 2 5 -2 6 , giv ing Oakville a ch an ce to display its love of one of C ana da' s national sports. A s usual, Oakville' s Ron M acLean will h ost the event. The tw o-d ay o u td oor festival will feature local celebri ties, N H L alum ni, free activities, gam es, interactive exp e rien ces and live en tertainm ent for all ages. It w raps up w ith an ou td oor view ing party on Sun day, Nov. 2 6 w h en M acLean and co -h o st Tara Slone will b road cast live across C anada from the Sportsnet Mobile Studio w hile the V ancouver C an u ck s take on the N ew York Rangers. Oakville M ayor Rob B u rton is a big fan of Rogers H om etow n Hockey. "A long w ith the rest of cou n cil, I'm looking forw ard to w h at will no doubt be a w eekend full of en tertainm ent for h ock ey fans of all ages," B u rton said. "W h a t a great op p ortu n ity to show case ou r com m u n ity's heritage, h ock ey h istory and unique stories w ith the rest of C an ad a." Rogers Hometown Hockey, hosted by Oakville's Ron MacLean and Tara Slone, will telecast the Sunday, Nov. 2 6 edition from Oakville, one of 2 4 com m unities selected for the show's fourth season. | photo courtesy of Rogers Wallace will get his shot at professional lacrosse after Bandits choose him in fifth round of NLL draft continued from p. 15 deep there, but I w an t a com p eti tive training cam p and they're go ing to com p ete for jo b s," K eenan said on the R ush' s website. "Boushy scored a pile of goals at the co m bine and h e' s q uick." If he does, Boushy will have to balance school and a pro career, but he saw form er Queen' s team m ate Ryan W agner finish off his engineer ing degree while playing his rookie season w ith the Vancouver Stealth. O akville' s Braden W allace also m issed the draft being held in his h om eto w n . F o r W allace, it w as by design. W h en he tried to register for the league' s combine, it was already full. Already believing he was on the draft bubble, Wallace thought he'd missed his last chance to make an impression. So M onday night, he took his dog for a w alk while the draft was on. "I didn't w ant to sit and w atch and be disappointed," he said. W h en he got hom e, his dad called to tell him the Buffalo Bandits had chosen him in the fifth round. "It was a big relief," he said. "I'm ju st excited to have a shot. I didn't care w hen or where, I ju st w anted a shot to play at that level with the best players." W allace spoke briefly with Ban dits general m anager Steve Dietrich, w ho told him the Bandits tried to hide their interest in him so they didn't tip off other teams. The 23-year-old averaged just over a point a gam e in four seasons with the Burlington Chiefs before joining the Sr. B Oakville Titans. A t the Rochester Institute of Tech nology, he helped the Tigers reach the Division III national semifinals in four of his five years. RIT made it to the cham pionship gam e for the second time this year where, despite his four goals, the Tigers lost 1 5 -7 to Salisbury. W allace said he' s encouraged by the num ber of current N LL players w ho have com e out of RIT. He will head to training cam p hoping to im press the Buffalo coaching staff, led by Oakville' s Troy Cordingley. "He runs a pretty tough cam p so I w ant to be in the best shape I can be in ," he said. "Through minor, his team s som etim es practised after us and everyone said he ran a pro-level practice even at the m inor level. I like that. I w ant to be productive; I w ant to im prove." Family. Together forever. Pre-select space in our elegant Last Supper Mausoleum and honour your family and faith forever. For generations to come, our m odern buildings will provide for com fortable visitation in any season. To our Generous Sponsors From the Oakville Angels Mite Girls Softball Team! C om plete your m ausoleum pre-planning today. Take the first step. 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