Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 22 Sep 2017, p. 13

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Marta Marychuk Reporter mmarychuk@oakvillebeaver.com Artscene "Connected to your Community" CL cr> "O I-- H CD CD 3 ty A fric a n C h ild re n 's C h o ir s e t to p e rfo rm a t O a k v ille c h u rc h T h e A frican Children's C h oir will p erform Sunday, O ct. 15 at ClearView Christian Reform ed C hurch. T h e ch o ir m em bers m elt the hearts of audiences w ith their charm in g sm iles, beautiful voices and lively A frican songs and dances. T h e p rogram features w ell-loved children's songs, traditional spirituals and gospel favourites. T h e O ct. 15 co n cert is h osted by Jo h n K n o x Christian School. A dm ission is free. A free-will of fering is taken at the p erform ance to su p p o rt Afri can Children's C h oir program s, su ch as education, care and relief and developm ent program s. M usic for Life (M F L ) -- the p aren t organiza tion of the A frican Children's C h oir -- w orks in seven A frican cou ntries su ch as U ganda, K enya, Rw anda, Sudan, Nigeria, G hana and South Africa. M F L has ed ucated m ore than 5 2 ,0 0 0 children and im p acted the lives of ab ou t 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 people through its relief and developm ent program s dur ing its history. T he purpose of M F L is to help cre ate new leadership for tom orrow 's Africa, by fo cusing on education. CD JO ro ro o i-^ -o > O =5` CD CL CD CD i--H =r o p b o 3 Choir performed for Queen Elizabeth II T h e A frican Children's C h oir has had the privi lege to p erform before presidents, heads of state and m o st recen tly the Q ueen of England, Q ueen Elizabeth II, for h er diam ond jubilee. T h e A frican Children's C h oir is a n on -profit hum anitarian and relief organization dedicated to helping A frica's m o st vulnerable children today so they can help A frica tom orrow. ClearView C hristian Reform ed C h u rch is lo cat ed at 2 3 0 0 Sheridan Garden Dr. F o r inform ation visit w w w .africanchild ren sch oir.com . 1 l i jjk W /n / : VV 1 The African Children's Choir performs children's songs, traditional spirituals and gospel favourites. | submitted photo Leeson com edy tour kicks o ff tonight Auditions held for Spectacular Jeff Leeson will kick off his Off the Cuff Comedy Tour tonight (Frid ay ) at the Knights of Colum bus Hall to raise m o n ey for a chil dren's charity. D oors open at 8 p.m . and sh o w begins at 8 :3 0 p.m . T h e Off the Cuff Com edy Tour will also be taped live. T h e show is on e of a series of events Leeson is p utting on to raise m oney for the Children's W ish F o u n d ation in sou thern O ntario, w ith oth er fun draisers being held in St. C atharines and London. Show interactive Leeson describes his kind of com ed y as p erson Jeff Leeson has been doing comedy since he was al and interactive w ith the 14. His Off the Cuff Comedy Tour kicks off in Oakville crow d. "E very sh ow is differ tonight (Friday). | submitted photo en t," he says. Leeson has been doing com ed y since he was 14, and has 17 years' exp eri en ce as a perform er. The Children's W ish F o u n d ation of C anada is the largest and only all Ca nadian charity dedicated to granting w ishes to Ca nadian children betw een the ages of three and 17 w h o are diagnosed w ith a life-threatening illness. F o r m o re than 3 0 years, the foundation has w orked to grant heartfelt w ishes to nearly 2 5 ,0 0 0 children and their families. Tickets co st $ 2 0 in ad van ce o r $ 2 5 at the door. F o r advance tickets, call 9 0 5 -5 1 0 -1 8 5 4 . T h e K nights of C o lu m bus Hall is located at 1 4 9 4 W allace Rd. A uditions are being held n e x t w eek for Spectacular Show case 2 0 1 7 . T he show case for those 4 0 and over accep ts all types of variety show acts for audition. A uditions will be held on Monday, Sept. 2 5 from 2 -4 p.m . and Thursday, Sept. 2 8 from 2 -4 p .m ., 5 :3 0 -7 :3 0 p .m . o r by spe- cial arrangem ent. T h e n u m b er of per form ers in any one a ct is lim ited by the stage size, w h ich is 16 feet deep by 3 2 feet wide. A cts should be a m a x i m u m of three-an d-a-h alf m inutes, b u t there is no m in im u m time. C os tum es and acco m p an i m en t (record ed o r live) are the responsibility of the perform ers. There is a piano available. C o n tact Ja n Pike at jan p ik e50@ g m ail.co m o r call 2 8 9 - 2 5 9 - 9 1 2 2 to secure an audition tim e o r for further inform ation. T h e show will be staged Dec. 2 9 -3 0 at the Q ueen Elizabeth Park C o m m u nity and C ultural Centre. Exhibition celebrates Sheridan program The Living Arts Centre in Mississauga is partnering with Sheridan College to pres ent the exhibition fete, w hich celebrates 5 0 years of Sheridans Craft and Design Program and the crucial role the program continues to play in shaping the craft and design landscape in Canada. The exhibition opened earlier this m onth and runs until Friday, Oct. 29. Featuring the w ork of som e of Canadas m ost celebrated crafts people, fete brings together accom plished craft and design m akers from across the country whose w ork spans the five decades of the p ro gram s history: The objects in the exhibi tion dem onstrate the creative synergy of tradition and innovation in ceram ics, fur niture, glass, metal and textiles. Sheridans Craft and Design Program is based at the Trafalgar Cam pus in Oakville. The Living Arts Centre is located at 4 1 4 1 Living Arts Dr. in Mississauga.

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