Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 24 Aug 2017, p. 36

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www.insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, August 24, 2 0 1 7 |36 garagesales-show s-bazaars Georgetown call an expert home services 1 c o m m u n ity n o tices K E LLE Y 'S TREE SERV ICE Logging, Tree Removal Tree Pruning, Hedge Trimming, Stump Removals. OAKVILLE Oakville W A R E H O U S E B LO W O U T S A L E Sat. A u g . 26 ~ 9 am to 1 pm 2 R o se tta Street S A V E U P T O 9 0 % O F F! Broad selection of draperies including: Black outs, room darkening, casual panels, sheers and prints. Draperies & hardware - $3.00 - $25 Decorative C ushions and bathroom - A ll $3 Designer dog accessories, sham poos, pet carriers - $3 to $20 VALUES TO $129 DRIVEWAY SALE Sat., Aug 26 8am-2pm 296 Jones St (Corner of Rebecca & Jones) New gift items, antique items, clothes, household items, mega asst. of books, kid's articles Oakville Yard Sale Sat., A u g . 26 8 am start 385 G alt A ve. One block behind former Trafalgar Hospital Anything you're looking for or need we probably have. Come and See!!! DECK REFINISHING ALL DECKS SANDED, STRIPPED & REFINISHED BY HAND Highest Quality Non-peeling or Flaking, Stain Sealers. ' . ' Public Notices J Announcements Announcements SAVE ON ALL TREE WORK! ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS If you want to drink that's your business. If you want to quit, it's ours. Alcoholics Anonymous. Call: 905-631-8784 or visit d19area86.ca OAKVI LLE Summer Ending Special The Beaver IS CALLING ALL KIDS! 30% OFF N O W O F F E R IN G rvK .esJL fa rtftc A WHOLESALERS WELCOME! Oakville One application preserves & seals all wood from decay, for a lifetime. Call 519-774-8277 905-616-6588 Fully Insured. 289-337-4266 Oakville HUGE G ARAGE SA LE Sat., A u g . 26th ~ 8:30 am - 12 pm 2364 H ilda D rive We are moving so everything must go. Lots of household items including: - d ishes/ house w ares/ glasses - yard equipm ent and tools - decorative item s - exercise stu ff - sm all hom e/ kitchenware - m iscellaneous item s Oakville G a ra g e S a le Sat. A u g 26 8am - 1pm 503 C a rd iff D rive BBQ, luggage, art w ork, lamps, decorative item s and m uch MORE! G a ra g e S a le S a t A u g . 26th 8am - 12 n o o n 290 Howell Rd. " E m pty-N esters" selling the kids s tu ff...& m ore! Bikes, clothes (m ale/fem ale, many sizes), sports, books, toys, house hold item s, etc. ARB©RGAREi TREE SE R V IC E S I N C .1 We provide: tree removal/pruning, shrub removal/pruning, stump removal, 24 hour emergency service. M. R I L E Y TREE CARE Tree Pruning & Removal, Hedge & Shrub Trimming, Stump Removal, Fully Insured. Senior Discounts Certified Arborist 9 0 5 -4 8 3 -2 9 3 0 We are currently hiring Carriers! C a ll u s to s e e if y o u r s tr e e t is a v a ila b le - it ju s t m ig h t be! L6H Strawfield Crt, Owen Crt, Ridge Rd, Howell Rd, Kristie Crt, Avondale Dr, Edgeware Rd, River Glen Blvd, Eighth Line, Towne Bl, Grand Bl L6J Gable Dr, Wakehurst Cres, Sir David Dr, Caradoc Lane, Chedboro Cres, Bishopstoke Way, Hazel McCleary, Greenaus Rd, Teak Cres, Beechnut Rd. Sheridan Garden Dr. L6L Seabrook, Saxon, Vyner, Sandlewood, Warwick, Maplehurst, Sovereign, Stanfield, Worthington, Honeyvale, Trowbridge L6M: Kaiting Trail, Colton Way, Culp Trail, Masterman Cres, Sixteen Mile Dr, Skyvalley SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE 9 0 5 -2 7 6 -9 2 9 4 (GTA) M ULTI FA M ILY GARAGE SA LE Sat. A u g . 26th 8 a.m . - 1 2 p.m. W o o d in g to n La n e S om ething fo r everyone! To book your classified ad call Ancaster Yard S a le Sat. A u g . 26th 8 am - noon 119 Valm ount St. Tools, depression glass, som ething fo r everyone! To book your classified ad call How To M ake Your Washer Disappear... N e e d to s e ll you r car? Simply advertise in the Classifieds and get results quickly! 905.632.4440 We can help! Call: 1-800-263-6480 Fax: 1-866-299-1499 Call Circulation 905-631-6095 905.632.4440 1632-4440 email: classified© metrolandwest.com find us online at www.yourclassifieds.ca f To book your classified ad call 905.632.4440 Rain Date: Sept 2n d Who Does ft... GENERAL CONTRACTOR IMPROVEMENTS C L A S S IC + C O M M E R C IA L To Advertise in this section call JENNIFER GOULD 289-293-0683 ·jgould@oakvillebeaver.com r CONCRETE PAINTING CONTRACTOR CONTRACTiNG Basem ent Renovations Bathroom Upgrades P. JAY Your Lo cal W aterproofing and C o n cre te s p e c ia lis t for over 20 years GOT A BASEMENT LEAK? WE CAN HANDLE THAT ASWELL! B.W. PAINTING Interior, Exterior Superior Work 9 0 5 -3 1 9 -2 7 7 7 R E SID EN TIAL + IN D U S T R IA L www.bw-painting.com bw-painting@hotmail.com No job Too Small 27+ years Experience paul.pjay@gmail.com Bernie Wyatt, SPECIALIZE IN CALL US TODAY FOR YOUR FREE QUOTE Barrie Wyatt "We're father and s o n ,^ » p » and we get along" 905-616-3150 GENERAL CONTRACTiNG + STAMP CONCRETE + FLAGSTONE -^EXPOSED AGGREGATE ^INTERLOCKING REGULAR CONCRETE ' CONCRETE SEALING (905) 469-1943 w w w .c la s s ic n c o n c r e te .c a H A R R Y 'S C O N S T R U C T IO N Home Renovations Basements Bathrooms · Kitchens Decks Since 1984 Free Estimates w w w .h a rry s re n o s .c o m h ro u s s e a u @ c o g e c o .ca lfie w lo u r H om e Im p ro ve m e n ts P ages O N L IN E S t IN S ID E H A L T O N .C O M 5 Steps toview ing H o m eIm provem ents pages: 1. w w w .in s id e h a lt o n .c o m 2 . C L I C K o n " P r in t E d itio n s " 3 . L o c a te " T h e O a k v ille B e a v e r" 4 . C L I C K o n " W h o D o e s It" 5. C L I C K o n t h e latest e d itio n & v ie w this v e r y p a g e d ig ita lly ! (9 0 5 )8 4 2 -1 7 7 2 T T T T T F T i OAKVILLE'S ONLY TOTAL MARKET NEWSPAPER, REACHING 5 3 , 0 0 0 HOMES!

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