27 |Thursday August 24, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com Healthy lifestyle habits for greater academic success Did you know that children who never consume sugary drinks could potentially rank higher in reading comprehension than their peers? Did you also know that exercise stimulates memory and that ad equate sleep improves concentration? Over time, various studies have shown that healthy lifestyle habits -- like eating well, exercising daily for 30 minutes and sleeping eight to 12 hours per night -- contribute to greater academic success. As a parent, you could ensure your child thrives in school by helping them adopt the following habits: · Eating a well-balanced breakfast every morning that includes whole grains, fruit, dairy and a source of protein (peanut but ter, tofu, eggs, etc.). · Consuming at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. · Restricting foods that carry little nu tritional value (fried foods, chips, soft drinks, sweets, etc.). · Exercising daily (playing sports, walking to school, biking, jumping rope, etc.). · Avoiding activities that stimulate the brain right before bed (video games, TV, etc.). · Finding time to relax every night with the help of a warm bath, soft music, a good book, etc. · Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. It's a well-known fact that children learn from example, so be a good role model for your son or daughter: eat well, exer cise often and keep your stress level to a bare minimum. By prioritizing a healthy lifestyle at home, you'll not only help your offspring excel in school, but also pave the way for a lifetime of good health. (NPT) OSC FALL/WINTER INDOOR PROGRAMS REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN FOR: / YOUTH IN D O O R HOUSE WkAGUE SO C C E R / ii K SOCCER IS N 'T JUST FO R THE SUM M ER! · A ges U4-U18 · 12 WEEK SEASONS · U13+ DIVISION · MULTI - SEASON REGISTRATION CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES COMBO AVAILABLE! LI'L OSCARS A FUN PHYSICAL LITERACY PR O G R A M FO RTH EYO UNG EST PLAYERS IN SPO RT! FO R PARTICIPANTS 2 YEARS OF AGE (B O R N IN 2 0 1 5 ) DON'T FORGET TO SIGN UP FOR OSC'S 2017 SUMMER FUN CAMP! LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE FOR NEXT WEEK! FOR MORE INFO VISIT WWW.OAKVILLESOCCER.CA